% Annual Groundwater Report, Cumulative Compaction of Subsurface Sediments, Regional Groundwater Update and more. Creation year: 1975 (64th Texas Legislature). 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701TEL: 512-463-7847 / FAX: 512-475-2053, Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, Panola County Groundwater Conservation District, Pecan Valley Groundwater Conservation District, Permian Basin Underground Water Conservation District, Pineywoods Groundwater Conservation District, Plateau Underground Water Conservation and Supply District, Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District, Prairielands Groundwater Conservation District, Presidio County Underground Water Conservation District, Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District, Red River Groundwater Conservation District, Red Sands Groundwater Conservation District, Reeves County Groundwater Conservation District, Refugio Groundwater Conservation District, Rolling Plains Groundwater Conservation District, Rusk County Groundwater Conservation District, San Patricio County Groundwater Conservation District, Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District, Santa Rita Underground Water Conservation District, Saratoga Underground Water Conservation District, South Plains Underground Water Conservation District, Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District, Southern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Southwestern Travis County Groundwater Conservation District, Starr County Groundwater Conservation District, Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District, Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District, Terrell County Groundwater Conservation District, Trinity Glen Rose Groundwater Conservation District, Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Uvalde County Underground Water Conservation District, Victoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Wes-Tex Groundwater Conservation District, Wintergarden Groundwater Conservation District, Asset Management Program for Small Systems, State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT), Guidance & References for Online Loan Application, State Water Implementation Fund for Texas, 6th Planning Cycle Information (2026 RWPs), 2021 Regional Water Plans & Previous Plans, Regional Water Planning Data Entry Application (RWP22) Training, District Information (O-Z and Other Districts), Extended Naturalize Flow and Reservoir Evaporation, Flood Planning Useful Links and Resources, Drought Response and Financial Assistance, Water Conservation Plan ~ Utility Profile, Historical Water Loss Audit and Conservation Annual Report Data, Industrial, Commercial & Institutional (ICI), Permanent Rules - Effective January 1, 2019, Brackish Resources Aquifer Characterization System, Notice of Nondiscrimination and Reasonable Accommodation, Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS), Texas Water Infrastructure Coordination Committee (TWICC), District was created by Petition to the Texas State Board of Water Engineers, 1955, (formerly Martin County Underground Water Conservation District), (formerly Haskell/Knox County Underground Water Conservation District). The Authority has developed a groundwater reduction plan (GRP) and obtained Subsidence District approval of its GRP. During todays Board Meeting, Rosa Alvarez, Susan Baird, Sarah Benavides, Steve Gillett, Katherine Mears, and Don Johnson were reappointed and took their Oath of Office. In the Houston-Galveston region, land subsidence is caused by compaction of fine-grained aquifer sediments (silts and clays) Neighbors. The Current: Fall 2022 | US EPA #hiring #houstonjobs, We are hiring a Water Conservation Program Coordinator to administer the Districts water conservation programs, including the school program, grant program, and outdoor irrigation program. Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) - Fort Bend County, Texas Subsidence can be an important issue in certain areas such as the Gulf Coast region. This study, spawned from their original research that showed subsidence in southern Montgomery County was caused by exploitation of the Jasper aquifer, will investigate the combined effects of climate changes on coastal subsidence to enhance understanding of the deformation process. This position serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Fort Bend Subsidence District and provides the day-to-day leadership, management, and vision necessary to effectively complete the Districts mission. The Houston area's two subsidence districts the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, HGSD, and the Fort Bend Subsidence District have worked to monitor subsidence and mitigate it through a variety of water management efforts. Chicot-Evangeline (undifferentiated) and Jasper, which are composed of laterally discontinuous deposits The Fort Bend Subsidence District was created by the Texas Legislature in 1989 as a conservation and reclamation district (Act of May 26, 1989, 71st Leg., R.S., ch. =*-SRIbI -|tdAl` Q ka+dzLp[fAh/tGp7=>>q[y,Nz Ma . 1976: First regulatory area (Area of Concentrated Emphasis, ACE) established. This button displays the currently selected search type. %N_yuJlv\DxD"`UIci+QV8F,P"iRNd[U]4#8T&2m4=oCgq! The accuracy of the referenced well land-surface altitude data has improved through time and the most Alternative water sources, like treated surface water, prevents excessive groundwater pumping, thereby minimizing subsidence. This dataset documents for 2018 the depth to groundwater measured in wells screened in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers in the HoustonGalveston region, Texas. The RGUP originally started in 2010 as the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD) 1999 Regulatory Plan Update, but due to its benefits to other regional groundwater regulatory agencies, the Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) and the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District (LSGCD) joined the collaborative effort in 2010.The primary benefit of collaboration between these three entities is that each of them could use the RGUP to vet their existing regulatory plans using updated population/water demand data and groundwater modeling capability, and in the case of HGSD and FBSD, investigate the physical effects of changing their existing regulatory plans to accommodate the practical realities facing their stakeholders while successfully completing the Districts mission objectives. Both surface water and groundwater rates were reduced by $0.50 per 1,000 gallons. adopted as an effective alternative to manual contour interpolation. Land subsidence is the gradual lowering of land-surface elevation. Fax: 281-232-3355. Since the creation of the GMA, HGSD has provided information, research, and financial support to the GMA process. Contact Us. 2019 Annual Groundwater Report Appendix A, 2019 Annual Groundwater Report Appendix B, 2019 Annual Groundwater Report Appendix C. Pursuant to Fort Bend Subsidence District (the District or FBSD) Resolution No. 301 Jackson Street, Suite 639 HGSD has the goal of reducing the area to 20% reliance on groundwater by 2035 and managing water to promote . The live data from the two older PAM units may be viewed by clicking on the Subsidence Monitoring Network Map (If you have Google Earth installed on your computer, simply click on the .kml file, and Google Earth will automatically open, showing you the network map.). 186 0 obj <> endobj 2003: Regulatory areas divided into area A, which includes the Richmond-Rosenberg endobj Fort Bend Subsidence District Water-level altitude contours, wells, and compaction data have been combined in an interactive map that allows users to view annual water-level altitudes from 1977 through the present, water-level changes over time, and historical time series of compaction data. =3R{;vBbh *J2q!Ol] 5rR(T/hgb(0XY g;}HcBei3Wbhq+(MH9DX0ayqQ^\I:v@|\S$N=fV(~'|Wo+p&O%b the Houston-Galveston Region, Texas. The cumulative compaction in the Chicot-Evangeline undifferentiated aquifer is measured at 13 In addition to regulation, the district also conducts research to enhance its understanding of the Upper Gulf Coast aquifer to better manage subsidence. Since 1990, the Fort Bend Subsidence District has regulated groundwater withdrawals and monitored subsidence in Fort Bend county. With the last regulatory plan adopted in 2013, HGSD recently initiated a joint regulatory plan review in cooperation with the Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) in January 2020. Grant opportunities to implement projects that help reduce water use in the HGSD Regulatory Areas. Contact information for the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. Bandera County River Authority & Groundwater District Featured District, Develop population and demand projections for 10 counties through 2100, Conduct alternative water supply assessment, Develop the Gulf Coast Land Subsidence and Groundwater Flow (GULF)-2023 model with US Geological Survey and Texas Water Development Board, Update the analytical subsidence models previously used by the HGSD and FBSD, Groundwater regulation (or lack thereof) in adjacent counties. The data is temporarily stored in an on-site monitor and periodically uploaded to computers at the Harris Galveston Subsidence District. In addition, they involve local communities by education and outreach programs to underscore the importance of water conservation, such as publishing an interactive viewer with GPS land subsidence monitoring stations (shown below). (3) "District" means the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. Learn about the District's water conservation programs and tools, Get local watering recommendations based off data from the District's weather stations. About Us | Programs and Education | Management and Rules | News& Publications | Meeting Info | Permitting | Aquifers Data& Maps | Contact Us, Copyright 2004-2016 Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District This site is a publicly available, searchable, online database of water information. This model will provide valuable information to inform the regulatory decision-making of the HGSD and FBSD. The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD) is a special purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1975. If you would like to find out more about their strategies and available data, please visit: https://hgsubsidence.org/, 2022 Annual Pumpage Reports are due on January 31, 2023. The Science and Research Plan is designed to be a dynamic document with the intention to provide clarity to the strategic direction of the District and guidance to future science and research priorities in support of the District Regulatory Plan. The districts vision is to manage the groundwater resources so that, in the near future, the amount of groundwater withdrawn from the Gulf Coast Aquifer is no more than the average annual effective recharge to the Gulf Coast Aquifer System. endobj Check out this great opportunity to learn about groundwater and subsidence at HMNS - Sugar Land's latest exhibit open now until May 14, 2023! This is accomplished through the careful regulation of groundwater withdrawals, working in collaboration with surface water suppliers. 1 of 11. New goals would allow for ground to sink in The Woodlands, more water Surface water rates dropped from $5.05 to $4.55, and the groundwater pumpage fee went from $4.60 to $4.10 per . Now hiring a Deputy General Manager for Fort Bend Operations. Instead of losing a foot every 10 years, many . hb```a``c`e`fb@ !+s\ddX{DJG3^pq~HIq @ZHHt40Ttt4D - Board Vision, Mission and Stategic Goals of the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District is a special purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1975 to regulate groundwater withdrawal throughout Harris and Galveston counties in order to prevent land subsidence. Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, Over the last century, aquifers in this area have lost between 300 and 400 feet, leaving some of the land to collapse. FBSD Deputy General Manager - Harris Galveston Subsidence District Harris-Galveston Subsidence District on LinkedIn: Apply today! J.M:xo[q]omJdI Wf@M|$ot-MB@V5J SDh!!FwTtd\#\v?T{DJo"DfTFaF.%I\J'3@$;k 8f The development of brackish groundwater resources has become a more common water management strategy in the State of Texas. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec.A8801.001.AADEFINITIONS. This district was created because area residents and local governments were becoming increasingly alarmed by subsidences continued impact on the regions economic growth and quality of life. Subsidence regulation districts and their creation timeline The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District. HGSD has the goal of reducing the area to 20% reliance on groundwater by 2035 and managing water to promote . This button displays the currently selected search type. %PDF-1.5 % HVMs9W(GEU nQ,bb]4vb3Z_lW=zl%{O;\o%{ebEw These units operate in conjunction with the two that have been monitoring land levels in Montgomery County for more than 10 years. Harris-Galveston Subsidence District Joins the Winners' Circle. https://lnkd.in/gkwTtcAZ. Harris-Galveston Subsidence District; Fort Bend Subsidence District; . The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District maintains GPS monitoring stations in Harris, Galveston, Fort Bend and surrounding counties. Some natural land subsidence also occurs over long periods of time, due to natural settling. HGSD lies within the boundaries of Groundwater Management Area 14 (GMA 14). HARRIS GALVESTON SUBSIDENCE DISTRICT TESTIMONY TO COMMITTEE ON COUNTY AFFAIRS 2. Data provided by the USGS. Pay Your Water Bill The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District has required reduced groundwater use to slow or stop subsidence (sinking of ground level) in Harris and Galveston Counties. Groundwater Conservation Districts | Texas Water Development Board City of Houston, TX: Boards - Granicus The District Science and Research Plan represents the strategic direction for science and research conducted or supported by the Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) and, as such, is an essential component of the Districts regulatory planning process. )|#.`/D;WcM0z,B] mXU+^yZ!9K254cC.(WjoFgpK1EpvgoV "H7 OKQ:kHLa`Z=Hmm'rh`:Qfb5.!H{ 6+sBQ Activities Providing analysis of accurate and up to date predictions on water usage; the enforcement of real disincentives to those who rely too heavily on groundwater; and an unwavering commitment to practicing and promoting water conservation. Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. Copyright 2023 The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts. Harris-Galveston Subsidence District . The Authority has entered into a Water Supply Contract with the City of Houston to obtain treated surface water from Houston. In order to evaluate the performance of the projection methodology which informed the 2013 DRP, the short-term projections from the RGUP have been evaluated against recent estimates of population and water demand from multiple sources at various geographic scales. Extensometers and Subsidence - San Jacinto River Authority Depth to Groundwater Measured from Wells Completed in the Chicot and In addition HGSD provides water conservation, education, and outreach programs to underscore the importance of water conservation in the community. Extensometers and Subsidence. ?Jj YV3YIi}SgQ)btH24[0PeU$'r-1[hBy"&aH@"F0Z1&N'f`^~D-ocr@:A /TG}]u9b l. The primary aquifers in the Gulf Coast aquifer system in the Houston-Galveston region are the This dataset shows current-year (2015-2016) water-level changes for each aquifer, 5-year (2011-2016) water-level changes for each aquifer, long-term (1990-2016 and 1977-2016) water-level changes for the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, and long-term (2000-2016) water-level changes for the Jasper aquifer. 218 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<47E07B46D706934486CB2062ED92DA88><05048E564C3EFD429B1933026D915C3D>]/Index[186 44]/Info 185 0 R/Length 144/Prev 850166/Root 187 0 R/Size 230/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream For almost 50 years, they have been collecting, storing, and sharing data on groundwater abstraction and resulting surface lowering. 2005: Established by the Texas State Legislature. Harris County MUD 501 is located within the boundaries of the Authority. Further information detailing the data processing and map creation for each published regional This effort has published aquifer levels and subsidence data since 1975 and is a great example of what can be accomplished through sustained collaboration between, city, county, regional, and federal partners. https://lnkd.in/gZKAs__D. Damages roadways, bridges, building foundations, and other infrastructure. USGS | Gulf Coast Aquifer Subsidence Then, use either Enter or Space key to open the selected district. After successfully implementing InSAR mapping in the Houston-Galveston region in 2019, this new project will harness the complimentary capabilities of the Subsidence Districts subsidence monitoring network and SAR imagery to develop these historical deformation maps. established the Fort Bend Subsidence District and two groundwater conservation districts: Lone Star For keyboard navigation: First, use Arrow Keys to navigate up and down the districts. It is the purpose of the HGSD Regulatory Plan to establish policy in the area of groundwater regulation, permits and enforcement. 1976 Pressefoto Charles "Chuck" R. Bowcock, Harris-Galveston Harris-Galveston Subsidence District | LinkedIn water-level altitude data at observation wells in the Houston-Galveston Region. Understanding subsidence in the Houston-Galveston region The Deputy General Manager serves as the Chief Operating Officer of the Fort Bend Subsidence District and provides the day-to-day leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that the District has the proper operational controls, administrative and reporting procedures, and people systems in place to effectively complete . For detailed information on the processing methodology, please refer to https://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/%28ASCE%29SU.1943-5428.0000399. Most compaction that occurs as a result of groundwater withdrawals is irreversible; even if groundwater The Subsidence District has adopted regulations requiring reduction of groundwater withdrawals through conversion to alternate source water (e.g., surface water) in certain areas within the Subsidence Districts jurisdiction, including the land within Harris County MUD 501. The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District in 2012 purchased six Periodically Accessible Monitors (PAMs), which are specifically designed to detect subsidence. Newsletters PDF SPECIAL DISTRICT LOCAL LAWS CODE CHAPTER 8801. HARRIS-GALVESTON - Texas Fort The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (District) is a special purpose district created by the Texas Legislature in 1975. The new intake pump station will draw water from Lake Houston and, upon completion of the water treatment facility, will be able to provide 320 million gallons of treated water per day. Evaluation of Projected Population and Water Demands in Fort Bend County. 2001: Established by the Texas State Legislature. Harris-Galveston Subsidence District reposted this, Mitigation of human-induced land subsidence starts with the regulation of resource extractions. Types of research sponsored by the District include: Each year the Board of Directors holds a public hearing for the purpose of taking testimony concerning the effects of groundwater withdrawals on the subsidence of land within the District during the preceding year. endstream endobj startxref Visit smarteraboutwater.org for water conservation resources to help homeowners, businesses, and the community. One of the primary concerns of subsidence in the coastal regions is flooding due to storm surges associated with hurricanes, where permanent seawater inundation and periodic storm water surge can dramatically impact property. Request for Qualifications and other important information related to doing business with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. Managing how groundwater resources are used is key to controlling subsidence. An overview of the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District permitting process and fees. 0 feet of subsidence had occurred in the Houston-Galveston region. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, documents and refines the locations of principal faults mapped in the Houston, Texas, metropolitan area in previous studies. City A focus of these scenarios will be on the variables that minimize subsidence in the future while accounting for the availability of alternative water supplies. Since 1977, the USGS Texas Water Science Gulf Coast Program has published regional groundwater maps for 1 0 obj as the difference in water-level altitude at each well for the water-level data collection year and the The Authoritys GRP sets forth the Authoritys plan to comply with the Subsidence District regulations, construct surface water facilities, and convert users from groundwater to alternate source water (e.g., surface water). The Board meetings are typically held at 5:30 PM on the first Wednesday of the month at The Lakehouse at Towne Lake, 10000 Towne Lake Parkway, Cypress, Texas 77433. Information about the report can be found at the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District website. The RGUP was jointly supported by the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, the Fort Bend Subsidence District, and the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District. Now on its fifth iteration since 1976, the plan describes the different regulatory areas throughout the district, defines groundwater withdrawal limits for each area, and provides guidelines for permitting. People who live in the lower lying coastal areas (i.e., lower elevations and flatter topography) have much more reason to be concerned with subsidence than those who reside further inland in areas of higher elevations with more topographic relief. 2017 Annual Groundwater Report Final Approved (Revised 2.0). The Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, in cooperation with the Fort Bend Subsidence District, the Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, the University of Houston, and the Brazosport Water Authority maintains a subsidence monitoring network that is constantly evolving and requires consistent investment. 1985: Divided into 8 regulatory areas by amount of groundwater reduction needed. <> For years, the Houston area has been losing ground Information about the Management team at the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. interprets groundwater-level and aquifer-sediment-compaction data to understand the effects of To address the issues associated with land-surface subsidence and compaction, the 64th Texas State Working with surface water suppliers the HGSD controls subsidence by managing the use of groundwater resources in Harris and Galveston Counties. Regular, precise, automated readings are taken of the elevation of the ground at locations throughout the county. endstream endobj 190 0 obj <>stream }D?|=X'W|pqe'p]x/ In Houston, land subsidence is caused by the withdrawal of groundwater. Phone: 281-342-3273 1989: Established by the Texas State Legislature. Population projections were developed at the census block level for each decade from 2010 to 2070 using the 2010 U.S. Census as a population baseline. HGSD conducts regulatory planning on a regular basis to confirm that adopted regulations have reduced subsidence rates. Reduces the ability to store water in an aquifer. xX6~R-N\dq?%cBa:77#KZO=~`[h[VPC-!q8cVBv1j0Bh}vcu-7~6G~@ ucM,-s-9i4_g8jO00J\iOSktweZ.wfbuy9;Q^WGeQUab=~2_GK Z/fox$mTLMNX/ke5'a(7X=NCi>26*'$!3 yV'1p s$&:j},WF") ]WdO9mu]eh+5K[1T@sPdQ$j%j\\u)) ->qT?^R:@RY!cpu)88p/~p]7 WEWj$U$e'I|MVfgyUcgwy~h8qZ hK}&EiQ';[P2 =Yal Harris-Galveston Subsidence District in Boydton, VA Expand search. Home - Harris Galveston Subsidence District UNESCO Land Subsidence International Initiative. Application for Groundwater Certificate Replacement, and Acknowledgment of District Regulatory Requirements. These efforts have identified and . By 1977, an extensive groundwater well-monitoring network had been established and the USGS had collected water-level data that were used to create the first published water-level altitude maps of the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers in the Houston-Galveston region. Subsidence Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Entdecke 1976 Pressefoto Charles "Chuck" R. Bowcock, Harris-Galveston Kstensenkung in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel!
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