Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. For instance, the interim president that Moody chose is Greg Thornton . Staff were informed that Dr. Easley has suffered from severe back pain that has already once required him to take an extended leave of absence for surgery, and that it now appears he needs further medical attention. Last month, she shared her findings directly with two members of Moodys board of trustees who found the evidence convincing and assured me that the rest of the board would act swiftly to address issues and remove guilty parties.. This money was given during a period of financial hardship for the school, a period of time that has stretched into recent months as approximately one-third of the Chicago faculty were let go last November, and the schools Spokane, Washington, campus and learning extension site in Pasadena, California, were both closed. Greg Thornton, senior vice president of media, will serve as Moody's interim president while the school searches for a permanent replacement, Fairfax wrote. He is also an elder at Erwin Lutzer's Moody Church. He has been the senior vice president of media at Moody Bible Institute since 1981 (37 years). Roys wrote that she attempted to address these and other problems she encountered through the appropriate channels to resolve things internally but got nowhere and had no choice but to disclose her findings publicly. The changes come amid reports of disputes over management and theology. Scofield. Here is an excerpt--to read the entire release click here.CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (ANS) -- Dr. Michael J. Easley, President of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, has announced his resignation effective June 30, 2008 due to a health Please know that we are working diligently through everything, and will stay in regular contact with you first, our Moody family, and with our many partners and friends as well. Let there be no mistake that the Board of Trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. Last November, he took a medical leave of absence to have surgery on his ailing back and has since found it hard to fully engage in duties. Understandably, there are many questions at this time. ", Dr. Easley wrote: "Surgery has already once interrupted my tenure for several weeks, and unfortunately it has become clear that more treatment is required. They are godly, honorable men to whom we entrust to the Lord and offer our deep gratitude for their years of faithful service to Christ and to Moody. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. Moody has faced and overcome numerous challenges throughout the course of our 132-year history. Gray was born in New York City as one of the younger of eight children. I have come to the difficult conclusion that under the circumstances I cannot be as effective a President as the Institute deserves.". The board met Wednesday to discuss a variety of issues that have been raised by concerned students, alumni and staff in recent months. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. When four years ago they decided that faculty could drink, smoke and gamble in moderation that was the final straw for me. Thank you for your commitment to prayer and seeing God glorified through this. His career at Carlson Hotels/Country Inn and Suites is impressive and there are no outstanding complaints as there are with the other two men. Who knew two nonverbal rocks had so much to say? . A year after the three top leaders of Moody Bible Institute all stepped down on the same day, the school has a new president, Mark Jobe, 54, who will begin in January. say has never been repaidin order to acquire a $1.08 million condominium near campus. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. A previous version of this post said that Dr. Venugopal had resigned instead of retired. When asked generally about the practice of loaning to officers (not MBI in particular), Attorney Rich Baker, a partner with Mauck and Baker, a Chicago law firm known nationally for representing religious institutions, said: Im always against loans to corporate officers and directors If its not paid back, then that certainly puts it into the category of self-dealing. Please know that we are working diligently through everything, and will stay in regular contact with you first, our Moody family, and with our many partners and friends as well.. www.RestoreMBI.com/problems-at-Moody-Jesuits.htm www.RestoreMBI.com/problems-at-Moody-Jesuits.pdf And they're not, unless you are perpetually young and healthy. How truly awesome for the Lord to raise up His special messengers to speak for righteousness when others choose to look the other way or remain silent. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. But what about the extremely serious issues with the board? Today, we accepted the resignations of President, Dr. Paul Nyquist; Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck; and the retirement of Provost, Dr. Junias Venugopal. And while interest and concern about specific details regarding personnel-related matters has been voiced, we will not violate the privacy of those involved, nor debate these issues through a third-party outlet. Nyquist has been the president of Moody since 2009. One Moody student who spoke to CP on condition of anonymity Wednesday night said he expects they will hear more about this in chapel service Thursday, adding that it will take time for the news and implications of everything that just happened to sink in. Thank you for the action you have taken actually for all of us. Great! As we continue to pray and seek resolution to these allegations, we are committed to keeping you informed about this matter and how we are proceeding. I ask that you be in prayer for them and their families.. John Jelinek, vice president and seminary dean, is now interim provost. Moody Bible Institute A mid "widespread concerns over the direction" of Moody Bible Institute (MBI), the historic Chicago school announced today that President J. Paul Nyquist and. In addition to last weeks meeting of the Boards Executive Committee where these issues were discussed at length, the full Board of Trustees will deliberate further onWednesday, January 10. The weakening of standards has bothered me as well. Moody Prior to Moody, he was an executive and attorney for Carlson Hotels. The board met Wednesday to discuss a variety of issues that have been raised by concerned students, alumni and staff in recent months. 2023 ChristianWeek. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! One of the school's provosts will also be retiring. for more information. Warren Throckmorton at Patheos reported yesterday: Julie Roys, host of the Moody Radio show Up for Debate, was terminated from her radio show yesterday after she alleged the existence of questionable fiscal and employment practices at Moody Bible Institute. I ask that you be in prayer for them and their families.. Moody has become not a unique place to study and know Gods Word, but instead a place infiltrated by liberal political stances and clichd cultural buzzwords without a solid theological foundation, a departure from Moodys central and driving mission to train men and women for faithful service by knowing and teaching the Word of God.. This new role will take me out of the daily administrative duties and call for me to continue to represent the Institute, as I am able, preaching at churches and conferences and on the radio, as well as maintaining relationships with donors."Dr. This money was given during a period of financial hardship for the school, a period of time that has stretched into recent months as approximately one-third of the Chicago faculty were let go last November, and the schools Spokane, Washington, campus and learning extension site in Pasadena, California, were both closed. Dr. Mark Jobe is the president of Moody Bible Institute. "He is a man of unique gifts who has greatly benefited the ministry here," he said. Drain the swamp!!! More information will be available later. Too often Christians sit back and allow darkness to flow into Christendom and the church. "He is a man of unique gifts who has hugely benefited the ministry here.". In addition, Dr. John Jelinek, Vice President and Dean of Moody Theological Seminary, will serve as Interim Provost. It was not three years of learning how to think, how to analyze, and . [1] Nyquist moved to MBI from Avant Ministries, where he served as President. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary, Jobe recalled being overwhelmed . Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. [2] CHICAGO The president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago has announced his resignation. I ask for your prayers for the Board, our interim leadership team, and the entire Moody community during this next season. The memo explained that The Trustees will begin their search for a new president soon. Moody Bible Institute is in good hands. Provost Junias Venugopal has retired. The news was announced in an email sent to the Moody community Wednesday evening, following a special meeting of the board of trustees. Not knowing why they lifted the gambling ban, Im inclined to disagree with the change but not to assume animus on it. . The Provost Junias Venugopal, retired as well. ", "Let there be no mistake that the board of trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. He is the author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave into Your Call. By Brandon Showalter | January 11, 2018. Courageous. In the interim, Ed Cannon, Chief Operating Officer, will assume responsibility for the business affairs of the Office of the President, and Dr. Charles Dyer, Provost and Dean of Education, will assume responsibility for the spiritual leadership and doctrinal integrity of the Institute. The Bible school has been in operation since 1886. His father, Hugh Gray, died shortly after his birth. As we press forward, despite the challenges and hard conversations that are taking place at Moody, our executive team and the Board of Trustees are unified in our love for the Lord and this great institution, the pursuit of truth, and seeking reconciliation where possible, they wrote. I am by no mean surprised at all that he was fished out. If ChristianWeek has made a difference in your life, please take a minute and donate to help give voice to stories that inform, encourage and inspire. I will work with the Trustees to make this sooner-than-expected transition to a new President as smooth as possible and to the greatest benefit of the Institute. The president and chief operating officer of Moody Bible Institute have resigned amid controversy over the theological direction of the institution and allegations of shady administration practices, the school announced Wednesday. If they have further questions they may email: Dr. Easley wrote: "Surgery has already once interrupted my tenure for several weeks, and unfortunately it has become clear that more treatment is required. That seems legitimate to mesome students are underage (especially for alcohol) and it is wiser to have a campus atmosphere without those elements. They didn't need to be reminded! From 1904, when Gray was appointed dean, to 1931, the number of students at Moody increased 1,464 percent, and its assets grew 1,444 percent. President of Moody Bible Institute Dr. Mark Jobe serves as Moody Bible Institute's 10th president, taking office on Jan. 2, 2019. Otherwise may God have mercy on him and direct his steps. Read 20:1-11 bible commentary from James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary by James Gray FREE on BiblePortal.com We often refer to the Moody family, which is how we see all of you. After hosting Moodys weekly program Up for Debate for more than a decade, Roys posted that: I received an email from Greg Thornton, MBI senior vice president of media, informing me that after consulting with the Executive Committee of the Moody Board, leadership is terminating your employment. No reason was given and I was informed that my boss, Program Manager Dan Craig would be at my house in two-and-a-half hours to pick up my laptop. Thank you Carl.you are right on! Michael's involvement with ASSIST News Service is a sponsored ministry department -- Michael Ireland Media Missionary (MIMM) -- of ACT International at: Artists in Christian Testimony (ACT) International. Roys has now reported that Nyquist has resigned, along with the Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck and Provost, Junias Venugopal. Over the last few years I have had a growing and now unshakeable conviction that God is calling me to give myself singularly. also a NAMB vice president, resigns . Prior to his resignation, Nyquist penned a letter with Fairfax on Monday acknowledging the allegations before the board. Heres the letter Moody sent today to employees: On behalf of the Board of Trustees, let me thank you for your service to Christ, your dedication to Moody Bible Institute, and commitment to be in prayer for the ministry at this time. Let there be no mistake that the Board of Trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (ANS) -- Dr. Michael J. Easley, President of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, has announced his resignation effective June 30, 2008 due to a health problem with his back. ** Michael Ireland, Chief Correspondent of ANS, is an international British freelance journalist who was formerly a reporter with a London newspaper and has been a frequent contributor to UCB Europe, a British Christian radio station. As a matter of fact, Jesus talked more about giving money than He did about the Kingdom of Heaven. And maybe they didnt want to get into nitty-gritty minutia like whether poker or bingo are gambling. The president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago (pictured) has resigned, due to health problems with his back. We apologize for coming to you so late in the day, but given the nature of the news we are sharing, we felt it best to communicate with you as soon as possible. Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843-1921) was a significant American theologian, writer, and pastor who is best known for his Scofield Reference Bible, one of the most influential theological works of the 20th century.In it, he popularized Dispensationalism, which uses the literal, grammatical, and historical system of biblical interpretation and, therefore . falling student enrollment numbers, a climate of fear and intimidation on campus, where whistleblowers were said to have been silenced, a liberal theological drift, unprofessionalism by professors in the classroom, widespread layoffs, questionable loans to school trustees and officials and now the firing of a popular Moody Radio Network host who criticized the school. According to Roys, that loan has not been repaid. He is also the founding pastor of New Life Community Church, a Chicago-based ministry with 27 locations throughout Chicago.Mark earned a diploma from Moody in 1984, a master's degree from Moody Theological .
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