Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. But those promises are conditional on making Yahweh your refuge and the Most High your dwelling place. Verse 9 assumes that the reader has complied with these conditions, so the promises apply. It is to know relationally or by experience, and is therefore an intimate kind of knowledge. The Almighty (Hebrew: sadday). Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. - Hal Licino, Why Modern Liberalism is Contrary to Christianity, Matthew 24 The End of the Holy City - Morrison Lee, Scripture Charts As Relates to the Second Coming, The Beast of Revelation Revealed - Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry, The Destruction of Jerusalem - Proof of Christianity, The Last Days According to Jesus - R. C. Sproul, All the N.T. God is willing to guard his people as the hen is to guard the chickens, and as able as a man of war in armour. 2. They shall triumph over their enemies, ver 13. We know that death and taxes are the two certainties in lifedeath being the most certain of the two. See an excellent practice of this, Psalms 91:1, He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty; that is, he shall be safe from all fears and dangers. Romans 12:2 Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. Psalm 99 - The Holy God, Present and Revealed. In my father's house there are many mansions, one needs not crowd another, much less crowd out another. If this is your position, you shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. You are not safe in the outer courts; you are not protected from all danger anywhere but within the vail. All these promises, some think, point primarily at Christ, and had their accomplishment in his resurrection and exaltation. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day; nor of the pestilence (Hebrew: deber) that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction (Hebrew: qeteb) that wastes at noonday (vv. Psalms 91:10-11. 2. I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. And from the noisome pestilence. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014), Gower, Ralph, The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times (Chicago: Moody Press, 1987), Kidner, Derek, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Psalms 73-150, Vol. II. Observe, 1. In this case, the psalmist emphasizes its deadly character. They are mighty (Psalm 78:25), and serve by doing Gods will (Psalm 103:1). b. I will set him on high (Hebrew: sagab), because he has known (Hebrew: yada) my name (Hebrew: sem) (v. 14b). Changes will take effect once you reload the page. John MacArthur) BRAIN GAMES. There are some who come to Gods house; but the man mentioned here dwells with the God of the house. Hell Under Fire - CIANZ Annual Conference Address, Jesus' Teaching on Hell - Samuel G. Dawson, The Nature of Hell - Evangelical Alliance, The Origin of Hell-Fire in Christian Teaching, The Bible Verses the Traditional View of Hell - Babu G. Ranganathan, Applying the Resurrection
The Immortality of the Soul: A Protest - Joseph Agar Beet D.D. Find out how you can be at peace with God for eternity as John MacArthur shows you fifteen words that sum up the most powerful truth in all of Scripture. Please respond to confirm your registration. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. D, The Duration And Nature Of Future Punishment - Henry Constable. 13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. To this the great God is pleased to compare his care of his people, who are helpless as the chickens, and easily made a prey of, but are invited to trust under the shadow of the wings of the divine promise and providence, which is the periphrasis of a proselyte to the true religion, that he has come to trust under the wings of the God of Israel, Ruth 2 12. In verses 1-2, the psalmist uses four names for God: The Most High (Hebrew: elyon). He will cover you with his feathers. I will say of the Lord, He is my then come three mys, as if the psalmist could grasp the Triune Jehovah, my refuge, my fortress, my God; in him will I trust. What a grand word that is, My God! I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. Psalms 91:15. Lions serve as a metaphor for powerful forces that can take us apart with one swipe of their claws. For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence." You who know the Lord, pray that you may attain to this high condition of dwelling in the inner shrine, always near to God, always overshadowed by those cherubic wings which indicate the presence of God. That God himself will be their protector; those must needs be safe who have him for their keeper, and successful for whom he undertakes (v. 4): He shall cover thee, shall keep thee secret (Ps 31 20), and so keep thee safe, Ps 27 5. A wicked worldly man is not satisfied, no, not with long life; he still cries, Give, give. It might be chinks in my faith that leave me vulnerable to fearbut I dont know anyone who has no chinks in their faith. Neither night nor daydarkness nor the bright light of noondayshall give the faithful cause for fear. For he will deliver you from the snare (Hebrew: pah) of the fowler (v. 3a). With his wing shall fence thy head; And his truth around thee wield, Strong as targe or bossy shield! He shall cover thee with his feathers, The psalmist uses a wonderful metaphor when he ascribes feathers to God, and compares him to a hen, or some mother-bird, under whose wings her young find shelter. The noun sem (name) means name or reputation or fame. Angels were often fearsome. (4.) The principle, however, can be extended to fit any situation. (3.) Nay, it is promised to God's people that they shall have the satisfaction of seeing, not only God's promises fulfilled to them, but his threatenings fulfilled upon those that hate them (v. 8): Only with thy eyes shalt thou behold and see the just reward of the wicked, which perhaps refers to the destruction of the first-born of Egypt by the pestilence, which was both the punishment of the oppressors and the enlargement of the oppressed; this Israel saw when they saw themselves unhurt, untouched. God puts honour upon us, poor dishonourable worms that we are. The pestilence is something that you cannot see. Viewing things from God's vantage point--that is true comfort. Assuring glimpses of a future "God's day" bolsters the call for perseverance to the end. The character of those who shall have the benefit and comfort of these promises; it is much the same with that, v. 1. The young lion and the dragon, but the child of God shall overcome them. The Life of Jesus: Lord, Liar or Lunatic? Psalms 91:1. Counterfeit Cross updated- Sanctification and Growing in Righteousness, Errors of the Invitation System or Alter Call, Counterfeit Cross - The Lordship of Christ in Salvation - Part II, A Historical Overview of The Lord's Supper, Set Your Mind on Things Above - Matthew Henry, Prophecies of the Destruction of Jerusalem which have remarkably been fulfilled - Thomas Newton. Observe, [1.] There being no reason to question his sufficiency, fitly does it follow, In him will I trust. They shall be enabled, by the grace of God, to look down upon the things of this world with a holy contempt and indifference, to look up to the things of the other world with a holy ambition and concern; and then they are set on high. II. While no one died, it was a terrible illness that required weeks for recovery. They who fear God are delivered from the vices which would deprive them of the vigor of life; and the joy and contentment they have in God help them to live longer than others. Psalms 91:2. When you hear a glorious doctrine preached, it may be very sweet to others; but the honey lies in the particular application of it to yourself. Even if he should have but few years, yet he shall have a long life; for life is to be measured by the life that is in it, not by the length along which it drags. That is a message that we need to hear in good times so that it will bring us strength during bad times. - Bullinger, Rise Of The Theory Of Universal Restoration - Henry Constable, Universal Restoration Substituted for Eternal Torment, Absent From The BodyPresent With The Lord, Cross Purposes: Atonement, Death and the Fate of the Wicked. 2. As it will aggravate the damnation of sinners that with their eyes they shall behold and see the reward of the righteous (Luke 13 28), so it will magnify the salvation of the saints that with their eyes they shall behold and see the destruction of the wicked, Isa 66 24; Ps 58 10. Yahweh (Hebrew: YHWH or yahweh). However, when Elohim refers to Yahweh, that is called the intensive plural or the majestic plural, acknowledging that all that constitutes deity is summed in Yahweh. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. To the extent that we believe that, it will allay our fear. 10 no evil shall happen to you, Both are appropriate in this verse. If I am in my way, then God will keep me. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006-2009), VanGemeren, Willem A. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will honour him; those are truly honourable whom God puts honour upon by taking them into covenant and communion with himself and designing them for his kingdom and glory, John 12 26. neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. I will say of Yahweh, He is my refuge (Hebrew: manseh) and my fortress (Hebrew: mesudah); my God, in whom I trust' (Hebrew: batah) (v. 2). This promise protects, (1.) Scriptural Evidence for the Necessity of Obedience in Salvation, The Doctrine of Immortality in the Early Church - John H. Roller, Luther's views on soul sleep and the after life, Make Good Use of Your Servitude - Observations on Biblical Slavery, The Consensus of Current Scholarship: The Soul is Not Immortal, Killing the Canaanites - A Response to the New Atheism's "Divine Genocide" Claims. Commentary On Psalm 91 9 16 Working Preacher From Luther Seminary John 414 Life as a Fountain.. The Nature Of The Death Threatened As The Penalty Of Sin - Edward White, The Penalty of Death for Disobedience - Froom, Traditionalism and the (Not So) Second Death - Chris Date, Biblical Examples of Everlasting Destruction, Destroyed For Ever: An Examination of the Debates Concerning Annihilation and Conditional Immortality, Eternal Destruction Is Decreed Doom of Wicked - Leroy Edwin Froom, Further Biblical Support for Everlasting Destruction, The Destruction of the Finally Impenitent - Clark H. Pinnock, Biblical Analysis of Claimed Support Texts for Eternal Torture, Challenge to the Doctrine of Eternal Torment, Future Punishment is Eternal - Henry Constable - 1875, MAJOR Problems for the Eternal Torment Position, The Doctrine Of Future Rewards And Punishments In The Old Testament - Edward White, The Final End of the Wicked - Edward Fudge - Audio Interview, The Nature of the Future Punishment of the Wicked - C. F. Hudson, Thirty Questions For Teachers Of Eternal Torment, Universal Restoration Substituted for Eternal Torment - Froom. Bible Verses, Quotes, Christian Answers, Songs and More. The Immortality of the Soul:
14 Because he has set his love on me, therefore I will deliver him. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Registered User
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Psalms 91:3. The devil is called a roaring lion, the old serpent, the red dragon; so that to this promise the apostle seems to refer in that (Rom 16 20), The God of peace shall tread Satan under your feet. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. 91:9. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1979-1988), Brown, Francis; Driver, S.R. I will be with him in trouble (v. 15ab). They shall think it long enough; for God by his grace shall wean them from the world and make them willing to leave it. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. The Hebrew word hasaq (set his love) means to attach, love, delight, or bind. The Hebrew word sel means shadow of shade. That believers shall be kept from those mischiefs which they are in imminent danger of, and which would be fatal to them (v. 3), from the snare of the fowler, which is laid unseen and catches the unwary prey on a sudden, and from the noisome pestilence, which seizes men unawares and against which there is no guard. Note the contrast between dash your feet against a stone (v. 12b) and tread on the lion and cobra and trample the young lion and serpent (v. 13). It is our duty to be at home in God, to make our choice of him, and then to live our life in him as our habitation, to converse with him, and delight in him, and depend upon him; and then it shall be our privilege to be at home in God; we shall be welcome to him as a man to his own habitation, without any let, hindrance, or molestation, from the arrests of the law or the clamours of conscience; then too we shall be safe in him, shall be kept in perfect peace, Isa 26 3. 91:10 There shall no [nothing comes our way God has either not decreed or not allowed] evil [that which is the opposite of good; any misfortune] befall thee, neither shall any plague [refers to some physical blow; general term for plague] come nigh thy dwelling. God does bothdelivering us and equipping us. there is no doubt about this great truth, Surely, he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.. It is also nimble enough to deflect blows from unexpected directions. The angels keep the charge of the Lord their God; and this is the charge they receive from him. You will only look with your eyes, and see the recompense (Hebrew: sillumahpunishment) of the wicked (v. 8b). Sadday often appears with the Hebrew word el, which is a generic word for a godany god. That the angels of light shall be serviceable to them, v. 11, 12. : A Closer Look At A Popular Tradition, Audio of "Church Leaders and the Use of Honorific Titles", The Nativity Story - Download A 16min Edited Version for Christmas, Binding and Loosing (Matthew 16:19) - w/audio, What does "God blesses those who bless Israel really mean?
It is he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, who, by Gods help, treads upon the lion and adder, and of whom it is written, The young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States. However, the words shadow and shade also acknowledge that the faithful person dwells in a world that is sometimes dark. They shall be delivered from the malice of the powers of darkness (ver 3, 5, 6), and that by a distinguishing preservation, ver 7, 8. To encourage us to make the Lord our habitation, and to hope for safety and satisfaction in him, the psalmist intimates the comfort he had had in doing so: "He whom thou makest thy habitation is my refuge; and I have found him firm and faithful, and in him there is room enough, and shelter enough, both for thee and me." I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). If these verses sound familiar, it is probably because Satan quoted them as part of Jesus second temptation. Now here it is promised. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. 2. The promises which are here made, in God's name, to all those that do so in sincerity. It would have served them well when King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon and freed Israelites to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city, where they found a ruined city and were faced with many enemies. One old divine calls a man a worm six feet long; and it is rather a flattering description of him. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, Here we read about thousands falling to the left and to the right as in the day when Israel battled ancient nationsthe land would be scattered with dead bodies so those who read this at the time it was written had a good idea what this meant. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. lin) in the shadow (Hebrew: sel) of the Almighty (v. 1b). Ought the Church to Pray for Revival? He who dwells in the secret place (Hebrew: seter) of the Most High (v. 1a). 4. The word sillumah means punishment, but carries the connotation of deserved punishment. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Talk of St. George and the dragon! I am old, and expect to die within a few years. Psalms 91:6-7. Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ. quotation, for he left out the words in all thy ways. God will help us in our ways if we keep in his ways. Can any comfort be surer? (6.) Please be aware that these items are sent out from our office in the UK. But he is confident that Yahweh will deliver him from plagues and pestilence, because he dwells in the secret place of the Most High.. Examine Yourselves as to Whether You Are in the Faith - updated, The Christian's Craving for God's Word - MacArthur, Sproul, Piper, Washer, Chan. 11-12). [2.] All Rights Reserved. Their Worm Does Not Die: Annihilation and Mark 9:48, Evidence for the Resurrection - William Lane Craig -Text and Audio, The Evidence for Jesus - William Lane Craig - Text and Video. In Vietnam, our soldiers had to watch for punji sticks and trip wires. Such evil will never befall you. We find this name as early as Genesis 15:2, but whether that name was familiar to Abram is uncertain. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007), Freedman, David Noel (Ed. Under his wings you will take refuge. ): Surely he shall deliver thee. This book of praise manifests a very practical theology. The word deber means plague or pestilence. The imagery here is that of God being a protective parent bird like the eagle which covers His young under their wings and shades them from the elements and any prey that might attack them. They sicken millions of people every year, and often kill them. 4 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996), Ross, Allen P., A Commentary on the Psalms, 90-150, Vol. 2. Naught shall strike thee with dismay, Fear by night, nor shaft by day." Verse 7. 13 You will tread on the lion and cobra. 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! Amen. He will live as long as he wants to live. I saw newspaper pictures of children confined to iron lungs that helped them to breath. Yahweh is promising to exalt the person who knows his name. He will be in peril; Psalms 91:12. When I lived in New York City years ago, I learned not to walk close to buildings when I was walking at night. The spiritual life, which is protected by divine grace from the temptations of Satan, which are as the snares of the fowler, and from the contagion of sin, which is the noisome pestilence. Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;I will protect him, because he knows my name. . and from the deadly pestilence. The Great Lie: What about the Immortal soul? Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection? That is worth noting. For example, in Psalm 1, we are not to spend all our time just meditating on the Word, but become busily involved as Jesus was in the lives of others, p. 3. It goes beyond head-knowledge to heart-knowledge. There are some who worship in the outer court . They shall be taken under the peculiar care of Heaven, ver 1, 4. nor of the arrow that flies by day; and see the recompense of the wicked. nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. But he that has his treasure and heart in another world has soon enough of this; he would not live always. Verses 1-16. Some think that this promise had its full accomplishment in Christ, and the miraculous power which he had over the whole creation, healing the sick, casting out devils, and particularly putting it into his disciples' commission that they should take up serpents, Mark 16 18. Psalms 91:3. ), The New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible, 5 vol. God protects believers, (1.) That, whatever happens to them, nothing shall hurt them (v. 10): "There shall no evil befal thee; though trouble or affliction befal thee, yet there shall be no real evil in it, for it shall come from the love of God and shall be sanctified; it shall come, not for thy hurt, but for thy good; and though, for the present, it be not joyous but grievous, yet, in the end, it shall yield so well that thou thyself shalt own no evil befel thee. The Unholy Trinity: The World, The Flesh, The Devil Psalms--BASICS Psalm 91 OUTLINE vs. 1-2: Assurance of God's Protection vs. 3-8, 11-13: The Ways God Protects vs. 9-10: An Invitation to Receive God's Protection vs. 14-16: Promises from the Lord for His Protection ", You must enable JavaScript to view all available content on this page, Counterfeit Cross updated - We Walk by Faith Pt II - Taking Up Our Cross. Pastor John MacArthur writes, Contemporary evangelicalism has been beguiled and sabotaged by a ruinous lack of confidence in God's Word. God Bless. That he will exalt and dignify them: I will set him on high, out of the reach of trouble, above the stormy region, on a rock above the waves, Isa 33 16. The charge given to the angels concerning the saints. The Septuagint (LXX: Greek version of the Old Testament) attributes this psalm to David, but that remains in question. 2. O death! (2.) There may be unseen influences that would ruin us, or cause us dishonour, or distress; but when we dwell with God, we shall not be afraid of them. (2.) It also means preparing, to include equipping for war. There is need to fear the night filled with terror or the arrows that are visibly seen flying during the day. The promises that are sure to all those who have thus made the Most High their habitation. His faithfulness (emettruth) is your shield (Hebrew: sinnah) and rampart (Hebrew: soherahbuckler) (v. 4c). Bible Study, A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand. It comes creeping in, and fills the air with death before you perceive its approach; but He shall deliver thee from the noisome pestilence. There is a pestilence of dangerous and accursed error abroad at this time; but if we dwell in the secret place of the most High, it cannot affect us; we shall be beyond its power. But the psalmist assures us that, with God at our side, we have nothing to fear. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee, There shall no evil befall thee. It may have the appearance of evil; but it shall turn out to thy good. There shall be but the appearance of evil, not the reality of it: There shall no evil befall thee.. Vaccines and other medical treatments have almost eliminated them for us. A good read. Truth doesnt shift with every passing folly. Those that preserve their purity in times of general corruption may trust God with their safety in times of general desolation. ), Mounces Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), Renn, Stephen D., Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words: Word Studies for Key English Bible Words Based on the Hebrew and Greek Texts (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, Inc., 2005), Richards, Lawrence O., Encyclopedia of Bible Words (Zondervan, 1985, 1991), Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob (ed.
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