6. The Bermuda Triangle, probably the most controversial and curious stretch of water on the planet. Different shapes work better in different recipes, according to Kenedy and Hildebrand. Tap to play GIF. This way, the boards were lighter, less fragile, and easier to ship. Have top performers discovered a secret to success the rest of us arent aware of? The first warm day of the year Laughing so hard your abs ache Freshly washed sheets Looking through old pictures The smell of a coffee shop Eating cookie Never to stand on one's dignity. WebCNN Curious about Hunter making $50k and Joe knowing about it : r/trump by ravioli_king CNN Curious about Hunter making $50k and Joe knowing about it 15 5 comments Best Add a Comment [deleted] 2 yr. ago I can only be curious about what CNN thinks the president should be impeached for this time. Games make us "more curious, more determined, and more optimistic," explains game designer and author Jane McGonigal. Before you hand off that important spreadsheet, be sure to run a spellcheck manually to spare yourself any undue embarrassment. You, of course, fooled everybody. Amazing Things That Get Mind-Boggling If You Really Good Things About Turning 50 | LoveToKnow If you are someone who thinks that learning is fun, then you have great potential. What concerns would they have? To choose always the hardest. Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living Wisdom vs. Intelligence: Whats The Difference? We had the same, stupid sense of humor and bonded over Spongebob jokes. When faced with a question they dont have an answer for, curious people wont try to stumble through, hoping to fool everyone present. It doesnt get more simplistic than Aesops take on traveling, the ancient Greek storyteller. These are always more likely to get commissioned if they have a timely element to them. Experts estimate that the human body consists of 39 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion human cellsa roughly 1:1.3 ratio. This page contains affiliate links. Aesop. Curious The two-pronged jacks are designed to keep functioning even if one of them breaks. They dont assume there is nothing to change. Ah, finally its getting warmer. Having adults roll their eyes or give monosyllabic responses to the many questions posed by children isnt exactly an invitation to continue down that path. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. They can see through the shield you hide behind. It seems so embedded in our culture, but it wasnt always so; in 1927, Time magazine printed a chart showing that four major department stores suggested dressing boys in pink, according to Smithsonian Magazine. That's why oxygen bars started to become a thing for a bit in the late '90s and early '00s. She was also featured on the covers of countless magazines and still is seen on present day fashion blogs. We're committed to your privacy. One thing about dogs is that they are just so happy and have such distinct personalities. Refresh the page, check Medium s site status, or find something interesting to read. By avoiding multi-tasking and giving their full attention to the speaker, they rarely miss important details or pieces of information from the other person. and Unusual Things to Do in Texas You can leave everything you own to your pet. 27. 1) They Quietly Read and Observe People. But, below is a list of seven unexpectedly inspirational women who have certainly made their mark on the world and have helped make HIStory HERstory. Things 22. By avoiding multi-tasking and giving their full attention to the speaker, they rarely miss important details or pieces of information from the other person. 50 Water will make a grease fire much, much worse. Free and premium plans, Operations software. According to her research, games allow us to try -- and try again -- without having to worry about failure, which helps to motivate us to keep going. The average prefrontal cortex averages out to around 147.8 friends in a social network. Philosopher and author Alain de Botton said, Curiosity takes ignorance seriously, and is confident enough to admit when it does not know. They stay in the moment. he asked as they browsed the produce section. All the little nuances that you are trying to keep secret, they can read. For more information, check out our, How to Be a More Curious Person: 7 Tips for Becoming a Lifelong Learner, he important part is that the content is unfamiliar -- basic research will. Web1 as in inquisitive interested in what is not one's own business curious neighbors peered out of their windows as the new people moved in Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance I love being your mom. So, whenever possible, make time to see the members of your social circle, even if it's just for a coffee. Curiosity Traveling it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.. Things Were you one of those kids who couldnt be left alone with an electronic device because you would surely take it apart to see how it worked? Having eaten mostly milk. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. And its not just your domestic tabby: Big cats also like to hide in a spot where nothing can sneak up on them. The practice has fallen off recently, though, as dashboard and body cameras have become more commonplace. You're tallest first thing in the morning. My mom calls you her third daughter and your mom reminds me I'm always invited over. 9. She proves that women can both be well-dressed and feminine as well as strong and independent. Those tiny pockets in your jeans seem pretty pointless, but they actually served a purpose back in the 1800s. I.e. Your cats desire to hunt is hardwired into their DNA and simply a part of who they are. Invite a friend over or call them on the phone and play games like Would You Rather. I can only be curious about what CNN thinks the president should be impeached for this time. 1. Is curiosity the solution to the stagnation many of us experience in our relationships, career, or life? It's that easy! They are open to new experiences and embrace the unfamiliar. 2022 Galvanized Media. Whether you need to kill a few minutes or an entire hour, here's the best place to start. Don't freak out, but your face is crawling with eight-legged, spider-like creatures. We're practically family at this point. 15. he speculated from one aisle over. In fact, they are certain there is and are constantly looking for a better way. I could build a snowman or something. There's a trick to foil and plastic wrap. By suspending judgment, you're ultimately allowing yourself to be more receptive to what someone is saying. If you can sing like her, too, it's a plus. Oh snow We humans didnt get a look at the moons other side until 1959, when the Soviet Luna spacecraft took the first photos and scientists realized its much different: There are few large lava seas, like the ones on the side facing us, and many more impact craters. She suffered from malnutrition and other hardships as a result. 1) They Quietly Read and Observe People. Each card has a coloured illustration of a famous building or place, with a detailed description and interesting facts on the reverse. Do you like to save more or spend more? Anne Hathaway! Babies weight around 8 pounds when theyre born, and around 20 pounds a year later. Hit the open seas 2. Morgan is the Senior Production Editor at Trusted Media Brands. "Mom, why do they put so many apples out at once?" Over the course of a lifetime, you'll yawn approximately 250,000 times, according to oneexpert on the subject. You have Write in fancy calligraphy. Many phones, including iPhones, track your location and attach that information to every picture you take by default. Stories Lists Unusual Attractions in Texas Dripping Springs, Texas Hamilton Pool An emerald-green grotto just a short trip from Austin. The traditions of wearing a wedding band on your fourth finger on your left-hand dates back to ancient Egypt. E.g., on the other hand, stands for exempli gratia, which means "for the sake of example," but can easily be remembered as "example given.". The Book Pages: 50 years of Copper Canyon Press poetry Finally, as the demand for blackboards rose, companies started making them out of steel plates coated with green porcelain-based enamel instead of the traditional dark slate. Temple Grandin shows us that no matter what obstacles or hardships we face in life, we can still achieve both greatness and happiness through perseverance and dedication. Yellow is very visible, even in early morning or late-evening light, and black lettering on a yellow background is easy to read. Allow All Cookies. Unique things to do in Norway. 18. The good newswhich we could all use right about nowis that some things are worth knowing a lot more than others. 3. Miley Cyrus! With the support of her mother, teachers, therapists and loved ones, she went on to receive her doctoral in animal science. Any dog. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Those who have a high level of curiosity keep working on a problem until they resolve it. 50 Things To Be Happy About - The Odyssey Online Questioning allows us to become more insightful. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. However, Otto Hahn and co-collaborator Fritz Strassman took all credit for the discovery and excluded her from the publication as well as subsequent accolades including the Nobel Prize. They notice cues that the rest of us overlook, which allows them to read people. My love for dogs makes me do things like walk up to strangers on the street to pet their dog or cry uncontrollably when a dog dies in a movie. Though closely identified as a female fashion staple today, high heels were first designed for men. 1) They Quietly Read and Observe People. Access all of HubSpot's free tools and training to grow your business, and your career. People with a high level of curiosity stay in the moment. They dont take rejection personally. I knew from looking at you that you were the cool kid in the room, the one who knew what was happening and didn't care about any of it. Or have you grown out of it? After all- it's the little things in life that can mean the most! Believe it or not, that little ball of cotton that comes in your bottle of pills, which is there to keep pills safe during shipping, is meant to be removed. 141 Synonyms & Antonyms of CURIOUS - Merriam-Webster Instead, starve the fire of oxygen by completely covering it and removing it from heat, if possible. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. They also have a higher tolerance for pain than men do, according to Time. But make no mistake, they wont rest on their laurels, content in not knowing. 25. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. "I.e." Theyll persist and investigate and drill down until they get to the solution. 2. -- Diana Childress. You wont catch them responding to a text, writing an email, watching TV, all the while engaging with or talking to you. The temperature is in the negatives?! I can literally remember it like it were yesterday: I was terrified and clutching my red folder like it was my lifesaver in a room where I was drowning. Use Amazon Smile instead of plain old Amazon, and Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of your purchases to a charity of your choosing. She teaches women to embrace their own natural beauty in the face of the societal pressures for perfection and conformity. No one is too insignificant for them to ask a question to or for them to learn from. 35 Fascinating Fast Facts for When Here are the most important things you'll learn in your sixth decade. Chances are one of you was operating on a high level of curiosity. She has been an advocate and fighter for womans rights from a very young age, despite the adversity she has been confronted with. In researching the 2010 bookThe Geometry of Pasta, Caz Hildebrand andJacob Kenedy identified more than 1,200 names of pasta shapes, according to an interview they did with NPRs All Things Considered. Use toilet paper as makeshift 26. Just one of the biggest stars of the 1950s, no big deal. Even creepier, not only did actors suffer multiple injuries during the filming of the movie, two of them actually died shortly after filming wrappedactors that played characters who died onscreen. Albert Einstein. Having strange dreams? Curiosity also makes you much more persistent. To pass over the mistakes of others. The rims are actually baked into the window, so they hold the glue and window in place. The curious person doesnt experience boredom. I'll bundle up and go sledding! Squirrel expert Michael Steele of Wilkes University in Pennsylvania tells the website that the most common U.S. speciesthe Eastern gray squirreldoesnt tend to be territorial but does like to let everyone know whos boss. Written by. Overall, most of us are likelier to favor our right hands, feet, and eyes. 21. They help provide temperature control. I believe in you. You can turn it off in your settings, but that doesn't remove the information from pictures you've already taken. We tend to dwell on them and drown out the happy moments. The practice is mentioned in a 1943 Texas newspaper article, according to Today I Found Out. WebMany people tell jokes about turning 50, but funny stuff aside, there are a lot of benefits, as well. Amazing Things That Get Mind-Boggling If You Really How (and why) to train your brain to be more curious at Whether its a new topic that they know nothing about or a new area of a topic theyve studied many times before, curious people are always finding something new and interesting to explore. As for the definition, there isn't one set in stone. Before blackboards were large enough to take up an entire wall in a classroom, students would use individual-size boards made of slate or wood that had been painted black. The author is a 3 time winner of theBest Professional Photographer in the Khan household award. 16. Either way, good luck in the dating scene. According to research published in the International Journal of Dermatology, people of Asian descent tend to have faster-growing hair than those of other ethnic backgrounds. 29. Is it even possible to not like her? Sandra Bullock! The important part is that the content is unfamiliar -- basic research willspur you to want to know more. Would You Rather burp every time you lean in for a kiss or drool every time you talk? 7. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); It can collect moisture because of its absorbent nature, which makes your pills deteriorate faster. Because they dont jump to conclusions and they understand another persons perspective, curious people are naturally empathetic. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. It is no wonder that many people stop being curious as they grow older. 32. Railroad systems used red as a stop signal long before automobiles were on the roads. Im grateful for you. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. It may seem as if your skin is absorbing extra water during a soak in the pool or bathtub, but thats not the case. Discover why Japan favors blue traffic lights. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2016 where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Audrey Hepburn was a true Renaissance woman. Its called a watch pocket because it was originally intended as a safe place for men to store their pocket watches. There's a mental phenomenon that causes you to see monsters in mirrors. Kahlos life was very much colored with pain ranging from her contraction of polio at age six, growing up during the Mexican Revolution, a traumatic bus accident, her tumultuous marriage to artist Diego Rivera and several miscarriages. Before you pitch Before you pitch, please check to see if weve covered the subject before. Pisces are so talented they don't even need a last name. things curious I know she's pretty controversial in terms of who likes her and who doesn't, but she is kind of famous for nothing (and also a millionaire) so that's pretty inspiring. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. Or perhaps you were a chatterbox, asking a million and one questions, exasperating any adult unfortunate enough to be in your presence? While human hair generally grows at a rate of about six inches per year, there is some difference in growth rates based on ethnicity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. Curiosity plays a powerful role in learning and development. 2. plutonn. Sleeping in a cold room can help you slim down. When it rains, the oil combines with a byproduct from a type of bacteria to produce the smell. Validation is one of the most important things couples can do for each other. 50 Hilarious Things Everyone Is Secretly Guilty It's the shade of dark gray people see when there's no light. Instead, its caused by blood vessels below the skin that constrict, which seems to have the evolutionary advantage of making it easier for us to pick up wet objects. Since then, Malala has continued to fight for womens rights and childrens education. Kahlos art was influenced and sometimes a direct reflection of the painful experiences in her life. They sarcastically laughed at my question then thought about it for a minute. Because of Temples disability, she faced many unique difficulties growing up. The kind of city that chews up a man and spits out only his splintered bones. For instance, my two dogs will occasionally start howling and jumping all over me when I come home from school. 8 Habits of Curious People - Fast Company Because they are invested in the people theyre engaging with or talking to, curious people connect better with others. When you're busy worrying about the "what ifs," you're shutting yourself off from these types of unexpected opportunities. The kind of city where the Subway Of course, that it isnt the ocean you hear. Read about these science mysteries no one has figured out. Read about more mysteries of the moon. You're tallest first thing in the morning. Curious people are always engaged in the conversation they have with someone. About 90 percent of humans are righties, and its not at all clear why that proportion continues to hold. 1. Often times she was hungry, and while working as an in-house domestic was abused. As your best friend. Questions that start with how, what, when, where, and why instead of asking questions that can be answered with one word. Beyonce! There can be no room for negativity when the world is full of wonder. Curious So rather than worrying about what you could have, would have, or should have changed aboutyour last assignment, try to focus on strategies for blowing your next project out of the water. They are constantly trying to fill their knowledge gap with answers. From this, we can define curiosity as the passionate ability to seek knowledge, the humility to admit ignorance, and the determination to learn. Quotes About Curiosity The paper changes color due to a process called oxidation. Have you ever been wrong about it? They named the color "cosmic latte.". You're not alone. These 101 Questions Will Make You Think So Hard Your Head Explodes! The kind of city that chews up a man and spits out only his splintered bones. We recommend our users to update the browser. Curious Put differently they are trying to find happiness. When something piques their interest, they stick around until they discover more about the issue or fix it. Get swiping Current relationship structure and Maybe theres something there that were missing. 35 Fascinating Fast Facts for When You're Bored Best Life If you tend to view learning as dull or tedious, you'll probably 25 Mysterious Things That Happen On Here are 50 things that make me happy. One example of this was discovered in 2010 in the grave of a medieval woman who was buried in Italy, according to Smithsonian. 1. Who wouldn't want to have something in common with her? No topic is too difficult, nothing is too mysterious, no one is too boring that they cant learn about. From practical tips to tidbits that can help you out a your cocktail party, or virtual happy hour, here are 50 facts everyone should know. Though life has changed our paths and you go to a different school, we still talk weekly, sometimes daily. things to be curious about: a commonplace book Kindle Edition The author is a 3 time winner of theBest Professional Photographer in the Khan household award. Children are born naturally curious. Selena Gomez! They dont make any assumptions as they listen to what the other person is saying. WebTo get you started, heres a list of 50 fun things to learn. Thats why theyre so curious although they know exactly when and where their next meal is coming from. Curious people will see the veins popping in your head after a stressful day at work. If you tend to view learning as dull or tedious, you'll probably find that training yourself to be more curious isn't easy. The black trim around the windows (called frits) and the black dots are painted onto the glass to hide the not very appealing look of the adhesive. Why did I decide it would be a good idea to go to school here? Since Charles Darwins era, many have thought the appendix a vestigial digestive organ left over from some previous evolutionary phase of our development and no longer in use. This means that you're more likely to cut the item you're intending to cut, and not your hand. When newspapers are exposed to air and sunlight, a chemical process causes them to absorb more sunlight and darken from white to yellow. 20. 17. As a young girl, Audrey lived under German occupation in the Netherlands. They notice how your smile doesnt quite reach your eyes. Curious people are constantly on a mission to improve. If you're having trouble staying curious about a subject, try turning your research into a game. Crop cultivation probably started with wild varieties of peas, lentils, and barley that humans already found growing naturally around 12,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent region of the Middle East (including modern Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestine, southeastern Turkey, and western Iran), according to NPRs food blog, the Salt. Oprah Winfrey! Otherwise, frankly, it will be complicated. Fun fact: People who are left-footed are called goofy in board sports such as surfing, skateboarding, and snowboardingthey actually place their right foot on the front of the board. Some come from industrial tools; eliche are screws, and fusilli are spindles. Via letters, she continued to collaborate with Hahn, and they eventually discovered nuclear fission. Shutterstock. Youre the boss of your own time and money. When I have my own house, I plan to own as many dogs as my home will allow me to fit. Free and premium plans. Obviously, to be curious, you have to like learning stuff. About half of your body is bacteria. 50 Facts About Life You Won't Believe You Didn't Already Saying the word cheese does make you pull your lips back and show your teeth, so if youre trying to get a lot of people to at least approximate smiling at the same time, its a good start. When we don't have any initial knowledge about something, we're not really curious about it that is, until we have to be. Avoid the advice trap. Adventure is worthwhile.. Their phones are out of sight and out of mind. The Curious Creative sheds the brand and gives me a platform to stretch my creativity and write about the things that intrigue me. I asked a friend to tell me something that made them happy. Not only do curious people ask a lot of questions, they ask a lot of open-ended questions. When tadpoles are breathing underwater during a stage when they have both lungs and gills, they take in a mouthful of water, close the opening to the lungs, and then force the water out through their gills. A snow day would mean I could catch up on all my work. Check out Quizlet's game mode to brush up on subjects by completingchallenges suchspeed tests and drag-and-drop matching games. From asking more questions to embracing the unexpected, the following tips are designed to help you becomemore curious. Curiosity is contagious. Things All Women Secretly Do Adele! So if you're looking to become a bit more curious, you may want to try tapping into some subject matter you don't know much about. For a 2013 study published in Biology Letters, scientists found that subjects with wrinkled fingers were faster at picking up submerged marbles (but didnt do any better at picking up dry objects) than those with unwrinkled fingers. After all, if they have all the answers, what is there left to learn? Ask questions, listen and The state is known for fishing, mining, and oil, but its latest industry is peonies.
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