It primarily served in the Southern revolutionary war lee depreciation list. On 3 September 1777 they were met at Coochs Bridge on the Christina Creek, just south of Newark, by about 700 American troops led by Brigadier General William Maxwell. Photostat. 10. 22. Transparency More commonly known as a day book, the waste book contains initial recordings of daily receipts and disbursements. These records are meeting minutes of the Assembly, the lower house of the General Assembly, from the years 1776-1783. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1958. He no longer felt that the American people would win the war. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1974. It is best to consult the lists following groups of documents. At one point, near the end of the war, one dollar in gold or silver was worth $800 in paper money. However, he did not follow Washingtons commands. As a number of loyalists left Delaware at this time, much of their property was seized. St. Michaels, Md. . Battle of Coochs Bridge. Delaware Conservationist XXI (Winter 1977-78): 11-16. 1919. Letters Washington received during the Revolutionary War reminded him of gaps in his literary knowledge. Dedication of State House/Independence Festival 76, event poster, 1976. Biographical Sketches of the Generals of the Continental Army of the Revolution. Web?6'(%5 y^ ^"J^ ^ > .N f ei^rietta f^ni^. Minutes and other papers (American Archives transcripts, photostats), 1775-1776, 2. Kent County (transcripts and photostats), 1775-1776, 3. 1791. . A catalogue of the muster rolls, pay rolls, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to the Delaware troops in the Revolutionary War: Collected in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1908, Revolutionary War Records, Miscellaneous, 1765-1787 (3 folders), 1. RG 1922.004 DARBCMotion Picture Collection, 1976-1981. Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, and Cortlandt Van Dyke Hubbard. Oaths of Allegiance show the oath taken, name of person sworn before, date of oath, and signature of person taking the oath. Life and Correspondence of George Read. The American Historical Scene. 29. The 1820 Pension Roll (covers 19 states and 3 districts) is available online. General Charles Lee was a leader during the American Revolution. #48: Delaware constitutional convention, 27 August-21 September 1776, 5. Contains copies of letters written on public business. In 1778, Benjamin Rush wrote Dickinson regarding the political situation in Pennsylvania, much correspondence between Dickinson and colleagues in other states exists from that year as well. Philadelphia: For the Subscribers, 1848. Skinner, Mrs. G. S. Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Ohio, from Soldiers of the American Revolution Who Lived in the State of Ohio, vols. Photostat. The Secretary of War submitted the list of pensioners to the Senate in 1818. 1. Delawares loyalty to Great Britain was tested when Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 and the Townshend Acts in 1768. Richard Derring petition re: debts (photocopy), 1787, Revolutionary War Records, Privateer Records, 1778-1782 (4 folders, 1 oversized box), 1. 16mm motion picture. The records are arranged by pension act, then by pension agency, Folder 2 contains pay rolls and muster rolls from 1777-1780, and January 1781, another musical notation, a furlough from 1779, and regiment returns from August and November 1781. 29 Camp a Wilmington. 1781 (1). Duplicate of pamphlet found in the McKinly folder in General ReferenceBiography, and in the Research Room library. Men enlisting for the duration of the war were guaranteed a pension. Washington, D.C.: Rare Book Shop Publishing, 1914. On December 12, he left his men encamped near Morristown and stopped for the night at Whites Tavern in New Jersey, where he was captured by a British patrol. R-73: Military Commissary Accounts, 1781-1783; Isaac Smith, Personal Accounts, 1781-1853; Pension file of Dennis Kell(e)y, 1832-1840. Samuel McMastersJames Tilton correspondence (American Archives transcript), 1774-1775, 3. 1858. 18-19 contain accounts of officers for 1777-1779 and 1780 service respectively. Descriptive information for maps may be found in the Maps card catalog. RG 1111.006 Council of Safety Minutes 1775-1776. Transcripts of correspondence between the first President of Delaware State and his wife. Diary of Independence Hall. An index to the Kirkwood journal and order book may be found in RG 9270.000, Reference Reel R-57. It must not be excepted property. 6. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1864. A number of Delawareans, no matter how much they disliked taxation, remained loyal to Great Britain. The Third Company, commanded by Captain Robert Kirkwood of the Blues, consisted mainly of Delawareans. Liberty and Independence: The Delaware State During the American Revolution. Delaware Today, September 1975. Encampment of the Division under Lt. Gen. Knyphausen 29th August 1777. 1777 (5). Vols. Millwood, New York: KTO Press, 1978. 7. Unwilling to allow that, Lee had a change of heart and accepted. Boxes 1-3 of the Dickinson Papers contain John Dickinsons correspondence relating to the American Revolution. RG 1325.226 Delaware Public ArchivesMotion Picture Collection. Box 6 contains photostats of Tilton correspondence from throughout the Revolutionary period. 15. #391: The Declaration of Independence, four 1776 versions, 17. Resolves 1844, c 117 specifically cited this series among them to be rebound and its indexes recopied. Buchanan, Roberdeau. This screen shows the complete catalog entry of the title you selected. Kent County, resolutions of the Council (photostats), 1776, 4. The Secretary of War submitted the list of pensioners to the Senate in 1835. RG 1922.001 DARBCPhotograph Collection, 1975-1979. This article is to be continued in a future Map with population figures for each state, along with numbers of troops serving in 1776, population of cities in 1776, and important battles of the war. The 1835 Pension Roll (covers 27 states and one district) is available online. Treasury Office. 5. Acts of Congress concerning hospitals are also included (typescript copies). I & II. Washingtons Official Map of Yorktown (Washington: National Archives, 1952). #405: Aitkens Register account of Delaware, 1774, 20. Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War. 15. Books relating to the American Revolution may be found in the Research Room. In 1778, N.p. Lees Legion galement connu sous le nom de 2nd Partisan Corps tait une unit militaire au sein de l arme 2 (1950). The vast majority of items are published in the first three volumes of the Delaware Archives: Military. Guthorn, Peter J. British Maps of the American Revolution. Attention: Lee, expecting the Americans to lose, based on the information he had given Howe, turned the position down, so Washington put theMarquis de Lafayettein charge. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. His transfered to another regiment, now as a major, and fought in the Portuguese army against the Spanish invasion of Portugal; then he traveled to Poland and served as an aide-de-camp to Polish King Stanislaus II for a short time in the Russo-Turkish War. . 4. William Saunders, inventory and genealogy, 1820, 51. 7. Photostat. Rockport, Me. 5. (1), The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, and the Townshend Acts in 1770, except for the tax on tea. Clark, David Sanders. Webrevolutionary war lee depreciation list. Thomas Rodney and General Cadwalader conversation, 1776, 16. WebRevolutionary War Records, Loyalist Records, 1775-1783 (10 folders) Revolutionary War Records, Military Records, 1775-1908 (41 folders) Box 3 Revolutionary War Records, The Lower Counties, as Delaware was then known, were technically part of Pennsylvania, though after 1704 the two colonies had separate legislatures. Harley, Lewis R. The Life of Charles Thomson. ), with time of service, length of enlistment, remarks (dead, deserted, invalid; residence; company commander); additional less complete version (also missing p.1-2) with page references, Volume list (see also 1885 report (p. 32)), Agency history record (CStRLIN)MASVAH0029-A/(OCoLC)145429236 describes the history and functions of the Office of the Secretary of State, Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Archives, Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State, The ArchiveGrid website uses HTTP The unit first saw action in September of that year, defeating a Hessian regiment in an ambush. 1777. WebThis led to a severe depreciation of the currency, the most dramatic depreciation in American history. These records may be found on microfilm. Proceedings and correspondence, Kent County Committee of Correspondence (transcripts from Historical Society of Delaware), 1774-1775, 7. XVII American Revolution Maps (vertical file). Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati. Aiming to meet Washington in Pennsylvania, Lee dawdled, stopping for the night and taking his time. Caesar Rodney, George Read, and Thomas McKean: The Delaware Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Typescript, 1970. 4. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974. Certificate of military service, 1787, 39. He served on the siege lines of Boston, and defended Rhode Island. 16mm motion picture. /'///'//:) ///>/ /'// .i.h.iiA,/,- BTMsm f mmw'^m^. Hardy, Minerva Spencer. [Revolutionary War sites in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties]. Hayden, Horace Edwin. A list of the names of pensioners, under the act of 18th of March, 1818, whose names were struck of the list by act of 1st May, 1820, and sequently restored. 8. Bond for Thomas Almond and Isaac Tussey, 1778, 6. The trial of suspects in the burning of the British revenue schooner Gaspee is the topic of correspondence from January and April 1773, and an October 1773 letter from Charles Thompson deals with the separation of powers in government. Every Person Placed on the Pension List of 1820, Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files, Military Records: Pre-WWI Pension Applications, Pamphlet Describing M804: Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files, Report from the Secretary of War, in Obedience to Resolutions of The Senate of the 5th and 30th of June,1834, and the 3rd of March, 1835, in Relation to the Pension Establishment of the United States: Volume One, National Archives and Records Administration,, "Index to Revolutionary War Pension Applications in the National Archives". Regimental ledgers, 1777-1782 (bulk 1777-1779), Muster rolls of the Revolutionary War, 1767-1833 (bulk 1775-1783), Certificate book for Revolutionary War disability pensions, 1786-1792, Registers of certificates given for Revolutionary War service, 1832-1885, Massachusetts General Court Committee to Settle with the Army.
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