The engines are better, too, but even more important our understanding of how to run and maintain a 2-stroke engine is better as well you cant treat a 2-stroke like a Lycoming and expect it to last. Ouch, thanks for sharing. all-in. , (BTW, you should say a prayer that the Backyard Flyer is no longer produced. They added kits as a way to help keep up but their business is extremely solid. They are great for sight seeing and such. 3Dreaming On 5/10/2018 at 3:42 PM, jschallenberg said: Tech Support: Information! No idea what thats about. Super? surely, I exaggerate, right? Here's at least one that was load tested. The fuel primer still does not work and the mouse arrow is never replaced with the hand image. Ultralight / Aerolite - Barnstormers The Aerolite is currently on sale (just a shade over $10) whereas the Top Rudder is not, but still only $10 at full price. Official Nemeth Designs Forum. Is it possible this plane is not the complete article? Due to its ultralight construction, take-off and landing procedures must be taken with special care, to prevent airframe and gear damage, and shouldn't exceed 32 knots. System, 5 Gallon New sails, windshield, fuel tank, tires, etc. I had to look few minutes also the fuel valve (red handle) is under the tank (it's easier if you look at it from outside). Results 1 to 6 of 6 Thread: Aerolite 103 Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, New Release: Yakovlev Yak-18T by Nemeth Designs (v1.03 Aug 27), Released third party aircrafts (payware list, updating stopped). But the engine starts. Sad to hear its getting lackluster reviews. ANIM_rotate_key 10 6.99978874 Ultralight virgin. | Pilots of America 23803 United States Telephone: 8045363333 Pasted as rich text. I own one and I assure you it does. If you have a question, we want to answer it. Hi Jonathan: From my (limited) experience in Aerolite 103 and from what I know of its long history, I feel it is highly dependable and solidly built. From your experience, is it dependable and solidly built? Light Is Right In the Eyes of FAA and World CAAs, LSA & Lightplane Highlights at Oshkosh 2012. In retrospect I wouldnt pay more than 10 USD for this, not the nearly 20 I paid absolutely overpriced. Seems like with lower speeds and the ability to land almost anywhere if the engine fails, they'd be pretty safe (assuming they're not prone to structural failure). thats a sub EUR 10 aircraft all day. this article about Aerolite with a four stroke. Aerolite 103 prices - U-FLY-IT Right now the Aerolite has been broken up in three sections (main fuselage, left and right wing with struts attached). Located at Brown County Airport in Georgetown, Ohio. Bought it and honestly this isnt bad but as with nearly every MSFS release thus far its been buggy. Converting an S-LSA to E-LSA? Aerolite 103, N2549W: Accident occurred March 16, 2013 in Immokalee The price of Aerolite is $ 14,000.00 plus sales tax. . Would be great if Dennis could comment on this. Fuel valve must be rotated horizontal before you can prime and start the 103. Please contact Aerolite 103 directly for such information. (see below), Reduction D. 1: 507: 1) Why does the Primer light or control in the overhead panel do nothing? by rsteele Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:52 pm, Post document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He replied, We contemplated this (having others help) but ultimately decided to allow people to view, but not participate., The two primary reasons, Dennis continued, were EAAs request for us to provide liability insurance for anyone providing hands-on assistance (which I doubt is even available, and our hangar policy does not extend to third-party locations), and our desire to keep the build on track given the fairly small number of hours available in the Workshop Tent from Tuesday to Saturday.. Other The private pilot sustained serious injuries. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. It is, therefore, a somewhat challenging aircraft to get off the ground, but once in the air youll experience an open view over the world below, an unique flying experience in the real world but also in MSFS. And even then 2-strokes are still prone to "giving up the ghost" with little to no warning. 32 HP Kawasaki 340 Powered Aerolite $15,900 28 HP Hirth F-33 Powered Aerolite $16,790 What am I doing wrong ? For now, some of the newer 2-strokes (like the Polini 250) are actually pretty reliable if installed and maintained properly. I wonder if there is a 4 stroke option that could be used for example the Generac engine that Culver Props offered on the Swing wing airplane that they dont make anymore. But I think chicagorandy's response is the best idea. nemeth-designs. This could be fun. But alasit taps in around 80lbs. Hi Shane: Presumably you want to be on U-Fly-Its mailing list, so please go direct to them (use the register here. You cannot paste images directly. Display as a link instead, Wonderful! Is a Four Stroke Part 103 Airplane Possible? It nicely represents a low battery, but don't think that is what it is doing. Fuel tank and shut off is on pilots right handside. For 250 pound pilots, we recommend the Hirth F23. I badly wanted this to be a solid release as I could see myself having a blast flying low and slow and taking in the sights with this one. I own a powered parachute with one it it runs very well. Im 71 and not sure how many more years I can fly. Pudgy and reliable Kolb aside, next two reputable types are Aerolite 103 and Belite. ANIM_rotate_end Affordable Aviation Can You Find a Budget-Meeting Aircraft for 2022? Can you genuinely find an aircraft you like that is affordable?December 8, 2021, Everyone has returned home from the first major airshow in too long (other than the wonderful sector-specific event calledMidwest LSA Expo).April 21, 2021, For years Ive said that of all aircraft to succeed with battery electric flight, the first truly usable, enjoyable aircraft would be a Part 103 ultralight.April 14, 2021, Aviation preaches safety long and loud. Home Videos Live Playlists. In any event, contacting U-Fly-It is the best way to resolve your inquiry. Flying Into Oshkosh An Eye-Opener, but What If You Were Really Young, and in an Ultralight Aircraft? Light Sport Aircraft, LLC. The Aerolite 103 with Rotax 447 engine was purchased in 2006 and underwent a complete engine overhaul. Dan What is the safety and performance record of the Aerolite 103? Less than 5 hours were put on the new engine and it was fogged, covered, and placed in a hangar until now. Hello - Tried to fly the Aerolite 103 today for the first time in XPlane 11 and although I followed the steps below, the propeller would only turn at a rate of 1 revolution per 20 seconds, and not start, as I am outside the craft watching startup. May 10, 2018 in Does everything work in it after todays update? List all LSA Services each one verified to have the airplane or expertise you seek. Prices around $18,000 ready-to-fly may still be more than some people want to pay for an aircraft that is like a boat, motorcycle, or ATV its a machine you have fun with and it needs to fit within your family budget. When the enginestarts to catch, immediately give it some fuel and release the start button. Hmmm, I dont think so. So, surely that means you get some super stripped-down aircraft with no features, both to save money and to stay within FAR Part 103s demanding weight and flight envelope parameters right? ANIM_rotate_key 0 0 For the price of 2 super grande primo latte mocha bla bla coffees or 2 combo meals at your local mystery meat fastfood chain or a 24pk of premium double ply toilet paper its fun and well worth - which is a nice change of pace (with my obviously ridiculous opinion), This thing is the ultimate sightseer and not much slower than a Cub, Sounds excellent, flies as it seems it should (tho ive never flown an ultralight sadly) trims nicely, plenty of gusto getting high and finesse getting low, I flew around just south of my home in Cape Canaveral, NASA, KSC and had a blast, With this recent POI update to the States, this and it are a perfect combo. Can anyone of you confirm its not nice to fly? George Dean, Hi George: Yes, Aerolite 103 producer U-Fly-It has been exceptionally busy for the last few years. Shortly after takeoff, I quickly lose altitude and crash. Fairing & Windscreen, The discussion forum for Sport Pilots and Light Sport Aircraft, Post by Jim Hardin Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:58 am, Post Hence, your input will be much appreciated (especially if you are an aerolite builder). Get the oil mix right and keep the revs inside the redline and everything worked fine. I have the cursor hand over the lever. Aerolite 103 Hangar Talk - Facebook Would you buy a $13,700 Chinese Aerolite 103 Clone (Ready-to-fly)? As far as i can tell, a buddy & i both got them after the patch yesterday. ulysses10 Looks like theyve been around a while. Ill do the calculation for you. Fully assembled and ready to fly aircraft available. From U-Fly-It in DeLand, FL. Blade Tennessee Is Hirths 28-horsepower F33 enough power for bigger pilots, say someone weighing 250 pounds? The Aero-Works Aerolite 103 is now available for $17.90. Aero-Works Aerolite 103 Ultralight Aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, The fps drop comment is very strange for an aircraft with no avionics (funnily enough noted in areas that are typically fps heavy regardless), I imagine the flight model comments are a little more valid however. What is the actual command one has to give to move the lever? I need a complete kit of 103. I have the Honeycomb Yoke and it works fine in every plane except this thing. The Aerolite 103 Note: due to increased spam activity, there will be a slight delay as all new users must be approved manually. Super Affordability: U-Fly-It's Aerolite 103 Ultralight Aircraft Will Tank, Dacron Covering, It was pretty neat. The mouse would still operate the throttle manually. The Aerolite 103 ultralight aircraft is now for sale again by u-fly-it who now is manufacturing this wonderful aircraft in DeLand FL. We respond to ALL email messages and phone calls. Super affordability. Im thinking about getting an Aerolite 103, but have several issues. And even then its still iffy.). XP11 General discussion. It will be completed and ready to taxi on Saturday afternoon.,, Aircraft Design / Aerodynamics / New Technology, Flying bike update, in case you were wondering. Could you tell me please? Plus it flies so nicely that the smile youll have after your first landing may last you the rest of your life. 32 HP Kawasaki 340 Powered Aerolite $15,900, 28 HP Hirth F-33 Powered Aerolite $16,790. Aerolite 103 aircraft. Box 103, Millersburg, OH 44654, phone 330-674-9715, : 330-674-1559 . Knowing the frustrated are more likely to sound off than the satisfied, I'm asking any and all to respond with info, facts, or anecdotes regarding the Hirth aircraft engines, especially the F33. So I talked to Aerolite 103. | Homebuilt Aircraft & Kit Plane Forum Aerolite 103 Specifications - U-FLY-IT Admittedly, there is always some magic. (Photo courtesy Please contact by email or text one of the directors for more . How much is it going to cost me? I don t know many other companies in all of light aviation that can say that. 4-stroke (all-in weight) that puts out a MINIMUM of 28hp continuous to be viable in the Part 103 space. I went looking for the Skidoo race manual you mentioned - Did not find it. 265-315 lbs. (See a video of this.) since new. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'msfsaddons_com-box-3','ezslot_2',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-msfsaddons_com-box-3-0');Nemeth Designs is mostly known for their helicopters for FSX, but their first product for MSFS turned out to be completely different: its the Aero-Works Aerolite 103, an american ultralight in a pusher configuration (rear propeller). Aluminum Fuel Would really love an ultralight. Second, I weigh 270 pounds so I know that the Hirth 23 is probably the engine to go with. Sure, it should be way easier with a VR set ! The rudder axis is 'reversed' as well. Upload or insert images from URL. Compare that to the large gang of people who built the Zenith 750 or Vans RV-12 at Oshkosh (although they were amateurs, not experts). However, you can certainly go observe and discuss the build effort with U-Fly-Its staff. Propeller, Nose Because you can fly one of these aircraft without a pilot license (though all sellers will require training or proof of skills), without FAA registration to obtain an N-number (none need be displayed), and the pilot requires no medical. I do not know, but it looks like a simple port over to me. Aerolite 103 Ultralight Aircraft : Aerolite 103 priced to sell! The and the landing gear.). is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License. You can post now and register later. to remove the wing for transport does the hole tail assemboly have to come off ? Retired from flying. If you treat one like a four stroke, you are guaranteed to have problems. FAA Regulation Update Fall 2022. And that's the rubno matter how you slice it, 2-strokes used in aircraft will always need more maintenance and attention than any 4-strokes. Each Aerolite ANIM_rotate_key -10 -6.99978874 And even that is pushing it. That said, I've never flown one, but did the same sort of research you are starting on now, a few years ago. Assembly will take place in the Workshop Tent next to the Red Barn in the Ultralight Area, now known as the Fun Fly Zone Tuesday through Saturday, during 9-11 AM and 2-4 PM. Chapters | Aerolite 103 For Sale A new and updated version of the Scottish Wings livery with the latest logo.just for fun. He left the business for a time and another man tried to replicate the creation.August 19, 2016, Aerolite 103 from U-Fly-It has been on a tear for the last couple years, producing at capacity and stretching to produce even more for 2016.November 19, 2015, Part 103 ultralight activity was not the news I expected to report from Sun n Fun 2015, certainly not as my first report.April 28, 2015, Some people have long believed that Part 103-legal weight shift trikes or single place powered parachutes may be possible but Ive often heard the pronouncement, You cannot make a legal three axis Part 103 airplane. I wonder if those folks are ready to admit their error?December 31, 2014, Evidently, a magic number exists to authorities in various civil aviation agencies around the developed world.September 15, 2014, It depended on whom you asked. Powered by Invision Community. Default Aerolite 103 Scottish Wings (G-SWXM) 1.0.0 - X-Plane.Org Forum Aero-Works Inc. Aerolite-103 How do i fly these ultralights? Part 103 single-seat ultralight type aircraft. In a mere 20 hours during bankers hours, some might say an Aerolite 103 will go from kit to flyable aircraft. New release : Aerolite 103 - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums Both Legal Eagle and Hummelbird were only compatible with very small pilots, and the latter also disposed with the canopy. You can also buy an ultralight vehicle ready-to-fly and that brings us to U-Fly-Its terrific Aerolite 103. Sun n Fun 2015: Part 103 Ultralights Are Hot! It's a PDF at ft. 600 lbs. Mariano Rosales/EAA). Flight Crew A320 (Button Control) Released for MSFS, Flight Replicas releases the Piper L-4 Grasshopper for MSFS, Black Squares Technical Overview Video Showcases Incredible Simulation Features of the Analog Bonanza, Top Mach Studios announces the Boeing/Saab T-7A Redhawk for Microsoft Flight Simulator, Review: FS Traffic almost, but not quite, Accurately simulated engine performance/limitations, Native next gen MSFS 2020 format (not port over), Supports most of MSFS 2020 visual features, Fully animated fuselage, controls and instruments (ailerons, levers, switches, wing-flex, etc). We Need Information! I recently discovered that on my Aerolite 103 (Nemeth Designs) the throttle slide would not function using either my joystick or my throttle quadrant. I had a brain burp. Clear editor. It was one of a few Part 103 aircraft with certain engineering elements that were, uh, "questionable". Get Your Aerolite 103 Hats Here! All rights reserved. This dedication within the aviation community has made flying safer than driving despite what landlubbers believe is a risky way to travel.February 11, 2021, UPDATE 1/14/21 Regretfully, I must announce that DeLand has cancelled its Flyway to Highway event due to Covid-19. DJ Usually, you people complain about over-regulation by the FAA. We will be assembling an Aerolite 103 during the show from a Quick Build Kit, and the aircraft is for sale (you can purchase it now, and pick it up at the end of the show or we can deliver it to you on the way back to Florida). I like that the covering is sail cloth that is zipped on -- easy and cheap replacement and access to the structure. since new. Aerolite 103 should be taken from the marketplace. Less than 50 Hrs. FAA Regulation Update Fall 2022. Paste as plain text instead, Absorbing Main Gear, Steerable In the '70s I grew up with 2-stroke road and dirt bikes, and found those (Yam and Zuki) to be strong and reliable, although smoky. Is this for real at these prices? of Super Affordability: U-Fly-Its Aerolite 103 Ultralight Aircraft Will Be a One-Week Super Wonder, DeLand Showcase 2017 Records Growth Customers Flew & Bought Vendors Smiled, Aerolite 120 Launches in Britain and Ireland. Sun n Fun 2021 / Day 1 Charged with Excitement Battery Electric Aerolite 103 Is Flying Now! Aerolite 103 Flight Model. Our distributor in Europe uses the Thor 250 on some of their Aerolites, and the performance is adequate. I have owned a Skyranger and an Aeronca Chief but dont know of anyone around here (central Maine) who owns an Aerolite 103 or where I can get cross-training in anything that will hold me and most any CFI, unless they are VERY small, like 175 or so pounds in a Challenger II. Aerolite103 - U-FLY-IT Kolb Firefly (and Trifly, the tricycle-gear version of the Firefly). Dennis answered. is a professionally built, ready-to-fly, legal I clicked all around it and couldn't get it to move. We respond to ALL email If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. So I talked to Aerolite 103. What a shame they dont. A couple years ago, Dennis revived the idea of a kit Aerolite 103. The loss of engine power due to the seizure of the magneto piston. Required fields are marked *. Aerolite 103 - EAA Forums Flaps, Shock Backyard Flyer vs Arolite 103 - EAA Forums So, how affordable can Aerolite be to warrant my claiming super affordability?, Rob Tuttle, following Aerolite on Facebook, posed a similar question, How much minus delivery?. So, what to do? How does it cost to get a Aerolite 103 kit from factory with and without the engine? After he put this on his Facebook page, this show airplane will surely sell long before Oshkosh 2019 starts. U-Fly-It (current builder of the Aerolite 103) offers several engine options, and I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for a solid mill. | Homebuilt Aircraft & Kit Plane Forum Forums Technical Discussion Areas 2-Stroke Aircraft Engines So I talked to Aerolite 103. Thats a bummer as this is exactly the aircraft I waited for in MSFS. I found the fuel valve last night but couldn't activate it. Magnum Parachutes Could Save Your Life, Airshows in 2021: Better News on the Horizon but Some Early-Event Cancellations, DeLand Showcase 2019 Ending the Airshow Year for Light-Sport Aircraft and SP Kit Aircraft. Hi Ken: U-Fly-It does offer a kit and I believe they will do so without an engine. ). The Backyard flyer. Azusa Brakes, However, Aerolite lacks for nothing to give you a good time in the air and it wont break your budget. I was finally able to get the 103 started, thanks to this discussion: But there are some other things about this default airplane that still mystify me. Im a French ultralight pilot renting Savannah and Bingo all year long. CHT, ), Electric Please contact Aerolite 103 producer U-Fly-It for shipping info. instrument (airspeed, altimeter, with basic flight and engine 2. I was very interested in a Challenger II for sale in my area but found that, again, Im too heavy for it with any CFI I can find so we would not be overweight. I would order one right now if they did. 6: 1039: March 10, 2021 Bell407 Paint file. AEROLITE 103 ULTRALIGHT ROTAX $14,000 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Rebuilt rotax 447 with 42 hours. Before then,DeLand Showcase 2019 is set to begin!November 7, 2019, Happening right now as this is written a young pilot, with impressive support from his father and sister, is flying to Oshkosh.July 17, 2019, Super affordability. Do you have a link? You wrote here in the article that the Hirth F23 produces 40hp it actually produces 50hp. The problem is that finding a 4-stroke under 80lbs. Listen, modern airplanes have become quite expensive. About Part 103 Airplanes - Flying Club 1 Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Aerolite 103 (1996) Engine: 35 hp 2si Wing span 26.8' Length: 17' Height: 6' 5" Wing area: 124 sq/ft Empty weight: 250 lb Useful load: 270 lb Cruise speed: 55 mph Stall speed: 28 mph Structural limits: +4Gs, -2.8 G Steerable nose wheel Joomla! I live at an altitude of 6,500 feet and need power to overcome that density altitude especially on hot days. Complete Panel Weekly Digest - What is new in The X-Plane World, Adding Two Factor Authentication to Your Account, Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas, Fuel valve (at the bottom of the big tank under the pilot seat, from the right hand side of the aircraft)- turn red handle left, towards the tail, Master switch - turn key clockwise and keep it there.
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