On Monday, the Division VI and VII All-Ohio teams were announced. Junior Peter Anderson and senior Gabrielle Gruppo's photographs are on display in the Studio San Giuseppe Art Gallery at Mount St. Joseph University as part of their Selections biennial exhibition. Thirteen students, who were inducted to the Science National Honor Society in September, have spent the school year providing science-related service. As a member of the Executive Leadership Board for CancerFree KIDS Night for the Fight, senior Shelby Highfield is working to knock out cancer. Her heart and hard work as a member of the board helped CancerFree Kids to raise over $245,000 for cancer research. Math intervention teaching position and building substitute teachers are available. Or that McNick has one of the most recognized high school theatre programs in Ohio, over 25 visual and performing arts offerings, and a Makerspace with 3D printers and virtual reality tools? This comedy, written by Tom Dudzick and directed by English teacher and classroom comedian Mr. Jeff Mulvey '86, will have you laughing in the (church) aisles. Join 92% of our students in participating in our over 40 clubs and 26GCL athletic programs. Mark Wilmers '74. The football team went 9-1-0 in the regular season, knocking off Carlisle and Portsmouth before slipping to Elyria Catholic in the state game at The Ohio State University. Dave Krusling Rockets celebrate successful fall sports season, Senior wrestler signs letter of intent to DI school, McNicholas moves to new model of school administration, Rockets reflect on the dignity of human life during Respect Life Month, Rocket Band wins five first place trophies, 7% of senior class recognized by National Merit Scholarship Corporation, Alum welcomes ten seniors to Science National Honor Society, Welcome home, Rockets! At the University of Cincinnati, she was a member of the 2008-2009 Big East Champion volleyball team. Tim OConnell 64 Sally Grogan Minardi 88 The World Languages Department celebrated National Foreign Language Week with fun, food, and Fallas.Activities included "Ojos de Dios" crafts from Mexico, Fallas" from Valencia, and a Greektemple building project. Coach Jerry Doerger, McNicholas and Moeller, 1966-2009 The latest additions to the hall of fame will be officially inducted during ceremonies during the summer in 2022. If you still play your instrument, great! 69% of our students receive financial assistance. Brian Mannino 91 The new center will expand the indoor training area and add up to 2,700 square feet of outdoor conditioning space. . Leadership McNick is a four-year, intentional growth experience that combines high-quality leadership training with small-group relationship building, retreat programming, vocation and career exploration, and formal and informal mentoring. Our students are challenged with 22 on-campus Advanced Placement courses. Teachers and staff members are also developing their gifts and finding new ways to use them to serve the McNicholas community. To support 2004 McNicholas graduate Kevin Huber, senior Grant Must designed and marketed a Rockets show their stripes t-shirt whose proceeds benefit Hubers FUR Foundation. Rob Heise, Director of Athletics Archbishop McNicholas High School 6536 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45230. NAHS inspires and recognizes students who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in art and supports members in their efforts to attain the highest standards in art scholarship, character, and service. to sold-out audiences on November 12-14. McNick teachers know their students well--we have a 12:1 student to teacher ratio. He's scheduled to get his vaccine soon and is sticking to his plans of stepping away once this current season ends. Our students participate in over 40 clubs and extracurriculars and on 26 sports teams? Mary Haefner Smyth 81 Doerger worked out of education for a few years. At the gate - JV Member School Job Openings - OHSAA Jun 9, 2021. Along the way, he had some famous assistants, including former Reds Ron Oester and Buddy Bell, who once tutored the Rockets JV team. Wall of Fame - Franklin Public Schools Heather Doyle Ferris 93 "A couple kids are actually sons of two former players of mine," Doerger said. McNicholas High School Athletic Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Members Good Fellowship Award Sr. Roberta Baumgartner Women's Sports Award Hall of Fame Members Inductees include athletes, coaches, and participants who have made major contributions to the success and notoriety of McNicholas Athletics. Mark McClure 65 Contact us,schedule a visit, or request information. The Spanish Honor Society recognizes high achievement in Spanish and promotes continuing interest in Hispanic studies and culture. To see the entire listing of Hall of Fame members, visit www.mcnhs.org/halloffame. Former McNicholas basketball coach Jerry Doerger ended his speech at the Greater Cincinnati Basketball Hall of Fame induction with this ever so famous song he used to serenade his players, students, and campers with--a perfect metaphor that was truly a great night for the McNicholas community. Pierce is a decorated three-sport athlete and is currently ranked in the Ohio Top 20 for the Class of 2022 wrestlers. The McNicholas Theatre Department is excited to present their production of Xanadu, the hilarious, roller skating, musical adventure about following your dreams despite the limitations others set for you. $5for adults & students Attila J. Weininger, director of human resources for Lyons Township High School District 204, has been named president of the newly formed Illinois Association of School Personnel Administrators (IASPA). McNicholas is the place to discover your unique, God-given brilliance and put it into action. McNicholas welcomed 5 students from Collegi Casp, a sister school in Barcelona, Spain, for a 3-week study abroad program. McNicholas engineering students learned real-world skills and provided a valuable service to the community through a semester-long partnership with May We Help. McNicholas engineering students stepped up to the plate, helping Little League baseball players who use walkers and wheelchairs to field ground balls. Oberschmidt was a four-year varsity golfer at McNicholas. Every student contributes in an experiential environment of doingnot watching. Congratulations to the 19 students who were inducted into the McNicholas chapter of Mu Alpha Theta. As part of the Guardian Angels Schools CANabilities Program, McNicholas hosted the eighth grade class from GA, leading them through a morning of witness, reflection, and activities fostering kindness and compassion. Cathryn Humphries Lest '09 Discover your unique, God-given brilliance and put it into action. You hold a team under 30 points, that's awesome!". All three seniors who were announced as National Merit Semifinalists in September have advanced to Finalist standing. The gym floor inside McNicholas High Schools Larry Bogenschutz Gymnasium is named in honor of longtime basketball coach Jerry Doerger. Anniversaries are a special time. While at McNicholas, Marie received All-GGCL and All-District honors for three years, All-City honors for two years, and All-Ohio honors her senior year. We are just days away from our Athletic Hall of Fame celebrations, featuring notable speakers Elizabeth Blackburn and Dan Hoard. Schroeder was a four-year volleyball player and letter winner at McNicholas High School. Tune in to hear Dr. Stanfield discuss progress on the HVAC project and enrollment and to hear Mr. Muellers updates on our innovative programs such culinary chemistry and Leadership McNick. Over 45 Appalachia retreats and over 125 of Kairos retreats have empowered thousands of Rockets for lives of active discipleship. McNicholas Hall of Fame inducts Schroeder, Oberschmidt - The Enquirer When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the . He is also an inductee of the Fairview High School Hall of Fame, the Westminster College Hall of Fame, the Assistant Director of Admissions and Enrollment. The "farthest commute" award goes to Jake Tetrault '10 who flew in from Atlanta. Congratulations to our National Merit FinalistsEthan Koran, Erin McManus, and Jason Munzel! Presale for home and league away League away game tickets included in the Plus packages must be picked up from the Athletic Office on a weekly basis. If you are interested, please contact Alumni Manager, Shawn Young at 231-3500 ext. Remember if you are getting together with your class for lunches or dinners, have a tradition that your Rocket friends have been doing for a while, or have a classmate that the rest of us should get to know, I would love to come out and put you in the next newsletter. This is our ninth year partnering with Hope Emergency to help make Christmas brighter for our neighbors. Chris currently lives in Anderson Township with his wife and two children and is the President of Midwestern Plumbing in Amelia. Details to follow for those who are interested. The more people we can get engaged, the more opportunities the alumni association will be able to provide. At McNicholas, we build bridgesbut sometimes we break them too! Checks should be made to the PSD Sports Hall of Fame. In 2007, he was the District 2 Ohio State Runner-up as well as first team All-Ohio, GCL Player of the Year, and Enquirer Player of the Year. Allison Vaughn - Soccer - Eastern Kentucky University Athletics Partnering with Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, members of the RLC collected and packed hygiene kits to send to Manna from Heaven Outreach, a group working to support the people of Eastern Kentucky who were devastated by the recent flooding. Current athletic director Drew Schmidt and basketball coach Tim Monohan are both former Rocket athletes who found Doerger to be an inspirational figure. Theresa Haefner Barnes 76 In this edition of Connecting the Dots, we are really going to start connecting the dots! During his four years at McNicholas, Chris earned All-GCL, All-City, and All-District honors for both basketball and baseball as well as All-State honors in baseball. Junior Gia Guessford presented her project at the State Science Fair this summer where she scored a superior rating and won first prize for the Milt Austin Aquatic Science Award. Gretchen Siemers Schmidt 74 Fred Riggs Architecture students tested the design of their egg drop contraptions during the 2022 Architecture Egg Drop Competition. Gordon Massa '85, Tina Matlock 95 His career there spanned 28 years and was full of great success. The Classes of 1997 and 2002 have already held their reunions. The first place winner was sophomore Carly Kent. Randall Haefner 74 The new center will expand the indoor training area and add up to 2,700 square feet of outdoor conditioning space. Jane Bogenschutz Doerger has been overwhelmed by calls and by the presence of many of his former players Sunday. nfhs.org. McNicholas welcomes Robert Noll as Principal for 2023-24 Currently, Tom Jutze is the West Clermont coach, another guy with McNicholas ties. Tickets for alumni and family of alumni are only $5. Charles Montgomery 60 Bill Brummer 62 Click here to visit the Franklin High School Hall of Fame interactive website! "That's over. During a six-day service immersion retreat, 12 seniors visited eastern Tennessee to serve the rural poor and build a community both among themselves and with the people in the Appalachian Mountains. Catholic Central School (Springfield, Ohio) - Wikipedia Elmwood Park High School Grades 9-12 8201 West Fullerton Avenue Elmwood Park, Illinois 60707 Phone: 708-452-7272 Fax: 708-452-0732 Email: ephsinfo@epcusd401.org Our programs thrive on the dedication, commitment, and sacrifices it takes for those who play more than one sport. Greatest female high school coaches from all 50 states Mr. Mueller also shares ways in which McNicholas is continuing to support students in all areas, including mental health. Rockets grew in compassionate leadership today thanks to Hands Across Campus (HAC), our inclusion and diversity student organization, who organized an assembly whose topic was autism and theme was Show me my neighbor.. More than 40 McNicholas students are skipping study hall for a good reason: Theyre tutoring kids at Sands Montessori, Mt. Cynthia Klinker Grundy 90 In this, we see the true measure of Coach Jerry Doerger as a human being,. Honorsindividuals for outstanding support of McNicholas athletics. But even if you no longer play or even have your instrument, we still want you to join us! Jack Stretch They participated in clubs, cheered from the Launch Pad, attended a full class schedule, and even helped in our Spanish classes. According to Wade Johnston '08, "it was a great event"! He will be starting his senior football season in August. Our students earned $17.8 million incollege scholarships in 2022. McNicholas students celebrated fall and Halloween with pumpkins galore inside and outside the classroom! We will kick off the celebration with a Homecoming Field Day & Pep Rally on Friday, Oct. 8. Watch from home with NFHS Play On! Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Seniors Ayden Bailey and Aimee Gauger are crowned king and queen of the 69th annual Mardi Gras. Other than that, I've been very fortunate all these years to have the players I was given and the parents who have always been super. National High School Hall of Fame - NFHS Coach Mrs. JoleneEszattributes their success to their enthusiasm and their hard work in the UC Early IT Program. Our comprehensive curriculum offerings help students of varying abilities achieve excellence. They must also demonstrate a passion for math, for growing their skills, and for using their talents to positively impact the world around them. 2/28/2023. Bryan Cupito 02 William McDonald 58 McNicholas students have the Co-Ed Advantage. Senior Bella Dawson received the Spirit of Sr. Dorothy Stang Award for exemplifying Sr. Dorothys values, including outreach to others and care for creation. Brad Cupito 99 Every student contributes in an experiential environment of doing not watching. Seven teams of students from McNicholas participated in the event as well, contributing to that total. McNicholas High School celebrated students achieving their academic best by inducting 31 new members into the Altiora Chapter of National Honor Society on Thursday, Dec. 1. . The three inductees, who brought notoriety to our volleyball, football, basketball, and baseball programs, were recognized at the Hall of Fame Induction Celebrations on Tuesday, March 22 and Wednesday, March 23, along with the 2001 State Champion Womens Basketball Team. 2) We looked at ways in which the alumni of this school can support each other. Kendra Hornschemeier 01 2020 McNicholas High School, All Rights Reserved, Athletic Coordinator, Assistant to the Director of Student Life, Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Western Hills (Away), Varsity Baseball vs. Western Hills (Home), Varsity Baseball vs. Western Brown (Away), Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Western Brown (Home), Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Little Miami (Away), Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Covington Catholic (Home), Varsity Baseball vs. Covington Catholic (Away), Junior Varsity Baseball vs. Milford (Home). 2004 Colerain football team, Luke Kuechly to LaRosa's HOF - WCPO Inductees by State - NFHS Jakob Tucker placessecond in the Ohio Poetry Out Loud competition. She currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband and three children and serves as a nurse practitioner in organ transplants at the OSU Wexner Medical Center. The Rockets lost to Linden-McKinley in the last minute of the state tournament game. When Bengals punter Kevin Huber won a game as a McNicholas Rocket, he and his teammates would have gathered on the steps of the McNicholas High School convent building and counted out the score with a Boom ChickaBoom cheer. This years Special Appeal is for a gift to McNicholas that will benefit our entire community and our guests! At our annual induction events, we honor at least one male and one female Rocket sports participant for their major contributions to team success, individual achievements, and major accolades that bring notoriety to our Athletic Department. Both Conners will move on the National Scholastic competition. Hall of Fame Nomination Information - Richmond Public Schools Over the past month, Hands Across Campus (HAC) has led our community in the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, a time dedicated to recognizing influential Hispanic Americans and their positive impact on society. Please join us in welcoming eleven new faculty and staff members to the McNicholas family, many of whom are filling new positions in our growing community. George Marklay Congratulations to the Rocket band members who earned superior and excellent ratings in the Ohio Music Education Solo & Ensemble Competition as well as those who represented McNicholas in the Catholic HonorBand during Catholic Schools Week. The McNicholas family is excited to welcome Mr. Robert Noll as the Principal of McNicholas High School, beginning with the 2023-24 school year.
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