High School Uniforms. ONCE COMPLETE, PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PAYMENT. If you have any questions about MOT Athletics, please contact our new Athletic Director, Alycia M. Jefferson, MI
MOT Charter School is authorized by the State Department of Education, and isaccountable to ourauthorizer, parents and the public. School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger guarantees the best in quality, comfort, style, and service. Read More About our STEM Projects. Required Completion of the DIAA Physical Form for 2020-2021 and Supplemental Documentation: These must be printed, completed and signed by all necessary parties prior to completing STEP 2! For more information, please contact Public Relations: Deborah Toney Moore. Parents are invited and expected to be actively engaged in their childrens education. Shop MOT Charter School Mustangs apparel, clothing, spirit wear, gear, and merchandise at the MOT Charter School Spirit Shop on prepsportswear.com. Keep up with MOT Charter School sports with football jerseys, baseball jerseys, and Mustangs fan apparel for baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, volleyball, and more. Holy Angels Kindergarten. MOTMiddleSports.com The configuration of the school is designed to offer a public school experience in a small school setting. DIAA FORMS ARE DUE BY NO LATER THAN AUGUST 11TH, 2021. To View Sarah's complete bio and visit MOT Charter's Facebook Page and Instagram Post. 3.)
S0MS&Sl^fh>t^.cSRc3[T$FA|6n%!5&EfCYC4[0JSn At MOT CharterHigh School, students come ready to learn and leave ready to lead. After the teams have been determined, all players will receive the. *Please Note: Registration is not complete until full payment is received, I have received several emails requesting that we reopen both, Sport Specific Team Shops (for each sport) and our Winter Fans & Family Online Shop, https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/3RYZfyQtuU, https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/auFGrVKCga, https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/5YEKdHmcnF, https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/TLZaZ9vhYj, CONGRATULATIONS to each of our players, managers, and Coaches- your hard work, determination, and support of one another both on and off the court has come to fruition-. Electronic Submission of DIAA Forms and Supplemental Documentation: **Our Athletic Director and coaching staff will be using the information provided by student athletes in this form to communicate with student athletes and their families regarding Fall Sports Tryouts. Shop School Uniforms - Rush Uniform 2017. Uniforms must be worn during school hours, except under special . Click below to link to more information! Created Date: [7] The class of 2019 also had a 100 percent college acceptance rate. **, July 30, 2018 Update! MOT Charter High School. On the health screening form adults and children will be required to enter the following information for contract tracing purposes: F.) Confirmation that you are not experiencing any COVID Symptoms. Find out what works well at MOT CHARTER SCHOOL from the people who know best. Specific times for each of the tryout sessions have been posted on the Varsity Schedule for each team on this website. It has a student teacher ratio of 18.4 to 1. Congratulations to our Engineering program who has been recognized as a STEM School of Excellence! 34316510_1664189670334477_8240014380805128192_o.jpg, 1275 Cedar Lane Rd (1275 Cedar Lane Rd, Middletown, Delaware 19709), about High School: 2023 ITEEA STEM School of Excellence, about HS: Black History month-Spirit Week & Pep Rally, about K8 Academy: 6th Grade Quilting in Language Arts, about K8 Academy: Spotlight learning - 2nd Grade. Email: info@motcharter.com, MOT Charter High School MOT Charter School opened in 2002 as a public charter school. 200 McIntire Drive Newark, DE 19711 Phone (302) 369-2001 Fax (302) 369-7438 . Trent Selby has played both Lacrosse and Soccer all four years of high school. [3] The K-8 Academy is in the city limits of Middletown, while the high school is in an unincorporated area outside of the Middletown city limits, though it has a Middletown postal address.
Arrival:Doors open for students at 8:15 am. Uniforms - Odyssey Charter School Charter school in Middletown, Delaware, United States. DOCX AUGUST 2021 - Delaware Department of Education **for your convenience, a PDF of the 2021-2022 Required DIAA Form with highlighting for easy completion is attached to this email. Completion of the MOT Charter High School Fall Sports Interest/Participation Form Using the Link Below ASAP: The link below will allow you to complete the. The Bergen ASCS school uniform policy will be strictly enforced this year as follows: Standard School Uniforms: Navy blue or light blue collared polo shirt with school logo; Beige or black "khaki" style pants (pleated or . 2.) He also holds a USSF coaching license as well as a Masters Degree in Sports Science and Coaching. For your convenience, a PDF of the 2022-2023 Required DIAA Form with highlighting for easy completion is attached to this email. If the number of students applying for admission is less than the number of seats available, all applicants are invited to enroll in the school. Payments in the form of cash or check must be submitted to the Athletic Director or the front office in an envelope that is clearly labeled with the students name and sport. The Mustangs compete in Division II for sports in which the DIAA has split schools into divisions for playoffs or state championship meets. Please do not enter the AWAY team area. All Shook Up School Edition has been adapted from the original Broadway Production. include a way to get an exemption from wearing a uniform.
He played Varsity for both teams his Junior and Senior years after splitting his time between JV and Varsity his sophomore year. His primary position has been first base. . [2] [17][bettersourceneeded], The boys lacrosse team began varsity competition in the 20162017 school year.
A@ ~ Make sure that you make a copy of all the forms. Spectators should be from the same family. below. ZPV6$\D-iYZ)/+5 RfM| All spectators must complete the Health Screening/Contact Tracing Form prior to entering the spectator area. Middletown, Delaware Group focus: Parenting History Group created on November 6, 2015 See more Project THRIVE provides free mental health services to eligible Delaware students in grades pre-k through 12. I have mine saved to the notepad on my phone. Sarah Harbeson, MOT Charter High School Varsity Golf. Let's GO MUSTANGS! Browse through a range of school . No student may be in the building or on the campus after hours unless they are being supervised in a school activity, club or sport. Make sure that you make a copy of all the forms. pU6N*M9}p3UUc&~ M4\U 3kS0!LAwP8*=k\3TBQ;&SLx\WAy{mgc-
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bx(A. Email: info@motcharter.com. Students report to their homeroom or assigned first block classroom. The MOT Charter School Store allows you to customize Mustangs clothing and merch. $4.99. 54. Business Outfitters. [5], MOT Charter School was established in 2002 as a K8 charter school. what the uniform is. She has been coaching club volleyball for three years now at the middle school and high school level. Postponed until Tuesday, 3/2 to hopefully allow for a fulloutdoor tryout. 1156 Levels Road, Middletown, DE 19709 Wednesday. HS students celebrated Black History Month with a spirit week & pep rally. High School - Odyssey Charter School _dbC&~,S=NP9at!LHEll\3lU=YOCY:dG_WPde=AgEQtxr#N {h~$)*&1uVZ71SBJSL1[V|NWljtVr(OCFgz4
/ILxuVVy6-45 yu8"sR/iJKK:_ Mot Charter School is a public high school of the Mot Charter School District located in Middletown, DE. All uniform with Charter branding needs to be purchased online direct from Brigade. Please make sure you use an email address that you will have access to throughout the summer. The charter establishing each school is a contract, which states the schools mission, program and measurable goals. Mot Charter School - Middletown, DE - AreaVibes All spectators ages 3 and above will wear appropriate masks and practice social distancing at all times. [4], MOT means "Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend". MOT Charter School | LinkedIn Creative, problem solvers, curious. Back. At Mot Charter School, 63% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 77% scored at or . Pull up as far as you can in line. MOT Charter School Mustangs Apparel Store | Prep Sportswear In order to create the safest, most effective, and enjoyable environment for student-athletes please check out the, online courses that are available through, https://www.velocitypayment.com/client/delaware/motcharter/index.htm, https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QDFk2JXhw2B5kuoelmlGKUSNtdKB8zGGa30nSBnFWyo/edit, Spring Sports Student and Coach Health Screener, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Ug1eJT-DBooyVuMrS7IZg/featured, This form will be used to checkeach students, It will also be used to confirm that an UpToDate. Ladies High School Uniforms; Men's High School Uniforms; Academy (A-C) Advanced Studies; Agriscience; Business and Banking; . Trevor has been a member of the Varsity Baseball squad from the first year that MOT Charter High School had a Varsity Sports during his sophomore year. DAILY Health and Wellness Screening Google Form. The Mustangs compete in Division II for sports in which the DIAA has split schools into divisions for playoffs or state championship meets. Give me three words that you feel best describe you. If you do not have a completed/up-to-date physical form on file, you will not be allowed to participate in tryouts. Please note: The DIAA Regulations and DPH/CDC health guidelines we are expected to follow may change based on the release of new updated information regarding best practices and policies. Give me three words that you feel best describe you. Please Note: if the link changes at anytime, it will be posted here! If you are unsure, please email or schoology message me. Shop By School Name or Code. **All student-athletes MUST have a completed DIAA physical on file and be academically eligible. Please click your potential team for information on the left side bar. GO MUSTANGS! Where do charter schools get money to operate? Track My Order. $10.00.
Our Uniform Policy - The Mott Hall School All forms must be signed and dated after April 1, 2021, by a licensed physician and submitted to Mrs. Jefferson using the Winter Sports Tryout Form below. 2023 Best Charter High Schools in Delaware - Niche If you have more than one child applying, a separate application must be made for each child. SCHOOL UNIFORMS & SUPPLIES - iLearn Schools In order to apply for kindergarten, applicants must by 5 years old by August 31st. For HS applicants, additional documents are required. If you need to make any changes before the deadline, you may use this email to access and edit your response. :x~T*k?ZsP90~"8R>5
#`ga The building is open to students from 7:15am - 2:15pm during the school year. However, Delaware currently does not provide money for charter school facilities, so each school must find and pay for its own building. MOT Charter High School fields teams in all three sports seasons. Add to cart. Young Original Girls' Cropped Leggings 2 Pack. The new digital ticketing platform, GoFan, will allow DIAA to operate more efficiently prior to the game and at the gate while creating a safer and enhanced experience for students and fans. For Volleyball, this is includes wearing a mask properly. MOT Charter 1 Newark Charter School 1 Final Box Score Sep 22, 2022 @ 3:40am 6-1 (L) MOT Charter vs. Tower Hill
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