He came back to Earth, found her trying to hitch a ride, and picked her up. Summers, meanwhile, was in a coma due to a bite from Dracula, and was under the care of that world's X-Men. The "true" Molecule Man pulled the Beyonder's essence from within Kosmos, causing her to fade. Ing later on walked out and gained back her self-respect. He destroyed his tower in Sparta and decided to cast about for a new role in life. [33], In this universe, the Beyonder was anything and everything. Boom Boom walked away in despair and set a huge time bomb, calling out to the Beyonder that she was going to kill herself; she said she had 10 points, and she won the contest of depression. He repelled Galactus "like a bug",[46] and exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. While they walk around they are invited to Dr. Dooms castle. For most of his lineage, The Beyonder acts as an omnipotent being who exists apart from space and time. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. Who Is The Beyonder? Marvel's Most Powerful Villain Explained - Screen Rant The Puma was now brought to the absolute limit of his anger and his sense of righteousness in his cause. [36], The Beyonder proved capable of destroying, and recreating, the abstract entity known as Death across the multiverse, although it extremely exerted and weakened him to do so. He found a nearby seedy hotel and got a room, sleeping on the floor. He also saved Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, then known as Talisman, from entrapment in an other-dimensional world. Doctor Doom, however, did not help matters. Or at least so Mephisto hoped; even with all this power, he wasn't sure it could kill the Beyonder. The UCWF tested his strength, and unsurprisingly he passed easily, lifting five times what the Thing lifted. The Cube then took on a new body and persona, calling itself Kosmos. However, he did not completely abandon her. scientists on Earth. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. With regards to the two retcons, when Marvel re-assessed Secret Wars and Secret Wars II for the Official Handbook to the Marvel Universe in 2011, they cleared up the Beyonder's nature some what. He chooses the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, and Storm to fight along side him. He further altered his physical appearance, giving himself black curly hair and maintained this form for most of the rest of his existence on Earth. [7][8] This dimension was accidentally accessed by lab technician Owen Reece; some of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man, and the remaining energy gains sentience and curiosity as the Beyonder. The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. Heroes from all corners of the Marvel Comics multiverse band together to thwart The Beyonder and stop his plan. Some other odd comments were made. Spider-Man tries to stop this, but Doom had already sent a portal going toawrds the heros; this portal teleported all the heros (with the exception of Ben) to a distant location. Reece himself became much less angry and frustrated now that he had come into his own, and soon left Battleworld with most of the other villains. Unable to control and trust himself enough to battle the heroes on his own, he gave Klaw enough power to "blacken ten thousand suns." I also added scans and references. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. He gave Frank the services of a room of prostitutes (making Toots jealous), and over the course of weeks taught him all of the everyday conventions and information that he needed to know to really understand normal life on Earth. Almost everybody who is a dedicated Dr Doom fan knows that his most powerful form is God Emperor Doom - a version of Dr Doom who, with the help of Molecule Man's matter manipulation powers, managed to absorb the powers of thousands of Beyonders, essentially becoming a God. Post Retcon Beyonder #2/Current Beyonder (Mutant Inhuman)- Beyonder was a mutant Inhuman who already had unspecified powers, then entered the Terrigen Mists and had those powers increased exponentially. It seemed that Kosmos had tried to take an even more "mortal" form than before, perhaps somewhat similar to what the Beyonder was trying to do at the end of Secret Wars II. He had collected the power that the Beyonder used to kill Death; this would make up the bulk of the power of the machine. Meanwhile, Thomas Fireheart, the Puma, was told by his tribe that it was his destiny to kill the Beyonder, who they said would bring about the end of the world. Venom is often considered the strongest overall because his powers and abilities are the most versatile. When he decided to do this, the other cosmic forces like Mephisto immediately felt great fear at the way this would upset the existing order of the universe. He then sent her to "convert" the other New Mutants to his cause of purity and peace. When the Second Cosmos ended and was reborn as the next iteration of the multiverse, the Omegas observed from the outside and thus became known as the Beyonders. Strange was protecting the area with a mystic shield, and the Beyonder was pounding on it, trying to get in. This was the Beyond-realm's first appearance on panel, other than his fight with Doom in Secret Wars I. He increased the Thing's power a hundredfold, then had him go attack the Beyonder, which would hopefully keep him in one place. During the Fall of the Hulks, the Intelligencia reported that long ago, they used a special tachyon beam, based at Doom's castle, to search for power sources in the cosmos. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. (Spider-Man was watching, ready to stop him in any case.) As the Lizard is knocked out once again,the heros place his body on a table.Mr. He tried to explain what he was trying to do, but they wouldn't listen, so he knocked them all (including Rachel and the Silver Surfer) away with one swipe of his hand. Her love had helped him overcome his own self-hate, and enabled him to love her back more freely. While his flesh was being peeled away layer by layer, he managed to somehow will his hand to touch his armor (which had been lifted away from him), and activate his "sling," thereby defeating the Beyonder and taking his power. He was shown and described to repel Galactus "like a bug", and even greatly exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. During the battle, he famously said, "The trouble is, lesser beings can't really perceive the bulk of the action--the billions of feints, thrusts, and parries per second--or the countless levels, besides the physical, upon which this fight, however one-sided, is taking place!" Later, as he walked through some slums, he met some heroin dealers. Perhaps simultaneously, he invisibly observed the New Mutants, who had since returned from Limbo. The Beyonder of this reality was annihilated by The Council of Reeds using a dangerous and powerful weapon called Sol's Anvil. This would probably suggest he was from a different universe. He would fight against problems big and small, from muggers to tidal waves to cosmic forces like those of Mephisto. They battle, and using his power, the power of the Nexus, and the power of the mystics, Havok defeats her, absorbing her into the fabric of the Nexus itself. Magneto agreed with her final choice, as he had earlier counselled mercy against the student who had tried to kill Xavier. He transforms into the Thing to fight them off. The Beyonder now shows Spider-Man the villains have caused destruction across the entire planet and have formed territories for themselves to individually rule over. Foggy was in favor of it, since the Beyonder offered them a million dollar retainer (which he legally obtained as salvage from a wrecked ship), and started to work on it. He intervened, and saved her. Another man, Ralph Macchio (named after the writer and editor), was also there, and wanted to kill the Beyonder for his role in the death of his wife in an accident earlier. Mr.Fantastic suceeds and Dr. Curt Conners takes the dominant consciousness. [4] Finally, he was revealed to be a "child" of the Beyonder race.[5]. The Beyonder encountered "Norman" and sent Doom back in time to the first Secret War to fix the paradox but without the memories of Doom's time as Norman. However, the Thing found out, and insisted that the Beyonder be allowed to join, and that they wrestle as soon as possible: he wanted revenge for what happened to him on Battleworld. Beyonder - Powers and Abilities | Powers Abilities | Technology Trends He soon appeared next to Hercules and Black Knight at Project Pegasus. As everyone enters the kingdom they see that it is an ideal society, the planets inhabitants are at peace. After observing humans, and ultimately interacting with them, the Beyonder still did not feel fulfilled. Fantastic was surprised, since he had had sensors targeting the Beyonder's energy signature, and they had not gone off. As the Beyonder explained, "once the Puma fit exactly into his life's rolethe universe aligned itself around him harmoniously! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Understanding that they were angry with him, and believing that they liked to settle conflict through action, he led them on a chase, during which time he allowed them to attack him. Created by Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck in 1984's Secret Wars #1, the Beyonder can shape reality, regenerate on a cellular level and change into any form. They were revealed to be the same race as the "Omegas" previously seen in Defenders (20112012) and briefly appeared in Ultimates 2 (2016) #6. Marvel's Most Powerful Cosmic God Did Drugs with Two Forgotten TV Stars - Yes, Really. Fantastic came to see him. Richards realized who he was and tried to pay attention, but there were too many distractions, including Sue Storm's desire for revenge for what the villains had done to her (they had turned her into Malice). The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being?,The One-Above-All and The Beyonder are godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, but one is definitely a more supreme being. However, he did have certain circumstances where he felt there was a chance for someone or something to defeat him. This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. [30] The Puma when in perfect harmony with the universe was also claimed to be able to destroy the Beyonder. A fleet of alien starships, consisting of the might of thirty thousand races, attacked, using an "ultimate eradicator," which would destroy a thousand worlds in its aftershock. [5], Every now and then the Beyonders would shunt a modicum of energy to the universe, allowing sentient beings to use them to create Cosmic Cubesa practice they appear to have given up after the admonishments by Eternity and the Living Tribunal regarding the disruptive effect of these actions. In their first session, he took her on a tour of existence, showing her the various dimensions and cosmic entities in the multiverse, including the Phoenix; the Watchers; various combined life-forces such as Mangog, Overmind, and the Uni-Mind; the High Evolutionary; the Stranger; Eon; the Celestials; the Vishanti; the various forces of evil; Death; Master Order and Lord Chaos; the In-Betweener; the Living Tribunal; Galactus; Eternity; and the Beyonders (plural--the source of the Cosmic Cubes). Although the Beyonders were successful in destroying the Multiverse, Doctor Doom used their power to salvage its remnants and created Battleworld. The Beyonder decided to return to Sharon Ing, but found that she had killed herself over him. However, when he talked to Foxxe, Foxxe told him that the Beyonder lived nearby, and gave him the address. After finally understanding who he was talking to, Peter tried to explain, but ultimately recommended Reed Richards as a better person to talk to. They normally had low levels of power, but those powers became amped as they got near her. For the book by Brandon Mull, see, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beyonders&oldid=1141077256, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 06:33. As she was being held there, she was revered but rarely seen. He reappears in Secret Wars II #1 (July 1985), which was written by Jim Shooter and drawn by Al Milgrom. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. While the various heroes he had met had tried to answer the big questions, Vinnie taught him how to eat, get dressed, and even adopt a sense of humor. After liberating Marsha, he decided it was just a phase and didn't bother to interfere further. The Great Evil Beast | Character Level Wiki | Fandom It'sugly! The Beyonder was everything in this universe, just as seen in the end of Secret Wars II. RELATED: Which Secret Wars Should The MCU Adapt for Film? He was interested in the offer, but felt that there was too much else to experience in the universe, so he left again. But as soon as he stepped in the door, Reece blasted him with his full force. Even this was not enough, and he took over literally every molecule on the planet. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. The original Secret Wars left The Beyonder with questions about desire, choice, and purpose, and Secret Wars II sends him on a journey to find answers--no matter the cost. In fact, the Beyonder was talking with Death, talking about this very thing, and admitted his fear of what would happen. First he had an affair with a beautiful woman named Sharon Ing. Beyonder (Pre-Retcon) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom [18], In order to combat Beyonder, Mephisto sent his demon agent Bitterhorn to form the Legion Accursed where he managed to get 99 villains together upon shaking their hand. While all the heros make their trek to the Red Skull's base they take a hovercraft to cross the desert,a sandstorm causes the hovercraft to come to a stop and crash due to it's overwhelming force. Or more specifically, it is the Beyonder's body and essence, but they have been possessed by the Goblin Queen. They were both sentient Cosmic Cubes--Cosmic Cubes that had evolved into having self-awareness and personalities. Kosmos went off to explore the Marvel Universe with Kubik: venturing into its different dimensions; learning about its many mystical, demonic, and cosmic beings; testing the Fantastic Four; and pondering about the origin of the Celestials. Their attack apparently failed and as a result the number of universes was reduced from thousands to barely more than two dozen. He realized that if the Thing could have doubts about his role, then it was OK for him to have doubts too. Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. As he recounted, Doom participated in the first Secret War despite the fact that he had already died; in the second Secret War, it was revealed that Doom had secretly swapped minds with Norman McArthur. With a complete mind, he could possibly control it. The Red Skull and Doctor Octopus escape while Black Cat chases after. As Black Cat chases after the Red Skull she confronts him, but is captured by Dr. Octopus. 10 Marvel Characters With Powers To Destroy The Universe He flew out of the ship (pursued by Dr. Doom) and tried to attack the source of the light. He said that he had offered them a chance to go out with a bang--implying that the M'Kraan gambit had not really been Rachel's idea, but his--but they had flubbed it. Before, the Beyonder had been far more powerful than our entire multiverse. as a help to the upcoming war. A riot at the Kyln set her free. He next visited Peter Parker, of whom he said, "I like you better than anyone I've met!" When they arrive, they see a mysterious figure approaching, Ben Grimm (Thing) has been restored to his original human body. The people of Earth began to worship him for calming the catastrophes, not realizing he had started them in the first place. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. The Torch, tremendously afflicted by the event, became unsure of his role as a hero. [24], In the "Annihilation" crossover story line, the Fallen One, a former Herald of Galactus under the control of Thanos,[25] is sent to investigate the aftermath of the Kyln's destruction by the Annihilation Wave and ascertain the Beyonder's fate. Doom is awaken and is shown the creatures he created while he was sleeping. Then he left the Hulk and entered Spider-Woman, and finally left her and entered Klaw. Muramoto's new band was playing, and the Beyonder and Parker were watching. By overlapping two people's appearances, even if they are disguised, the Astrologer can determine if whether or not the two are the same person. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Spider-Man informs her of the situtation. Right then, some punks tried to mug them. After a fight with the Fantastic Four, he revealed that his mind was actually inhabiting the body of a random stranger, Norm McArthur. The Beyonder was not only imprisoned at the end of the Secret Wars, he was destroyed. At the end, he proclaimed himself "The" Beyonder, freed himself from the House of Ideas, and stated that he would return on his own terms.[9]. Encouraged by his aide, a journalist named Dave, the Beyonder overcame his own doubts. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. The Molecule Man and Marsha Rosenberg also arrived with the intent of stopping the Beyonder. However, he was unharmed, and kept her power from having any effect on the area outside a patch of fused glass perhaps 40 feet in diameter. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. [10] During this time, his powers are briefly stolen by Doctor Doom. Taking his inspiration from Reece, he was going to be human and omnipotent at the same time. The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. Even in this state, however, he was incredibly powerful, having enough strength to at least banish a legion of demons back to Hell in one motion. [10], Ultimately, the Beyonder entered the machine and was transformed by it into a mortal infant and which then began transferring the Beyonder's vast power into this newly created form. (See Powers for a greater explanation of this.) Marsha Rosenberg was born in Denver, Colorado.She was a day care center employee who, along with her friend Skeeter, was among the residents of Denver transported to the Beyonder's "Battleworld" during Marvel Comics' first Secret Wars limited series. His body had been destroyed in a battle with Terrax and the Silver Surfer, and he had transferred his mind to that of an onlooker. He first visited Owen Reece and Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana), since the Molecule Man was one of the only beings anywhere near his power. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. He teleported the two of them back to the heroes' site. Now Galactus emits life all around, as opposed to consuming it. They told the Beyonder not to grant Doom's wish, but he didn't listen, since he thought himself far above them in power and station. Beyonder has Hulk level strength, cellular replication, super durability, and superhuman intelligence. [26] He thereafter encountered a number of costumed adventurers, but found it difficult to understand even to relate to counsel offered him about the nature of life by some of them. He was no longer omnipotent as many initially believed, being an incomplete Cosmic Cube, with less raw power and the same limitations of a complete cube.
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