61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important. There was a shooting today in a predominantly black neighborhood where 13 people were shot by a young white male, the white male is claiming he was driven by the great replacement theory, of course I dont condone his violent act but it doesnt take much for The Fringe to react, these commercials that have erased the strong white male in our society will push many white males over the edge and into acts of violence against those they feel replaced by. Very clear & accurate message!! Its gotten so bad that I mute commercials, look the other way, or change the channel now. Everybody knows black people dont go hiking in Sedona and the Grand Canyon and go skiing and mountain biking and four wheeling, and their households never look like the ones on TV theyre filthy and full of rage and violence thats where their kids learn it and grow up to be criminals! Its been that way for ages. Strong, smart and other traits are totally INDIVIDUAL traits. Thats why I rely on you, my astute Cranky readers, who have never let me down! The organizations (both foreign and domestic) behind this arent even attempting to hide their intentions anymore. As is Jardiance Ron. Hes whiter than just about any white person you know. I dont care if you want to throw in a black family here and there on TV but leaving out all whites and other races for that matter, is not diversity! How many movies are made now featuring men (and some women) in their 70s as the action hero lead? Who would we need to contact to bring this to their attention? These cookies allow us to improve the sites functionality by tracking usage on this website. Thanks Madge, you nailed it. Its usually because no one on the marketing campaign asked POC hikers about their hiking experiences. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. Its so common that you just eat your breakfast and go hm why dont those people in those neighborhoods do something about that? Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. 3. And if many people still choose not to intermarry, so be it. The constant agitation created by brands, ad agencies and politicians and social-media crybabies and on and on and on is stressing people out, playing on anxieties, and ultimately, forming divisions among people and cracks in the culture. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? I remember in 1987 when Grand Metropolitan from Britain paid the astounding amount of $12 billion dollars for the Pillsbury company. For some, it is a crutch. 5% dont practice any religion. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? Only virtue-signaling organizations do.). And the Asian mixes. Sure, theres probably a small percentage of black and brown folks who live that way, but it seems a cheat, disingenuous and just plain lazy. But if they are patient enough, they will finally find this one As a Communications major in college in the early 70s, Public Relations courses I took stressed the importance of quickly putting a lid on any negative news on your client company, being transparent in what happened, getting it quickly under control, and telling the public how you were correcting the situation. Of course posters, marketing, etc would be mostly white if the country was mostly white. But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. Yes it is the Democrats doing this because all white people are racist. Not true. Beautifully written! Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. I am so sick of this bullshit diversity. Thank God for the mute button. generally, its ridiculous. Without a doubt, traditional (read: European, white, Christian) values are under attack and the war is now out in the open. Are black people the only ones who blow their nose, take cough medicine, buy insurance? I just dont think theyre really selling products anymore. colorful. Look at the article Whiteness is a Pandemic. In Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, writer Jim Thompson cites a study that shows just how out of whack peoples perceptions are regarding the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more all due to the agenda-driven programming we are being force-fed on TV. If they succeed in overthrowing the Constitution and establishing the communist hellhole they are aiming for, they will be the first ones murdered by the new tyrants. I think another reason companies are doing this, is because they are trying to change the Black culture. For now, the only thing equitable about all this is how equally insulting it is to everyone. As a blue-eyed blonde woman, I havent seen anyone that looks like me in tv commercials for quite some time. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. It is time to stop pandering to the blacks and instead push them toward taking their place in America as productive Americans who contribute to society instead of taking from it. No, there is something else at work here. (Quick experiment: Do a Google image search for white family and black family and see what you get.). Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. I feel advertising should be proportionate with the population. We see it all the time: the upper-middle-class family wearing upper-middle-class clothes, living in an upper-middle-class home and doing upper-middle-class things, like attending piano recitals, or gaming with pals on razor-thin laptops, or having a backyard birthday party complete with pink princess decorations and a tent and giant bounce-house. I think they must have passed a law, or something. You are also correct that it is almost impossible to boycott all of these companies. The reason blacks are overrepresented is because they are very vocal with their complaints. There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). When I say normal, I dont mean this in a derogatory way but normal as in real life normal. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. Why do we constantly try and guess? Diversity of All Kinds: What US Advertisers Are Still Missing I have cancelled my AMEx card. Last June, members of the advocacy group Three's a Crowd (TAC) sought to actionably reduce systemic racism and create equity in advertising with the "In for 13" initiative, a three-year promise. Wait until you see my Broadway production of an all WHITE Porgy and Bess!! We are all human beings with different cultural differences which are good for all. Another observation I neglected to mention in my last post. (Another is what Disney has done with the Star Wars franchise in erasing male leads.) Just saw two in a row with black families. We finally got respect form America years ago, we got gay marriage legalized and now these crazy people want to groom children in the schools??? As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. So now, the police officers are going to jail for doing their jobs and the they are erecting statues to honor the wonderful THUGS that resist arrest and the thugs families are winning the ghetto lottery. Its a good question, Bill. Im talking about the new discrimination against whites, men, Christians and women, if we include all of the trans males that are now invading womens rest rooms, womens sports, and every other area traditionally held by biological females. I certainly understand what youre trying to say, but the truth is . Its there, its part of our history, its part of who we are. There are very few ads that are unique in some way, interesting, relatable, maybe even make me laugh and actually highlight the friggin product. Thanks for letting me know its not just me thinking it anymore. And the fact that they are over playing the number of gay & transgender people by making the percentages of races & genders in these commercials much higher in numbers than they actually are. God forbid somebody appropriates the wrong thing. As a woman, I feel insulted by all the pandering that goes on towards females. Instead, most advertisers commitment to diversity is a shrill, cynical, and superficial charade dressed up in lip service and lofty corporate values that amount to precisely fuck-all when in fact, these companies with their gigantic ad budgets are in a unique position to actually do something positive for their customers, their country, and the public at large. Its so insulting to reality. They often are treated badly by a domineering woman as well. Just an FYI. I also was curious if others were noticing the same phenomenon. Going by the commercials, one would think that Hispanic and Asian people make up a far smaller percentage of the population than black people, when in fact their number is double. Now some black people say that fast food companies target them to make them obese and unhealthy and its racist that 70% of fast food ads have black person because it causes obesity among black people. This is planned cultural change to foment divisionand it seems to be working well for them. Not only that, but I see very few women who look like me. Tribalism isnt going anywhere ever. Its got to the point that when these adverts appear I have to censor them if my impressionable kids are watching as they think if its a TV advert it must be true. If you watch commercials for Apple, Coke, Lexus, beer, etc youll roughly see 60%+ black, 10% Hispanic, 10% Asian, 10% white (female), 5% white (male/bumbling/background character), 5% other. Todays Madison Avenue seems almost as preoccupied with social engineering as Hollywood. Make this madness come to a quick stop. Ive read that White male commercial actors are being dropped by Agents or not being able to secure representation because the employment opportunities for them are dwindling to almost nothing. If the advertisers followed the US population demographics itd be one thing. For me the clearest single point from your comment is that there is a very negative affect from all this woke & diversity advertising by alienating their main audience. You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. Youre right, Zan. Remove race and substitute with something else. Is it just me, or is the world falling apart? The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is now 32.3 percent diverse, up from 30.8 percent a year ago. I really feel sorry for the kids being born today. I dont feel guilty. The first step in correcting Fake Ads is to boycott the products with letters to the companies. some stick and become part of the public consciousness. Authenticity is often valued more highly than forced diversity. You arent good enough to even get a black man? If so, great. I do think the movement several years ago of #OscarsSoWhite had a hand in this. Politically correct is out of control!! While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. Google it, its a fascinating story of how they duped consumers into believing they NEEDED cereal to be healthy. . If your employees represent different genders, ages, races, political beliefs, ethnicities, physical abilities, sexual orientations and so on, your campaigns will be authentic without even trying. Yep I am surprised that was not mentioned in the article. Theyre just trying to make them appear as white families. Below, they share their best tips for doing so. Predictably, no one commented. Of course they didnt. I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. Maybe sell your TV and use the proceeds to buy some extra fuel and food (and alcohol!) Its the ad agencies and the companies they represent that infuriate me, not any demographic of Americans. To many people, white males have become the very symbol of privilege. I call it Clown World and were all living in it. . It seems like a no-brainer, but this means that ads targeting more diverse . The only thing I can guess is advertisers are trying to social engineer society. Get the best people, dont create some arbitrary demographic mix. That is the main problem. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. The advertising industrys complete disregard for accuracy, fairness, or authenticity is truly breathtaking. (Theyre 12% of the population, remember.). Looking back, I shouldnt have waited so long to write this post. I gave been living in Latin America, Costa Rica, for the last 13 years. This gap is both unsettling and unacceptable to most of today's consumers. Also, try to find episodes of Max Headroom from the 1980s, early 90s. Rachel Montague, Gourmet Services, Inc. Its all well and good to proclaim a desire for diversity, but companies need to be careful they arent treating it flippantly, because their audience will see right through it. It is self preservation! I have no reason to protest but seeing it recognized and discussed just made my day! Inclusive Marketing Statistics: 36 Eye-Opening Numbers That Prove Its Dont just take it! We also have Greek Cypriot, Chinese, Pakistani and Indian folk who rarely get a mention in the ads. Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? Why Prioritizing Diversity is Key in Connected TV Ads Ive been retired for 9 months now and I have been watching a lot of TV lately. Thank you for pointing out yet another double standard. Black people are generally not known to be into camping in freezing weather, or things such as bungee jumping & cliff climbing. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within ANAs website(s) and on other websites and online services. If the target was 90% Hispanic, we would have Hispanic actors in our ads. For example, Sprite is popular with blacks and has been since the 90s when the companys marketing tapped into hip-hop and sports culture. Totally agree. But the people behind it are telling you its all for a good, caring cause, so how can anyone possibly argue? Just like BLM is a terrorist group. Together, these groups now account for 24.7 percent of the U.S. population, yet they do not appear in anywhere near 24.7 percent of the advertising. Thus, transforming it into whatever ad execs need to do the tick the box for corporate. That might seem to make sense but do you know a lot of really poor Asian people in America? It would definitely save money in making the stupid ads, unless there is some stupid union actors contract to deal with. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. How can a company make any money by only advertising to %15 of the population. I would agree, but Im kinda old and untrained for warfare against my country. Although both are paying a price for it, the losses in revenue are apparently seen merely as an investment toward the cause. Makes no sense. Forced Diversity: Is It Really a Problem? - Exploring your mind It reminds me of an episode on the series Community in which the college mascot wore a tan jumpsuit that covered it head to toe because of the hype about college mascots offending people we will soon have a neutral society, everyone will be light brown. Its the only effect Ive personally seen. Individuals with negative motivational values are in fact dangerous regardless of their skin color! The high-end advertising being geared towards blacks is so unrealistic! When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. ANA. Its important for the masses to hear from other fair-minded people who arent afraid to call out what we all can plainly see. Thanks for reading. There seems to be a concerted effort among companies to replace white people with black. And WHY NOT a cat? . But they only come out when it fits their narrative, like when a White cop shoots a Black person. If enough people are dissatisfied with the ads they should quit purchasing that companys products and thus let them know how they feel. Feminized males are in. Its fine to be neutral. Advertising clearly misrepresents the US demographic. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? Toxic masculinity is out. Sometimes it is important to intentionally choose a diverse group, but keep the balance so you dont color-wash your efforts. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? In todays TV commercials and movies, the burglars are always white! But it would be naive to think that many brands and advertisers arent also being driven by other factors, including a fear of being labeled racist and canceled. oh yeah, ive noticed that. Pierce Brosnan is not the same physical type as Connery. What you are seeing in TV commercials is merely a symptom of much bigger, more serious problems that will pose great challenges for our generation and the next. And I certainly find it curious how everything has exploded all at once. They are grooming young minds. 2. Read Fahrenheit 454 and get a prophetic view of this, complete with prophesies of cancel culture and disinformation control, as well as the complete dumbing down of the population the parlor room entertainment wall i.e., TV shows of complete idiocy. Homosexual couple having fun together "Diversity" has many different . Good for you, Brad. Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. When they come on, I mute them and wait until they are over. It can create feelings of resentment among otherwise fair and good people such as yourself, which I assume is exactly the opposite of what these brands and advertisers are meaning to do. Excerpt: Woke capitalism is corporate Americas attempt to profit off of Millennial and Gen Z activism, often passive keyboard activism . Because racism is OK when its a minority group thats doing it. I truthfully never paid much attention to skin color and such, but now I am seriously starting to resent the fact that it appears 90% of the people in commercials are black. Who exactly are the ads trying to reach? I dont need to be told how smart and strong women are, and how dumb men are. I love this comment. Right you are again, Robert. However, that does not explain why they ignore the 80% of whites that are the current and future customer of these products. A man can identify as a woman all he wants, but hell still need a prostate exam around age 40. And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. Failure to represent diversity in your advertising may even send a message to your consumers that you only value the business of certain groups. Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. New Jake is the obvious example in advertising, but examples abound in other media, from film and TV to comic books. Modern Disney loves her plan! If WOKE commercials have transformed America and raised all races and creeds up to be economically and culturally equal, I am THRILLED. The blatant portrayal that the white woman has washed her hands of the white man is wrong and must not continue. These schemes absolutely have a shelf life and we are at the end of ours. Why are there commercials that mention the term baby daddy? Remember in this country there re 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim and 2% other religions. I am not a racist. Opinion: Forced diversity is ruining your favorite forms of entertainment We need media companies to focus more on inclusion, less on checking boxes The changing face of TV. I think the dramatic shift in commercials is very odd, mostly because I cant quite figure out what corporate America is trying to do. Agreed on all points! One of the best ways to portray diversity in your marketing is to use real customers and real stories. Now are the monoliths totally responsible for all of this? Put us in a room together and wed have a lot to talk about. Todays advertising presents black people precisely as a monolithic group of affluent, sensible (compared to their white counterparts) folks who love camping in the back yard and reading bedtime stories to their kids. You cant change chromosomes. The latest example that has gotten under my skin is the coverage of the US Open tennis tournament. Plan to go the distance or dont go at all. In other words they are literally destroying their markets slowly while thinking they are getting the upper hand and the last word in their agenda thats fueled deep down by fear, anger and pain. I am so tired of this. I believe most everyone is getting tired of race, gender, and politics infesting everything from advertising to sports, entertainment and beyond. I have been digging into the people behind this for nearly three years now, trying to understand who they are and what their plans are, and the phrase truth is stranger than fiction doesnt even begin to describe it. And regarding your chromosome comment. Who are they kidding? I wonder if I should write to the ad agencies. The whole you have to be an activist or youre a racist deal is getting old. People of color & for that matter every individual needs to take responsibility for their own lives & stop blaming white America for their problems & hardships. We need to go back to where white men were portrayed honestly and accurately as being masculine and strong. watching youtube just nowNavy Credit Union commercialno white males2 POC males and an Asian lady. Too bad for them, then, that thoughtful and measured comments like yours, and so many others on this page, prove emphatically that we are not. This is not authentic. Havent you heard, Anonymous? That was . I commented about this about a month ago and after I did I felt so much better. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. And yet we cant say Merry Christmas. The immigrants will be so happy to be free and have a chance at Western lives that they will vote for the liberals who bussed/planed/sailed them in. . It was the white people of America who spilled blood to free the black man, brother fighting brother. Its coercive propaganda in the background of each of these commercials repeated 1000s of times each day. Yes, all races should be in commercials, (I never thought I was prejudiced Im beginning to wonder) but I look up at the TV during the commercials and I think Im living in Kenya! All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). I guarantee that 90%+ of Lowes products are purchased by people that celebrate Christmas. Im getting sick of TV in general. That black Americans wouldnt be able to vote if they cant mail in their votes because they would have no way to get to a voting booth on election day, or that there are no bus routes to some voting booths, as if black Americans can only use public transport and dont own vehicles. Im a white senior male and a retired electrical engineer. Its almost as if, as you say, studies like these are meant to shape reality rather than reflect it. Its almost comical how they have seemed to disappear, when in reality its quite the opposite. However selling more product is not one of the reasons they are doing it. Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. Thanks for writing, skinny white girl. I download free movie torrents, many 50s to 70s westerns.
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