After Koffsky introduced him to Simone, Clyde played the new song he had written. Clyde will pass on a message that Bill needs to speak with you, but not without giving you 5 diamonds and a Pink Gift for everything youve done for him. Koffsky isnt much help, but he says Margaret was walking by and may offer more insight. When you deliver the drink, he says he has opened a new secret line for the police to contact him and Watson goes to the police archives for you. When you speak with Watson, he says hes too busy to deal with other peoples relationships and lets it slip that he and Olivia have taken the next step in their own relationship and moved in together. Lucas returns to the coffee shop in a rush and insists you both leave to return back to the other universe right away. Answer: in the ground, 3) There is a hotel with 4 floors. Jennifer is ashamed to have been blind to Mike's machinations but thankful you opened her eyes. The cop agrees to share the details over a cup of Coffee with Cardamom. Answer from: MeI sold cafe to Donald, and my game has been stuck ever since. Rewards: In the end, Bill gives you a blue gift. They make up after that, but he says the Aphrodite Tea saved them. After an Adrenalino with Guarana, he'll tell you that Mary proposed to him because she wasn't sure when the heck he'd do it. Tap on it multiple times and see why it is so special - and receive a Pink Gift! Carl tells you that, while he doesnt know the recipe or ingredients needed to make a supercupcake, he does know where to find them. When he first comes into the caf he wants the player to give him a bribe. He put the sandwich on the ground and grabbed the ring it dropped. My Cafe || Level 25 || Lucas Love potion || Story and Walkthrough Either winning candidate will ask you to get a Provence table for Four to celebrate. In the end, there was only enough money to buy one new ball. He gives it to you to pass on to Cleo. In a surprising twist, she tells Donald about it and he makes Watson Holmes confiscate Bill's computer. You find out from Felicia that the woman was her mother who she missed picking up at the airport. The investigation leads him to the Tetrapark family, which the town's mayor is a member of. The initials are: B. I. L. L. Then ask Bill for riddles. He returns successfully with the recipe fragment in hand. Henry and you brainstorm ideas. Petrovich swears he didn't touch it. Requirements: Chicory Coffee for Ron, Chicory Coffee with Honey and Lemon for Donald, Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Daisy. The robberies at both museums are part of the same case, and there are actually twelve similar incidents that took place. She starts seeing Kevin in secret until her husband is shot in their home. Clyde returns to the shop, his muscles aching from singing, dancing, and cleaning at the same time. While Bill is busy connecting the monitors to get feedback from the cameras, Watson finds a note that was left down at the station from one unidentified individual taking credit for the crimes and calling himself Donutman. Reminded of the ex-mayors time as the neighborhood superhero, when Donald is questioned he tries changing the subject unconvincingly and even demands for his lawyer. Then, you'll have to help him and Clyde find new business ideas, asking your customers what they might think is a good business nowadays. Even gave her one of her thirteen engagement rings she's stolen. Her ex-husband only ever gave her two presents: the necklace and Clyde Bowen performing at their wedding. Ann points out that Ron suddenly took interest in fashion magazines. Bill tries his best to sabotage this robot but only does more damage. Elsa decided that Mary isnt ready to learn the whole truth about her parents yet. He is rude and grumpy. After a quick chat with the local officer, Watson Holmes, we find out the police are looking for a Ben Jones, in connection to the local robbery of the museum where the Mona Lisa has been stolen, the very name Mary remembers Ben using on their marriage certificate. You can look at the catalog, and even experiment with one or two items from a style. The DJ tries to go on a date with Ron once again, but it ends horribly. Fixing water line and pouring cement near Cleo's place. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando. Through a stroke of sheer luck, Ron and Bills match has to be rescheduled yet again, although Ron was very close to losing. With no way out and without the distraction of her phone, Jennifer falls asleep until she's accidentally freed by Petrovich on his way to the gym. After Jennifer saves Ryan from being shot by her kidnapper, he is finally convinced that she is innocent, and withdraws his petition to have Jennifer step down. During the Oh blondie! show, Ron feeds Cleos next moves through her earpiece, albeit while he has a computer simulator setup and cheating. You discover that Olivia is currently working for Felicia Sturm, who's married to a young man named Alphonse, but it turns out he's in cahoots with Felicia's ex-husband and they are trying to steal her fortune. She tells you that Donald will be her successor. He is the threat that Watson Holmes is talking about. The Donald Cafe in Donald - Restaurant menu and reviews Answer from: JezinkaIf I sell to Fernando when do I get the gold gift? However, while at Lucas's lab, she accidentally pressed the wrong button on Lucas' equipment, which caused her and Lucas switch bodies. Margaret will tell you a secret about Elsa if you serve her a Cappuccino with Nutmeg, Ice and Chocolate. Requirements: Yoghurt Smoothie With Cherry and Lemon for Elsa, Lassi with Honey, Saffron, and Cardamom for Elsa. She admits that she was madly in love with the musician when she was younger. Cleo is feeling miserable because her phone is broken. They have a lot in common, including muffins being their favorite dessert. Meanwhile, Ben is starting taking bets on the next matches: 20 gems for the bet, and if you win you get 30; you're free to bet or to pass. Mike leaves the town, but will return as a customer at a much later level. After you set up what Mary requested for the reception, she starts questioning whether or not she's ready for this. The town has a new guest - Ryan, who came to find the person who murdered his friend 14 years ago. When he returns, hes made progress in the renovation and made tables and chairs, but he needs help figuring out the color for the walls and asks you to talk to Elsa. Bill tells you his friends were impressed by Tony. You'll have to talk to Ben in order to dig into the meaning of that dream. Surprisingly, Ben manages to buy a mansion from her directly -she needs to keep selling real estate on her own to still be a member of the real estate association-. When he returns to the coffee shop, he says things went horribly. Mike will ask you for an equilibrium tea. The payphone was near an old abandoned house, though, but Henry needs Bills help to look into its owner: Penelope Wise. ** - @ My Cafe Margaret manages to steal the mayor's files and gives them to Bill so he can decrypt them. He doesn't seem to remember what happened after the talk with Koffsky. An excavator appeared and started digging around the area after a tipoff there was some rare fossils to be found under Mikes property. After fulfilling her order, she suggests that Jennifer should run a marathon - its a sure way to tire her out. He requires a cup of Tea with Cardamom, Milk and Lemon. Her mother has never liked any of her other exes, but Felicia wants things to be different with Petrovich. Clyde agrees to rent part of Koffskys house, despite his reservations about Koffskys evil twin brother. He thanks you with 5 diamonds. He asks you for a Homemade Sweet Roll in return for his help and tags along with Margaret. When they go and deliver the dessert to Penelope's old residence, the whole thing turns out to be an elaborate prank on Henry, planned by Koffsky, Elsa, Donald, and starring Clyde as Bloody Penny. There is a thief going around town stealing donuts just as the Fakespeare manuscript exhibit is about to open and Watson is trying to catch them. The bank is threatening to foreclose on his house unless he can make his next mortgage payment. Unfortunately, it has the opposite effect and everyone in the precinct seems to be calling Donald for the most mundane things. After the hearing, both sisters were ambushed and one of the criminals had a scarred face, just like Ben said. Watson informs you that the girl he saved from thugs was exactly Alice Carroll, and that she's also the girl Koffsky was in love with. Mary will probably be interested. Shes worried that if Mary uncovers the truth, shell stop speaking to her. Max | My Caf Wiki | Fandom Thankfully, Watson tells you the robbers were caught and are now behind bars. Ben has put Cleo in touch with a psychic who claims to be able to enchant phones to fix themselves and, though it may be a scam, Cleo says she still wants to try it. Rewards: 5 gems from Ron; 1 gem from Ben, after interpreting Mary's dream; 1 gem from Mary; 2 gems from Petrovich; blue gift from Ron at the end of the story, if you decide to tell him the truth. Donald Mulligan is a caf customer, which makes his first appearance at level 14. While she was in the hospital, he realized how much she meant to him, and he has a plan to show her. He offers to take the mirror off your hands and tells you to let Koffsky know its gone. To his surprise, when he checks the video ratings it appears that Koffsky won! When you talk to Bill, he asks for a Supercupcake with Nutmeg, Cardamom, Saffron and Salt and he finds some old newspaper articles about her. Jennifer agrees to step down, but after she opens the free hospital she had previously promised. He says he didn't steal the ring even though Cleo said he did. Requirements: Smoothie with Espresso, Chocolate Shavings, Cardamom and Saffron for Jennifer, Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, Saffron and Gold for Jennifer. Meantime, Cleo is not obly a DJ anymore. They met initially at the local museum where . It turns out he doesnt have anything suitable to use and says Petrovich might have something. Daisys first meeting with Lucas and Emily goes really well and she sees they make a great team together. The psychic needs a Canel with Rose and Cardamom for the ritual. Each had their own motive for it, but the main reason was so Koffsky and Clydes YouTube channel could get more viewstheyre sure the prank footage will go viral. He pressures you into selling your caf to him before you inevitable lose all your customers once his restaurant is open. Margaret agrees to help if you either pay her 195 diamonds or prepare Croissant with Cream for her. kate bosworth & michael polish split; cobra px655 accessories; my cafe level 28 donald or fernando; 2 Thng By, 2021; john deere ct332 high flow; Although the song is topping all the music charts, it looks like nobody is talking about the music. The cop wants to give the perpetrator a detailed explanation of why it isnt nice to hit on-duty police officers in the head with shovels. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando - Petrovich was arrested. Dejavu. You explain Petrovich took her ring from a magpie. He wants to get in touch with his family again and apologize to his father for how he acted when he was young, but he needs a recipe for cinnamon buns. She was going to be a warm up for a rad DJ. My cafe #Level 27 #Answers the questions - YouTube Mike goes with Ryan and Watson to rescue her. Say you will forget the whole thing if he sends you the list. Stuck on level 28 - My Cafe: Recipes And Stories Answers for Android Requirements: Spring Cupcake with Nutmeg and Saffron for Bill, Canele with Vanilla, Nutmeg, and Tapioca for Bill, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Mary and Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Bill. You ask Watson, the coffee shop's resident police officer, about the robberies at the Louvre and Naples Museum and he says his friend at Interpol will help for a Vanilla Frapp. Margaret will help Ben crack the safe in exchange for a Magical Coffee with Rose, Cardamom, Saffron and Gold. Unfortunately, when Lucas tests Mike's food from a restaurant in another town, it turns out to be completely harmless. Asks for Tea with Guarana, Cinnamon, and Lemon to calm his nerves. Unfortunately, that means she and Lucas can never be together again, but Lucass view on love has changed for the better. They finally called him to open a safe. my cafe level 28 donald or fernando - Level 28 The Corporation? But things end in disaster and Emily is nearly crushed to death by one of the comets on the set, saved at the last minute by Lucas who ended up going to the hospital. She then turns to you for advice. There have been too many changes in the young womans life recently. He comes back and says to sprinkle salt by the windows and doors. It seems shes been having mood swings. Alice is tired of her humdrum routine and wants to find something to be passionate about. So Bill did shoo the bird away from the window when setting up Wifi for Cleo. Ben says he saw Edward Koffsky, Buzzs evil twin, working at a gas station. Watson disagrees and when you tell Ben he won't be able to join the operation, he says he will go in disguised and police shouldn't interfere. Watson, who has a thirst for vengeance, has decided to arrest Edward himself. Elsa and Clyde decide they want to surprise their daughter (Mary) and her fianc (Bill) with the perfect wedding - and they need your help! Donald for a coin and Fernando wants me to GIVE him 25 diamonds. She refuses to perform, but Mike is desperatehe owes a large debt to the Corporation and he was counting on Cleos success to help pay them back.
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