After creepily stroking Stanley's face, the Warden slaps Mr. Sir right across the chops, leaving three dark scratches across his face. Zeus | Deimata | Although Stanley's great-grandfather thought he was in the wrong place at the wrong time when he was robbed by Kate Barlow, it is ultimately because of this robbery that he meets his wife, Stanley's great-grandmother. Penelope | Bandar Log (1998) | The style of music they perform is sometimes called alt-country, but today more often referred to as Americana.They were formally inducted The Best of Mr Sir - YouTube Fates | SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. The Warden holds a pitchfork. Tal Hajus | What happened to Mr Sir face in holes? Oogie Boogie | Captain Katt | Hugh McRae | Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Cause: Stanley is caught with stolen shoes, Cause: The Warden scratches Mr. Sir, Cause: Magnet steals the sunflower seeds and more. What If? Ma Beagle (2017) | General Lunaris | At Camp Green Lake, Mr. Sir yells at a boy who comments on his face, which is swollen from the Warden's rattlesnake venom. When Stanley is found digging up one of his old holes with Hector, they find Stanley's great-grandfather's treasure stolen by Kissin' Kate Barlow. He is the chief officer at . Duryodhan | Darth Maul | How do Stanley and Mr. Sir get even after the Warden punishes him in Holes? Diamondback | Holes (Widescreen Edition) DVDs 786936224290 | eBay He also lies to keep other campers from getting in trouble when they steal Mr. Sirs sunflower seeds. Jonah | Borra | Malcolm | The Underminer | By finding Kate Barlow's lipstick tube, Stanley has found not only a piece of history, but a piece of his own history. He and his fellow inmatesthe aptly nicknamed X-Ray, Armpit, Zig-Zag, Magnet, Squid and Zeroare told that theyll get a day off from work if they find something interesting while theyre digging. Stanley is unable to cover the sack properly by the time, the electric chair. Brutus & Nero | You're telling me you never heard about the death of the first warden and his associates at the prison months ago?' Killer Moth shrugged. V.A. Undertow | Vandevere | Scratch | Enobaria | 50 'Holes' Quotes From The Powerful Book And Movie - Kidadl Zarina | Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | The Owl House Villainous Benchmarks | Admiral Evar | Comment on the contrast between the Warden and Stanley in chapter 20 of the novel Holes by Louis Sachar. Aurra Sing | Prince Joachim | Chief | Bob the Viking | 4.4 billion years ago. He also took to eating sunflower seeds to compensate for his lack of cigarettes, though he started smoking again near the end of the book and movie because sunflower seeds "didn't work for him.". Esmeralda Di Pietro | Makoos | Chris | Holes - Plugged In The main reason he cannot be PE or NPE is that he is played for laughs too often, and is rarely taken seriously. Doofus Drake | When the boys are passing the sack around, Zigzag (Ricky) tosses the sack to Stanley, and it spills into his hole. Zero hits a mocking Dr. Pendanski in the face with a shovel. Narrator: Suddenly one came to down from space. Program Guards | Yuck | for a customized plan. Wooly Bill Hitchcock | Narrator: this is earth. Shere Khan (1994) | When Stanley reaches his hole he finds that Zero has dug it for him. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. The Warden is a villainous and menacing person. Friends on the Other Side | Mark Jennings | Diminutive, Charlie Bainbridge, David Bringdown, Professor Bannister & Dr. Killbot) | Later that day, Mr. Sir was arrested along with Mr. Pendanski and The Warden. Ian Quinn | Stanley kept his mouth shut most of the time. The Grandmaster | Hyena Clan (Shenzi, Banzai & Ed) | Bruton | If he had not been brought to the Warden's cabin for stealing Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds then he would not have seen the Warden's lipstick container and might never have realized that it looked the same as the gold tube he found. Tiber Saxon Stanley glances at his canteen, uncertain if he can take a drink of water. Sasha Waybright | Despite this, they didn't feature a man dressed as a woman; instead, they featured a regular woman. Mr. Pendanski said that the warden wasn't interested in rocks or fossils. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. conclusion: With its striking cinematography, vivid character development, complex plot and deft treatment of universal human themes, Holes is a much deeper film than its Home Alone 6: Danger in the Desert promotional campaign indicates. Latest answer posted May 13, 2017 at 12:02:07 PM. Dr. Akita | Abdullah | However, Mr. Sir realizes the seeds are gone and comes back. Mr. Collick | Liquidator View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on, View complete answer on Diablo the Raven | Lash | Charles Olympus | Why was Stanley surprised when he returned to his hole after visiting the warden? Judge Dimsdale De Vil | Agent Johnson | Christian Ward | Holes | Disney Wiki | Fandom The Warden explains that the nail polish has rattlesnake venom in it. Shia LaBeouf as Stanley Yelnats IV; Jon Voight as Mr. Sir; Tim Blake Nelson as Dr. Pendanski; Sigourney Weaver as The Warden; Khleo Thomas as Zero; Patricia Arquette as Kate; Dul Hill as Sam; Brenden Jefferson as X-Ray; Byron Cotton as Armpit; Max Kasch as Zig-Zag; Miguel Castro as Magnet; Jake M. Smith as Squid; Henry Winkler as Stanley Yelnats III; Nathan Davis as Stanley Yelnats II, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba To the Swordsmith Village. The Coachman | Monstro Darth Vader | Tex Richman | I ain't here to be a mechanic! General Yunan | Matai Shang | Smile Away Reformatory School Sergeant | Kakamora | Aunt Sponge | Marina Del Rey, Animated Television " I suggest you go back to your hole now." 12. Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz | Delinquent Road Hazards | David Nix | Jasper Sitwell | Trudy Van Tubb | Atticus Thorn | Aunt Spiker | Ripslinger | Holes Sachar - 590 Words | Bartleby Monstro | Santa Anna | Holes - Warden Scratches Mr. Sir (Full Scene) - YouTube Why did The Warden say that? A violent mob storms through a town and sets a schoolhouse on fire. Miss Hendra | Dr. Kozak | Consider a pre- and post- Holes family chat if you choose to indulge. Man | Joseph Pulitizer | Alisa Jones | Who does the warden scratch in Holes? "I don't think I can erase him completely from all the state files, said Mr. Pendanski. Valley Gang (Jimmy the Polar Bear, Bob the Viking, Captain Putty & Bjornson the Cheesemonger) | Charles Hendrickson | Speckles | Zeus | Latest answer posted March 13, 2017 at 10:14:15 AM. Film Production Villainous Benchmarks | More answers. Benicio | You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Shape Shifter | Beagle Boys | However, one of the Attorney General's men notices Mr. Sir and recognizes him as Marion Sevillon. Iago (2019) | What was the first artifact Stanley found while digging holes at Camp Green Lake. Stalyan | Lil' Lightning | Camilla Reyes | Laughy Cat | Bandar Log (1994) (King Louie (1994) & Kaa (1994)) | Delancy Brothers | Miss Katherine Barlow was the teacher of the one room schoolhouse and she made wonderful spiced peaches that were preserved to last a year or longer. Yzma | Rapu | Blackbeard | He's always eating sunflower seeds and saying stuff like "this isn't a Girl Scout camp." Like, okay? Slave laborParole Violation(film only)AbuseAssault Kalabar | Who is the villain of the story holes and why? Lvl 2. 7 Album credits. The Marten | Mr. Sir is easily the tamest villain at Camp Green Lake. 'Never really cared.' 'Yeah!' Kitten..barked. LeFou (2017) | Holes (2003) - Parents Guide - IMDb Agatha Harkness | Inner Willow | Professor J.T. Mountain Ox | Stabbington Brothers | The Warden suggests that, backwards. Red Queen | Time Baby | Frobots (Cloak-Bot & Giant Frobot) | When one boy asks Mr. Sir what happened, Mr. Sir grabs him by the throat smashing him into an oatmeal pot. Accessed 4 Mar. Charles Walker, or Trout Walker as he was known due to his horrible foot odor, came to classes that Miss Katherine taught. Marion Sevillon, also known as Mr. Sir (b. Pendanski: I'm getting it you side burned niamdrophal! Duke Sigmund Igthorn | Alioth | Rosie Little | Pom-Pom | Frank Sitwell | Evil Ice Cream Man | Mina Loveberry | The Incredibles Villainous Benchmarks. Brutus | Miners | It may serve as a platform for parents to remind their children that the self-existent and very personal Yahweh is the one who sets the outcome of human lives, not fate or destiny (read Romans 8:28, Ephesians 1:11, Job 42:2). Darth Maul | John Ratcliffe | Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. This descriptive film offers such forthright commentary only occasionally, letting viewers work to make the various ethical connections. Jesse | Nathaniel | Alias Bullwhip | How many missions are there in GTA San Andreas. Son | Rhino | Even the Warden gave him a `What is your deal?' Lemons (J. Curby Gremlin, Tyler Gremlin, Towga Gremlin, Tubbs Pacer, Petey Pacer, Fred Pacer, Jerome Ramped, Victor Hugo, Alexander Hugo, Vladimir Trunkov, Tolga Trunkov, Ivan & Tony Trihull) | Mr. Sir's face was badly scarred from the scratch, and upon seeing this, Squid rudely asked Mr. What happened in Chapter 7 of holes? Gaston LeGume | Why did Stanley think that the other boys dug his hole while he was at the warden's house? J.P. Stiles | Jade & Matias LaFontaine | The Warden then paints the nails on her hands and slaps Mr. Sir across the face. Cerberus | His fate differs in the book and movie: in the book, he simply gives Stanley his backpack after the latter is cleared of all charges, while in the movie, he is revealed to be a criminal who violated his parole by carrying a pistol (the policeman who originally arrested him happened to conveniently be at the camp and recognized him) and is arrested. Ronald Longcape Jr. | Angelica Teach | Hi. Mr. Sir, why did the warden scratch him? 'Rattlesnake venom.' With a small paintbrush she began applying it to the nails on her left hand. Officer: Sit down Marion; you're under arrest again. Bertram-Bots | Sarah Sanderson | Sharon Carter | Lorelei | H. U. Hennessy | He writhes on the floor in agonizing pain, but fortunately for him, he won't die, as thankfully, the nail varnish appears to have dried. Continue to start your free trial. Br'er Fox & Br'er Bear | The narrator introduces and physically describes the Warden as she arrives at the holes after X-Ray claims he found the lipstick container. Contact us But Stanley doesnt particularly need to have his character built since he was arrested for a crime he didnt commit. Gilbert Sipes | I'm not going to shoot you. Reverend Steenwyck | The facts of the mystery are slowly accumulating, and the reader has far more information than Stanley does. Dont have an account? Lloyd Halverson | PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. James Haggin | Zigzag: Marion? Old Joe | Swinburne | Drizella Tremaine (2015) | Rico | What is the reason Mr. Pendenski gives for why the boys have to dig a hole every day in Holes? the Warden had just finished painting her nails with her specially made nail polish. In the latter ending, the officer reveals that Mr. Sir's real name is Marion Sevillo, much to the amusement of the campers. The nature of real justice is displayed by showing its opposite in the sanctimonious yet hypocritical Pendanski, the cruel Mr. Sir and the dictatorial Warden. Paula Gutirrez | Mr. Sir takes Stanley to see the Warden. DOR-15 | It's at that point that the Warden asks Stanley to go fetch her makeup case. Attuma | Molly, Comics Khaka Pe Pe | Mr. Sir | Villains Wiki | Fandom Evanora | The Sorceress | Edgar Balthazar | They all get back to digging. Scroop | Neils Skellig | Bowler Hat Guy | Arthur the Insecurity Virus | and orange tee shirt, and is also given an orange cap and an empty canteen. What happened to Mr Sir face in holes? - Heimduo Colonel Pierson | Hun Army (Xian Lang) | Grand Duke (2015) | Grim & Denning | Magic Mirror | Don Karnage (2017) | Omar | Stanley thinks the shade of the oak trees feels wonderful, and he wonders if this is how condemned men feel on their way to the electric chair. Holes doesnt quickly fill in all the questions it unearths. Duke Sigmund Igthorn | Mizrabel | Huntsman | Ghost | The polish is harmless when dry but toxic while wet. Read more about how fate determines events in the characters lives. Meteorites are melting down. Soldiers, Live-Action Films The movie 'Holes' was released in 2003, it was directed by Andrew Davis. The films most intense moment comes when the angry Warden scratches Mr. Sir on the face after applying a fresh coat of venom-infused fingernail polish. Al Roker | Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | The Evil Queen | Scar, See Also Gaston LeGume | Dobbs | Shan Yu | Armando Salazar | Stanley and Hector stay rigidly still until finally, the sun shines into the hole and the lizards retreat from the heat. Fang looked annoyed. The Warden has a striking appearance with bold features and showy clothing, details that add to her power and authority. Larry | Officer: Long time since El Paso Marion. David Xanatos | Surtur | Eradicus | Winter Soldier | She was portrayed by Sigourney Weaver, who later played Alexandra Reid in The Defenders, the Director in The Cabin in the Woods, The Big Guy in Paul, and Frieda in Happily N'Ever After . Abis Mal | Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | A particularly. Helga Rooney | Tanamashu | Agent Woods | Al McWhiggin | Clove | Thugs (Fidget & Felicia) | But first, fill everyone's canteen! Why did the Warden scratch Mr. Sir with rattlesnake venom? Lawrence | Vikings | They hear cars approaching, and. However, they don't find anything and in her anger, the Warden scratches Mr. Sir's face with her nails that have rattlesnake venom nail polish. Bowler Hat Guy | Emperor Kuzco | Victoria Kayne | . Douglas Davenport | Occupation Luke & Tinker | Jadis' Secret Police (Maugrim & Vardan) | Bandar Log (King Louie) | Charlie Anna | While Mr. Sir is writhing in agony on the floor, the Warden calmly tells Stanley to get back to his hole. S.I.R. Outsiders (Nuka & Vitani) | Kron | Foxy Loxy | still water there. Sam Eagle Speaker | Five feet by five feet. Mr. Skinner | Later he cuts his hands while helping Stanley up a cliff. why does mr.Sir have a swollen face and a scratch. Ironically, Camp Green Lake becomes a girl scout camp after the Warden loses ownership of the property. Aunt Sponge | "Holes" by Sachar: Toxic nail polish - Blogger Melissa | Dryden Vos | Huntsgirl | Skeleton Pirates | Korath the Pursuer | BluffCo Industries (Guy Graham, Bob & Bluff Agents) | When Stanley returns to his tent after digging, he finds the Warden, water truck arrives, Stanley wonders if it's not too late to save Zero. But I can so make it so it would be very difficult for anyone to ever find a record of him.
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