1st Class Gary A. Witte, 642nd Regional Support Group), Army Reserve Tactical Installation Network team modernizes network infrastructure. Plentiful sunshine. Garrison commander address civilian workforce - Fort Hood Sentinel To know that I had just a small part in that is what truly has made this job so fulfilling.. So two years ago, I stood in front of this headquarters taking command of the garrison. 1st Class Gary A. Witte, 642nd Regional Support Group), U.S. Army Col. Robert J. Coker, the 642nd Regional Support Group commander, and Command Sgt. III Corps Vision. Home :: U.S Army Fort Hood - United States Army fORT HOOD GARRISON COMMAND GROUP MISSION USAG, Fort Hood provides integrated installation support services to include facilities, infrastructure and programs to enable Fort Hood. FORT HOOD There is a new garrison commander at Fort Hood after a change of command ceremony on post Thursday morning. High 81F. These principles were evident when he addressed the importance of Fort Hood and III Armored Corps units training alongside NATO allies. During the past year, the 209th Regional Support Group has overseen the brigade's mission providing for the mobilization and demobilization of Reserve and National Guard troops. Command Sgt. 1st Class Gary A. Witte, 642nd Regional Support Group), U.S. Army Col. Robert J. Coker, the 642nd Regional Support Group commander, hands Command Sgt. Fourteen leaders relieved or suspended after scathing report on Fort Hood Its what keeps them around and makes them feel like a bigger part of the team.. The event, attended by base officials and family members, marks the 642nd Regional Support Group's taking over providing for the mobilization and demobilization of Reserve and National Guard troops from the 209th Regional Support Group of Kansas City, Mo. Soldiers from the 820th Signal Company-Tactical Installation Network (TIN), a Seagoville, Texas, Reserve unit, are partnering with 7th Mission Support Command hosts historic symposium. The event, attended by base officials and family members, marks the 642nd Regional Support Group's taking over providing for the mobilization and demobilization of Reserve and National Guard troops from the 209th Regional Support Group of Kansas City, Mo. Coupons During the past year, the 209th Regional Support Group has overseen the brigade's mission providing for the mobilization and demobilization of Reserve and National Guard troops. The event, attended by base officials and family members, marks the 642nd Regional Support Group's taking over providing for the mobilization and demobilization of Reserve and National Guard troops from the 209th Regional Support Group of Kansas City, Mo. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Photo by Eric Franklin, Fort Hood Public Affairs, Program provides peace of mind during deployment, All Army gold medalists provide mentorship, Fort Hood hosts MLK Day Basketball tournament, Dozens honored for service, selfless contributions. Ive had a very privileged and unique opportunity to experience something that few in uniform get to do, and thats the opportunity to look behind the curtain and see how the city that is Fort Hood runs, Wesbrock said. Dozens recognized by garrison | News | forthoodsentinel.com . By Eric Franklin, Fort Hood Public AffairsOctober 28, 2022. Ill just go back to our purpose, Bernabe stated. Maj. Mike Leising to 209ths commander, Col. Marc Statham and then on to Keith Gogas, deputy to the commander, U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Hood, it marked the last official act of the units year-long activation. Additionally, this collaborative effort helps build trust and foster greater communication and understanding between the military and its neighboring civilian partners. Col. Chad R. Foster, commander of U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Hood, explained to the future command teams the importance of working with the local community and integrating them into emergency planning. Auctions AER provides grants, interest-free loans and scholarships to promote readiness and help relieve finanical distress for Soldiers and their families. Maj. Mike Leising to 209ths commander, Col. Marc Statham and then on to Keith Gogas, deputy to the commander, U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Hood, it marked the last official act of the units year-long activation. The US Army Drill Sergeant Academy is Hiring!!! With a foundation of care and proper accountability, we are postured to win, Coker added, both in our mission as the (Hood) Mob Brigade and in our personal lives. FORT HOOD, Texas Lt. Gen. Sean C. Bernabe, III Armored Corps and Fort Hood commanding general, and other Fort Hood leaders spoke to multiple media outlets in a roundtable discussion, Feb. 23, at the III Armored Corps and Fort Hood headquarters. Command Sgt. Multinational partnership and training are important to be ready to go do operations anywhere around the world, but its important for our Soldiers.. U.S. Army Col. Marc Statham, the 209th Regional Support Group commander, spoke to the assembled audience about the challenges the unit faced, including COVID and the Texas winter storm at the start of the year. Garrison Vision. Fort Hood Garrison Commander Col. Jason Wesbrock opens the Environmental Quality Control Committee meeting explaining how the Garrison paid a $250,000 fine to the Environmental Protection Agency. Bernabe began by explaining The Phantom Six, which are six principles he issued on Oct. 4, 2022, with his commanders intent. It's DPWs mission to ensure the long-term viability of the installation's ability to support the military commanders and joint base community, advancing environmental stewardship, community relations and quality of life. SAVE TIME & MONEY Fort Hood - Wikipedia Division, participate in a live-fire exercise at Bemowo Piskie, Poland, Feb. 16. Col. Jason Wesbrock, commander of U.S. Army Garrison - Fort Hood, passes the garrison colors to Command Sgt. Your choice for flooring in Central Texas! Foster spoke after Wesbrock on taking the mantle as the garrison commander. I had so many Soldiers that reenlisted from that multiple bridging company because they got to train with all these other nations. While conducting mobilization and demobilization operations from North Fort Hood during a pandemic offered its challenges, Statham said no one could have imagined the impact that a deep freeze would have on operations, and the installation, when it hit in February. Coming to this sprawling Central Texas installation was an eye-opening experience for some of the students. Staff Sgts. 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The goal of the course it that upon completion, participants will have understanding of how to effectively lead an Army garrison and be prepared to take on the challenges of this critical role. Logos Just a couple of weeks in (the mission), we were getting ready to start welcoming 1,200 Soldiers from an aviation brigade, Statham said, but as we were preparing for them to arrive, the state of Texas was hit with Winter Storm Uri and that immediately created two huge challenges for us.. Our team met this challenge quickly, and served numerous members of the Fort Hood community during that week.. We employ a variety of communication strategies- including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach. Your flooring is more than just the surface you walk on it's an integral part of your home. Garrison Commander :: U.S Army Fort Hood As we all start a new chapter this weekend with the start of 2022, lets make 2022 be the best year ever., An official website of the United States government, Mobilization Support Brigade Transfer of Authority ceremony at Fort Hood, At right, Keith M. Gogas, deputy to the Fort Hood garrison commander, hands the colors representing the base Mobilization Support Brigade to U.S. Army Col. Robert J. Coker, the 642nd Regional Support Group commander, during a Transfer of Authority ceremony Dec. 28, 2021. View the latest e-Edition of the Fort Hood Sentinel. First money donated starts AER campaign | News | forthoodsentinel.com Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 1st Cavalry Division, unit rotation, Army awards $59 million contract to renovate barracks at Fort Hood, Army announces upcoming 2nd ABCT, 1st Infantry Division, unit rotation, Army announces Korea Rotational Force Transition, Army announces upcoming 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade, unit deployment, U.S. Army STAND-TO!
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