She also wears dark blue jeans with several small tears and white shoes. As the group reconnects, they are excited that they were able to find Mitch and Tiff's abandoned boat, and decide to use it as an escape vehicle. The next morning, Dave and Roxie leave the boys alone for what they think will only be a few hours, hoping to contact Claire Dearing regarding her concerns about camp. Darius and Brooklyn tackled Hunter but Landon's men arrested them. Darius ignores him for being a loner, so they walk past him, unaware that there is a second individual. They begin to roar, chasing the children. Unlike Dr. Grant, Darius accidentally lost his necklace. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Fortunately, the group is saved when Sammy uses one of the damaged BRADs to injure and scare off the raptors. He arrives at the Genetics Laboratory, where they are introduced to Dr. Henry Wu. Darius and Brooklynn are separated from the other campers. When Kenji is unable to get Rebel to calm down, Brooklynn asks him what is going on. She had acquired the spot by being a famous social media personality, and was focused on getting content for her social media, usually interviewing other kids. Darius and Ben head back to Mae's. Gender After that Darius and Kenji return to camp, as the group reconnects at camp, each reporting to the other group of their various successes in their objectives. What Happened To Camp Cretaceous' Kids After Jurassic - ScreenRant Brooklynn is led by Sammy to a lab, where they find the "E750" room and several pre-recorded videos from Dr. Wu, revealing the eponymous creature to be an aggressive hybrid dinosaur known as the "Scorpios rex". Back at the dock, Darius and Kenji have a conversation on the yacht, with Darius assuring him that Kenji is a good friend to them. The Kids Are Rescued In Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Season 2. Brooklynn is helping Darius patching up the hole at first, but is then drawn away by Sammy, After being requested by Sammy to help her find out why Mantah Corp sent her here, in order to protect her family, Brooklynn agrees to help. Other than her phone addiction, she is a generally friendly and slightly rebellious person but has a bad habit of unnecessarily snooping around and getting her nose into other peoples businesses. After being reunited with Ben, he is overjoyed that he is still alive. The group mourns their fallen friend, as several of them descend in grief. But in the process, Kenji reveals to viewers, . Darius x Brooklyn [Camp Cretaceous] - YouTube In season 2, Darius is still trying to be a leader of the others. Narrowly escaping the predator, the group celebrates that they are finally going home, as the monorail continues toward the south docks. The campers ponder the hybrid's possible weaknesses and conclude that the animal has an eye for fire, despite the others' strong doubts that it will work. The ceiling collapses, crushing the Scorpios inside it to death while the kids and Blue managed to get out in time. . Later, Ben and Darius follow Bumpy and find a group of Ankylosaurus who eventually adopted her into their herd. After Darius is captured by Kash, the group looks to Brooklynn to call the shots, which makes her the leader in Darius's absence. Darius goes to get more water for Kenji's shower, but calls out to the group when he discovers that the creek has apparently dried up. The 6 then take Mae somewhere where they won't be seen. The two quickly run through the forest, managing to evade the Carnotaurus by using the environment to their advantage. They realize that the place is a veterinary clinic and decide to free the dinosaurs since they were abandoned. After Kenji trips on a piece of metal the following morning, the group then follows it to an invisible wall which opens to reveal a metal hallway, much to their shock. Darius, Sammy and Yaz with Mitch and Tiff go back to camp only to see Brooklynn and Kenji gone. In season 5, she's the least willing to accept Kenji's betrayal and heartbroken to see him smiling while controlling Toro. At the dock, the group boards the boat as Ben stays behind. [2] He becomes one of the campers at Jurassic World's Camp Cretaceous. As Darius, Brooklynn and Kenji exit the Penthouse they are saved by Ben, Yaz and Sammy driving a limousine found in the garage, they manage to escape the dinosaurs with Bumby and return to the dock. While the five head to the Med bay to save the younger dinosaurs with Darius's assistance, Darius keeps Kash busy with video gaming. Letting the food thaw attracts the Compys, and they are forced to throw it away to draw attention away from themselves. While walking through the jungle, Kenji and Darius have a hard time getting through the jungle. The group questions their apparent rescuers, the first two being Mitch and Tiff, a married couple and ecotourists, and the other man Hap, their tour guide. As the campers investigate, they determine that there is a large hole in the side of the yacht. Darius was born sometime in 2003. Excited at the prospect of rescue, the group runs to the campfire. Mitch and Tiff prepare to shoot, but Darius decides to alert the dino by whistling to avoid being killed. Based on the fact that season 4 ended on a cliffhanger suggests that more is in store. As the campers take a sundowner, Brooklynn repairs fences with Sammy over the stolen phone. They both drink from the watering hole, taking in the scene around them, and Kenji finally admits that he enjoys it. They then see up ahead, that the Pteranodons are attacking another monorail that has broken down in the middle of the track. Darius tells him to check here first and says that baby dinos can't work elevators, in order for the others not to be caught. When they find what they need, a Monolophosaurus tries to break into the attic, and they barely manage to close the door, blocking to buy time. After overhearing his conversation with the mercenaries, the trio surmised that Wu wanted to retrieve his private laptop containing his Scorpios rex research so he could make more hybrid dinosaurs. After being successful, Mr. DNA appeared announcing that he was the first winner of the game won Darius the chance to attend "Camp Cretaceous", a summer camp program at Jurassic World. The campers are then attacked by the Mosasaurus who destroys the ship, which leads to the campers being swept away onto an island not on Coasta Rica. Darius (Paul-Mikel Williams) and Brooklyn (Jenna Ortega) were racing to get away from the T. Rex when the creature heard the sounds of Jack (the guy who gets swallowed whole by the Mosasaurus in . Fortunately, Brooklynn realizes her mistake and apologizes, which leads to Sammy agreeing to work with her again. Darius and Kenji head into the biome, but not before Kenji reveals he and Brooklynn are a couple, much to Darius's shock and happiness. Mitch confirms that they didn't come because he received the distress beacon, the dinosaurs being their true target, Mitch states that he wants to preserve the memory of Jurassic World by hunting them down. Luckily they regroup with them after the sandstorm ends. Brooklynn is the first character in the franchise to have gay parents. The four eventually make it to Main Street, arousing the hunters' suspicions. Brooklynn and the other two who were left behind run away from Rexy, being chased all the way to Main Street, before the dinosaur gets distracted. Realizing that the hybrids method of reproduction and their extreme aggression would have catastrophic results for Isla Nublar and her dinosaurs, Darius and Ben decide to find a way to stop them and tells Ben that they will go back to where it all began, as he will. Brooklynn wouldn't accept this, gets a Gyrosphere, then run over the hunters. She became suspicious of him, and tried to break into his yurt, but this caused the alarm to go off and nearly resulted in a fight. His friend is in shock at the revelation but then hugs him. Ben, Bumpy, BUMPY BEN CAMP CRETACEOUS, Camp Cretaceous Darius Kenji Ben Jaz Bumpy. The Scorpios circle the pack looking for an opportunity, even as Darius stops Ben from running to Bumpy's defense, but the Scorpios finally give up and leave. She is constantly taking videos and photos. The group begins to cheer and they prepare to leave for Costa Rica. Darius Bowman | Heroes Wiki | Fandom As they fight, Ben and Darius take shelter in the nearby limousine, which the campers took from Kenji's father's penthouse in hopes of seeking shelter. If these heights are real then the adults are giants. She had acquired the spot by being a famous social media personality, and was focused on getting content for her social media, usually interviewing other kids. The van is quickly destroyed by the Indominus rex, and the group is forced to briefly hide among the shipping containers as the dinosaur stalks them. Before bedtime, campers see the herbivorous dinosaurs as they are led to their enclosures, and everyone gets a chance to zip-line and settle into their camp bunks that night. When they first meet Brooklynn and other campers considered him a nerd, but instead of just calling him a nerd she made up the nickname "Dino Nerd". Brooklynn confronts and publicly accuses Sammy again in front of the group, demanding his phone back and revealing his previous forays into park security. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous Review (Spoiler-Free) Darius and the group leave her to go with Mitch and Tiff, even when Brooklynn is alone with Kenji at camp. Distrusting Mae, along with discovering that Mae works for Mantah Corp, Kenji, Brooklynn, Ben, and Yasmina head to an area that Mae specifically told them not to go, while Darius and Sammy stay and keep Mae busy. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous tells the story of Darius Bowman and five other teenagers, Ben, Yaz, Brooklynn, Kenji, and Sammy, who all win a trip to the titular Camp Cretaceous on Isla Nebular. They run through the jungle, chased by a stampede of Brachiosaurs, as they try to escape but fail, and Darius narrowly escapes being trampled by Ben. Dr. Wu initially stops Brooklynn from recording in the lab. The children conclude that they are not here to rescue them, then spot another helicopter and follow it, hoping it is the one carrying the other campers. Darius and Brooklynn are separated from the group and encounter the Sinoceratops. The first attempt apparently fails, before causing a huge explosion half a minute later and the resulting explosion successfully drove the hybrid away from Yaz after she obtained the antidote. The group runs to the old kitchen. As they continue on their way, Kenji steps forward and states that he must make decisions as he is leadership material, then quickly delegates all responsibility to Darius. Yaz tries to pressure them to leaving which upsets them and they try to stop her, which leads to their snowmobile going into the ice cold water. But then when they see a flock of Dimorphodons, Bumby attacks one in self-defense as he tries to attack the kids, and the trio manage to scare him off. Darius tries to inject the chip while the Spino is sleeping, but it wakes up and chases him with the BRAD-X also chasing him. They watch as the Mosasaurus eats a man trying to escape on a helicopter, then run to try to find their fellow campers. They don't get far as Sammy is knocked down by a case and the others are quickly grabbed. While the six are attacked by some Ouranosauruses, they run back to the boat and use fireworks to scare them away. The Scorpios Rex stalks the perimeter of the camp, brushes against the electrified fence and flails, attacking the fence and causing the campers to scream. She had told Mantah Corp no, but had contacted the agent herself, not wanting her family to lose everything. Finding it locked, they realize they have to get out of the train to access it. After the campers were saved by Hap, Mitch, and Tiff, Brooklynn tried to talk to Hap, but he harshly rebuked her and nearly stole her keycard. Almost a month later, the group managed to make a functional shelter, complete with a working shower, that is safe from most predators. The campers are immediately found by Dave and Roxie, who proceed to admonish them for their actions and the danger they were in. Darius gets the idea to build a tree house and Yaz creates a drawing for it. Just then, two park staff members approach the tower and attempt to alert them to the out-of-containment asset. After heading into another room, the Spinoceratops Brooklynn and Kenji brought in damages the fuse and completely shuts off the power. She is also not very knowledgeable about school buildings, having never been in one before. Forcing him and Yaz to leave Brooklynn behind. March 3 ^ Also DM me on discord if you want this custom music. Inadvertently Tiff calls Hap on the radio to inform them of the change in plans. After saving Pierce, the 6 campers run to the plane, but unfortunately arrive too late. The animated science-fiction series, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, has debuted season 4 on Netflix. Brooklynn | Heroes Wiki | Fandom Jurassic World Dominion will connect to Camp Cretaceous | Brooklynn sneaks into the office to try to search the contents of his lab. When Mitch and Tiff catch up to them, they begin to threaten them, but at that point Mitch reports that the tablet says there's a herd of dinosaurs on the way and the hunters run away, even as the kids panic, trying to turn the Gyrosphere back on. Arriving at the dock, Kenji brings up the idea of having a yacht party for the group, even as the rest of them agree. Darius and Brooklynn force open elevator doors to go down the shaft. She, among the others, made it up the steps and into the monorail train, away from danger. After that Darius has a nightmare that Ben is still alive and he blames him and wakes up sweating for Yaz. Additionally, considering that season 4 arrived just six months after the finale of season 3, fans should expect season 5 to arrive around spiring/summer 2022. The dinosaur limping away, and a hole blown open, they are finally at the docks. After a great deal of time had passed, Darius and the rest of the campers, minus Bumpy, finally left the island on a small makeshift raft; but this was cut short when a huge wave destroyed their raft and swept them back to shore. Darius Bowman | Jurassic Park Wiki | Fandom Unsure what to do, the others turn to Brooklynn to advise, who suggests they destroy the drones. Eventually, the others return and Yasmina gives Sammy the antidote. Darius finally reunites with Ben, but is worried about Bumpy's whereabouts and tells Darius to go back to the boat if he wants, but he follows. The group would find a van and decide to use it to get to the lab with Bumpy accompanying them, but they are attacked by the Indominus. The episode begins with the helicopter ordering the children to return to the island, Kenji cheers, though Darius remains hesitant. Does Kenji like Brooklyn in Camp Cretaceous? Darius' signature color initially appears to be yellow/gold due to the jacket he initially wears. They run into Darius first and warn him. Darius suggests feeding him Sinoceratops, but Sammy refuses. Bowman (mother)Brandon Bowman (brother)Kenji Kon (adoptive brother) The campers eventually determine that the beacon was contained within a broken pole that Rexy had dragged into the T. rex Kingdom, where it nests making a nest. She also tells Darius and Kenji about some mysterious events she uncovered at Lockwood Manor and says the two should take a look at it. As the Compy returns to his pen, Darius protests that he didn't take a closer look, but Dave tells him that they will soon. They realize that they can make it to the ferry if they leave immediately, and the group reluctantly agrees as they believe Ben is dead. . However, Fredrick became seriously ill. For the next several weeks, Darius stayed with his father, who, in his final moments, told him that things don't always turn out the way you want them, that "everything falls apart" but to go ahead with his dreams and pursue them no matter what. After noticing that Kash escaped Mae's place, Darius and Kenji head to the compound, where Darius hides from Kash and his boss and overhears the boss say they are going to take Pierce to a new biome and use him as food. While Kash is on the phone with his boss, Darius removes the wound from Big Eatie she sustained from Pierce during the fight, and is ready to escape in an elevator but stops when Kash gets off the phone. Brooklynn again tries to break into Hap's yurt, but is caught and detained. Just then, the campers realize that the explosion created an exit passageway, they exit the tunnel branch and run towards the docks only to see that the ferry has already left leaving Darius and the other campers stranded on Isla Nublar and marking the start of Season 2. Jurassic Park Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. By the end of the season however, his friendship with Kenji is strained, due to the latter being angry at him for putting Brooklynn's life at risk. After Brooklynn and Sammy went to investigate E750 (Scorpios rex) Kenji informs Yaz that the compass is broken they suddenly run into a compy, which Kenji briefly distracts with a coin. They all jump, somehow surviving the harsh landing, and scattered from Bumpy, and what they presume the body of Ben. There, she once again discovered something strange: a grove of flowers that are frozen in the center. Darius runs to investigate, after the group hears something big crash into the monorail. After Kenji lashes out at Darius, Brooklynn goes to comfort him. The pilot manages to free the helicopter and the dinosaur eats the mercenary as the helicopter flies away with Kenji, Sammy, and Ben on board, leaving Darius, Yaz, and Brooklynn behind to fend for themselves against the massive predator. He is then informed of Roxie and Dave's warnings to stay at the camp. This feels like the simplist way the directors could find to fix the whole Darius and Kenji argument and it seems dumb. The group decides to throw a party inside their camp, even as Kenji introduces them to music from a tape recorder he found to be Dave's. At that moment, two employees arrive and alert them to come down. They then see a woman, much to their shock. The group uses their flashlights to try to distract the Pteranodons. Darius barely manages to escape and get on the boat, just as Kenji steers the boat to safety, but they soon realize that the Ouranosaurs can swim and are attacking the boat. Brooklyn and the group then expends the remaining gas on the boat to go to Kenji's Dad's penthouse, to look for supplies for the hole in the boat. According to Hap, she has more sense than Kenji and Ben combined, which seems to be true as seen from the smart decisions she made when regarding Haps loyalty. Darius mentions the possibility of an antidote, and Brooklynn remembers a video of the lab, where there is a potential antidote, and Yaz volunteers to go find it. After putting gas in the boat, the boys use caulk to patch the hole with a food tray, however Darius points out that the caulk takes 48 hours to dry. After the incident at Mantah Corp Island, she and the rest of the Nublar Six have kept in contact where it's revealed Brooklynn changed her hairstyle and is currently dating Kenji. Brooklynn is known for her highly successful social media presence. Darius is upset that he left his necklace in his bunker. However, before they can, some helicopters appear ordering them to return to the island and Darius wondering "who are they?". The group is then sucked into a side tunnel by a strong current, which expels them into the Mosasaurus lagoon. Darius has a close relation to his older brother Brandon despite the latter sometimes making fun of him. Mitch tries to bargain with him, asking him to get out of the way and even offering to save him. During their walk back, Brooklynn criticizes Wu for creating monsters and tells him about their encounter with the Scorpios rex. Back at camp, Darius soothes old memories as he and Kenji wait for the sealer on the can to dry. Rexy corners Darius and Brooklynn, but is distracted by the sound of a voice over the bullhorn coming from Main Street.
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