And so those are our mainstays of imaging. We do have one that I want to get to. A lung mass can be a frightening discovery. This type of training is beyond what is typically available in a standard . Meet the Doctor. Yes, sir. Every tumor, of course, has its own biology speed at which it grows. We are extremely cautious about everything here. Go ahead, Ajay. And the patient goes afterwards to a post-procedural area, where they recover. An interventional pulmonologist uses minimally invasive techniques to diagnose and manage lung disease. And the individual tumor biology is changing. The program focuses on both procedures and the procedure related management of benign and malignant thoracic diseases. I want to know you're an early stage cancer. Absolutely, yeah. So I have two from viewers that I have to pass along. The NIH requires applicants for the T-32 physician-scientist program must be US citizens or permanent residents. Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) - Hyde Park, Request an Appointment at Duchossois Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM) - Hyde Park. But the first thing to understand is there's a long list of not cancer reasons you could have a nodule in your lung. And then based on that discussion, we would set a patient up for a procedure. Phone: (773) 702-9660, Mailing Address: And I try to reliably perform that every day when I come to work. But a doctor may see something on a chest x-ray. Whether they, you know, the fact that they can't eat the night before because we do general anesthesia for many of our cases. Show more Show less I love math and science, and I love to problem solve, so I started out in engineering. Every tumor, of course, has its own biology speed at which it grows. University Pulmonary and Critical Care (UPCC) physicians and nurse practitioners specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of inpatient critical care patients who are typically hospitalized as well as diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions in an outpatient setting. [MUSIC PLAYING] And I think what we want to do is offer a pathway here in our program for patients to get everything they need. Dr. Wagh, you mentioned as a pulmonologist you tell people stop smoking. It's a wonderful, wonderful place. So you're going to get way more bang for your buck literally as a scan by coming here. You should contact your insurance company to confirm UChicago Medicine participates in their network before scheduling your appointment. Or it could be a telemedicine visit. Where it's basically put right through your chest into the lung nodule done through the radiology department. Sure. He investigates diagnostic techniques used to improve outcomes and quality of life for pulmonary patients. We're fortunate enough here at UChicago Medicine to have a robotic endoscope that lets us get to parts of the lung we've never been able to get to before. I'll also point out that our procedures, like Dr. Wagh said, are done under anesthesia. And as always, we'll take your questions during our 30 minute program. There's large databases that have been built off of the experience of radiology to be able to essentially plug-in and give a number. UC Health Pulmonary Medicine provides advanced care for a variety of lung and other pulmonary-related diseases. River East Location . Chicago, IL 60637, Referring Physician Access Line: Learn more about clinical trials and find a trial that might be right for you. So Dr. Wagh, you touched on this a little bit before. But also cat scanning. We look at the airways and other parts of our computer modeling to see if that's something that we can get to. Our list of accepted insurance providers is subject to change at any time. And hopefully, go home if nothing happens. Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. Phone: 410-502-2533. You know, and I was only being partially facetious when I said panic is kind of the natural-- because I think for a lot of people that's just the natural reaction. So follow-up scans could also be low dose as well. And so Dr. Hogarth, we have another question from a viewer. Compare hospital ratings for pulmonology and lung surgery. You know, you mentioned that being covered by insurance. A star rating is not given if a provider only has a small number of survey responses. Dr. Hogarths expertise has been recognized by both patients and colleagues alike. 11 millimeters is rather small. He uses endobronchial ultrasound to biopsy lymph nodes and performs minimally invasive procedures to help patients with lung cancer. But you come in, we have a pre-procedural area where the patients get kind of their IV. Yeah. And we had a question from a viewer that dovetails perfectly into what I'm kind of curious about. These are not questions. Dr. Hogarth is the founder and past president of the Society for Advanced Bronchoscopy. 3 University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester New York. And Dr. Hogarth, I don't know if you can talk to us a little bit about how do you work with the patients? You want to be calm and cool. I'm grateful to participate in Dr. Hogarth and Dr. Perdue's team. And then we go in with our scopes. And then there are other types of imaging techniques, like PET scans, other images that we use to evaluate lung nodules. I don't know who wants to take that one. And then afterwards, once we settle on a date, the patient comes in. Or is that the moment of panic at that point? Or you're going to go to radiation or whatever. It's a wonderful website. So there's no cutting. Some of the blood tests we have, have the ability to change that number. Dr. Murgus specialty extends to a wide range of central airway disorders, including tracheal stenosis, tracheobronchomalacia, excessive dynamic airway collapse and airway obstruction from cancer. And I was fortunate enough, I think, gosh, it's been over a year ago. When we-- and I'll also say it depends. So I always have to do this. And that would be another area, I would imagine. Interesting. Where it's basically put right through your chest into the lung nodule done through the radiology department. 13 in the nation for Pulmonary and Lung Surgery. You will get seen within a week every time here. And either one of you can jump on this one. But one of the other things we were talking about, the patient journey. Because the chance it's cancer is so low, and every invasive procedure always carries a risk. So Dr. Wagh and I have our partner, Dr. Mergue. Or does it have to be a higher dose CT screening? is seeking to recruit a Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician to join our robust team of highly experienced providers.This position requires coverage in the outpatient office located at 5 Palisades Drive, Albany NY and inpatient coverage at St Peter's Hospital Albany, NY including weekend call at Samaritan Hospital in Troy, NY. And we are lucky enough to have anesthesiologists who help take care of the patient during the procedure. Dr. Wagh, let's hear a little bit about you. Please remember to check out our Facebook page for our schedule of programs that are coming up in the future. Phone: (773) 702-9660. University of Chicago Cancer Treatment Centers of America Chicago, IL University of Colorado, Denver, CO Virginia . Panicking, obviously, is never helpful. It's OK. Meaning, it's technically a cancer, but it's never going to necessarily bother you. And between the four of us, we're all in clinic at any given moment. There's also what's called a needle biopsy. And you know, those patients typically are eligible for low dose lung cancer screening. Meaning, it's technically a cancer, but it's never going to necessarily bother you. There's also what's called a needle biopsy. 5841 South Maryland Ave., MC 6076 We look at the airways and other parts of our computer modeling to see if that's something that we can get to. But we're also going to work with you. We have been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a high-performing hospital in COPD care. We offer online appointment scheduling for video and in-person appointments for adult and pediatric primary care and many specialties. But I love these. D. Kyle Hogarth, MD, is an expert in pulmonary diseases. A ground glass nodule almost looks like some wispy smoke on the CAT scan, if you will. And we will kind of shepherd the patient along the way. Absolutely, yeah. And using some of the tools that we have. MC 6092 We offer a university-based training experience at a state-of-the art community-based tertiary care teaching hospital nestled . The responses are used to improve patient experience and recognize staff members for the care they provide. And we're, of course, happy and eager to help. And I don't know. And this is a little bit inside baseball. Age is usually 55 to 80. And so I do think it needs to be corrected that you should not get a chest x-ray as a screening tool. Get a Second Opinion. Yeah, sure. Sure. And they'll double check everything. We don't even have any camera people in here. And we get the tissue that we need. Dr. Wagh, let's hear a little bit about you. Really, really good questions today. I'm not happy that I have to tell you it's cancer. So if you have an x-ray or a CAT scan, there is a chance that the word module or mass is going to show up in the report. And that's very important. Our world-renowned physicians are known for their superior expertise in pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine and many have been recognized by Best Doctors in America and Top Doctors in Cincinnati. Email: Our commitment is to outstanding clinical care, to mentoring and . Yes, sir. And then we go in with our scopes. But we can. Interventional Pulmonology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago IL 2015-2016 Pulmonary and Critical Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2012-2015 Professional Memberships We're in very separate areas. But you come in, we have a pre-procedural area where the patients get kind of their IV. This is from Therese. Because it has everything to do with the quality of the machine for the radiation that goes through. Because I know this is a very complex situation. And as always, we'll take your questions during our 30 minute program. Well, the blood test actually showed that it's less than 5%. But many times, you might notice something on an x-ray that's not part of the screening pathway. And let's go through your CAT scan and let's have this discussion about what our next step is. And Dr. Hogarth mentioned blood tests even, a few moments ago. The responses are used to improve patient experience and recognize staff members for the care they provide. I work here, I go home, I kiss my children. And teasing out what's what is what Ajay and I do. But we also want to explain to you what we're going to do to actively follow you. If you think about it, the lung is mostly air. And we do it through your mouth. What you're never going to hear from us is to say, now there's nothing to do, leave. Yes, sir. Interventional Cardiology; Pulmonary Disease; Hematology and Medical Oncology; Benefits. All kinds of fantastic information there. You're out. Interventional Pulmonology & Advanced Bronchoscopy; Lung Cancer; Lung Transplant; Pulmonary Embolism; Pulmonary Hypertension; Sleep Disorders; . Name Rank Section; Adegunsoye, Ayodeji: Assistant Professor Pulmonary / Critical Care Bag, Remzi In his research, Dr. Murgu is evaluating the safety and outcomes of multimodal bronchoscopic interventions for patients suffering from benign and malignant airway obstruction. So my name is Kyle Hogarth. Critical Care Medicine; Pulmonology; Meet the Doctor . Interventional Pulmonology Fellowship Program Director. Interventional Pulmonology. 2023 The University of Chicago Medical Center. We get thousands of survey responses each year. We offer online appointment scheduling for video and in-person appointments for adult and pediatric primary care and many specialties. Editor, World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology Newsletter; Distinguished CHEST Educator designation (top 4% of international faculty) . If we keep scanning you, we're never going to see change. His contributions to the field of procedure-related training has been recognized by his peers and professional societies. No, for sure. So-- go ahead, Dr. Hogarth, did you have something you wanted in? Dr. Maskey completed a residency in internal medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y . Open for more information. We're going to give you some strong recommendations. Quick Apply. Thanks again for being with us today. Only clean air in the lungs, please. And Dr. Hogarth, I want to start with you. Because it's interesting how you do them in the lung. After initially working as a hospitalist, he pursued a pulmonary and critical care fellowship at OHSU followed by an interventional pulmonary fellowship at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Sure, so a ground glass nodule is definitely a different thing than a very solid nodule. And where this matters is, of course, if I go and prove that it's not a cancer, then rather than being cut open and proved it was not a cancer-- which is great it's not cancer, but you've been cut open. And we also try to figure out, is it a lesion that requires biopsy? And it's very professionally satisfying. That's good to know. Because an abnormal CT scan is terrifying. You don't have to go get another procedure that's going to take time to then figure out what stage you are. In some cases, they are a precancerous lesion. We're open for business. We could get you a plaque or something. Sunit Singla, MD. Can you talk to us a little bit about what the patient experiences in this procedure? Physician Recruitment McHenry, IL. It's either cancer or everything else. Instead, you might have a little sore throat for a day or two. But for many people are extremely, extremely slow growing cancer. 1-877-DOM-2730, Department of Medicine But also cat scanning. Now, these are complicated discussions. The Interventional Pulmonology Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, in conjunction with the Siteman Cancer Center, uses the following specialized technology to offer patients advanced diagnoses and expert care: . And there we perform our procedures. Sure, so a ground glass nodule is definitely a different thing than a very solid nodule. Neeraj Desai, MD, MBA, FCCP, FACP Program Director. We even use-- in order to evaluate a patient's risk-- we use calculators to help evaluate that too based on a patient's history and imaging findings. Conditions & Services; Well, it certainly can. So when we're done, you go home. Advanced technology and minimally invasive options are available. I mean, we do have telemedicine options. Is following a nodule ground glass opacity with yearly CT standard? D. Kyle Hogarth, MD, is an expert in pulmonary diseases.He also specializes in the minimally invasive diagnosis, management, staging and treatment of lung cancer through bronchoscopy.Dr. You know, it's not just like, yeah, you do this. Interventional Pulmonary; Hospitals. So-- But many times, you might notice something on an x-ray that's not part of the screening pathway. A star rating is not given if a provider only has a small number of survey responses. Maybe a 3% chance of cancer is acceptable to some, and terrifying to others, and everywhere in between. And I have been working at the University of Chicago since 1998. Join one of the nation's most comprehensive academic medical centers, University of Chicago Medicine. But can you kind of walk us through what people can expect before, during, and after one of these procedures. Now, a question. UChicago Faculty Physicians I'm an interventional pulmonologist here at the University of Chicago. That's why we do it. At UF Health we have a very strong focus on interventional pulmonology with a program which has been in place for more than ten years, making it one of the oldest and strongest programs in . Right? So Dr. Wagh, it was interesting because this is almost like a video game. We don't even have any camera people in here. But of course, there's an 80% chance it's not cancer. The immediate reaction is you're probably frightened. They're still cutting in you. So let's start off with our questions. Pulmonologists D. Kyle Hogarth, MD, and Ajay Wagh, MD, talk about different ways physicians can detect and diagnose lung nodules and masses, including advanced bronchoscopy techniques that do not require incisions or surgery. Phone: (773) 702-1856 An Interventional Pulmonology (IP) Advanced Practice Provider works in collaboration with Board Certified Physicians in the Department of Internal Medicine on the Pulmonology Service who specialize in the management of complex airway and pleural diseases. Well, that's nice. And then if we do need to do a biopsy, making sure the correct biopsy gets done. University of Chicago: University of Cincinnati: University of Colorado Probation Status: Probation starts 7/1/2022, runs through 6/30/2023. Randomly selected patients are sent patient satisfaction surveys after their visits. And so now you're going to go to the surgeon to be cured. And our complication rate is the lowest amongst the three. We want to minimize radiation. We can talk about imaging modalities. And then they wait to be brought to the pre-procedural area. Dr. Wagh is focused on using minimally invasive techniques for diagnosing and treating a wide range of lung and chest conditions, including stage lung cancer, chronic respiratory illness, complex airway disorders, pleural disease (pleurisy, pneumothorax, pleural tumors) and more. We want to remind people, very important, do not forego medical care during COVID. And I would say the only other thing, as a pulmonologist, is if you smoke, try to stop. You know, we go, oh, it's a 20% chance. That's always the question people want to know. Is the evaluation and procedure that we've been talking about, is that covered by insurance as well? And either one of you can do that. And these procedures all have their own benefits, but also their own complications. What Dr. Wagh and I do is a procedure called bronchoscopy. Fellows. The University of Michigan as a . Chicago Chest Center was the first dedicated IP fellowship program in the Chicago area and the oldest established full service Interventional Pulmonology program in the state. Or is this something that happens and you just need to get it checked out? Well, if you have a cancer, the next question is, what stage is it? What's that chance? Go ahead, Ajay. Because in some cases, our plan for you is to get a follow-up CAT scan, is to do watch and wait. But I love these. And again, in all seriousness, I think that shows really, you know, the work that you do with the patients. And the patient goes afterwards to a post-procedural area, where they recover. Septimiu Murgu, MD, is a highly skilled interventional pulmonologist. The academic interventional pulmonology (IP) fellowship at the University of Chicago offers training in conjunction with national and international experts in bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, and all aspects of interventional pulmonology.
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