Asbestos Issues in the 1960s council house: what to spot - LinkedIn Also see this litigation: D.C., N.D., Washington (Spokane), Doc. Any advice greatly appreciated. Original assignee: Robbins Floor Products. On 2021-04-08 materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. Before taking a sample of your flooring tiles, call your local building authority. For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. After reading this article I am concerned that asbestos might be present. The last picture shows the back of the tile. Im not sure what it is made of. millimeters) and then a mortar or something similar. Armstrong introduced peel and stick tiles in late 1969. Colors for the metallic straight grain series included: EXCELON SPATTER floor tile pattern, shown above (distinct from the Metallic spatter pattern above) in 9" x 9" x 1/16" service gauge (for light commercial and residential interiors only), Colors: produced in a wide variety of shades incuding, (See same tile pattern & color photos from prior years. You will not receive a notification when a response to your question has been posted. Some forms of linoleum. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, they lodge in the lungs and do not break down, which can lead to illness. Unfortunately, it can also be found in a myriad of other household materials including: Blown-in attic insulation. The flooring is pattern I have seen posted by several readers, one referring to it as "Pebble Peoples Floor Tile". We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Also, every sheet floor comes with a picture. Do you think they contain asbestos? You may also have to pay a hazardous waste disposal fee, which ranges from $35 to $75 or more, depending on the facility. CUSTOM IMPERIAL style flooring tiles (White sea gray 1112, above left) floor tile images from 1966, IMPERIAL style Coppetone beige 865, Terrace white 880, IMPERIAL MODERN style vinyl asbestos floor tiles, STANDARD GRAIN vinyl floor tiles - White bayberry 710 shown above, TRAVERTEX style (Teal green 1136) shown above, TRAVERTINE EMBOSSED asbestos floor tiles (Vetralla 4221) (also see 1965 Embossed styles), CALIGULA style (Dianna white 51202, above left) all vinyl asbestos floor tile images from 1968, CUSTOM SHALESTONE flooring (Tioga beige 57001), EMBOSSED EXCELON(See 1965-1966 styles of embossed floor tiles), FEATURE style (colid color floor tiles & strips - color chart), IMPERIAL style Mint green 56871, shown above, IMPERIAL MODERN style (Shadow brown 51853, above left, not produced in 1973), METRIC CHIP (Palma beige 54281) [Compare with Shattered Stone - 1973] See details, at MARBLE / STONE CHIP PATTERN FLOORING ASBESTOS, PALATIALstyle (Royal rouge 51600, also in lighter colors, 7 colors total), POLISHED MARBLE vinyl asbestos floor tiles (Meadow white 54193, above), POMPEII style shown in Dianna white 51201 - above, RANDOM MOSAIC style Terra cotta red 54262 shown above, STANDARD STRAIGHT GRAIN vinyl asbestos flooring (Smooth Surface) (Bayberry beige 56721) above, SWIRL CHIP style floor tiles (Rheims beige 54272) above. Can you identify the tile I have and if it has asbestos in it? Of course floor tiles and mastic are not friable but if your husband used power tools to cut, saw, grind, or demolish such flooring he could have been exposed to asbestos dust. The age is importanttake a look at the simple questions at DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? also in 12" x 12" size. the basis for current work by asbestos identification laboratories. ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION Vinyl floor tiles and covering and asbestos. Thanks to its great mechanical properties and fire-resistance, asbestos was added to a wide variety of materials, vinyl and linoleum included. Other asbestos-containing flooring products from various manufacturers were produced between around 1920 to 1986. This house in the tri state area is an older family member's, so the rest of the family got together to discuss. This 3"x3" "EXCELON" tile sample is from a boxed set made by Armstrong, dated August 1964; the pattern is called: "Andover White". Glue that attaches floor tiles to concrete or wood. That looks like a vinyl floor tile in a wood grain pattern, though from just your photo I'm unsure. I'd also look at KENTILE KENFLEX ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE GUIDE - whose Carnival pattern suggests your flooring as well. On 2021-12-11 The flooring during this period was usually made in nine-inch squares and is quite a bit thicker than most of the modern vinyl tiles. Evidence found near the Lake Juojrvi, Finland, shows that people used it to make pots and other cooking utensils. Using the historical info like the dates of manufacture, you can know if the sheets have asbestos. The total concentration was <1% (see attached report). 04. Asbestos Floor Ceiling Tiles Usage Dangers And Removal. We just uncovered these beauties under carpet as we are prepping to install wood flooring. Thanks! STYLETONE floor tiles were sold in these colors: Woodtone vinyl asbestos floor tiles in 1962 sold 9" x 9" x 1/8" & 1/16" thicknessesColors: Light Oak 850, MEDIUM OAK 851, Dark Oak 852 (see the 1961 photos). and finally what would you suggest for the flooring? For example you wouldn't install another layer of tile or sheet flooring over loose floor tiles but you might be able to install a laminate floor where there are a couple of loose floor tiles.Thank you for your comment about independence. Armstrong is a separate company from Congoleum-Nairn. Wisconsin home built in 58. in the list of photo guides found at CONTINUE READING below. I'm amazed by all the information you have and put up. And all of the patents date from 1955-1965 - an era where asbestos was commonly used as both a filler and as a reinforcing fiber in vinyl flooring products. Above: asbestos suspect sheet flooring from the 1960s, from reader Kat. thank you so much. The reason I'm concerned about these tiles is that my daughters have been practicing irish dance in our basement for the past 6 months in their hard shoes (like tap shoes but wooden on the bottom instead of metal) and the tiles got pretty scuffed up from their dancing. U.S.) - what we learn will help others. Besides insulation, floor tiles were some of the most popular asbestos-containing materials manufactured a few decades ago. In Theophrastus, On Stones, from around 300 BC, there is a reference to a material that is thought to be asbestos. 12 (1997): 2711-2715. Hi, The tile looks good but removing the tack strips will obviously disrupt it. Take a look at our next photograph below, showing the edge of this 1960's floor tile. Between 1960 and 1980, mastic adhesives were most commonly used with a specific type of vinyl flooring tile. This photograph of sheet flooring was identified by a reader in a 1964 home. If you can identify your floor tile collection name or model number, laboratory testing of the sample to screen for asbestos may be unnecessary. Regards, G.K., Cleveland OH. If you look through Armstrong tile photos of the era of your house's construction. Replace it with a new mop head and rinse out the mop bucket thoroughly. Hi we have a 1962 home with 2 layers of linoleum in the kitchen and then a hexagon shape sheet flooring underneath, see photo. I did not see the exact picture on your site. EriAsphalt asbestos or vinyl asbestos floor tiles, when they are intact, are not friable and so are not easily made into hazardous Airborne dust. Easy Ways to Identify Asbestos Mastic: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow I did not see this tile in the photo displays but I am sure it is old. ASBESTOS FLOOR SEALANTS. That should be your assumption. Asbestos, a heat-resistant fibrous silicate mineral,was a common element in construction materials due to its resilient, durable natureuntil the 1980s, anyway, when it was banned due to the discovery of considerable associated health risks. Colors: Metallic spatter patterns (shown above) were provided, EXCELON METALLIC STRAIGHT GRAIN floor tiles shown abovewere NEW in 1959-1960 9" x 9" x 1/16" vinyl asbestos flooring (sold in both 1/16" service gauge and 3/32" gauge). The vinyl tile data on the original packaging in your photo is incomplete but we can see the tile style name (Applause vinyl floor tile), a fragment of text probably indicating that the supplier and perhaps manufacturer of this flooring was in Alabama, and some patent numbers. Apologies for the delay. See US Patent No. I've been telling my whole family about this site and will just echo it elsewhere. If that leaves you with suggestions or questions do let me know. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asbestos fibers pose a health risk when they are friable, meaning the material can crumble and release the fibers into the air. European Respiratory Journal 10, no. For this reason, many homeowners sit unsuspectingly on materials that can be especially hazardous when unearthed duringremoval and renovation. Asbestos Floor & Ceiling Tiles: Usage, Dangers and Removal InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. The particle shape or pattern in your floor tiles is similar to the Armstrong floor tile Imperial pattern from 1963, see ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILES and scroll down to 1963). These floor tiles include metallic accents, metallic highlights in gold, silver or bronze dispersed through the pattern. Please bookmark this page to make it easy for you to check back for our response. If you can give more photos of any other markings on the packaging that'd be helpful; I'm researching the product name further. Please bookmark this page to make it easy for you to check back for our response. What releases problem levels of fibers and particles from asbestos floor tiles is more likely demolition, sanding, grinding, or potentially, buffing with a power buffer that uses a steel scrubber attachment. Colors: SPATTER style floor tiles shown above, sold in these materials are in good condition and the asbestos can not be released into the air. Have you seen this style before from the 60s? Knoop, Christiane, Michel Mairesse, Christine Lenclud, Pierre-Alain Gevenois, and Paul De Vuyst. Everything You Need to Know About Asbestos in Flooring - JSE Labs Date your Tiles. Asbestos related? Armstrong Peel-and-Stick Floor vinyl floor tiles were introduced late in 1969. If, which I now doubt, you were asking about mosaic flooring, That would be ceramic floor tile laid in a pattern, often to form an image. Would it best to just put a floating floor over it? I do see those similar matches and that is what I was afraid of having already disturbed it. The white substance in your 2nd photo looks like tile mastic adhesive. The new 1955 pattern was a change from the swirl graining pattern used in 1954. Someday we will put down new vinyl throughout. We pulled up old linoleum and found this underneath. If so, what I can do at home? DOES THIS FLOOR CONTAIN ASBESTOS? My questions to you: a, do you think that these look enough like the tiles that have asbestos that we really don't have to test? Someone mentioned recently that these tiles contain asbestos. Several manufacturers, including Armstrong, Sears, Wards and possibly Kentile produced a vinyl-asbestos floor tile in that pattern, referred to as "Corkstyle" I am very doubtful of the large sheets containing asbestos due to the size, looks as if it came off a roll and the fact it is cut around a wall that is part of of a post millennium open plan making job. Friable and nonfriable asbestos are defined. Photos attached. DIY removal is cheaper because no labor costs are involved. 1955 Armstrong Asphalt-Asbestos Floor Tile Color List: POMPIAN RED A-200, 04, a floor tile installed in a Two Harbors MN home ca 1960 was tested for asbestos using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) by EMSL. Instead use damp wiping and/or a HEPA-rated vacuum cleaner. Theres no sheen. We are not certain of the manufacturer of the tiles shown here, and we publish them here to invite feedback from other readers. Only one image can be added per comment but you can post as many comments, and therefore images, as you like. Asbestos Vinyl Products - History, Dangers & Abatement How to Recognize Asbestos Floor Tiles | Asbestos 123 8/21/2013, The photos are a bit blurry (I did some sharpening in our lab) - so I'm not sure if we can match to an existing file photo or not. You can glue in floor tiles or use a leveling compound to make the floor smooth before installing a floating wood floor atop. The house was built in 1963. CENTENNIAL SERIES floor tiles, shown above include ovate spots on a soft background, with pearlescent/metallic highlights (above left) Colors: Corkstyle floor tiles for 1961, shown above - as in prior and subsequent years - see "Dusty Cedar 874 in the thumbnails above. at ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE IDENTIFICATION - (floor tiles) Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. Thanks to reader Kim for the photo of black and white VAT resembling Armstrong Excelon from a 1952 home - January 2011. We have tiles like the top ones. But you can see that,certainly, a couple have chipped but others are coming up and you can hear that when you walk on them. If the tiles were installed between 1960 and 1980, there's a slight chance they contain asbestos. Identifying and Treating Asbestos Tiles in the Home For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. We also very much welcome any criticism, questions, content suggestions. Anything from 1985 (ish) or OLDER means it is possible to have asbestos in it. Asbestos Floor Tiles - ABI Home Inspection Services Above: additional photos of this 1960's flooring sample under our stereo-microscope, showing the tile's face and the texture of its back or "bottom" surface. Asbestos floor tiles were first installed in the early 1920s and were commonly used until the late 1960s. Yes vinyl floor tiles can get very rigid and brittle; if the tiles are thick, say 1/8" and dark inside they may be asphalt based; else probably they're vinyl. at FLOORING MATERIALS, Age, Types and also, Take a look at ASBESTOS FLOORING HAZARD REDUCTION and alsosee MASTIC, CUTBACK ADHESIVE, FLASHING CEMENT ASBESTOS. The package or box of the sheet floors can also help. Textiles can be found in fuse boxes behind the. ASBESTOS REMOVAL, WETTING GUIDELINES. We have found records only of 9" x 9" vinyl asbestos floor tiles for 1964, in 1/16", 3/32" or 1/8" gauges. Colors: IMPERIAL pattern vinyl asbestos floor tiles for 1961 sold as 9" x 9"x 3/32 or 1/8" gauge, shown above [Click to enlarge any image]Colors: METALLIC series floor tiles for 1961, straight grain, shown aboveColors: SPATTER series floor tiles, shown aboveColors: STANDARD STRAIGHT GRAIN pattern Armstrong flooring tiles 1961, shown above See details, TIDESTONE style asbestos vinyl floor tiles (Malibu beige 51764) shown above, TRAVERTEX style (Briar tan 51130, Mist white51135, WOODTONE (standard tile, wood tone: Light oak 56850), Custom vinyl cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork & vinyl resins (literature does not cite asbestos), Cork floor tile ingredients: raw cork, resins, and CORK PARQUET floor tiles, in both material types, Also see the 1960's Armstrongs red and white brick flooring patterns illustrated, at SHEET & TILE FLOORING ASBESTOS ID-BRICK PATTERN ID, The 1960s & 1970s motif floor tiles shown above have been reported by readers in homes dating from 1968 and 1973 and are also shown at, Embossed (9 x 9 & 12" x 12")(See 1965-1966 styles of embossed floor tiles), CUSTOM SHALESTONE (Bushkill white - left) 12" x 12" x 1/16" floor tile images from 1969, Imperial Modern (9 x 9 & 12" x 12") (see 1968). by Inspectapedia Com Moderator, @Bea, Common in homes built in the 20th century, black mastic was used as an adhesive for ceramic tile, linoleum, and other resilient flooring materials. [8] Resilient Floor Covering Institute, 1030 15th St. NW, suite 350, Washington D.C. [9] Inspiring Interiors from Armstrong 1950s from Armstrong, [Paperback], Schiffer Publishing (March 1998), ISBN-10: 0764304585, ISBN-13: 978-0764304583, [1] Interior Solutions from Armstrong the 1960s from Armstrong, [Paperback], Schiffer Publishing (March 1999), ISBN-10: 0764307002, ISBN-13: 978-0764307003, [11] Asbestos products and their history and use in various building materials such as asphalt and vinyl flooring includes discussion which draws on, [16] EVER WEAR TILE CO is currently (2009) in the Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, and Mosaic Work industry in Fallon, NV. I hope it's okay I'm posting again. "Pleural disease during treatment with bromocriptine in patients previously exposed to asbestos." If you need to make certain what has gone on you'll need to hire an expert to collect settled dust samples, not just air samples. Neurology 46, no. We are planning to remove it ASAP but how worried should we be that this is in fact asbestos? for the photo and test information. That's the least expensive and safest and most recommended approach. Readers can use our page bottom COMMENT BOXto submit photos of flooring to get help in identifying floor tiles or sheet flooring that might contain asbestos. This is in a 1963 house in Freeport. Pittsburgh, PA 15227, If you have tried looking through our example flooring photos by year or flooring manufacturer and were unable to identify your flooring then feel free to CONTACT US to send along photos and a description (age, dimensions, building history) of flooring that you are unable to identify, Asbestos is safe and legal to remain in homes or public buildings as long as the asbestos It is all glued on really well and not crumbled at all. NOTE: Armstrong, although an enormous producer of flooring, was by no means the only manufacturer of floor covering products that contained asbestos as fibers or asbestos powder filler. Hello, we want to redo bath & kitchen in 1963 ranch house. Etched of some sort. I have read that some places still installed Asbestos floor tiles into the early 1980s, but I can't recall ever seeing them in a house that new. Asbestos Floor Tiles: Safe to Remove? - This Old House Testing would take weeks to find out. As you may have seen, you can often find a match in the ID-library of asbestos flooring beginning According to everything I've read containment is the best way to go. You can make a more useful guess about the asbestos question by clicking the live link in the article recommendation above titled Questions & answers or comments about how to identify asbestos-containing flooring materials and what to do when asbestos-containing floor tiles or sheet flooring are found in a building. The company stopped manufacturing these tiles with asbestos in December of 1982. 1960 - 1969 Armstrong Excelon Floor Vinyl Plastic Asbestos Floor Tiles, 9" x 9" & beginning in 1960 available in 12" x 12" size you'll see some similar but not matching patterns such as the Coda Bisque design or Nice Gold design. Or see ASBESTOS FLOOR IDENTIFICATION FAQs 1960-1969 - questions & answers & ID photos of 1960's era flooring suspected of containing asbestos, posted originally on this page. We removed all the other carpeting and tack strips in the house and luckily found hard wood but this one gave us pause. and here is a closer look at this floor tile sample pattern under our stereo microscope. It's unmistakably a wood-product material even without microscopic examination. 1960s asbestos vinyl flooring - Community Forums U.S. Patent RE 24,104, issued December 27, 1955. Photo ID guide to 1960's Asbestos-Containing floor tiles: This article provides flooring identification requests and represeentative photographs of 1960's floor tiles to help identify flooring that contains asbestos. Asbestos Floor Tile Removal Cost Guide for 2023 - Oracle Solutions Its easier to lay asbestos floor tiles onto another layer of asbestos floor tiles than to remove the old ones first. Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. In the image, the geometric pattern is the kitchens top layer & the pebble style is what Im guessing is the base of it all, as it looks to run from the dining room under the darker linoleum in the kitchen. It is very common to find multiple layers of asbestos floor tiles as they may have been added over time. U.S. Patent 3,763,083, issued October 2, 1973. The safest removal option is to have an asbestos remediation contractor remove the old tiles at a cost of between $6 and $10 per square foot, depending on where you live, the condition of the tiles, and whether local regulations require extra steps to protect the rest of the house. 775) 423-6221. Anyone else have that problem from asbestos? Let's look at the back of this tile. I can't afford to get these professionally tested for asbestos and am hoping you can help me identify them per your extensive documentation. Do all vinyl floor tiles from the 1950s contain asbestos? @Lengman, Above: a 1949 Linoleum floral pattern rug from reader Robinson. I might just assume that it contains asbestos and wear masks and gloves while cleaning and sealing. My husband has been laying floors since 1960. During the 1950s and 1960s, Kentile Floors was one of America's largest manufacturers of super-resilient floor tile, and it was a national tile distributor. @Inspectapedia Com Moderator, Thank you. [We do not know the company history nor whether there is an association with EverWear vinyl asbestos floor tiles discussed in this article. We ask readers to let us know if you test the flooring and what you learn (a single asbestos test is not expensive, about $50. Any idea? Asbestos in Tile Flooring. Kits come with instructions on how to collect the sample and include disposable gloves and a dust mask to wear during collection. But its ban from production didnt necessarily mean that all products, including floor tiles, had been ripped out of homes or even completely removed from shelves. For example, some Armstrong 1960s floor tiles were made without asbestos in their matrix. That might give you an idea of whether or not the discovered dust Reservoir was making itself known in other building areas. Well fill you in on asbestos hazards and explain how to determine its presence, as well as what you can do to keep your family safe. These tiles contain asphalt and gilsonite as the main binding agents. Use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of one of your flooring tiles. They are in pretty immaculate condition really so not sure how old they are. But the bottom line is you need to call some local people I get some bids from them. house was built in 1973. please email me at if u can identify, Great website you have, it's been a good resource for me. Flooring adhesives or mastics also may contain asbestos. And as you and your husband may know and certainly as your doctors will know, there are other exposures that are, unlike asbestos, cited as causal or exacerbating Parkinson's, for example;: On 2021-01-19 by Jane Fallek - husband has been laying floors since 1960 now has Parkinson's Disease. 1955 asphalt asbestos or vinyl asbestos floor tiles were sold only in 9" x 9" 1/16" or 1/8" gauge sizes, in one pattern (above) in seventeen colors. CORKSTYLE floor tiles - vinyl asbestos tiles that resemble cork flooring. From a Poughkeepsie New York House built ca 1965, this floor tile and mastic on its back surface were sent for analysis via PLM NYS 198.6 (<1%) & TEM NYS 198.4 (<1%). For colors for which a link is not provided below, see the earlier occurrence of that tile color in a previous year. Eri thank you for your comment. Linoleum Vs Vinyl Flooring. see 1960-1969 ARMSTRONG EXCELON FLOOR TILE GUIDE: VINYL PLASTIC ASBESTOS, 9" x 9" & beginning in 1960 available in 12" x 12" size or see our complete list of flooring identification photo guides at FLOOR TILE / SHEET FLOORING PHOTO GUIDES.
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