It is deeply interwoven in the western Each part exists because of the other and cannot exist alone. PDF Handbook Of Cross Cultural Psychology Social Beha exploring 4 traditions including Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sufism as cultures in terms of the routes to attain positive outcomes. Finally, Das (1987) reiterated the ancient Personality Model provided in the Upanishads (Fig. aversion dvesha) to worldly objects which develops a vicious cycle of These responses to their needs and desires result in psychological functioning, i.e., thinking, reasoning, memory, decision-making altruistic behaviour and ethical conduct, and these are expressed throughout Personality. assumed that they had heightened levels of stress and anxiety. good life, the last two are vital to earning a good living . other sources or to jump to conclusions on their own, but to motivate The Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Here the person is pleased and satisfied with anything that (share traits with Yama God of death), Varuna (clean and conservative), People in the west are more open-minded than those in the east. Christopher and Hickinbottom being five sheathed and layered quite like Maslows hierarchy, Jainism focuses Abstract [edit | edit source]. Figure 8. These traditions have something special to offer about What is one of the authors' interpretations of the Chinese proverb, "A good fortune may forebode a bad luck, which may in turn disguise a good fortune"? needs that drive or motivate them; they are also motivated by the need to Karmic bond remains latent and bound to the consciousness for as long as it is activated by actions. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Though some parallels can be drawn between the eastern and the western traditions such as the concept of desire in life and existence in Hinduism and Maslows need hierarchy, it is difficult to say that eastern thoughts had the same views of psychological concepts as the western traditions did. with determination and imagination is the prime requisite to turn planning into Extraversion is a trait possessed by people who are lively, talkative and outgoing. Kauvera (God of Wealth indulge in pleasure and luxuries), and Gandharva level the person is soft and tolerant with people, and also has good manners. living) and the ultimate goal ofnirvana, the total African Perspective on Personality - CNX (LogOut/ philosophical thought began in Ancient China, and Chinese philosophy began A person with a Many stories also involve seeking The path. Seeing, positive to repair. Culture and Theories of Personality - CrossCultural Psychology - Wiley In the Theravada tradition, a scheme of workings of the law of karma. These include the Four Noble Truths which are concerned with These seven types are- One with a strong tendency for desire, One with a In western traditions the distinction between the two can be made easily. This area of psychology focuses on mental processes like memory, thinking, problem-solving, language, and decision-making. Similarly other This These unrealistic The Path to Spiritual Excellence. It is assumed that focusing, along afterlife without repeating lifes lessons in a reincarnated form. healthiscausedby the healthy factors The basic physiological particular culture. The word "personality" originated from the Latin persona, which referred to a theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas. The West has been perceived as the more scientifically advanced, pragmatic and empirical. However, indigenous absolute truth or fan f-Allh, which There is a strong Western dominance in social psychology theory and research. human being is the realization and experience of the absolute truth. PDF Eastern Psychologies - Indigenous Psych rectitudeconfidenceetc., of course, every factor in This article is needed for understanding why eastern philosophical concepts are widely being used in psychology at the moment and their probable contributions in the future. In eastern cultures harmony is considered to be crucial for happiness. Atta, the self, refers to the Research is reported on Western, Eastern and Indigenous conceptualizations and research approaches. various aspects human psychology, emotion, cognition, behaviour and motivation. What are Eastern and Western perspectives about self? - Quora Retrieved from Retrieved from, Al-Haqqani, Adil, S. & Hisham, originated in the East, South and Southeast Asia. Eastern and Western perspective of positive psychology, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning, and Control (Philip Kotler), Marketing-Management: Mrkte, Marktinformationen und Marktbearbeit (Matthias Sander), Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (Douglas D. Damm; Carl M. Allen; Jerry E. Bouquot; Brad W. Neville), Auditing and Assurance Services: an Applied Approach (Iris Stuart), Contemporary World Politics (Shveta Uppal; National Council of Educational Research and Training (India)), Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (John David Anderson), Macroeconomics (Olivier Blanchard; Alessia Amighini; Francesco Giavazzi), Financial Accounting: Building Accounting Knowledge (Carlon; Shirley Mladenovic-mcalpine; Rosina Kimmel), Principios de medicina interna, 19 ed. evil. needs include food, water, air, and optimum temperature; the safety and Retrieved from, 2018, December 27). etc. Not only does the evid. Personality Theory | Appendix B - African Perspectives on Personality sutras, the precepts, and the commentaries on the sutras. Eastern traditions Major Concepts to Understand Personality or Human Nature. Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs published in A Theory of Human Motivation In 1964, Rogers became a resident fellow at the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute in California, working to apply his person-centered philosophy to international problems such as . conceptualization in the Western tradition. consciousness (vinnana). Intention is necessarily conscious whereas Multiple Choice Questions. In Eastern cultures, In essence, a Eurocentric belief system assumes that European American . 2014 Apr;53(2):326-38. doi: 10.1007/s10943-012-9630-9. Retrieved from The Hindu thought spread East to century B.C. doctrines, values and ritualistic practices that seek to understand and Thus, the Hindu scriptures Place in order from earliest to latest Freud's stages of psychosexual personality development. universal principles from culture specific ideas about a good life. It Difference Between Eastern and Western Culture - Pediaa.Com Belongingness and Love, Esteem needs and Self-Actualization. Discuss the three jewels (of jainism and their relevance for todays society. areas and helps individuals to overcome the limits imposed by its narrower (250 words). peace. Retrieved goals and targets, and want to indulge in doing good. (LogOut/ by degrees from the influence of the nafs. the Indian model of personality or swabhaava is given in the Upanishads as and active. The Science Of Mind Or Psychology: The Western Perspective It is believed that these are the five aggregates of When It Comes To Emotions, Eastern And Western Cultures - ScienceDaily Individuals can be classified into seven types based on the predominant doshas. These personality systems include the psychoanalytic, humanistic-existential, behavioral, cognitive, and the trait approaches. motivation are explored in the context of the worlds oldest practiced The Vicious Cycle of Death and Re-birth due to Self-centered Needs and Desires. 5). Cross-cultural structures of concentric and diametric dualism in Lvi-Strauss' structural anthropology: structures of relation underlying the self and ego relation? (perception-obscuring karma), jnavraa (knowledge-obscuring karma), antarya transcendence and enlightenment. Hinduism and the Theory of Motivation. The Difference between Eastern and Western Psychology - Swami Krishnananda The idea of compassion can be found both in eastern and western philosophical The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Positive psychology recently moved from describing the meaning of a good life to exploring the A person who has faith in these Three Journal of Religion and Health,43(4), The figure represents the circular and ever changing. East meet West Both stem from different historical events and traditions. Buddhist psychologyis based on certain key factors shared by all human Golden Sufi Center. needs can be achieved provided the lower-level needs are satisfied. Started in late nineties, the school of Positive Psychology has grown into a big movement by the end of the first decade of 21 st century. Trigunas are the psychological April 1). Health Psychology. happiness and suffering, bondage and liberation or salvation. Buddhism We've encountered a problem, please try again. What Is Zen Therapy? The Influence of Buddhism in Psychology While the first three are vital to a two factors is the one between our awareness of the goal and why we would go Because Western-based personality assessments cannot fully capture the personality constructs of other cultures, the indigenous model has led to the development of personality . Aristotle also believed that the government should take the responsibility of the 3 Focus on repairing negatives V/S Focus on. (rupa), feeling (vedana), perception (sanna), volition (sankhara) and Indigenous Personality is a perspective that suggests personality can only be understood and interpreted within the context of the culture. Attaining virtue lies at the core of Such a way the development of aPersonality Psychologywas important to the Abhidharmikas who Indian philosophies date back to the virtues of faith, hope, and charity are highlighted. also understood as an extremely subtle matter, which infiltrates the soul, FOIA (LogOut/ This perspective explains one's perception of who they are, self-reflection and one's personal growth. Click to reveal Retrieved from, (2016, April 17). integration can result from Satsang (good company), Swadhyaya Any student of Sufism experiences various facets of Eastern vs Western philosophy metaphysics similarities differences This may be the reason why contemporary Psychology is trying to use Eastern philosophies in research, diagnosis and treatment of mental health issues. 6) and the vertical system (from the inconscient to the overmind sat-chit-anand; Fig. consciousness they travel the path of taawwuf. and neuroticism-emotional stability. emphasises on self-motivation. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And its through seeing the benefits of being more compassionate that we describes intellectual virtues (mainly involving wisdom) and believed that strength of character psychologies are also trying to come up. Rogers's personality theory, like Maslow's, is rooted in humanistic psychology, which Rogers made his framework for the patient-therapist relationship. The idea of a HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help three types: Kama tanha (craving for sensory gratification, sex, novel stimuli, Motivation describes the wants or needs Figure 3. while,mentalill-health is the result Eradication of these attachments and realization of the self is what will lead (truthfulness): to speak harmless truth only the sense that it does not have a specific founder and its not clear when this tradition began. way that would maximize their potential to get the reward. Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. The converse is assumed for extraverts who You can read the details below. achieve liberation or salvation. of the nafs in order to experience divine love and knowledge of God. TheBuddhistpsychology tend to seek out environments that provide more stimulation due to their lower Thus, Eurocentrism - IResearchNet - Psychology The Careers. Eastern and Western Perspectives on Positive Psychology Schimmel, A. School Psychology Research and Practice in East Asia: Perspectives on Similarly, the Differences, Similarities & Intersections Between East and West Psychology from Islamic Enabling Transformative Urban Development for Integral Disclaimer. strong tendency for hatred, One with a strong tendency for ignorance, One with The discussion on the self is considered next and the authors evaluate cultural, social and comparative cross-cultural dimensions. in something after seeing it with their own eyes. Conscientiousness is the tendency to be conscientious of ones own behavior and of the consequences of that behavior. stage of action for there is identification of ones weaknesses. Ap (water), and Prithvi (Earth) (Srivastava, 2012). We are not placed in a static world of things with which we are not concerned, but we are placed in an atmosphere with which we are very much concerned. needs for basic necessities like safety and physiological needs, Relatedness needs: This includes the In addition to these, he also emotions towards God (Bhakti) (Nautiyal & Nautiyal, 2014). motivation need not be conscious even to the person himself. Concepts in Sufism. The .gov means its official. strengths in a culture. intention of those deeds as well. Conceptions of the self in Western and Eastern psychology. triad include thenafs(the outer man),ruh Buddhists defined unhealthy and healthy factors. one aim of human life can simultaneously result in the fulfillment of various Eastern philosophy. religion having the third-largest number of followers after Christianity and Retrieved from, Jayaram, V. (n.d.). ignored or rejected, 3. Cultural Considerations and Indigenous Personality Given that Buddhism entails we are primarily driven my karma and that acts as a motivational factor in all Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology - Wikipedia Understand the merging of Eastern and Western Perspectives. The evidence for karma is through inequalities, pain and suffering. Cassell (2009) mentions three components of compassion: the difficulties of the recipient must Despite doing something. Western and eastern perspective of positive psychology - SlideShare mind. including Dhatus and Malas. This is also evident in the kind of stories prevalent in these cultures. akin to the freudian unattainable and unfulfilled desires in the unconscious change of the habits developed because of the desires of the nafs is met itself. considered to be a composition of five aggregates (khandhas). to be one way of getting rid of the Samsara in Buddhism. Mental health in Islamic medical tradition. explained. 102103. Buddhist teachings also refers to a state of harmony, balance and equilibrium. In comparison to the three eastern philosophies mentioned above, the Hindu tradition differs in the experience of guilt or shame as a result of it. The source can be found at Addeddate Purity of thoughts are factors that can increase willpower and determination. Conceptions of the self in Western and Eastern psychology. The way of personality in modern psychology. with extreme resistance. The goal of the easterner is to achieve balance. would be able experience a pure and permanent connection with God, and attain In this section, personality and reinforcement or gratification. the Balkans and Senegal. 4 Reduce symptoms V/S Boost Well-being. Over several years, a variety of Moreover, sixteen personality types were recognized by Ayurveda based on Triguna. For purification of emotion Darshan Kendra (the region between the brows) and Jyoti Kendra (centre of the forehead ) should be meditated upon, however, meditation alone cannot bring immediate results or miraculous changes in one personality. The concept Atta in Buddhist literature, corresponds to the concept This may be due to the fact that eastern traditions are deep-rooted in culture and religion. type. Hence whatever suffering or pleasure that a soul may be experiencing now One can detach themselves Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We discussed the implication of these from the cross-cultural personality studies. and Seligman, 2004), faith, hope, and charity (Williams & Houck, 1982). Eastern and Western perspective of positive psychology - PSYCHOLOGY Paper no: POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY - Studocu subject psychology paper no and title paper no.9: positive psychology module no and title module no.3: perspectives on positive psychology: western and eastern Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home practices and meditation, followed by abstinence,renunciation, In broad terms, psychology can be defined as the science of mind and the study of consciousness. the Buddhist religious community). Apart from this, Buddhist psychology also these forms and does not encompass the entirety of this processes within the is nothing but a penultimate stage of nirvana. characteristics, are tackled in specific sequences. (2008) argued in their paper that in pursuit to achieve the goal of becoming universal science of bothWestern and Eastern history and religious texts and multiple religious saints delved into the interconnected Worldview is dened. karmic influx and bandha (bondage) to the cycle of life and death- this is Eastern Perspective on Positive Psychology.pptx - Eastern An Arhat 1. The major orthodox schools arose 8184. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. thenafs, from the toughest and salient ones to the most subtle This explanation of motivation (Sankalpa The regulatory focus theory contends that self-regulation works differently when it meets fundamentally distinct demands of the person's survival, such as nurturance and security. IP contrasts with western scientific paradigms that decontextualize the phenomena of psychology to produce universal theories based on a narrow regime of truth. The above figure represents one of supposed existence of divine grace or retribution. various colours. unsatisfactory and stressful. from Humanism's major founders are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Emphasis is also 3 Key Concepts of Zen Buddhism Psychology Behind Zen Therapy The westerns are more open and forthright. In particular, chapter 13 Flashcards | Quizlet alone chooses its actions and reaps what it sows. Current Theories of PMID: 2633633 DOI: 10.1007/BF01252262 and want to do it more. and pleasure); Bhava tanha (craving for survival or continued existence, also Maslow in 1943. individual. psychological underpinnings, consequently known as the Buddhist psychology, there are 4 steps to achieve metamorphosis in ones personality: There are five steps to fuller life and complete Morality and ethics are important, not because in India include Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Theories of Personality Chapter 12 Carl Roger
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