You agree to pay all charges incurred by you or any users of your account and Payment Method at the price(s) in effect when such charges are incurred. I bought 2 tickets as well and I clicked the refund button because it was the last day to request a refund. AXS or our Client, as applicable, reserves the right to retain various fees and charges paid by buyers or sellers on our Service, even if an event is canceled and not rescheduled. Can I get a refund for a cancelled or postponed event? We can't reclaim the money and issue the refund to a new card for you. Seller fees on the Service may vary. AXS Form - Ticket Refund Protection We act on behalf of a seller (our Client) when selling Primary tickets. Purchased 2 concert tickets from AXS and made the stupid mistake of purchasing the insurance with it. Each ticket that you as Holder purchase, receive (for example, as a subsequent transferee of a prior purchaser) or use issued by the Service, is a revocable license to enter and attend a particular event (whether live or online), or to park at a venue, or to exercise certain other rights associated with an entertainment event for which the Service issues tickets and each such ticket is a contract, subject to this Agreement, and subject to any additional specific terms and conditions imposed by our Client or their designee with respect to the particular ticketed event. Booking Protect, a refund guarantee used by Festicket, says you'd need a positive test to get a refund in this situation. Reply from AXS UK. AXS Tickets on the App Store Nightingales THU 20 APR 2023 Doors 6:30 PM Alexandra Palace Theatre. Uber Insurance Card Or Enrollment Form - All Insurance FAQ Your refund will be processed automatically by your point of purchase within 30 days of cancellation, or within such other timescales as are notified by your point of purchase. You also agree that you are responsible, as a seller of tickets, for paying all taxes, if any, associated with your sale of tickets through the Service, and any fees we may impose on sellers related to the sale. If you bought tickets online or over the phone, you won't need to do a thing. If your situation does not fit within the options available, please select the 'other' option and provide full details in the box provided. Refunds are not offered if you are unable to access an online event due to lack of bandwidth, incompatible equipment or software, or any other reason. I went on live chat to sort out getting refunds for postponed tickets. By providing payment details and choosing to complete the checkout process on our Service, you are agreeing for us to debit or authorize payment for the transaction via the Payment Method provided. Official Tickets and Your Source for Live Entertainment | If you are a buyer of tickets on the Service (whether Primary Tickets or Resale Tickets), AXS will issue refunds in accordance with our Client's instructions (or refunds may be issued directly by our Client). The ticket is valid only for the event, date, time, and seat location issued. Tickets are still available for many events, and you can continue to AXS to browse, find events, and see your ticket options. T&Cs may apply.'. This Agreement is incorporated into the Terms of Use and, in addition to the Privacy Policy, the following terms and conditions (this Agreement) apply to all listings and transactions on the Service and sale or use of tickets issued via the Service, whether issued by AXS or Clients. Failure to comply shall terminate Holders rights hereunder and authorize Client to withdraw the ticket, refuse admission, or eject the Holder, all without refund, and subject Holder to all available legal remedies. a doctor's note for the illness causing your symptoms. . Congratulations! Problem is I cant attend the event anymore :( so I cant get a refund. So please be as cautious as possible when going through AXS. Holder agrees that the Releasees (defined below) shall not be responsible or liable for any claim, loss, damage or injury, whether occurring before, during, or after the event, regardless of whether caused by the negligence or other fault of Releasees or any third party. Insurance policies do not have to payout because the ticket seller should provide a refund regardless of whether the customer has insurance. So I decided to treat myself and girlfriend to VIP tickets. Occasionally, we receive incorrect billing or Payment Method information for an order that can delay processing and delivery. Please note we may require original tickets to be submitted, Sort Code or BIC/SWIFT code for accounts outside of the UK, You need Javascript enabled in order to submit this form, Booking Errors We recommend you contact the ticket seller directly to discuss the issue, Entry requirements or organisation of a venue/event. You agree not to hold us liable for your failure to comply with any law or our failure to notify you of, or properly apply, any law. Below are some pointers we hope you'll find useful! Please make sure to review the terms and conditions that you will find on these third-party sites. Thank you for taking the time to let the people know. I can't go to a concert anymore, any tips to ensure i get my money back? Before checking out, the website advertises to users that they will "refund you if you cancel for any reason" but this is a complete bull crap! She also helped out with another refund I needed and was so quick. Violation thereof is grounds for revocation, seizure or cancellation without refund. DE Please note we will require official notification of breakdown from the service provider, Please note we will require a vehicle recovery service report, incident report or copy of garage repair bill to be attached as appropriate, (Please note we will require a copy of the original invitation to attend jury service to be attached), (Please note we will require evidence of the Emergency Services attending your residence in the event of burglary or fire to be attached), (Please note we will require a copy of the original witness summons instructing you to appear in court to be attached), (Please note we will require a screen grab/scanned print out from the Met Office website/confirmation of Police Warning), (Please note we will require a copy of the original advice to travel at short notice on military service to be attached), Your supporting documentation such as medical documents, evidence of breakdown, confirmation of travel disruption as applicable, Scanned copies or clear photographs of the un-used tickets. We will need these documents as part of the application process and cannot process a refund without them. Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. Congratulations to those who were selected to purchase tickets to Zach Bryan's Burn, Burn, Burn tour! A scan or clear photograph sent by email is acceptable. Every time I go to buy tickets for a show and I see that the only way to get them is through AXS, my stomach drops. Purchase Agreement It's also not worth paying extra for ticket insurance assuming it will cover you if an event is cancelled or postponed due to lockdown rules - primary ticket sellers are required by STAR (The Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers) to offer you a refund in these situations. Once your purchase has been completed, we will not exchange or refund your order, even if additional tickets or parking rights become available at a later date. If you are purchasing a Resale Ticket, you will be entering into a contract with the seller of the Resale Ticket for the sale and transfer of the Resale Ticket to you. Refunds will generally be issued if an event is canceled and not rescheduled, however, this is determined by our Clients, and not by AXS. All fees and charges relating to your transaction will be disclosed to you during the purchase process. COVID 19, TicketPlan Ltd Evolution House, New Garrison Road, Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9BF. Click here. For those times when circumstances sideline your customers, this valuable protection ensures that their investment is safe and sound. Please complete the section which is relevant to your application. Kameron Kwok - Director, Ticket Strategy - Anaheim Ducks - LinkedIn Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following: In these instances and as part of the cancellation of any transaction, AXS reserves the right to remove any relevant sales proceeds from the Resale Ticket sellers AXS account, process a reversal of a prior funds transfer made to the seller or charge the Payment Method on file for such seller and/or cancel a pending transaction, whether for Resale Tickets or Primary Tickets. It's also in their terms and conditions (which you agreed to) that they will hold your money until after the event. I bought these from AXS and paid 214 (bit of a rip off site . You should receive a confirmation after concluding your transaction. How to get your money back from a ticket seller, Beware of donation requests for the Turkey-Syria earthquake, Scammers are imitating HMRC in fake tax refund emails, 'EasyJet lost my suitcase: am I entitled to compensation? How do I file a claim and get a refund if I have ticket insurance? Det finns flera saker som kan ha franlett att detta hnde, s som att felaktiga data skickats, fr mnga klick eller att flera enheter anvnts p samma gng. And if one of your party tests positive for coronavirus, meaning you no longer want to attend, only TicketPlan, Vista Insurance (used by Skiddle) and XCover (used by AXS) would allow you to claim for a refund. AXS is not responsible for failure of delivery or any losses incurred as a result of a purchasers failure to provide an accurate address. Please note that separate ticket terms and conditions of the MLS team also apply to tickets to MLS games and events. Unlawful resale (or attempted resale), counterfeit or copy of tickets is grounds for seizure and cancellation without compensation. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. We do not have any legal authority to complete a purchase on your behalf, and do not act as your agent. For travel and events affected by COVID-19, many airlines, travel suppliers, and ticket issuers are allowing for flexible changes, issuing refunds, and/or offering vouchers. Our helpline number is 1-888-929-7849. The document details need to meet the requirements of your Booking Refund Protection. If a buyer, seller or transferee breaches the terms of this Agreement, we may, in our discretion, cancel any listing, transfer and/or pending transaction associated with such buyer, seller or transferee. We will require vehicle recovery service confirmation and receipts. Certain events may have restricted delivery options, as well as delayed delivery windows (for example, tickets for online events will typically be delivered to your AXS account immediately following purchase), and tickets for certain live events may not be delivered until a date closer to the event). AEG Presents However, it is not clear if this would cover government advice. Performed analyses related to call center and ticket insurance costs. . TicketPlan | Ticket Refund Protection For tickets to events located in Canada, the Service is provided by AXS Group Canada. Such fees and charges may vary. You are urged to review all pages displayed during your completion of a purchase. This content may be old or outdated. Invoiced venues for money due to AXS and oversaw procedure of issuing customer refunds. We and designated personnel of the applicable Client are authorized to perform any action on your behalf that you could otherwise perform if instructed by someone in possession of your account authorization information. . If I have XCover ticket insurance and miss an event, can I get a refund? Please review your tickets carefully, including date and location of the event and your seat selection, before completing your transaction. . AXS has cancelled the ATP finals at the O2 in November 2020, because of COVID. However, we will not be able to confirm that these are adequate for our needs until they are reviewed alongside your application. Under certain facility or venue rules, certain items may not be brought into the premises, including without limitation, alcohol, drugs, food, beverages, controlled substances, cameras, recording devices, laser pointers, strobe lights, or certain size packages or bags. Contact your ticket seller - primary ticket sellers should offer you a refund if an event is cancelled or postponed due to coronavirus. For tickets to events located in the United States, the Service is operated by AXS Group LLC. You also understand that you must comply with all laws, mandates, health orders and directives applicable to the event you attend. See below for additional terms and conditions related to your purchase, including those in Event Cancellations/Postponements, below. We do not guarantee the suitability of any event for any particular age group, and events may contain language or content not suitable for children. On one occasion I got as far as selecting the insurance. 5 minutes isn't long enough! Online applications are received immediately and are our preferred method of submission. All applicable fees and charges will be disclosed prior to completion of your purchase. The partial refund was completed early August 2020. We all hate lines. The original advice from the armed forces giving advice to travel at short notice for military service. Contact Us It may take up to 30 days before we are able to review your claim. We will comply with law enforcement requests and may provide them with all information you submit to us to assist in any investigation or prosecution they may conduct (without providing notice to you, unless otherwise required by law). You acknowledge and accept that actual processing time may vary by seconds or in unusual cases, by minutes, from the exact time specified. Unless otherwise stated as part of the purchase, any primary tickets (i.e. We looked at five ticket insurance and guarantee providers offered by some of the biggest online ticket sellers. Privacy Policy. PROPER CONDUCT. Here's a summary of what five of the biggest ticketing sites offer: Festicket told us Booking Protect covers consumers if they have Covid-19, if they've had a bereavement due to Covid-19, or if they've been made redundant. Ticketmaster will refund your ticket price if the event gets cancelled due to some unforseen or catastrophic event. Breach of these terms or rules could result in the termination of your license or right to attend the event without refund. Hey did you end up filing a claim with Amex? If transfer of tickets is permitted, there is no associated fee unless disclosed on the Service at the time of transfer, in which case fees will be charged to the relevant Payment Method on file. Before checking out, the website advertises to users that they will refund you if you cancel for any reason but this is a complete bull crap! We make no representations or warranties about the quality of your watching experience or your display. AXS is not the seller of Resale tickets and will be acting only on the sellers behalf when offering Resale tickets on the Service. Anyways, I cant attend the event anymore and my excuse/reason is not covered by the insurance. I am supposed to submit a claim, with my email address - I can't get in. Website by Phuse Media - Web Design Essex, Who did you purchased the tickets from (Retailer), Cost of tickets (amount you are requesting a refund for). In addition to the limitations set forth in the Terms of Use, which include a mandatory arbitration provision and a class action waiver provision, the following limitations of liability apply to any purchase or sale you make through the Service and any use of a ticket issued by the Service. Can I cancel or refund my tickets? - AXS Help Center In order to collect your tickets at the box office, you will be asked for order confirmation, proof of identity and the Payment Method used for the transaction. Ad . Leave the Archive. Our Clients may potentially release additional tickets during presale, onsale, or any other time up to the day of the event. AXS is not able to specify the exact date of delivery for each event, so please allow as much time as possible for your tickets to arrive. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The original invitation must be dated so that we can see when it was received, the date you are instructed to attend and detail the name of the person(s) required to attend. To access our helpline services, current customers must provide specific personally identifiable information that matches the current information in the account. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. If you feel that a charge has been made to your Payment Method in error, call our helpline or email our customer service department at [emailprotected]. Please note that further documentation may be required following our review. When you click on a retailer link, we may earn affiliate commission, which helps fund our not-for-profit mission. To ticket | Stuff for Sale - Gumtree You understand that you must comply with all applicable laws associated with the sale or purchase of tickets or the use of the Service, and for complying with all applicable ticket resale laws. When did you become aware that you were unable to attend the Event? We asked 2,000 UK consumers what they thought ticket insurance policies would cover them for if there are Covid-related cancellations. Refund Policy | AXS Supplements All information provided through the Service will be managed and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Click on the relevent section for more information. Its for one of the Hyde Park British Summer Time concerts. If the tickets are limited as described in, If there is an error in the pricing of a ticket offered for sale through our Service, we may cancel any listing, transfer and/or transaction all as more fully described in. You will also be responsible for paying any applicable taxes relating to your purchases. Stagecoach Festival 2023 By entering the venue for the event, each Holder agrees to the following: Each Holder agrees to comply with the following terms and conditions regarding tickets and attendance at an event: If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, please contact us at [emailprotected] or by mail at: AXS GROUP LLC425 West 11th Street, Suite 100Los Angeles, CA 90015Attn: Purchase Agreement - AXS888.929.7849. Cover applies if an immediate family member or a member of the booking party tests positive. For any application we need either: the e-ticket(s) or copies of the physical ticket(s) for ticketholders. Ive also heard similar stories from all of my concert going friends. In most instances, tickets delivered via mobile delivery to your AXS account will not incur a delivery charge. cristina ferrare illness; esicoo smart plug troubleshooting; sun country boarding zones; zatarain's dirty rice without meat; getting punched in the stomach effects Most policies (bar Eventim's) will allow you to claim for a refund if you get coronavirus and can provide a positive test result as evidence. Fan Update. With the AXS app, you can find great events near you, buy 100% official tickets, sell your seats if you can't go, and more. Submission of our own medical confirmation form is preferred, please download it here: medical form template. Klicka hr fr att kontakta oss. By clicking a link you are consenting to this. Any personally-identifiable information (including, but not limited to, street address, phone numbers, or email addresses); JavaScript or any other scripting language; If we or our Client revokes any tickets, Primary Ticket and Resale Ticket listings concerning such tickets and related rights (such as parking) will be canceled. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If I have Allianz ticket insurance and miss an event, can I get a refund? It's all a fan needs, all in one app. It doesn't apply to housemates who aren't family members or due to attend the event. Four in 10 (41%) consumers believe they will be covered if a national lockdown means the event cannot go ahead as planned, while a third (35%) assume they will be covered if the event cannot go ahead due to it taking place in a local lockdown area. If your account is closed and you haven't had the refund within 15 days, please contact your bank/credit card issuer as they will be able to locate the refund and transfer it to your new account. Terms and conditions of sites linked to by or from the Service may vary by site. You may also be linked to a third-party site, which is not affiliated with our Service. You should base your purchase decision solely on the information provided. Fan Update from AXS When it's time to go home, all combo lock deposit refunds are issued quickly. I consent to TicketPlan using health data that I submit with this refund application for the purpose of administering my application, which may include sharing health data with insurers. AXS refusing to refund ticket cancelation insurance - PayPal Community If you purchase tickets to an online event, we do not guarantee that your device or network will have the necessary bandwidth or capabilities to stream the event at a suitable speed, and you bear all risk with regard to such transmission. Front row or on the aisle? But with Event Ticket Protector, they won't need to worry. The truth is that paying for insurance to guard against this is a waste of money. email from them: "Thank you for contacting AXS. AXS Concert Tickets & Allianz TIcket Insurance : r/Music - reddit By using a ticket to enter the event listed on the ticket the holder of the ticket agrees to the terms stated in this Agreement on behalf of themselves and any accompanying minor (collectively Holder). Press J to jump to the feed. (United Kingdom) Why you might ask? PDF EZ-Link Wallet with Mastercard - Top-Spender's Campaign" - Terms Except as otherwise prohibited above, tickets may be resold by Holder using the Service in accordance with our Clients instructions. Please note: If you are applying for a refund for one of the below circumstances, this falls outside of the scope of the TicketPlan Protection, subject to the Terms and Conditions provided at the time of purchase, and a refund cannot be provided: If the circumstance is not listed above, it is likely it will fall outside of the scope of the TicketPlan Protection, however, please detail your circumstances in the box below and we will consider your request further. You are prohibited from selling or offering for sale your tickets where such prohibition was disclosed prior to completion of your purchase. If the event is rescheduled, we'll advise what options are available to you. Individuals in possession of a recording device are subject to confiscation and/or ejection. Yes - if you can provide evidence you can't attend in line with its T&Cs e.g. Have now given up. Holder also understands that at an event, the Holder assumes and bears all risks of inclement weather or force majeure events (including injury or cancellation). If tickets are mailed, they will be sent to the address provided by the purchaser at the time of purchase. I cannot access the Insurance company. Official Tickets and Your Source for Live Entertainment | Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Any sale or offer for sale of your tickets, whether using the Service or another publicly-available marketplace, when the applicable ticket(s) were sold with a resale restriction, may result in any or all of the following: (i) cancellation of the transfer or sale transaction conducted on our Service; (ii) a charge of our sales fee (described below), calculated with respect to the full sales price of such ticket(s) sold or transferred, assessed against the seller/transferor of such ticket(s) (such sales fee will be charged to the Payment Method on file for the seller/transferor, typically within twenty-four (24) hours after we provide notice of the assessment of such charge to such person via email); (iii) revocation of the seller/transferors rights to use the Service and any or all of our other services; and (iv) revocation of such sold or transferred ticket(s) by the Client. We recommend that you review the official terms and conditions and other rules of each event and venue to which you hold tickets. AXS UK Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of - Trustpilot If we suspect, in our sole discretion, fraudulent or other illegal activity (whether from the buyer or seller of any transaction). Here, we set the record straight on what different ticket insurance and guarantee policies cover, and explain how to get a refund if you can't attend an event due to coronavirus. Supporting documents are preferred in English. I've gotten my money back from allianz with just a letter from my work saying I had to work that day. Are you looking for comprehensive cover for Covid cancellations? You understand that the event for which you purchase a ticket shall be presented in accordance with applicable public health conditions as of the date of such event and which may change at any time as determined by federal, state, or local government agencies or instrumentalities, artists or the promoter; such requirements may include, without limitation, changes to capacity, attendance procedures and entry requirements, such as proof of vaccination and/or a negative COVID-19 test, and other protective measures such as requiring attendees to wear face coverings. I agree to the use of my data submitted as part of this reimbursement application being used in accordance with the
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