Regardless, no normal hotel leaves copies of Playgirl lying around, so the magazine serves as an immediate red flag in the film. As if we have a psychic after image from one scene to the next at work, and one may also then have the sense (perhaps not consciously) that they all fit together. Just as with the happenings later in Room 237, we have no assurance what it is that Danny sees. Kubrick's showing us this vision early on in the film means that through the rest of the movie we will be waiting for the reappearance of these apparitions. Around the time he was making the film, Kubrick said, There is a wonderful suggestive timeliness [that the structure] of making a movie imposes on your life. The "sha" itself is a breathy percussive voicing. I'm outlining a new writing project and five months of peace is just what I want. Then the same happens in reality in front of the movie screen and the audience buys all these sweets. Comin' Through the Rye
One theory is that Kubrick helped to fake the moon landing and The Shining is his confession. At least, to the best of my memory, that's how I perceived it upon first view when the movie was released. STUART: Oh, well, come on in, Jack. Jack Nicholson is responsible for the only line from The Shining to make it onto AFIs Top 100 Movie Quotes. Examples Of Foreshadowing In Horror Stories - 1004 Words - Bartleby The Shining Literary Elements | GradeSaver The title for this section is "The Interview" and we tend to think of this title as exclusively pertaining to Jack's interview at the Overlook, but now we also will have this doctor interviewing Wendy. GradeSaver, The Possibilities of Mental Illness in the Shining. I don't think it's as certain that Danny sees himself. Another book is Young Jethro by Roy Clews. As for the splicing together of seeming three separate versions of the desk, Kubrick uses the same technique for the encounter in Room 237, showing seemingly three different versions, while Jack is present in the room and Danny and Dick are shining it, so we are never confident of who was seeing what. The Two Types of Photographs in the Hotel, Notes on Ullman's Desk and Inconsistencies, Danny's First Shining of the Girls and the Bloody Elevator, The Rainbow in Danny's Room and His Black-out, On the Two Union or Liberty Suits and the Two Necklaces. But the book itself isnt filled with jump scares or ghastly scenes of violence. JACK: Hi, I've got an appointment with Mr. Ullman. Yes! According to Hughes, the film would have had to earn $30 million to be profitable. The wicker chair was standard fare. Not things that anyone can notice, but things that people who shine can see. OTHER KINDS OF TRACES, When Halloran and Danny have their private conversation in the hotel kitchen, we are given the following explanation of what their shared psychic power is, Well, you see Doc, when something happens it can leave a trace of itself behind. In The Smallest Show on Earth we have these problematic projectors that work in concert with the janitor hiking the heat of the Bijou's boiler to make people overheat and purchase drinks. In this regard, being sophisticated and cryptic, the film has widely incited scholarly interpretation, focused on psychology (the Oedipal complex, the uncanny), philosophy (the matter of time, the nature of evil), history (the massacre of Native Americans, the Holocaust), anthropology (the coeval US culture, matters of capitalism and Western societal organization), and transtextual aspects (the reworking of tropes taken from myths, fables, and horror fiction, the films role in Kubricks poetics). He fears the possibility of divorce more . We are able occasionally to see her watch and that it reads either 5:55 or 6:00. But then, following Halloranns murder, Danny runs and makes his father follow him in the maze. The Shining moon landing connection is the one theory that extends film and into the life and work of Stanley Kubrick in general. The painting may refer to Wendy, who is often aligned with American Indian elements in the film. 38 - Not in the movie. The first elevator is at the L level and the second is at 2. He had a good employment record, good references, and from what I've been told I mean he seemed like a completely normal individual, but at some point during the winter (sha sound about 8:56) he suffered some kind of a complete mental breakdown, he ran amuck and killed his family with an axe. In some versions of Greek myth, the flood followed Lycaon's slaughter of a child of his and his serving the child, mixed with other sacrifice, to Zeus who had masqueraded as a mortal, which is a not infrequent motif in ancient myth, deities infiltrating the human sphere in the guise of humans, sometimes as a test to see how they will be treated and then accordingly punishing or rewarding the human host. In the first act we have a situation of apparent balance for Jack and his family. DANNY: No. Upon waking, he named the rock, which had served as his pillow, Bethel, the House of God, house being BTh, beth, and god being AL, el. And that's it for Bill Watson's speaking role in this scene. WENDY: What about Tony?
The blue sleeves are decorated with white stars on red bands. The angle of the reception furniture upon which Jack leans, and its shade, complements the credenza, coffee table and sofas in the Boulder apartment. Referring back to The Wizard of Oz and its over the rainbow adventure, we have at the beginning here the potential of a dream story that makes use of elements of real life and can be accepted as having actually occurred at least for the journeying dreamer. I don't know, but Danny, surrounded in Boulder by his toys and cartoon figures, is very much in the fantasy world of the child, and his relationship to his mother may be somewhat described here in her being on par with these toys and cartoon figures, which is not to denigrate her but to point out how "real" such fictional figures can be to a child. 1. Jack cockily decides for them. It makes the audience share Danny's psychic traumas of the hotel. Though we may not even be aware yet that what we're seeing is a model of the maze, that we're first introduced to the idea of the maze within the lodge comments on the lodge itself, which, as discussed above, if we compare our assumptions to its reality, is irrational and nonsensical at nearly every turn. King's vision was a vulgar and seemingly uneducated older man, and Watson's suit and tie are little suited to the job unless his duty is to act primarily as an overseer of others who do the dirty work, which isn't as it was in the book. The two pairs of union suits seem suggestive of one Wendy overlaying another Wendy. I am particularly interested in the train because Kubrick has used trains in his other films. 17 Oct 2015 Dermot Alice Munro Cite Post. (13:16)
We're well on our way to the anticipated train crash of an ending.
22 MCU of Jack. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Both Jack and Danny have a Mentor; however, only the boy meets his own Mentor in the first act, as in the canon. One could think of Jack's axe as corresponding with the drill in the Carson City movie. Peter Pan's habitat was Neverland, and the two girls in blue will first appear to Danny here, who will later beckon him to come play with them forever, and ever, and ever, just as Jack will say he wishes they could stay at the Overlook forever, and ever, and ever. He also cuts out the following escapade of Coyote on a revving motorcycle and its crash, Kubrick exiting with music heard during the next escapade in the cartoon when Wiley E. is pouring Acme bird seed out onto the road. Though many may have the feeling of Stuart and Bill being somehow complicit with evil forces of the hotel, and I think it is staged for us to feel that way, Stuart does warn Bill that it is harsh there in the winter, that it would be very harsh for a family, and that there had been disastrous consequences in the case of the Grady family.
As Bill enters, we see in the secretarial area beyond a print on the wall. Still, is Kubrick placing here a reference to Sontag's book for sake of its message, or instead for sake of its title, prompting the viewer to wonder about metaphor and illness as regarding Danny's fainting spell. Later, the Overlook will be referred to as a ghost ship, and I believe with the opening shot of the island in the lake, and the rainbow followed by a flood of blood, we have, with the Overlook, a link being forged with certain aspects of a flood and rainbow story, which I'll reserve discussing until later. BILL: Pleasure to meet you. This event is subtly implied in The Shining, and it is unclear whether it happens or not. In addition to improvising one of the most famous lines of the film, Nicholson actually wrote an entire scene. STUART: uh, told you anything in Denver about the tragedy we had up here during the winter of 1970? In more removed shots we see on the right of the desk a medium-size bush in a floor pot, that plant having two pokey branches ascending above the rest and being about the same height as the peculiar object on the left. A medium close-up now of Ullman's desk shows, among other things, his prominently displayed name plate, a black fountain pen, a pewter tankard holding more pens, a white pen next to a desk calendar, a pint-size American flag, and we notice his red and white striped shirt and red tie and blue blazer patriotically echo the flag. THE DOCTOR: we can always think about having some tests done. We see on the sill The House of Brede by Rumer Godden, which concerns a professional woman, Philippa, who at the age of 42 leaves secular life and becomes a nun in a contemplative order. Mr. Ullman says that Jack made good time and asks his secretary to bring them coffee and requests she call Bill Watson to join them.
Reality syncs with the film. And, if he does, he would see himself wearing this sweater and shirt, and it's to be questioned then who later chooses this sweater and shirt for him on the day that Dick is killed. What this difference in dominance means (or how it functions) will be discussed in the "Saturday" section. The way that the camera tracks the pair emerging from Danny's room and continuing to the living room is curious as it skews the relationship of that hall with the remainder of the apartment. Mini stories and flashbacks included throughout the novel help readers better understand who Jack is and why the hotel is able to take hold of his mind. They go in and find the projectionist and the janitor and the ticket taker, who have worked there for decades, holdovers from the old days, watching the old silent feature Comin' Through the Rye. Did Jack have any trouble finding them? Foreshadowing in The Hobbit | Looking up The Wish Child, by Ina Seidel, I see that The Kubrick Corner Has already noted: Of course it's significant that Kubrick would choose this book by a woman who also wrote on the labyrinth. JACK: Well, it's certainly got plenty of that
When Knowledge Takes Over Action: A Narrative Analysis of Three Georgian Conflict-Sensitive Films: More than Mimicry: On Puppets and Interdependency in, After Structural Film: The Conceptual films of Morgan Fisher, This Body Keeps the Score: the films of Saidin Salkic, Encounter at the Editing Table The Film Archive as a Memory of One's Own Existence, Flesh Memories: Yeo Siew Huas Expanded Cinema in, In Search of Lost Time: An Interview with Christophe Honor, About Time: Interview with Cyril Schublin, Smith, Jack: Travails of an Underground Artist, Politics, Isolation, Pandemic: The 35th Tokyo International Film Festival, The Kids Arent Alright: The 27th Busan International Film Festival, A Report on the Exhibition Threshold (works by Dirk de Bruyn, Guy Grabowsky & Mat Hughes), All the Pain and Exploitation: 66th London Film Festival, BABY, THE RAIN MUST FALL on the Claude Sautet retrospective at the 70th San Sebastian International Film Festival, For a Double-Edged Theory: Christian Metz', Othering Heights: The Queerest of the Queer in Rosa von Praunheims. Another example of playful ball throwing as a foreshadow of axe swinging is that Danny and Wendy are shown throwing snowballs at each other outside. Therefore, as in the best midpoints, the scene contains the symbolic death of the protagonist, who will then be left powerless and lame, locked inside the pantry. However, since we first heard the "sha" when Jack crossed over the spot where Dick will be murdered, that seems to provide reason enough to believe there could be some meaning in them. Would Kubrick have us think upon Wendy and the lost boys to whom she serves as a mother figure, and Peter Pan who counts adult mothers as his enemies? 72 MCU Doctor. A Dramaturgical Analysis of The Shining - Senses of Cinema From the first pages, before Danny even steps foot into the hotel, its clear that the building will present the family with an evil that none of them can imagine. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Shining (1977 Novel) by Stephen King. Can the bloody murder that Danny fears, which would be a duplicate of the Grady family killings, be avoided? [Arknights] Theory of Cope - Foreshadowing Shining Alter? Ullman and Watson Interview Jack, Shots 21 through 49
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Take a look at how beautifully Stuart is framed here, the visual relationships between the three men and the room. STUART: in this job hired a man named Charles Grady as the winter caretaker. How can I possibly exist? THE DOCTOR: Do you remember when you were brushing your teeth? You and Danny are going to love it. (15:28)
When Adle warns Robert that he might give Edna the impression that he's flirting in earnest in Chapter VII, Robert retorts that he wishes Edna would take him seriously . Just a few moments before we had heard the sounds of children at play outside and though we'd not seen those children the audience is not entirely convinced that there are no children around with whom Danny could play. This tunnel that is blasted through from two ends, meeting in the middle--is Kubrick making also reference to Hezekiah's serpentine tunnel that was dug from opposite directions to meet in the middle, channeling water from the upper spring of Gihon to the lower pool of Shiloah? One tries to rectify the incongruities in the story, wondering if one should comprehend Jack as having periodically attempted to quit drinking and Wendy having been reluctant to leave him. But perhaps he does. Just a step beyond the circle, Jack's glance moves up to the stairs on the right, briefly meeting that of a hotel employee who is coming down the steps. -Wendy asks Jack if the beautiful scenery they see on the drive to the hotel is the site of the Donner Party tragedy. "His last big role had been in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and between that and the manic grin, the audience automatically identified him as a loony from the first scene. Jack does not have a strong inciting incident, although something similar happens when he scolds Wendy in the Colorado Lounge, asking her not to disturb him while he is working, and when in the following short sequence he is seen staring outside the window while Wendy and Danny are playing in the snow. -Mr. Ullman jokes that he wouldn't want to enter the hedge maze unless he had an hour to figure out how to escape from it. Look out. In scenes where Bill and Jack are viewed from the rear, a complementary chord is struck, though Bill is dressed in a more tailored suit with a dark brown jacket and lighter brown pants.
As Wendy says "friends" we cut away to Danny's reaction, the sound of a train in the cartoon beginning and continuing through Tony's initial protestations that he doesn't want to go to the hotel. Though the eye does go to Bill as he enters, by the lines of the kitchen cabinetry and range crossfading into the shelving and ceiling, and the propulsion of the lines in the strong graphics I've just mentioned, the eye feels as though it is being pushed also to just between Stuart and Wendy as she fades out. The Bijou Cinema having been revived (somewhat), the new owners enter one day to hear the projector running and a piano being played. There is no door in that area through which he could have passed for the doors to the hall beyond are blocked by seating and if there did happen to be doors to an exterior patio (which there are not) he hasn't the time to exit them. 89 CU Wendy. As they were older, no families or children observed, and were served by youth, the lodge seemed to be a place of rest and relaxation for retirees. A little rubber yellow duck peeks out from behind the shower curtain to the left, resting on the tub's ledge. On the Two Union or Liberty Suits and the Two Necklaces
The role then went to Scatman Crothers. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining is widely considered to be among the best big-screen adaptations of a Stephen King storyand with good reason. The beiges and browns were standard fare. 20 MCU of Wendy. Then, sneaking off to the right, we have one of Sleeping Beauty's dwarfs, Dopey, who was a friend of the dwarf, Doc, so Dopey would be a suitable companion for Danny who is also called Doc.
Foreshadowing is a literary device in which authors hint at plot developments that don't actually occur until later in the story. A fortune teller might use foreshadowing, warning that a short life line is a sign of some impending disaster. Yes, that's right, take a look at the neck of the union suit in the above Figure 44. The autumnal photo in particular will seem to, as the movie progresses, give an eerie sense of the lodge's mountain being watched from afar. Baldwin, Emma "The Shining Review " Book Analysis, Introducing Bill Watson, a man with precious few words on the situation.
According to the Drummerman site, the music played during Danny's vision is Krysztof Penderecki's, "The Awakening of Jacob" which concerns Jacob falling asleep and having a terrifying dream of angels ascending and descending a heavenly ladder. This position of this ghost-like man in white is on the opposite side of the table to where Jack stands, and so may be conceptually tied in to the mirror image maze that Jack sees in the tabletop model. This may be so. 29 MCU of Stuart. The "spectator" shoes in combination with the camera is an interesting choice of attire for this opening shot. The 1980s horror movie The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick utilized these aspects very well. Classic 60s design is down at the Salvation Army waiting for a new home, or rotting in a landfill, replaced with cheap 70s ugly lamps and faux wood coffee table and end tables. However, though these sounds surrounding the "sha" are not always distinguishable, when they can be heard they are always the same. We had already observed he was wearing a red and blue and white raglan sleeved shirt decorated with stars around the armband, but while he was in the kitchen we were only able to see the number 4 above that band. Uhm, let's see. 56 MS Overlook hall. What appears to be a blue box showing Q-tips Cotton Balls stands on the first shelf of the bookcase beside the alabaster bull figurine, and could possibly be taken as a stand-in for a blue sky with clouds considering its placement above the horizon line. Cut to a hall of the Overlook with nearly symmetrically placed brown plaid chairs and radiant heaters, the bright red doors of elevators beyond. These are clean cuts, no crossfades. Hanging above the sink is a green and white dish towel that may read "Golf with the Greats". However, interpretation is unavoidable: Will the evil cycle repeat itself in the future like it did in the past? The television in the background, topped with and surrounded by stacks of books, shows now an old western film rather than the cartoons. On the left wall hangs a style of Japanese art print very popular for the time. They never recognize it is there by either a glance, action, or comment. STUART: The problem is the enormous cost it would be to keep the road to Sidewinder open. Wendy's appearance doesn't strike as eccentric or "mousy" today (or to me it doesn't) but back in 1980 her style here would have been perceived as somewhat peculiar, the latitude allowed for divergence from a certain conception of attractiveness not being exactly broad. WENDY (indicating a seat): Please. In The Shining, socioeconomic class is presented as an underlying motive for Jack's descent into madness. This is a good example of Kubrick weaving multiple metaphors into a single shot. (8:04)
2, which started in the previous scene (while Danny walks inside the Colorado Lounge), is heard here and will be used once again at the beginning of the third act and at the apparent end of the third act (when Jack dies in the hedge maze). Imagery Used In Night By Bruno - 484 Words | Internet Public Library Danny is the first to make contact with the evil forces of the hotel. Doing so, we see Snoopy's little yellow bird friend, Woodstock, using the helium balloon to fly away from the tub in the direction of the window. Then there is Jack himself as Dannys antagonist, representing what the boy may become if he does not accomplish his own journey. Everything is shot so that anyone who has ever gone in to interview for a job will feel the cool banality of the situation and the pedestrian but anxious experience of how to relate with and put your best foot forward for this new sub-group of humanity with which you've just come into contact.
Though the red milk carton and red cereal box have nothing to do with the red field mirroring the red sleeve earlier, even though they are in a completely different position, they end up visually standing in for that red field so we feel no real compulsion to look for it. He is unsettled, and it has taken him a moment to gather himself and think how to respond. 28:29 - Dick asks, "you like ice cream, Doc" (sound). Jack, in King's novel, was fired from his job at a prep school due an altercation with a student, but this is never mentioned in the film and no clear reason is ever given for the family being in Colorado, so one could possibly look upon The Catcher in the Rye as filling in that lost part of the story. This is a family that is either coming or going, not quite settled in yet or preparing to move along. Danny is lying on his bed on a fuzzy bear pillow, a doctor bent over him, examining him, as Wendy stands to the rear, clearly anxious. I started the site purely for selfish reasons," Unkrich told Vulture in 2013. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. We note a low glare of light on the face of the desk between Jack and Bill Watson, prominent enough that it almost takes on a sense of phantom presence. Circularity of action is in all of Kubrick's films. We open with the lobby. 60 MS Overlook hall. STUART: Police, well, they thought it was what the old timers used to call cabin fever, kind of claustrophobic reaction which can occur
At any rate, this subplot is not developed, so that in both versions the liquor primarily represents a magical potion that sanctions Jacks evil pact with Lloyd (and the Overlook through him) and therefore allows him to start the adventure in the Special World. Write with Grammarly. In this case the Threshold Guardian is clearly an objective correlative of an obscure part of Jacks mind. Kubrick's inclusion of "Woman and Dog" returns us to The Killing. But what if we look at the name? View its location taken from Google street view. One will note that in the lobby, at the entrance, is a design which has arrows, one pointing toward the door and one pointing away. What is peculiar is that we see in this shot that both the radiant heaters to the right and left of the door leading into the "Gold Room hall" off the lobby also have forced air vents behind them. Analysis of Kubrick's The Shining - The Interview - Idyllopus Press Its a common psychological device in film, sometimes referred to as foreshadowing, and has been used by suspense masters like Hitchcock.
Carl Lamarre, Gail Mitchell, Keith Murphy, Michael Saponara, Datwon Thomas, Mark Elibert, Eric Diep , William E. Ketchum III, Heran Mamo, Neena Rouhani. In Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451," the repeated references to books being banned and burned foreshadow the eventual destruction of books and knowledge in the story's dystopian society.
The Shiningby Stephen King was his third novel and is still regarded as one of his best.
Wendy is well aware of the danger that her husband poses when hes drunk. Fig. WENDY: Hello. Later in the film her appearance normalizes.
Foreshadowing, Jack crosses the circle where Dick will later lie slain. Stephen Kings use of character development throughout this novel is what makes the book so thrilling and moving. 2.8m members in the MovieDetails community. This has to do with the film processing. From the shining cloud the Father's voice is heard: This is my beloved Son, hear him. After many years of wondering about this painting, and a loon painting in the same secretarial area but on an opposing wall, obviously done by the same artist, I've been apprised by Ioway artist, Lance Foster, the art is by Norval Morrisseau. A train is mentioned in King's book, Hallorann relating that due his shining, when his brother was killed in a train derailment, he was aware of it before anyone had a chance to tell him. Foreshadowing Examples | YourDictionary Click here to make a donation. The doctor sits down next to Danny. (15:53)
DANNY: Danny, wake up. JACK: Well, I'm looking for a change. An architect goes to an old country house, hoping for some work, and realizes that it is a house he has dreamed about--a dream which ends badly. The Second Interview, Shots 61 through 95
The climax of the film is Danny's escape from the snowy maze, where he misleads his father into getting lost. According to David Hughes, one of Kubricks biographers, Stephen King wrote an entire draft of a screenplay for The Shining. Here is the quote: Doc, Jack Torrance said. In my novel, 'The Shining' by Stephen King, there is constant foreshadowing.
In these opening scenes, it does seem as if Kubrick has emphasized some of Wendy's (Shelley's) striking features, creating a kind of caricature of her, as is done with cartoon figures. Shot 427. A now-legendary story that King reportedly still tells at some of his book readings goes like this: Stanley Kubrick called him at seven in the morning to say that he believed ghost stories were fundamentally optimistic because the existence of ghosts suggested that humans survived past death.
2 - The Ahwahnee lobby, a Creative Commons image by Dave Ciskowsi. STUART: Susie? There is also a hallway in the Colorado Lounge that essentially appears out of nowhere. 48:36 - When Wendy calls the forest rangers about the downed lines. The Overlook Hotel is the place that houses the Torrance family for most of the narrative. Shot 29. Before we continue on and out of the bedroom, to review the conversation, Danny has given in reverse order what happened in the bathroom.
It gives the appearance of a female form on the left, and checking out an earlier scene (when Bill enters the office) in which the photo is shown in full doesn't help with identifying what it may be, for if it is a female form, where the head should be we have simply a gray expanse. as in Johnny Carson. To walk away, you gotta leave something behind, or a long story short: You Cannot Whitewash the Truth- A Conversation with Arie and Chuko Esiri, Forever and Ever and Ever: Reappraising the Score of, The only archetype we were not able to find in. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. 35 MCU of Stuart. Kubrick has unobtrusively incorporated a natural landscape via the flowered tray and the box. These are people who shouldn't be going up to the Overlook, but, of course, it's because these are people who shouldn't be going there that we find them on their way.
Because they do. This happens as Jack stands staring with madness out of the Colorado Lounge windows. J. W. Kern has a beautiful page with more photos at his blog, the Golden Sieve. How so? Cut to the camera zooming in on Danny facing the mirror in the bathroom, speaking to his reflection. These two individuals who are supposedly on their way to play tennis come from the direction of the service hall behind the lobby rather than from the stairs or elevators. So they do their best to turn the town against the idea of a train. After they have coffee, we see at 5:55 a cigarette in the ashtray and Ullman's white pen pointed toward him (Figure 20); at 6:45 we see the tray is empty when all three men are shown (Figure 22); at 6:58 Ullman's pen is pointed toward him and there is a cigarette in the ashtray; at 7:20 there is no cigarette and the pen is pointed away (Figure 23); at 7:58 the pen is pointed away and there is this time a cigarette (Figure 24); at 8:05 the pen is pointed toward Ullman and there is a cigarette; at 8:26 the pen is pointed away and there is no cigarette; at 9:42 the pen is pointed toward Ullman and there is a cigarette; at 10:07 the pen is pointed away and there is a cigarette.
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