Its operations subsumed the Seattle Transit System, formerly under the purview of the City of Seattle and the Metropolitan Transit Corporation, a private company serving suburban cities in King County. To share a business or nonprofit story, please send us a message. The system can boost average speeds as much as 8% and is in use on several of the city's busiest corridors, including Aurora Avenue North, Rainier Avenue S and Lake City Way NE. Look for new orange timetables and Metro's special Rider Alert brochure. This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 21:53. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. [19][20] It was later renamed the Ride Free Area (RFA). Metro Flex is an on-demand service that replaces Community Ride, Ride Pingo to Transit and Via to Transit. Metro Transit Division. Metros on-demand services have resoundingly woven themselves into the mobility choices of the communities they serve and advance King Countys values. [1] The city network was descended in large part from the Seattle Transit system of converted streetcar routes. 290 W 232nd St Unit 14D, BRONX, NY 10463. The final streetcar ran on April 13, 1941. If you tap before you board, you do not need to tap again on the bus. The ride to Grand Central during peak commuting times takes just under an hour; the one-way fare is $13.75 . [39] Metro also takes advantage of new HOV direct-access ramps and freeway stations constructed by Sound Transit to improve speed and reliability of its commuter routes. Learn more, Disabilities or Medicare fares (qualifying disability), The Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) entitles riders with a disability and Medicare card holders to reduced fares on public transportation systems in the Puget Sound region. We started out by waiving the fee for new youth ORCA cards back in December 2020. No date has been set yet to resume fares . Port Chester station, on Metro-North's New Haven line, is in the heart of downtown. A driver might only be able to spend a quick moment answering a question, but cannot help navigate the app at the risk of delaying transit service. All RapidRide routes have frequent service with frequencies of 10 minutes or better during peak commuting hours and 15 minutes during most off-peak hours and on weekends. [12], The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle was overseen by a federated board of elected officials, composed of elected officials from cities throughout the region. Over 50 data sets are available, including bus stops, bus routes, adverse weather routes, time points, neighborhoods, fares, bike lockers, fare zones, transit centers, park and rides and MORE. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If the actual fare exceeds the fare value on the pass, a fare upgrade is required. King County Metro Transit Metro operates many peak-hour commuter routes serving park and rides that use 244.52 miles of the region's network of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. To view this site, you need To add money to an existing card, go to Seattle, King County, WA, USA Joined December 2009. Children 5 and under ride free with a paying adult. Pay as you enter the bus with the following options: Sound Transit does not have a regional bus ticket program. Adult ORCA FULL COST. King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 553-3000 When boarding the Water Taxi, Access, the Seattle Center Monorail, Via to Transit, and Trailhead Direct, the loading agent or cashier will scan your card. King County Metro - Moving Forward Together - King County As one new service, Metro Flex replaces three others: Community Ride, Ride Pingo to Transit and Via to Transit. King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St . About. The purpose of the project is to implement a coordinated regional transit network on the Eastside that gets people where they need and want to go. Starting September 2022, 18 or younger ride public transportation for free. For eligible senior, disabled or low income riders, the pass is good for fares up to $1.75. Intended to encourage transit usage, improve accessibility and encourage downtown shopping, the zone was created in September 1973 and was originally called the "Magic Carpet" zone. Metro believes SaFE reform is a necessary step on its journey to becoming an anti-racist mobility agency. Youth ages 0-18. Sound Transit requires fares on all buses and trains, except for youth 18 and under and Tacoma Link light rail. Content is available under. .. Last Updated November 28, 2022. G Line (Los Angeles Metro) - Wikipedia [49], Metro's lowest-cost route overall, route 4 (East Queen Anne to Judkins Park), had a cost per boarding of only $0.46 during peak hours in 2009. KUOW - Will King County's Prop 1 Fix Metro's Bumpy Ride? [53], The King County Metro fares as of July 1, 2018 are:[54], One-way fare (Peak, 1 Zone), with year of rate change:[55]. Download the Transit GO Ticket app in the app store, buy tickets in advance and don't forget to activate before you get on. Youth 18 and under ride for free on all Sound Transit services. You can also buy tickets through Metros "Marketplace" site on your PC or desktop and have the tickets appear in the app on your mobile device. To provide an even better, more consistent experience for riders, three existing services Community Ride, Ride Pingo to Transit and Via to Transit will become Metro Flex. enabled King County Metro . Fares & ORCA Passes - King County Metro - King County Available on ORCA cards only and is valid for all transit providers in the Central Puget Sound region. Metro's award-winning commitment to innovation means more green, accessible options for everyone. Route Preference: Our Bus Shelter Mural Program is a great example of the hidden benefits of Metro. On Metro RapidRide buses, the driver will always give you a paper transfer when paying with tickets. Metro has 237 bus routes that combine service patterns typical of both city and suburban bus networks, carrying over 400,000 daily passengers as of 2019[update]. Working with 40 neighborhoods to encourage residents to use sustainable travel modes and save money, help the environment and be more active while theyre at it. [43] The Night Owl network is made up of some of Metro's most popular routes, and is designed to connect neighborhoods with major transportation hubs including downtown Seattle, SeaTac Airport, park & ride lots, transit centers, and Link stations (providing service during the hours when trains are not in service). * Online at the Reduced Fare Portal ** For King County & Sound Transit only. All riders boarding in downtown must now pay as they board.[18]. Trip planner, bus passes and timetables are available. King County Metro operates RapidRide, a network of limited-stop bus lines with some bus rapid transit features. It will also be used in conjunction with GPS technology to provide frequent and accurate location updates for next bus arrival signs at RapidRide stations. (Customers may be directed to a bus or light rail option instead with arrival times if theyll be best-served by those modes.). When. The number is (206) 553-3000. If boarding through the front door, show the activated ticket on your mobile device screen to the driver. ORCA works on the seven major public transportation agencies serving the region. These services were inspired by the community asking for better connections across neighborhoods and the region. The value will automatically be used to supplement a pass if the fare for a trip is worth more than the pass value. If you are transferring, the fare you paid with your first tap will transfer with you for up to two hours on all other ORCA transit services, except Washington State Ferries. Add cash at over 175 retail stores in the Puget Sound area, including 7-Eleven, Walgreens, CVS and more. King County Metro Customer Community - Force Transfer fare is calculated automatically between services. *Including Metro Community Shuttles, Community Vans, Community Ride, Trailhead Direct, Via to Transit, Access service, and Kitsap Transit buses. The Metro-operated Sound Transit Express routes are numbered in the 500s. Metro Flex will help us deliver for those asking for more transportation options. Find all the places you can get an ORCA card! [25][26], The in-city routes with the highest ridership are the RapidRide D Line from downtown to Crown Hill via Uptown/Seattle Center and Ballard; the 7, traveling from downtown through the International District to the Rainier Valley; the 40, traveling from downtown through South Lake Union, Fremont, and Ballard to Northgate; the RapidRide C Line from South Lake Union and downtown to West Seattle's Alaska Junction and Westwood Village; the 36, traveling from downtown through the International District to Beacon Hill; the 5 from downtown via the Woodland Park Zoo and Greenwood/Phinney Ridge to Shoreline Community College; the 44, a crosstown route connecting the University District and Ballard; the 8, a crosstown route connecting Uptown/Seattle Center and South Lake Union with Capitol Hill, the Central District and Mount Baker; and the 70, connecting downtown to South Lake Union, Eastlake, and the University District. Since 2008, Metro has maintained an Emergency Snow Network plan to be implemented during major snowstorms and other periods of inclement weather. Are the prices for Transit GO Tickets the same as with paying with cash? Environmental Sustainability - King County Metro in your browser. Will Metro and other agencies that are using Transit GO Tickets still accept cash to ride? *Downtown Tunnel Stations include:Westlake, University St., Pioneer Square and International District. . Most service is operated in a hub-and-spoke pattern centered either on downtown Seattle or the University of Washington, with lesser amounts of crosstown service. They are twice the one-way fare and are valid for travel only on the date purchased, between the stations printed on the ticket. All county transit services including buses, Access paratransit, Vanpool, and Via to Transit will be requiring full fares. Check out the "Earn" section of the app to learn how you can earn rewards points and check out the "Redeem" section of the app to use your earned points toward free mobile transit tickets or credits for other transportation services such as bike-share and scooter-share. How is the Transit GO Ticket different than an ORCA card? Enter your email address and name below to be the first to know. You'll upload this with your application. The service, operated in partnership with the county's park and recreation department and private companies, debuted in 2017 and was expanded the following year to cover three routes: Capitol Hill station to Mount Si; Mount Baker station to the Issaquah Alps; and a shuttle from North Bend to Mailbox Peak. Along with Metro's usual spring updates, however, King County and regional transit riders and community members are being affected and engaged by the more pressing Want to be notified when our article is published? Early lifts were severely flawed, but by the mid-1980s the lifts were generally reliable and were ordered on all new buses. 2014 summary of achievements and progress meeting goals identified in Metro's Sustainability Plan. Enter your zip code to search for the nearest retail location. Because of the scattershot evolution of the system, there is no easily discernible pattern to the route numbers, although there are clusters in certain neighborhoods. [21] Until 1987, the zone was in effect 24 hours a day, but in October of that year Metro began requiring fare payment within the zone during night-time hours, between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., to reduce fare-related conflicts that sometimes led to assaults on drivers;[22] in February 1994, the RFA's hours were reduced further, with fare payment required between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m.[23], A King County Auditor's Office report released in September 2009 found that Metro "can neither fully explain nor provide backup documentation for the operating cost savings that offset the fare revenues in the calculation of the annual charges to the City of Seattle for the citys Ride Free Area" and that some assumptions in the methodology Metro used to calculate the amount of lost fares were "questionable" and have not been updated to reflect changes to the fare structure and fare collection methods. I am honored to be the newest leader of King County Metro. More about Access fares, Good for adult fares up to $3.50 when loaded on an ORCA card. Other Metro services operating fare-free include DART, Via to Transit . King County Department of Transportation. King County Metro accepts cash, ORCA cards, or the Transit GO Ticket mobile app. Tacoma Link fares continue to be free thanks to funding from the Tacoma Business Improvement Area. [36] All lines use new, low-floor, articulated buses that are painted with a distinct red and yellow livery and have onboard Wi-Fi. How Should King County Handle Fare Enforcement? | Seattle Met Load only permissions are given to ORCA accounts that either 1) link without a security code, or 2) link with a security code, but the card has already given full access . Learn more Adult Orca. Metro has rider information specialists that you can call anytime. How to pay | Fares | Sound Transit King County is taking action to confront climate change, and Metro is playing a major role by reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. King County Metro Announces Fare-Free New Year's Eve The tunnel finished its retrofit and returned to service on September 24, 2007[57] and light rail trains began service on July 18, 2009. In addition to the bases, maintenance of the fleet and operation of the system are supported by several other facilities. And in 2012 Seattle got rid of the ride free zone downtown. Custom routes that serve schools in Bellevue and on Mercer Island are numbered in the 800s (823, 824, 886892) and routes serving the private Lakeside School and University Prep numbered in the higher 900s (980995). Yes, cash will continue to be accepted on Metro buses, and via ticket vending machines for other transit services. Scroll down for a list of Fares byservice. [63] In the 2000s, Metro opened its first park and ride garages as well as several lots that were integrated with housing and retail developments.[64][65]. One-way senior/disabled Sounder fares are $1 for all trips, regardless of the distance traveled. The time you need to leave or. 161 E 110th St Unit 2-C, New York, NY 10029. Not good on Kitsap Fast Ferries or Washington State Ferries. 545 Redmond - Seattle Adult fares $3.25 Effective September 17, 2022 - March 17, 2023 DOWNTOWN SEATTLE REDMOND MONTLAKE Lake Washington Lake Sammamish Stewart St E Olive Ave & Bellevue Ave James St Madison St S Jackson St Marion St Seneca St 4th Ave & Pine St 4th Ave & Pike St Jefferson St 5th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Boren Ave Bellevue . Community Transit fares; Pierce Transit fares; There are two ways to pay for bus fare. Suburban routes follow a numbering system: 100199 for South King County, 200299 for the Eastside, 300399 for North King County, and 900999 for dial-a-ride and custom routes. [8][10], After two failed attempts to enable it to build a regional rapid transit system, it was authorized to operate a regional bus system in 1972. To coincide with new Link service, King County Metro is also updating their on-campus bus service to better serve the U District and University of Washington stations. Tickets are not available for King County Vanpool and Vanshare. (522, 542, 545, 550, 554). Bob Lane, Better Than Promised: An Informal History of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Seattle: King County Department of Metropolitan Services, 1995).
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