On the flats and descents she crushes her w/kg field. Honest and goal driven. I have been light and I have been heavy. . Email zwiftpower@zwift.com if you want to reset everything. Im curious to see this summer if I can do the numbers outdoors as I push out on Zwift but I cant even think of a road to use for 30 mins without stop signs, pot holes, lots of traffic, etc. I now know of over 20 category D zwift users that have said theyre not going to bother with the Zwift races anymore. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Updating Your Public Profile Zwift takes your physical measurements into account for things like leaderboards, speed, and your avatar's physical appea. As a relatively light 69kg rider, I often feel at a disadvantage in the flatter races, of which there are many more than hilly ones. As a lighter racer 136lbs it pisses me off to see cheating. stop worrying about whatRead more . I used to live next to the Alpe and later, next to the Ventoux. In fact, the only riders at or below my w/kg were minutes off the back. It will not eliminate this behavior but the races will be much more realistic and enjoyable. i was just having a similar discussion with my old lady about watts and weights, etc. (Same effect in a sprint, just harder to isolate). But then you could have someone in the same age group who maxes out at 170. Tough to recover after attacks in a race when youre always near maxing out. This is real frustrating as hes a top u12 racer and wants to see his efforts recognise. You should do much better at your actual weight in that case. In spectacular and shocking fashion. Look at ZP results. Conserving energy is a key part of successful bike racing. I tried racing a D race, and finished way off the front behind about 2/3 of riders after Id ridden at 2.9W/kg for the race. I am a long time racer in NorCal and cheating is cheating. . .Personally I one of the outliers on height and weight. For example, if a rider has an FTP of 210 watts and weighs 75 kilograms, that means the rider's FTP is 2.8 w/kg. I agree with what you say Eric but the weight doping does negatively impact the casual rider if they are following other riders in a casual/social ride. Monthly weigh ins arent perfect but they are better than no weigh ins. On Zwift Power categories have both a wattage requirement and a w/kg requirement. I was just naturally heavy and it put me at the top of the C class in w/kg. I currently use the Garmin Smart Scale so I may invest in the Withings scale. I am not saying that everyone with a low weight on zwift is cheating, but I am suggesting that there are many who are because zwift favours light riders, and people do like to win. My weight is showing orange everytime. They do however have a disadvantage on any flat or downhill. Im assuming you should weigh just before getting on the bike with all kit including shoes and not just before stepping into the post-ride shower (shorn of all kit and approx 1kg of sweat). In theory (at least) weight dopers could game the results based categories as well. I know Ive done it! Hitting G on your keyboard will do it, or swipe up on iPhone or iPad, etc then tap the graph button. Have you ever compared numbers for calories burned, power output and even elevation ridden for a Zwift ride uploaded to Strava? There is no cat C rider at 58kg who has a hope in hell of beating me in any race. Hi, very impressive w/kg at 65. I am always passed by everyone on the way up but can usually catch up on the way down (190cm/93kg). Zwif: your ultimate guide Youve got people putting out 5+ watts/kilo atRead more . With Zwift control is difficult (in getting Zwifters to enter their accurate) wait. Last week we announced Zwifts plans to remove rider height and weight from ZwiftPower, among other changes (read the full post here). Not everyone has the same HRmax. ur allowed +/- 5% weight for pro zwift races so +/- 0.5 kg is not going to make a difference :p. add weight if u want to stay in D. lower weight if u wanna move to C. up 2 u. Nice work! Okay, I now see in ZP where it has my minimum racer category (B) in my profile based on my last race, so I can choose B or A going forward. was the lowest of top 15 riders. Im using a quarq crank power meter on my rock and roll while I save up for direct drive. Shame I cant edit my post for the horrendous spelling and autocorrect gaffes. So what! Similar to the announcement of the European Super League in soccer, Zwift failed to read the room. My 3 race FTP is at 4.07w/kg (248w @ 61kg), but Im still in Cat B. Zwift is great just to ride around and it has lots of good training sessions which you can do. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The best solution would be for Zwift to actively monitor all racing for people cheating. I am 65 kg with FTP of 270 W, which equlas 4,15 w/kg. (Example: if your FTP is 300 watts and you weigh 75kg, your FTP w/kg would be 300/75, or 4 w/kg.) I guess I could play the same game and pretend to be 65kgs (350/65 = an impressive 5.38w/kg), This is where Zwifts scaling of CdA on height and weight gets out of whack with reality. Prior to joining the team, he had written for most major publications in the cycling world, including CyclingWeekly, Rouleur, and CyclingTips. It all has to do with the way Zwift's racing categories work. Other planned changes communicated last week, including plans to improve the reporting features in Zwift will be rolled out as planned. Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). As we said in the first post, "Assuming race organizers can access the data via ZwiftPower, and the site includes simple tools for spotting potential weight or height dopers (perhaps flagging those who made dramatic changes recently), then hiding weight and height data from the public should work swimmingly." A thank you to Zwift HQ for listening to the feedback from the racing community and taking action. Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. Bob, what on earth is that all about? Now head back to ZwiftPower, click 'Connect' at the top of the page, then enter your Zwift ID in the box when prompted. I mean youve both got a point. Some Zwifters go so far as to social-stalk other riders, comparing their photos to their Zwift weight and calling them out for weight doping. how do i change my weight on zwift power - lakenlooks.com I may try it just to see what difference it makes. Using your Mac or PC, you can do it online on the Zwift website. Weight would be updated as normal throughout the month. Whatever your answer, some people will never like it, but there has to be a clear, credible answer for the majority to support. But I will, and Ill get hammered and hopefully improve. it's a good training tool. A good rule we follow is to take our FTP divide it by 3 and then put that in as our weight (in Kilograms). Good heavens man, the sentence before You do you says If its not done during a competitive Zwift event, I dont see it as a problem. Obviously weight doping in races is cheating and not acceptable. 2.5w/kg (215Watts) is hard for me to hold for extended periods but I keep trying. If people want to cheat, they will and can do so in any uncontrolled situation. If you are on the lighter side, try picking some climbing races. Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. The Tour de Zwift events this year were much moreRead more , Wait. It does the job as described. And atRead more . I once made myself much heavier so I could compete against my 11-year-old son in a head to head Zwift climbing race. If Zwift can be seen to be doing that then very little need toRead more . I think you can force it with the Refresh Profile button in your ZP Profile but again, not sure if that triggers it immediately or overnight. We would like to thank the community for your passion and feedback. Updating Your Privacy Settings in Zwift Companion What I think your articles miss to point out, though, (Im sure you are well aware of the problem), like people have mentioned already, is exactly how many cheaters there are that manage to stay in lineRead more . Yet the lesson is clear if you want to win, even on flat courses, have or claim a very low weight. there's a million and 1 reasons why it is not a legitimate sport. I would suggest a free (for now) virtual race license that would outline racer behavior with consequences. The 33-pound Hub is 14 pounds lighter than the 47-pound Wahoo Kickr, even though the two trainers are almost exactly the same size. Contribute a post, shop through us, make a donation, advertise on this site. If thats not something that needs fixing then why run any races? It does not stop cheating at all. what does help identify and stop cheats is formalizing race series and having them use an organization like Zada (whether effective now or not, this is the correct path). But youre not affecting anyone elses experience. Youre having fun winning (or nearly winning) C races! First, it shows that theyre listening to the community. the lighter rider has to ride much harder to stay in the groups with a few big guys cruising along. My last ride I spotted 35kg lad who last week was 56kg. How do I get started on Zwift? Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. The COVID-19 lockdown period, now in its third month around the world, has seen an unprecedented boom in virtual cycling. Hi Using HRM is difficult as well as you max HRM changes with age mine is 159 flat out but I am over 60. All rights reserved. The issues with e-racing remain the same, and largely ignored for years now. Launch Zwift and go to the Menu. So its not Zwift putting you at a disadvantage but the situation itself, just as you would be in the real world in that situation. Heavy riders not only have a huge advantage on down slopes (the steeper the more advantage); they also have an advantage on the flats; its only when it gets to above 5%+ you can start to break a heavier rider. Heres an idea: Take weigh out of the equation. Updating Your Privacy Settings in Zwift Companion To update your default privacy settings, sign in to the Zwift Companion (ZC) app on your iOS or Andro. I did on one and second on the other. Response to our post as well as Zwifts own post in their forum were resoundingly negative from members of the Zwift racing community. We mentioned categories earlier as one of the ways in which you can search through your results and statistics, but they're also a method by which you get sorted into races. Is it doping though? Connecting to ZwiftPower - Zwift Support Taking weight out of the equation you could just make everyones avatar moving forward by holding down the up arrow on their keyboard. There is no disqualification for going over your w/kg limit. How do you actually update your weight on ZP?? If so, that makes sense to me and I can absolutely see the point of that. This raised concerns within the Zwift Racing Community regarding fairness in racing. Maybe they should display and categorise HR as a %age? Next up is the most finicky part of the process finding your Zwift ID in order to connect your accounts. I got my 100kph badge on the Bologna course. I have seen riders weighting 56 kgs and week later they are 35 kgs. For example the threshold for cat B is FTP over 200 watts and over 3.2 w/kg. Just sign up for A races from now on. Lucky forRead more . IMHO, enforcing in-category entry for races will be a quick, easy and effective change. I started started zwift four months ago as a retirement present to myself. You make a good pointthere isnt a published race ruleset that clearly states that riders are 1) required to use accurate weight and 2) enter the correct race category. Yes us heavier riders have the downhill advantage definitely. Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. If I am racing I want to be able to look across at the guy/girl next to me (ie on the Companion app) and get an idea if they are going to kill me on the next hill, or not are they a 185cm/90kg guy versus my 172cm/74kg. Yes thats completely unacceptable, you should never be at a disadvantage at any time in your life, just as your mother raised you. Best Zwift setups: Indoor cycling setups to give you the competitive edge. But maybe Im just thinking like a lady its hard for me to imagine a lady voluntarily gaining weight, even virtual weight. Contribute a post, shop through us, make a donation, advertise on this site. Living at 5,900 ft. adds a performance restriction on me, I get it. Thank you for signing up to The Pick. Not true, at least not absolutely. Id never do this as my Zwift Power is an accurate log of weight and power but it does make me wonder how much easier itd be to be bigger. Ride On. My guess is that another reason some do it, is because it gives you points on zwiftpower, becauseRead more . Read on for our guide on how the app works, how to get set up, and how to analyse your racing. light guys categorically do NOT have an advantage on the flats vs heavier guys, assuming both riding at same w/kg, heavy guy WILL be going faster on Zwift. How does it work? This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. I have just accepted that at my height I will always be heavier than the average cyclist. Ill remain skeptical until I see some actual changes. When I go outdoors I go on a trail bike and bring a backpack full of food and drink for a several hours ride. however 2 riders at the same w/kg, heavier riders have the advantage on flats & descents: https://zwiftinsider.com/wkg-tests/. Just like the CEO promised us rowing years ago, right? People with eating disorders, or a proclivity toward extreme dieting. Not knowing what to pick and with minutes until the my first race, I selected the C group and was thus filtered out of the Zwift Power race results when I then posted a 4.00w/kg over the 28 minute race. If I feel happy in my body thats the most important thing for me, and why I rarely weigh myself. Even at my age I still plan to compete in MTB races when the world gets back to racing. Cyclingnews is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Actually no, sorry, I was wrong. However, I definitely recommend entering some races. As long as youre being honest with yourself I wouldnt worry about it too much. I dont really race so I am OK and any workouts are harder this way. Ive been on a mission to get back to my racing weight in 2020. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. If they keep riders from competing in categories below their ranking, it will reduce the number of sandbaggers and cruisers. Bikecalculator suggests not Go to http://bikecalculator.com/ enter an 85kg rider, riding on the drops for 16.2kms (ie an ITT) leaving all else unchanged. Since strava is all that matters of course. How-To: Adjusting the Difficulty of a Workout | Zwift The categories currently used in most Zwift events are based on your FTP watts per kilothat is, your FTP in watts, divided by your weight in kilograms. What is that!?! LOL. there seems to be a lot of variability in power products and what people are using to feed into zwift. 1 second per 1 km on the AdZ dowhill (after losing minutes going up it) is literally the only place in the game its beneficial and the IRL advantages on the flats over light riders is excessivelyRead more . Then save your ride and log out. Whilst this might be the case, as Eric implies in flat races light weight riders have to work harder to stay in touch with the heavier riders in the bunch. indispensabile essere sinceri nel dichiarare il proprio peso , per se stessi e per il rispetto degli altri . I don't think you can do it from the game itself. Noob question though, whats the etiquette around weighing with kit on or off. IRL I am 85kgs and cant pretend to be 65kgs. See how you can support Zwift Insider! I was wondering is it possible to get the graph at the bottom of the screen that shows youre power and other stuff on a normal ride and not doing a FTP test or workout. Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. IRL if your weight is 85kg, itll take you longer to climb the Ventoux than if your weight is 65. bottom line for me, its a virtual training world, a virtual hammer isnt the same as a real hammer. thanks for the help with the graphs. Not too many people actually want to see other peoples height or weight except to be able to verify race results are reasonable. Yes, we need to be categorized by our race ranking, not power. SoggyAlbatross2. Well, imagine youre a strong C racer. ZwiftPower: Your ultimate guide | Cyclingnews The guy who got first weighs 106kg on strava but 45kg and only 411 on zwift. Check out this FAQ for some of our frequently asked questions: Q:&. But what exactly is ZwiftPower and how does it work? Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). Yes, but hopefully the system would be designed so, if drop a category then begin doing well, you get upgraded again! I have tended to notice that a significant number of powerful zwifters real world Strava performances pale in comparison to their online achievements. I disagree with you on this point. Most of my ZwiftRead more . Races can use different schemes to categorise riders, but most of them use this scheme: You can, of course, progress through the ranks as you race. So I just bumped myself up to the B group and went faster overall simply because there were faster people to draft off of. https://zwiftpower.com/profile.php?z=697996. Theyre only cheating themselves and it all comes out in the wash eventually. Is a very strong rider for his age and trains hard. As a 59/60kg rider who always seems to have a higher w/kg than the people I finish around, Ive been curious about adding 50% to both my weight and http://ftp. This is how racing is supposed to work. But I get beaten by lots of other zwifters, even on flat courses. What anyone wants in any game or competition is to feel its fair, and as they look to make changes going forward, I hope people at Zwift always keep asking themselves this question: How can Zwifters see these races are fair?. MyRead more . Withings scale that automatically updates your Zwift weight, a month ago in the final post of my race category series, https://smartscalesync.com/?utm_source=tr, https://zwiftpower.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=5528, https://zwiftinsider.com/how-does-zwift-calculate-my-speed/, Zwift x UCI To Host Cycling Events for the Olympic Esports Series 2023, Race London ZRacing March Series Details, Notable Zwift Events for the Weekend of March 4-5. I dont know why this is, but i dont care one bit if people are cheating. His 150 or 160 is not comparable at all to what mine would be, I have been Zwifting for a couple of years now I can honestly say I am completely addicted to Zwift. As a Triathlete, I have a different perspective when racing and riding on Zwift because the vast majority of Zwifters (according to Zwift and Strava) are only cycling; whereas Im also training by Running and Swimming. This calculates that this heavy rider would take 23:14 to do the distance a justRead more , Everyone has a sweet spot for weight. Take one of our four FTP tests to determine your FTP. I know its just virtual but my godi hope they enjoy their lies. See https://zwiftinsider.com/how-does-zwift-calculate-my-speed/, I think if a racer doesnt want to cat up in order to keep winning in their current cat, she or he would likely just go the traditional sandbagging route (as others have suggested here). Dont worry about your weight fluctuating through the week and remember you gain 0.5kg by drinking a half-litre bidon and lose it again through sweat (and by going to the toilet). Race specific phase: 3x10min 50-60rpm intervals with . Exactly, although As arent that regulated, unless you hit the premier class, which is a very small section of A riders. How To Change FTP On Zwift - The Cycling Point Its only a bit of fun at my level (solid B with the odd podium). In reality no under 12 is competing with a decent 2nd or 3rd cat (UK system) Ive ridden with enough talented youth riders that this is fact so letting young kids crush half decent amateurs on zwift would be unrealistic. Gain a few (virtual) pounds. Its funny, I was talking to one of my work colleagues who also Zwifts about AdZ and how because Im heavier (125kg / 276lbs) I would never be a sub 60m AdZ rider (I reckon Im looking at sub 2 hours, if lucky), Ive never once considered weight doping, sure I know I could but why would I? My power is often in the top few. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Too light and watts go down as does watts per kilo. Why not ride to your strengths? I dont think any of my shorter (under 5ft10) running or cycling friends weights more than that. This is especially true if you are trying to ride with riders you possibly know locally or otherwise. We are both lighter riders and find the w/kg categorisation system frustrating (unfair even) but its what we have at the moment I think most people feel like they have a right to be competitive but this simply is not the case and ifRead more . Updating Your Public Profile - Zwift Why can we just all race together and the fastest person wins? How about simply showing a percentage variance.
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