Harper Beckham's godmother is Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria, who is best friends with her mum Victoria Beckham. He is a passionate author who wrote on Essays, Poetry, and Journalism. Everyone dreams of having someone like you in their lives, and I feel blessed to have you as a part of my life. Today I thank God for granting me the most important mission of my life: to be your godmother, who will always support you at all times and be close to you for all the problems that arise and enjoy together the beautiful things that got the life. Thank you so much for helping to train my child for success in life. You are a strong example of a caring and robust partnership. Happy christening day to my little princess. Our child will be lucky to have you as part of [his/her] life. Thank you. Christianity welcomes you with open arms, and I hope you will embrace the faith in the Lord with an open heart. Your smile lights up our day, thank you for bringing us so much happiness. I have never ever felt that you are my goddaughter. On this christening day, I am sending my all love, my best wishes, and my all grace to my beautiful young godchild. Anonymous, 74. Romeo Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham are Elton John's godsons. The positive influence you will have on [his/her] life is the icing on the cake. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Love for children. I couldnt ask for better people to offer a shining example of how to live a good life. At the end of the day, it's about what you as the parents value for your child that makes the decision. What does it mean to be a godparent? Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. Wishing happy birthday, my angelic goddaughter! Anonymous, 106. We look forward to making many treasured memories with you and our child. You are more than a goddaughter to me; you are a daughter to me as well. Anonymous, 52. Never forget whenever you feel like you need a hug or a spot to claim your own, you will always have me by your side. You know I dont have my own children so its such a pleasure to be a part of yours life, Thank you for this incredible role! #43 You give so much of yourself to our family and hold a unique place in our hearts. Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. We are lucky to have you as part of our lives and trust our child would be protected under your guidance. So use these honored to be Godparents quotes to show your gratitude and how pleased you are to be given such an important role. Thank you for being [insert name]s Godparents. Being a Godparent will be such fun, and I love having the chance to be in ______s life on a regular basis, I know you had to think about a lot of things before deciding on the Godparents so I was delighted when you picked me. We are filled with gratitude for having such an amazing daughter like you. 27. Congratulation on your Confirmation. "Thank you for being such a patient and empathetic person. Copyright 2000-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) #32 You are the definition of caring and nurturing. #46 As I recall it, growing up can be a bit of a challenge. Barbara Brown Taylor, Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. May you be blessed with happiness and lots of joy, in Gods grace. Anonymous, 78. Daughters like you are blessings from God himself. Thank you guys so much. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We thank you for the guidance you will continue to provide our child down this spiritual path. You can get a bracelet with a charm inscribed with the question or a necklace with an inscribed pendant. You are the best goddaughter I can ever have. Anonymous, 23. I still laugh when I think back on some of the stories you've shared Love her with all your heart, and treat her like you would your own child! #19 Having a child is like taking your heart from your body and setting it down to walk beside you instead. Thank you for all your years of guidance and support. Were so proud of the person youve become, and so fortunate that we got to see it all. Anonymous, 92. Helen Keller, It takes a village to raise a child. Happy birthday, dearest godmother! Erma Bombeck, Know you what it is to be a child? Loved seeing you at my graduation. So, do your best to show them how much you care for them. Though you have matured, I still understand your feelings. May you have the best partner in your life. Dear goddaughter! We now have great peace of mind as parents, in the knowledge we have your support and encouragement in this meaningful way. We are grateful you have agreed to take on the responsibility of godfather. We know you share in the love and joy that this celebration brought as much as we do. Thanks for choosing me, Huge thank you for making ME a Godparent! People to Consider as Godparents Parenting is actually the most beautiful thing in this entire world and it becomes even more beautiful if you actually have a daughter as I have. Thank you for being [his/her] Godmother. Thank you so very much for actually being such an amazingly fabulous daughter to us. We hope we were able to give you some ideas on what to say to your goddaughter to show her how much you appreciate her. Proud doesnt do it justice. I wish you all an amazing life and wishes on your birthday. We can assure you we will be there at every step to help, What a shock and surprise. At PoemSearcher.com find thousands of poems categorized into thousands of categories. I adore you, my child, and I love you with all my heart! Anonymous, 40. Henry David Thoreau, Children are the only form of immortality that we can be sure of. on your first order! The 67 year old has become increasingly close . My sweet goddaughter, you are the greatest thing that came in life. Anonymous, 15. I hope all your dreams come true and thank you for everything daughter. #40 It is hard to describe the privilege of having you as our childs godfather. Knowing that I have your support makes the challenge of parenting so much more manageable. #2We are grateful to you both for stepping into this important role in the life of our child. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door . I couldnt imagine a better godfather. Greeting Card Universe is the BEST!!! Take My Little HandHold It As I GrowTeach Me of His LoveAnd All That Love BestowsKeep Me In Your PrayersAnd Your Tender CareGuide Me In My FaithEncourage Me To ShareI Know That I Am BlessedYour my Gift From AboveMy Angel Here On EarthGodmother/Godfather/Godparents You Are Loved. Id be like a fairy little godmother, I think, going round hearing what people wish for and seeing what I could do for them. When the strings start to fray, you know your wish is on its way. Anonymous, 18. 4.6 out of 5 stars 153. (then) Some day, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. $30 at Amazon $34 at Macy's. Credit: Amazon/Alex and Ani. Every word, every movement, and action affects. We know that you will continue to share your own faith and help provide endless religious support. ; I appreciate each of your teachings, for being my unconditional friend and for your love during all these years. We are grateful for your fondness and care. Copy. You are a super guy, and I cant think of anyone Id rather have as my childs Godfather. The role needs someone with wisdom and experience who can set an excellent example for the younger generation. I can't quite believe you chose me as a Godparent. I cant think of anybody who ticks all of those boxes the way you do. Just as the moon brightens the night, thats how your presence brightens my life. I love you my goddaughter." - Anonymous 27. We promise to always love you and we thank you for always loving us. I will cherish the chance to impart any experience and lessons I can to your child, What a total joy to be a Godparent. I wish you never felt the emptiness of love in your life. As godparents, its an honor to help our friends raise their little girls. If you have a sweet little girl you consider your daughter, youll love these goddaughter quotes weve gathered. Thank you so much. Our child could not be more fortunate to have you as godparents, and I am excited to travel this road together. Hodding Carter, What its like to be a parent: Its one of the hardest things youll ever do but in exchange, it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love. Here's 9 things every godmother should want their goddaughter to know: 1. Goddaughters make life more special. Anonymous, 63. I am grateful for having such a great daughter. I'll keep your secrets. No words can describe the warm memories, the pride, and gratitude, too, that comes from having a goddaughter to love and cherish just like you. Anonymous, 38. You are undoubtedly the smartest and prettiest daughter in the world. Maintaining a close connection is vital to being a good Godmother. You are the daughter that every parent wishes for, thank you for choosing us. I love the moment you were born, and that nostalgic moment brings joy in my life every time. In my eyes, youll always shine like the sun. Keep going from your loving Godmother/father, I am overwhelmed to have been chosen as a Godparent. I adore you, my princess. Mar 4, 2019 by Editor in Chief. You made me a better person. Its an extraordinary feeling to celebrate a special day of a special goddaughter like you. Wiki User. So thank you for being so irreplaceable. I'll guide you through you bad decisions and screw ups, and guide you down the right path. I was and I will actually be always proud of my daughter who is actually so very loving as well as so very caring for us each as well as every single. Lisa T. Shepherd, Her godmother simply touched her with her wand, and, at the same moment, her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, all decked with jewels. Sometimes I think you are my third "half" (I'm sorry, Mike). Sherrie Campbell, PhD, Kindness to children. I cannot thank you enough for being the most caring daughter ever. Your guidance and support will give them a framework to help them build a happy and fulfilling life. Happy birthday, dear! Anonymous, 107. I want you to know how lucky I feel. Dear, you are the epitome of the perfect goddaughter, and I love you. Anonymous, 45. Happy birthday, goddaughter. I hope you know how much I love you. Anonymous, 31. I have to thank you for letting me be the proudest father on Earth. Goddaughter, those we love the most are not always those we share our home with. May you always be surrounded by happy people and happy faces. I know you will be a great source of inspiration in their mapping out a path through life. As your godmother, I deem it my duty to constantly put a smile on your face. Dearest goddaughter, I enjoy each and every single moment that we spend together. We are grateful to you daughter. 1. It's Okay To Come To Me Instead of Momma. Congratulations on your baptism, little one. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Have a glorious birthday. Anonymous, 110. Goddaughters make our lives more beautiful and special. Anonymous, 8. Mahatma Gandhi, Love children especially, for they too are sinless like the angels; they live to soften and purify our hearts and, as it were, to guide us. My eyes and my heart were both struck when I first met you, and you have no idea how grateful I am for having you come into this world through me. Frederick Douglas, Children make your life important. A goddaughter is a wonderful blessinga treasure from above. To show your gratitude and thankfulness for this blessing, here are great samples for writing your thank you message for your godparents that you can use by themselves or as part of a thank you letter to the godparents. Goddaughter, I promise to love, support, cheer, encourage, guide, protect, and keep you in my heart always and forever. Anonymous, 22. The US chat show host said "I . Thank you Godmother for all your love and support. I am so lucky to have a Godparent/s. But, more than that, we are their confidants, support system, and people they can turn to for advice and help. It made sense to ask if you would be godparents and we could not be happier that you are so willing to do so. Herbert Hoover, Our most important task as a nation is to make sure all our young people can achieve their dreams. I want a daughter like you in all of my next lives. Im so in awe of how much youve grown, my sweet goddaughter! Goddaughter, may the warmth of Gods love and the light of his grace make your world a joyous place. Anonymous, 16. But since you've already asked whether she'd be a Godmother, you can't rescind that invitation and expect to have a good relationship with . Being a godparent is an amazing privilege. And I am thankful for the fondness that was shown upon us by you. Behind every phenomenal goddaughter, there is one heck of a super awesome godfather or godmother. Anonymous, 39. thank you for choosing me to be your daughter's godmothermadden 22 mobile epic players thank you for choosing me to be your daughter's godmother. Thats why it takes someone of real character to fill the shoes of godfather. Janette Rallison, Love is the chain whereby to bind a child to its parents. John F. Kennedy, By loving them for more than their abilities we show our children that they are much more than the sum of their accomplishments. He was born in Los Angeles and earned a BA from the University of California. thank you for choosing me to be your daughter's godmother So I want to thank you for your generous acceptance. God gifted us a little angel like you. Thank you! A little wish for my goddaughter. Mommy and Daddy are doing a great job raising you. Anonymous, 99. It is really very hard to get such a kind-hearted as well as such a daughter who actually cares for you so very much each and every time. Our goal is to provide our readers with the best collections of quotes on topics like love, life, relationships and more. godparents are chosen with love. Nothing can heal my pain but a tight hug from an amazing daughter like you can. May there be many times of heartwarming experiences and mutual enrichment in all our lives. We are thrilled that you have both agreed to become godparents. Penny Whitehouse, Id just love magic. For your sense of humor, ability to adapt, your positive nature, patience and your ability to motivate, educate and change worlds. 5. Goddaughter, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know. Anonymous, 6. I love you, my wonderful goddaughter. Anonymous, 34. Not to mention thank them for picking you. 25 Gifts to Show Your Godmother Just How Special She Is For your beloved "second mom." By Brigitt Earley and Elena Odulak May 6, 2022 Save Article Brigitt Earley Contributing Writer Brigitt is a writer, editor and craft stylist with nearly 15 years of experience. Use elegant or custom stationery that looks regal. #8 What a joy it is to know our lives have become linked in an even more beautiful way. Thank you for always being the most wonderful daughter one could have. We hope these honored to be Godparents quotes have helped you to express how proud of being a Godparent you are and show thanks for being chosen as one. Praying to the Almighty to lead you on a wonderful and devoted path of Christianity. Eleanor Roosevelt, Few things make the life of a parent more rewarding and sweet as successful children. We are eternally grateful to you and look forward to the impact you will have on our family for many happy years to come. Im going to be the fun, cool one though! You instructed me to be the sparkling light for everyone. #38 Choosing a godfather is basically deciding which man in your life is closest to a superhero. We hope it will be as much a joy to you as it will be for us. Proverbs 4:7, Philippians 4:13. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, There really are places in the heart you dont even know exist until you love a child. Barack Obama, The first happiness of a child is to know that he is loved. African Proverb, Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother, but the rest of the time there was none. I promise you, I will always be here to listen. Baby girl, I am here for you through thick and thin. Never forget one thing that whatever happens, you will have us on your side and you will always be our little princess. Content Disclaimer | Its a responsibility I wont take lightly, Id be lying if I said I didnt shed a tear when you asked me to be a Godparent. We come across moments of sorrow, and sometimes, we come across moments of joy. I want you to know how lucky I feelto have Godparents like you,When i think of you, i thank the lord above, that i have you as my godparents asgodparents are chosen with love. May you be blessed with joy and sunny moments all the days of your life. ADA Accessibility, I have always been 100% satisfied with my orders!, Sent this to a former co-worker who recently started a new job and she loved it! to have Godparents like you, When i think of you, i thank the lord above, that i have you as my godparents as. "Darling, I appreciate all small and big things you do for me.". A ministry as a friend and a ministry as an aunt and a godmother, and family is very much in the circle of my vocation. I cant ask for more in a daughter who is courageous, caring, compassionate, and adorable. My daughter truly is my motivation and my greatest fondness in the world. You are my goddaughter, but I love you as my own flesh and blood. #26 Although we simply cannot thank you enough for agreeing to be godmother, we hope it means we will have the opportunity to be a real source of joy to you in the years to come. Thank you for always thinking about us before thinking about yourself. Handwrite the letter with a high-quality pen. I watch you from afar and try to figure out how I can be helpful to you. May your life become as happy and joyous as this christening day. The 67-year-old is already godmother to her best friend Gayle King's kids, Kirby and Will, and has reportedly always played an active role in their lives. #28 Having you as a Godmother to our little one is a special gift from God, Himself. Watching you grow from a baby to this point has been a beautiful experience. beside me to love and to guide me. Thank you for accepting the role of Godmother. Godmothers can transform their goddaughters. Anonymous, 62. When we accepted the invitation to be your godparents, we never could have imagined what a wonderful and rewarding job it would turn out to be. You may not have a pocket full of fairy dust, but youve definitely brought a little magic into our lives. As spiritual advisors, godparents also have a special role during weddings. Dear NAME, you are a reminder of God's blessings and I am thankful to be your godparent. Your support and love on this special day will be remembered and cherished always. Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord. Eileen Kennedy-Moore, The key to happiness as any good fairy godmother will tell you is not to avoid problems, but to overcome them. Our day is never complete without hearing you say Love you, mom and dad. Francois Rabelais, Im a godmother, thats a great thing to be, a godmother. Its a wonderful gesture and I am overjoyed to accept! Janette Rallison, Children need at least one person in their life that thinks the sun rises and sets on them, who delights in their existence, and loves them unconditionally. I am sending bundles of prayers for your happy and successful life. Anonymous, 105. We appreciate you and are thankful for this new family partnership. Percy Bysshe Shelley, For anyone who has had a Christian upbringing, or has a friend who is Christian, you understand why being asked to be a confirmation sponsor or a godparent is a big deal. As I am your father, I will do the best for you. #35 What a relief it is that we have you to watch over our child. On this day, Im sending you all the love this world possesses. can't wait to put the books together this afternoon! Your godmother is very happy for you. Tomorrow they will be our shadows. #11Thank you for being our childs Godparents. Bringing shine and merry into my life is the biggest gift you could ever give to me. Congratulations, my little girl. Anonymous, 84. Love you lots. Anonymous, 61. I know you're going to be amazing at this, and I love you very much! Anybody around the world could actually never have such a loving as well as such a caring daughter. I can't express my gratitude for choosing me as your child's Godparent. Found these on google. We love you so much! Anonymous, 58. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be the happiest father ever. For this reason, family members are often a good choice because it's pretty hard to disconnect from family. If you are searching for straightforward and better thank you messages for your daughter, then given below is a collection, you will definitely find the right messages to show your appreciation and fondness to your daughter. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Thank you so much for picking me as a Godparent. Your presence and support mean the world to us and we are grateful that you have agreed to help guide our child down the path of God, together. #36 There are some things that just work better together peanut butter and jelly, eggs and bacon, burgers and fries. like you. Without your existence our life is incomplete. Im so honored, What a thoughtful gesture to ask me to be a Godparent. The bond that we share with you can never be broken. They are also expected to pledge their own . I want to be one of the first people to hug you and tell you that I love you so much. We are thrilled and cant wait to help out whenever and in whatever way we can, I feel unbelievably proud to be a Godparent. I always wanted a daughter like you and I am glad my wishes have come true. I thank the heavens for giving us a daughter like you. You take out the load from my chest since the day you have become my goddaughter. My sweet goddaughter, I wish you the purest of joy and best of fortunes on your birthday. It is to have a spirit yet streaming from the waters of baptism; it is to believe in love, to believe in loveliness, to believe in belief; it is to be so little that elves can reach to whisper in your ear; it is to turn pumpkins into coaches, and mice into horses, lowness into loftiness, and nothing into everything, for each child had its fairy godmother in its soul. Goddaughters are a gift from Heaven, a joy in the darkest moments, a ray of sunshine on cloudy days. Our child will be blessed to have you as a part of their lives. Celebrate your childs baptism with these custom wine labels. You were the obvious choice. For me, it wasnt even a question. Dear aunt, your smile alone captures my heart. #3 Though you're at a stage in your life where challenges await and trials may come, always remember that we're here for our beautiful daughter anytime you need us. Happy birthday, goddaughter! Godmother/Godfather/Godparents You Are Loved. You have both been great examples to us. I am so happy to have the honor of becoming your little babies Godparent. I wish you the most superb birthday commemorations! Anonymous, 100. I wanted you to know that Im going to do everything to be there and help ______ as they face the challenges of life, I wish I could say more than just thanks because Im thrilled to be your babys Godparent. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Your love knows no bounds, and we are blessed that you have accepted this role. I had no idea you were going to ask me to be a Godparent. However, for a Church of England service, at least 3 Godparents are required. Even though you are comfortable and secure in. But I am proud to be given the opportunity to help and guide _____. #34Yourmany amazing qualities shine through in your actions every day. I'm glad there's you to be withAnd I think its time you knewJust how happy you have made meAnd how glad I am there's you I'm glad there's you to smile at meAnd brighten up my dayTo Share my thoughts and understandThe things I do & sayI'm glad there's you to laugh with meAt ordinary thingsTo show me what is specialIn everything life bringsI'm glad that you're my Godparent Thank You. I used to dream of having an angel like you in my life! Now my best friend is six and half months pregnant with my goddaughter and is due in July 2015. Be there for her when she needs help, and be there for her when she needs someone to cheer her on! Tips for Choosing Best Thank You Gifts For Parents. I promise to cherish the time I get to spend with you. Its both terrifying and incredible. Eric Hoffer, In raising my children, I have lost my mind but found my soul. Charles Perrault, Encourage your child to have muddy, grassy or sandy feet by the end of each day, thats the childhood they deserve. Looking for more? We love each of you so very much. Do your duty as a godparent and show your goddaughter how important it is to be consistently present for both good and bad days. May you follow your heart, but always remember to take your brain along. Happy birthday to a wonderful lady who I am proud to call my goddaughter and my friend. Anonymous, 94. Here are four tips to get you thinking: 1. Thanks for doing all those beautiful things for me. "Only two go on the register, but . We are so proud to get the opportunity to be Godparents to your little boy. The love between godmother and goddaughter knows no distance. Austin OMalley, Children re-invent your world for you. Both proud to have been given the role and proud to see your godchild growing up. Its almost unthinkable to do it any other way. It is an honor and means the world to us, I find myself lost for words as to how shocked and excited I am at being asked to be a Godparent. As a small thank you, we'd like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at GoNift.com). Turn to me when you are distressed along lifes journey or want my advice on a decision. Of course, its you. That means Khlo is godparent to Kourtney's youngest and eldest children - Mason and Reign - whilst Kim is the godmother to her daughter Penelope. And it's basic psychology for them to trust a person they instinctively like. Dear Godmother, You are the biggest blessing to me from God. #37 There is no one in this world that will test you as much as a child. Monique Jones was 26 weeks pregnant with her . We hope he will benefit from our years of experience and wisdom, If you could see the smiles on our faces after you asked us to be Godparents! If you're considering asking one or more people to be godparents for your child, check out some advice and tips on making this important decision. Wishing happy birthday, goddaughter! Anonymous, 96. Happy birthday to the worlds cutest goddaughter! Best wishes to my special little goddaughter. #44 Agreeing to become the Godfather of your friends child is perhaps the greatest gift of friendship that you can offer. Here are a few messages you could send to her. Being a Godparent may not seem like a big deal but it actually has more responsibilities than you first think. Kid, you are my goddaughter, so I hope that you keep being happy just like I am today. You, my lovely goddaughter, are that moment of joy. It gives me hope and comfort knowing that two kind, good, and capable friends of mine will be there for my baby when or if I am no longer available. Real life or storybooks, youre the best godmother around. #21 The name Godmother is a very important word to describe the person who will not only provide spiritual guidance to our little one, but who will be a wonderful role model for years to come. Goddaughters are like our own daughters. Thankfulness for you are such an awesome as well as the most outstanding daughter to us. Daughters like you are angels sent straight from heaven. If youre lucky enough to be asked then you should be honored to be Godparents to someones child. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, Im someone whos out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer! Just send me a text. Anonymous, 35. In real life, she is a confidant, support system and a friend. Your acceptance of the role filled our hearts to overflowing with thankfulness. $11.52 . This listing is for a set of two labels, one for the Godmother in pink and one for the Godfather in blue.
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