Uploaded by You can't fight evolution. Mine! Come on. Dory: [Offscreen] A sea monkey has my money. We're gonna have a great jump today! Mr. Salt: Here goes. Construction. Which of these is two cups of blueberries? Let's get to the bottom! Periwinkle: It moved! Oh! Marlin: We need to get to the East Austrailian Current. Me, too. Bruce: Yeah, right. Sort the laundry, socks by two Marlin: No, no. Where are you guys going? Blue: This frickin-he made-half the series . Peach: Potty break! Dory: He says it's time to let go! (barks) Joe: What did Blue and Periwinkle find? Darla: Raah! Gurgle: [Offscreen] He's swimming to the filter! Clue #1: Hi. Hey! ( barks ) Now I can dance at the porridge party. Where are you going? Now, do you all have your friends? I'm dressing up for the porridge party. Hey, tell us a joke. And a half cup of What's this?Viewer: Milk. Joe: Oh, you found a clue? Can you help me? Bobby: Hey, come back. Ha ha ha ha! Dory: And, uh, well, I don't think I've ever eaten a fish. Daizy: Did You See That?, I Clapped My Hands, and Made The Pawprint Dissapear! You helped me play hide-and-seek and find Blue. Second line. . The Voice: Who is this Sandy Plankton who knows everything? Let me flip for you. Bloat: [Offscreen] What are we gonna do when that little brat gets here? ( barking ) Joe: Let's go see what it is. Sign up | Log in. Gill: [Offscreen] He's gonna get flushed down the toilet. While they're doing their silly little impressions, We are miles from home with a fish that can't even remember her name! Ruby: No, you can't! Marlin: We're sorry. Marlin! I'll add the milk and mix it right up. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Bloat: Hedstrom! Marlin: I would feel better if you'd go play over on the sponge beds. For snacks. Wow! First, we'll draw a semi-circle for the bottom of the basket, lines that curve around for the handleand crisscrosses on the side. Children: A Clue!, A Clue! Bye. Mr. Salt: Ohh! Big current. It's our little secret. I'm a piranha. Bruce: [Offscreen] That's all right, Chum. Blue and I are playing hide-and-seek. Mr. Ray: Just the girls this time. 'Blue's Clues' is making a comeback with a new look and new host. We're your conscience. Noggin. You can't touch the tentacles. That we want to do Ooh! No, not the mask! A Clue What Experiment Does Blue Want to Try? Thanks for helping. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Joe: We're so sorry. Joe: Thinking chair. Steve: Time for school! Zuma: Yeah!, We'll Take Turns!, You Go Down The Slide First, Then I'll Go Next! Nemo: Dory, you have to tell everybody to Muno: Do you understand what we're saying to you? Dory: Oh, please, I'm just your little helper. It went this way! Dory: Have you seen an orange fish swim by? You do that and this tank's gonna get filthier and filthier by the minute. [Whimpering], Nigel: I'm so sorry. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Crab: Come on, you guys, stop it! Coral? [Echoing] Okay, let's go. I'll talk! He's scared of the ocean. Nigel: No. Crush: Okay, first, find your exit buddy. ( barks ) [Chuckles] Huh. There's a clue on this cape. Then nothing would ever happen to him. An illustration of a person's head and chest. Bloat: What's happening? [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Joe: Oh, okay. I actually enjoyed that. He never even knew his father! Shh, shh, shh. Daizy: That Song Makes Me Wanna, Get The Mail!, Come On! You know, you've been a big help all day. On September 8, 2021, millennials across the nation found a forgotten face flooding their social media feeds: Steve from Blue's Clues. It's time for school. Joe: Hi, Blue. Murdoch testified that he could hear Trump shouting in the . Ooh! You wouldn't want one of them to pop. Gather. No problem. It's all right. That means it's two cups.. Mr. Salt: The bowl. You're gonna be okay. I forget things almost instantly. But now we know, don't we that we don't want to touch these again. Tickety: He's not coming back. Joe: So, who should we be in the story? Nigel: [Panting] All right. Pelican: Hey, Nigel. Viewer: No, a clue! Nemo: I want to go home. Dory: [Offscreen] Sorry, I was a little vague on the details. Dory: Look. Today's meeting is Step 5: Bring a Fish Friend. Here's what the original host, Steve Burns, did after he quit the show. Blue: ( barks happily ) Viewer: A clue! Joe: Oh, it looks like we need two cups of pancake mix. An illustration of an audio speaker. ( music ends ) That's all that matters. The Fish Tank Gang: Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. You're wasting our time. It does things to you. First a curving shape like this for the head an oval for the body, pointy ears, eyes, and a circle for the nose a curve with some zigzags for the tail, some lines for the legs. All the colors in the rainbow - https://ysab.wistia.com/medias/s4frck1ieh Donald Duck Song - https://ysab.wistia.com/medias/p9qjxqy4p0 Alvin Alda as Hawkeye Pierce - https://ysab.wistia.com/medias/1qkhhjfq9r Broadway and Musical Chairs - https://pff.wistia.com/medias/8vkknfkqdk National Secret - https://pvf-1.wistia.com/medias/sj147uoc4c You Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - https://puf.wistia.com/medias/xdagoerg2z The Who's Pinfall Wizard - https://puf.wistia.com/medias/bqsvz5nig2 Gum - https://ysaahd.wistia.com/medias/hlyr4mpne9. we learn that by doing certain things, we can cause things to happen or make people feel a certain way. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Well, good thing I pulled the right one, eh, Prime Minister? You said you could do it. Gill: Sharkbait, tell your dad I said hi. You're funny, right? (Nick Jr Airing) (05/13/2008) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Volume 90% 22:23 Blue's Clues 5x33 I Did That! Mine! What? Do you want to play Blue's Clues? Marlin: No! Get up! ( barks ) Dory: [Offscreen] Well, then, we got to find a fish that can read this. Please, I don't want that to go away. What ocean big isn't big enough for you all or some like that? Come back here! Dory: No, no. [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: There, there, there. Addeddate 2021-08-25 22:32:51 Identifier 522-i-did-that Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Can't miss it. Joe: You were a huge help. Oh, thanks for helping me by holding my notebook. There's a screaming botton turn, so watch out! Gill: We can't send him to his death. We leave 'em on a beach to hatch, and then, coo-coo-cachoo, they find their way back to the big ol' blue. Joe: Which of these is half a cup of milk? Gill: I want to see him do it. Marlin: Shoo, shoo, shoo! Here this thing has a lifetime guarantee, and it breaks! Gill: [Offscreen] Quick! So, what could Blue need help playing with a wolf and a basket? Dory: [Sighs] I'm glad I got that off my chest. Nice trench. Mr. Salt: Aha! We are looking for Blue's Clues Miss Spider: It Also Makes You Wanna Wail! Daizy: What Do You Think Will Happen?, Let's See. That's how we canhelp Blue play. Blue: ( barks ) Joe: Hi. Dentist: [Laughs] Beauty, isn't he? Bye, Dad! Clean the room, put my toys away Too loud for me! I usually forget things, but I remembered it that time! We swim, swim. Joe: You're welcome. Viewer: A green square. Would you look at that? Dory: Gotta go faster if you want to win! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: "Exuse us, miss, can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?". Just keep on swimmin'. [Panting]. Who's with me? Marlin: You better believe they did. Daizy: Is It Working?, Is Marshall Making You Laugh? A party. Say that with me. Joe: Wait. Ha ha ha ha! I am a bug. Thanks for being Little Red Riding Hood with me. Characters! Hey, hey, hey--. What do you think comes next? We can do anything Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. And he swims up to a sea-- He dosen't swim up, he runs up. Coral: Mm-hmm. Joe: Oh, you see a clue. And that's our first , Viewer: Clue. Who could it be? We did it! Keep swimming! Gurgle: [Offscreen] What a smart little guy! We're gonna be clean! And still young! You're gonnabe fine. Blue Goes to the Beach/Transcript. Daizy: Another Marshall's Clues Day!, Hooray!, Do You Wanna Play Miss Spider: Hi, Ring The Doorbell So Daizy Knows You're Here! I'm going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Steve: [Offscreen] That's great. So, whart are we going to do? That's it! Dory: Wow, a whale, you know, I speak whale. Just finish up here. You're rats with wings! Just keeps going on, dosen't it? Nicholas Bettencourt Daizy: That's Brilliant!, Marshall Wants to Make You Laugh!, We Did That!, We Just Figured Out Marshall's Clues! That sounds like fun. Characters. Crush: So [Sighs] What brings you on this fine day to the E.A.C.? Joe: Oh, we'll help count. It's a job that I can do Bloat: If you are able to swim through the Ring of Fire! Huh? There. Climb aboard, explorers. Oh, now, what do we need- our handy-dandy Are you all okay? Oh, oh, Sandy Plankton saw one. Where's Nemo? Dory: Well, then, how are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot and hope for the best? Dory? Viewer: Notebook. But I need help finishing my button pattern. Tyler: If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny. Sure do! Dory: [Offscreen] Oh, oh. Gurgle: [Offscreen] She wouldn't stop shaking the bag. on August 25, 2021, There are no reviews yet. ( barks ) . The name's Crush. Characters Skidooing Back Home). Peach: [Offscreen] Root canal, and it's a doozy. I remembered it, again! He ties this demon to a rock, and what's his reward? Daddy's here. Viewer: There, on the cape. Um,Exuse me. Mine! Do you want to play Blue's Clues? Viewer: There. Bruce: Great! Got it. Not the trash can! Peach: Root canal, and boy the looks of those x-rays, it's nog going to be pretty. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Gingerbread Boy: Hi. Ages 3+ Specifications Number of Pieces: 14 B. Bedtime Business/Transcript. Audio. Blue's Clues! Dentist: Leave it open, would you? Marlin: Thanks, Steve. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Bob: Hey, you're all doing pretty well for a first-timer. Joe: You found our second clue, and it's on this basket, huh. Very carefully, wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning. Okay, no one there. If we ask it directions, it could ingest is and spit out our bones! We have to find the boat! Everything's gonna be all right! Some sort of sport fish? And your father! You offended him. An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine. Mr. Salt: "Can You Help?" NPR's Scott Simon talks with Josh Dela Cruz about what it's like solving mysteries with an animated dog. You want a piece of me? Viewer: There, that one. Joe: Oh, Blue loves blueberry pancakes. The big blue. He's a good guy. I know one joke. She's going to be eight this week. Blue's clues! An illustration of a heart shape; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; . So just give me some fin. It's time for school, time for school, time for school, time for school. Hello, how about you guys, mate? Deema: Yeah!, You Rolled Your Car Into My Blocks and Knocked Them Down, Wubbzy, That Made Me Mad! It's you! This tank'll get plenty dirty in that time, but we have to help it along any way we can. Mr. Ray: Don't worry. So, count to three Dory: Okay! You gotta try this! Nigel: All right, Gerald. Joe: Notebook, right to draw the clue. Steve: Do you want this anemone to sting you? Dory: Something about tentacles. ( barks ) Joe: It is an egg in a nest. Nigel: He's been favoring that one. Darn kids. Where? Gill: Can you hear me, Sharkbait? No hurlin' on the shell, dude, okay? You cannot post new topics in this forumYou cannot reply to topics in this forumYou cannot edit your posts in this forumYou cannot delete your posts in this forumYou cannot post attachments in this forum, 2000-2023 Forever Dreaming. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I was aiming for the toilet. Facebook. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. All: One, Two, Three! ( clears throat ) Mr. Salt: What's next? You got a problem, guys? Dory: Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills, when life gets you down, know what you got to do? Characters, and Marlin: [Screaming]. You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo! Hey, hey, hey! Josh: We did it. Bubbles: Bubbles! [Baby talk]. Dragon: All right. Do you? Shane: So, just then, the sea cucmber looks over to the mollusk and says, "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?". You feel a break? ( barking excitedly ) There's nothing to worry about. Come on, go. Wait right here. That's the East Australian Current. We're gonna stay together as a group. Reckon somebody ought to help the poor guy. Keep it right there. Nigel: Your dad's been fighting the entire ocean, looking for you. Gurgle: Gill, please. Did you see what I did? See? Foofa: I Did That, I Made Baby Duck Mad, Now What Should I Do?, Oh Yeah!, I Could Do That!, Here, Baby Duck!, I'm Sorry I Took Your Toy and Made You Mad. The phone sound clue clip is mostly similar to the episode. The first day of school. "Es-cap-e." I wonder what that means. ( smacking ) Ohh. Toons vs. Villains (Monsters vs. Aliens; 2009), Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends TV Spoofs. Characters Skidooing Into Finding Nemo), Nick Jr. Face: We're Inside Disney and Pixar's "Finding Nemo!". (kids sit at the tv seeing Josh playing guitar) Marlin: Well, you can't hold on to them forever, can you? My name is Marlin. Crush: Curl away, my son. Mr. Salt: Can you help us? Pearl: See this tentacle? The sad characters in this episode are Frankie, Sidetable Drawer, and Blue. Joe: Yeah, sure, we'll help. Stay awake! [Gasping] Hey, wait! Chum: Oh, Iseem to have misplaced my friend. [Panting] Love you, Guys. we learn that by doing certain things, we can cause things to happen or make people feel a certain way. Gingerbread: Now I'm all ready for the party! Just keep swimming! Potty break! Hold on, wait to cross. Marlin: No! We're really smart. Nigel: Aw, Would you just shut up?!
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