), so that the level of evaluation would differ depending on which test result is used, use the test result that the examiner states most accurately reflects the level of disability. Schedule of ratings - musculoskeletal system. Hypothyroidism manifesting as myxedema (cold intolerance, muscular weakness, cardiovascular involvement (including, but not limited to hypotension, bradycardia, and pericardial effusion), and mental disturbance (including, but not limited to dementia, slowing of thought and depression)), Note (1): This evaluation shall continue for six months beyond the date that an examining physician has determined crisis stabilization. Added August 30, 1996; criterion, note August 11, 2019. 7911 Addison's disease (adrenocortical insufficiency): Three crises during the past year, or; five or more episodes during the past year, One or two crises during the past year, or; two to four episodes during the past year, or; weakness and fatigability, or; corticosteroid therapy required for control. Mere congenital or developmental defects, absent, displaced or supernumerary parts, refractive error of the eye, personality disorder and mental deficiency are not diseases or injuries in the meaning of applicable legislation for disability compensation purposes. 7121 Post-phlebitic syndrome of any etiology: With the following findings attributed to venous disease: Massive board-like edema with constant pain at rest, Persistent edema or subcutaneous induration, stasis pigmentation or eczema, and persistent ulceration, Persistent edema and stasis pigmentation or eczema, with or without intermittent ulceration, Persistent edema, incompletely relieved by elevation of extremity, with or without beginning stasis pigmentation or eczema, Intermittent edema of extremity or aching and fatigue in leg after prolonged standing or walking, with symptoms relieved by elevation of extremity or compression hosiery, Asymptomatic palpable or visible varicose veins, Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity plus two or more of the following: Tissue loss, nail abnormalities, color changes, locally impaired sensation, hyperhidrosis, anhydrosis, X-ray abnormalities (osteoporosis, subarticular punched-out lesions, or osteoarthritis), atrophy or fibrosis of the affected musculature, flexion or extension deformity of distal joints, volar fat pad loss in fingers or toes, avascular necrosis of bone, chronic ulceration, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome, Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity plus one of the following: Tissue loss, nail abnormalities, color changes, locally impaired sensation, hyperhidrosis, anhydrosis, X-ray abnormalities (osteoporosis, subarticular punched-out lesions, or osteoarthritis), atrophy or fibrosis of the affected musculature, flexion or extension deformity of distal joints, volar fat pad loss in fingers or toes, avascular necrosis of bone, chronic ulceration, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome, Arthralgia or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity. 8311 Neuritis, eleventh cranial nerve. When a partial disability results from disease or injury of both arms, or of both legs, or of paired skeletal muscles, the ratings for the disabilities of the right and left sides will be combined as usual, and 10 percent of this value will be added (i.e., not combined) before proceeding with further combinations, or converting to degree of disability. Note (4): These evaluations involve a single extremity. Erectile dysfunction, with or without penile deformity. Criterion February 17, 1994; title and criterion November 14, 2021. 20, 2007; 72 FR 16728, Apr. However, the total rating during the 1-year period for the pulmonary or for the nonpulmonary condition will be utilized, combined with evaluation for residuals of the condition not covered by the 1-year total evaluation, so as to allow any additional benefit provided during such period. Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders, and Nutritional Deficienciescan display a vast range of symptoms throughout the human body. VA Disability for Hip Pain Due To Avascular Necrosis Group XX Function: Postural support of body. Analogous means the condition that is closest to the ratable condition that best describes the primary symptoms. VA disabilities of the Skin include burns, scars, eczema, infections, and cancers, among others. Ratings for service-connected disabilities requiring hospital treatment or observation. Neuritis, musculocutaneous (superficial peroneal) nerve. In each prestabilization rating an examination will be requested to be accomplished not earlier than 6 months nor more than 12 months following discharge. Severe; associated with nausea, sweating, circulatory disturbance after meals, diarrhea, hypoglycemic symptoms, and weight loss with malnutrition and anemia, Moderate; less frequent episodes of epigastric disorders with characteristic mild circulatory symptoms after meals but with diarrhea and weight loss, Mild; infrequent episodes of epigastric distress with characteristic mild circulatory symptoms or continuous mild manifestations. This consideration, or the absence of clear cut evidence of injury, may result in classifying the disability as not of traumatic origin, either reflecting congenital or developmental etiology, or the effects of healed disease. The repealed section, however, still applies to the case of any veteran who on August 19, 1968, was receiving or entitled to receive compensation for tuberculosis. Evaluation March 10, 1976; revised and moved to 5235-5243 September 26, 2003. Musculocutaneous nerve (superficial peroneal), paralysis. 4.127 Intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) and personality disorders. Schedule of ratings - gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast. 7614 Fallopian tube, disease, injury, or adhesions of (including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)). Criterion March 10, 1976; criterion October 7, 1996. Evaluation October 23, 1995; title December 9, 2018; evaluation December 9, 2018. Continual Urine Leakage, Post Surgical Urinary Diversion, Urinary Incontinence, or Stress Incontinence: Requiring the use of an appliance or the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed more than 4 times per day, Requiring the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed 2 to 4 times per day, Requiring the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed less than 2 times per day, Daytime voiding interval less than one hour, or; awakening to void five or more times per night, Daytime voiding interval between one and two hours, or; awakening to void three to four times per night, Daytime voiding interval between two and three hours, or; awakening to void two times per night, Urinary retention requiring intermittent or continuous catheterization. 8525 Posterior tibial nerve, paralysis. When the examiner indicates that additional testing is necessary to evaluate visual fields, the additional testing must be conducted using either a tangent screen or a 30-degree threshold visual field with the Goldmann III stimulus size. Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: CFR Title 38, Part 4, the Schedule for Rating Disabilities. Degenerative arthritis, degenerative disc disease other than intervertebral disc syndrome (also, see either DC 5003 or 5010). Note (1): Examples of supraventricular tachycardia include, but are not limited to: Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, sinus tachycardia, sinoatrial nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia, atrial tachycardia, junctional tachycardia, and multifocal atrial tachycardia. When a mental disorder that develops in service as a result of a highly stressful event is severe enough to bring about the veteran's release from active military service, the rating agency shall assign an evaluation of not less than 50 percent and schedule an examination within the six month period following the veteran's discharge to determine whether a change in evaluation is warranted. The maximum rating which may be assigned for neuritis not characterized by organic changes referred to in this section will be that for moderate, or with sciatic nerve involvement, for moderately severe, incomplete paralysis. Where there are existing pulmonary and nonpulmonary conditions, the total rating for the 1 year, after attainment of inactivity, may not be applied to both conditions during the same period. 4.56 Evaluation of muscle disabilities. Each ear will be evaluated separately. Background and more details are available in the Examples of findings that might be seen at this level of impairment are: intermittent dizziness, daily mild to moderate headaches, tinnitus, frequent insomnia, hypersensitivity to sound, hypersensitivity to light. Testis, undescended, or congenitally undeveloped is not a ratable disability. Evaluation; August 13, 1981; evaluation June 9, 1996; criterion December 10, 2017; note December 10, 2017. Organic Diseases of the Central Nervous System. 6065 Vision in one eye 5/200 (1.5/60). (3) Moderately severe disability of muscles -. Prestabilization rating from date of discharge from service. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. Added March 10, 1976; criterion February 3, 1988; removed November 7, 1996. There are five general classes of bradyarrhythmia: Sinus bradycardia, including sinoatrial block; atrioventricular (AV) junctional (nodal) escape rhythm; AV heart block (second or third degree) or AV dissociation; atrial fibrillation or flutter with a slow ventricular response; and, idioventricular escape rhythm. 6211 Tympanic membrane, perforation of. 5304 Group IV Function: Stabilization of shoulder. Special provisions regarding evaluation of respiratory conditions. (a) For the purposes of this section, systemic therapy is treatment that is administered through any route (orally, injection, suppository, intranasally) other than the skin, and topical therapy is treatment that is administered through the skin. 7824 Keratinization, diseases(including icthyoses, Dariers disease, palmoplantar keratoderma, Dyskeratosis follicularis and Ichthyoses). Any of these effects may range from slight to severe, although verbal and physical aggression are likely to have a more serious impact on workplace interaction and social interaction than some of the other effects. Moderately severely impaired. (a) When evaluating a mental disorder, the rating agency shall consider the frequency, severity, and duration of psychiatric symptoms, the length of remissions, and the veteran's capacity for adjustment during periods of remission. 7113 Arteriovenous fistula, traumatic. At VA Claims Insider, we help you understand and take control of the claims process, so you can get the rating and compensation youre owed by law. Six months after discontinuance of such treatment, the appropriate disability rating shall be determined by mandatory VA examination. VA disabilities for Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders include conditions of the head, brain, spinal cord, nerves, and epilepsies. Examination of visual acuity must include the central uncorrected and corrected visual acuity for distance and near vision using Snellen's test type or its equivalent. VA Form 21-686c: A Quick 8-Step Guide For Veterans. Added June 9, 1952; evaluation January 12, 1998; title, criterion, note November 14, 2021. 7822 Papulosquamous disorders not listed elsewhere (including lichen planus, large or small plaque parapsoriasis, pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA), lymphomatoid papulosus, mycosis fungoides, and pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP)). 8623 Neuritis, anterior tibial (deep peroneal) nerve. The examiner must document the results for at least 16 meridians 2212 degrees apart for each eye and indicate the Goldmann equivalent used. 4.128 Convalescence ratings following extended hospitalization. All of the criteria include severe, moderately severe, moderate, or slight and corresponds to a disability rating ranging from 0 to 40 percent. 7821 Cutaneous manifestations of collagen-vascular diseases not listed elsewhere(including scleroderma, calcinosis cutis, subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, and dermatomyositis). Examples of findings that might be seen at this level of impairment are: marked fatigability, blurred or double vision, headaches requiring rest periods during most days. (4) To evaluate the impairment of visual acuity where a claimant has a reported visual acuity that is between two sequentially listed visual acuities, use the visual acuity which permits the higher evaluation. Thus, if there are three disabilities ratable at 60 percent, 40 percent, and 20 percent, respectively, the combined value for the first two will be found opposite 60 and under 40 and is 76 percent. [59 FR 2530, Jan. 18, 1994, as amended at 82 FR 36083, Aug. 3, 2017], [72 FR 12983, Mar. Neuritis, anterior crural (femoral) nerve. Criterion March 10, 1976; criterion July 2, 2001. What are Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders, and Nutritional Deficiencies for VA rating purposes? Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. 20, 2007, as amended at 73 FR 54708, 54712, Sept. 23, 2008; 73 FR 69554, Nov. 19, 2008; 74 FR 18467, Apr. 9, 2018], [60 FR 49227, Sept. 22, 1995, as amended at 77 FR 6467, Feb. 8, 2012; 79 FR 2100, Jan. 13, 2014; 83 FR 54254, Oct. 29, 2018; 83 FR 54881, Nov. 1, 2018; 87 FR 61248, Oct. 11, 2022]. Minimum, if there is pain, photophobia, and glare sensitivity. 6504 Nose, loss of part of, or scars(or evaluate as DC 7800, scars, disfiguring, head, face, or neck). 5160 Complete amputation, lower extremity: Trans-pelvic amputation (involving complete removal of the femur and intrinsic pelvic musculature along with any portion of the pelvic bones), Disarticulation (involving complete removal of the femur and intrinsic pelvic musculature only), 5161 Upper third, one-third of the distance from perineum to knee joint measured from perineum, 5163 With defective stump, thigh amputation recommended, 5164 Amputation not improvable by prosthesis controlled by natural knee action, 5165 At a lower level, permitting prosthesis, 5166 Forefoot, amputation proximal to metatarsal bones (more than one-half of metatarsal loss), 5170 Toes, all, amputation of, without metatarsal loss or transmetatarsal, amputation of, with up to half of metatarsal loss. Occasionally disoriented to two of the four aspects (person, time, place, situation) of orientation or often disoriented to one aspect of orientation. Criterion October 23, 2008; title August 13, 2018. Major or mild vascular neurocognitive disorder. To determine the evaluation for visual impairment when both decreased visual acuity and visual field defect are present in one or both eyes and are service connected, separately evaluate the visual acuity and visual field defect (expressed as a level of visual acuity), and combine them under the provisions of 4.25. Note (1): An Addisonian crisis consists of the rapid onset of peripheral vascular collapse (with acute hypotension and shock), with findings that may include: anorexia; nausea; vomiting; dehydration; profound weakness; pain in abdomen, legs, and back; fever; apathy, and depressed mentation with possible progression to coma, renal shutdown, and death. Remaining field 500 minus 320 = 180. 6847 Sleep Apnea Syndromes (Obstructive, Central, Mixed): Chronic respiratory failure with carbon dioxide retention or cor pulmonale, or; requires tracheostomy, Requires use of breathing assistance device such as continuous airway pressure (CPAP) machine, Asymptomatic but with documented sleep disorder breathing. Neuralgia, internal popliteal nerve (tibial). 30 to 34 mm of maximum unassisted vertical opening. (a) Total ratings will be assigned under this section if treatment of a service-connected disability resulted in: (1) Surgery necessitating at least one month of convalescence (Effective as to outpatient surgery March 1, 1989. (E) Adaptive contraction of an opposing group of muscles. 5172 Toes, other than great, amputation of, with removal of metatarsal head: 5173 Toes, three or four, amputation of, without metatarsal involvement: 5200 Scapulohumeral articulation, ankylosis of: Unfavorable, abduction limited to 25 from side, Intermediate between favorable and unfavorable, Favorable, abduction to 60, can reach mouth and head, Flexion and/or abduction limited to 25 from side, Midway between side and shoulder level (flexion and/or abduction limited to 45), At shoulder level (flexion and/or abduction limited to 90). If you file a Fully Developed Claim for your shoulder condition, you can expect to wait about 110 days for the VA to decide on your VA disability rating for shoulder pain (as of August 2022). 5315 Group XV Function: Adduction of hip. between the fingertip and the proximal transverse crease of the palm, with the finger flexed to the extent possible, and; extension is limited by no more than 30 degrees. [53 FR 30262, Aug. 11, 1988, as amended at 73 FR 66549, Nov. 10, 2008; 74 FR 7648, Feb. 19, 2009; 83 FR 15320, Apr. here. The ankle pressure (AP) is the systolic blood pressure measured at the ankle. Fairness and courtesy must at all times be shown to applicants by all employees whose duties bring them in contact, directly or indirectly, with the Department's claimants. Criterion September 9, 1975; removed March 10, 1976. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! Gets lost even in familiar surroundings, unable to use assistive devices such as GPS (global positioning system). Note: In cases of the removal of one testis as the result of a service-incurred injury or disease, other than an undescended or congenitally undeveloped testis, with the absence or nonfunctioning of the other testis unrelated to service, an evaluation of 30 percent will be assigned for the service-connected testicular loss. 8312 Neuritis, twelfth cranial nerve. Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State Universitys Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). What are ear disabilities for VA rating purposes? (a) The ratings for multiple finger amputations apply to amputations at the proximal interphalangeal joints or through proximal phalanges. 5002 Multi-joint arthritis (except post-traumatic and gout), 2 or more joints, as an active process. cm.). The Endocrine System is made up of the hypothalamus, thymus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pineal gland, reproductive glands (ovaries or testes), and the pancreas. An authorized absence of 4 days or less which results in a total of more than 8 days of authorized absence during the first 21 days of hospitalization will be regarded as the equivalent of hospital discharge effective the ninth day of authorized absence. You are using an unsupported browser. All of these conditions can lead to chronic shoulder pain and disability. However, in cases protected by the provisions of Pub. (f) Extension of periods of 1, 2 or 3 months beyond the initial 3 months may be made upon approval of the Veterans Service Center Manager. If inactive, these evaluations are not to be combined with the graduated ratings of 50 percent or 30 percent for non-pulmonary tuberculosis specified under. The examiner will also perform a physical examination of your shoulder. Executive functions are goal setting, speed of information processing, planning, organizing, prioritizing, self-monitoring, problem solving, judgment, decision making, spontaneity, and flexibility in changing actions when they are not productive. Infectious Diseases can spread through various means, and include bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections whereas Immune Disorders are conditions that attack the immune system and make the body more susceptible to infection. (2) In the case of an ankylosed shoulder, if muscle groups I and II are severely disabled, the evaluation of the shoulder joint under diagnostic code 5200 will be elevated to the level for unfavorable ankylosis, if not already assigned, but the muscle groups themselves will not be rated. Motor activity moderately decreased due to apraxia. Other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. And, youll get to work with a Veteran Coach (VC) who will lead you to VA claim success. Normal TP is greater than or equal to 60 mm Hg. Evidence of increased intracranial pressure (such as visual field defect), arthropathy, glucose intolerance, and either hypertension or cardiomegaly, Arthropathy, glucose intolerance, and hypertension, Enlargement of acral parts or overgrowth of long bones. 5217 Four digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of: 5218 Three digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of: Index, long, and ring; index, long, and little; or index, ring, and little fingers. 5219 Two digits of one hand, unfavorable ankylosis of: Index and long; index and ring; or index and little fingers, Long and ring; long and little; or ring and little fingers, 5220 Five digits of one hand, favorable ankylosis of. The symptoms should be apparent without regard to exercise. How the VA Will Assign you a Shoulder Pain VA Rating, 4. Plates I and II provide a standardized description of ankylosis and joint motion measurement. 5321 Group XXI Function: Respiration. This 76 will be combined with 20 and the combined value for the three is 81 percent. (4) Evaluation of ankylosis of the thumb: (i) If both the carpometacarpal and interphalangeal joints are ankylosed, and either is in extension or full flexion, or there is rotation or angulation of a bone, evaluate as amputation at metacarpophalangeal joint or through proximal phalanx, (ii) If both the carpometacarpal and interphalangeal joints are ankylosed, evaluate as unfavorable ankylosis, even if each joint is individually fixed in a favorable position, (iii) If only the carpometacarpal or interphalangeal joint is ankylosed, and there is a gap of more than two inches (5.1 cm.) Listed below are some of the most common conditions that go by other names. [43 FR 45352, Oct. 2, 1978, as amended at 73 FR 66549, Nov. 10, 2008]. Minimum, if interfering to any extent with mastication - 10, 5326 Muscle hernia, extensive. Anatomical loss of one hand and loss of use of one foot. What are Dental and Oral Conditions for VA rating purposes? 9916 Maxilla, malunion or nonunion of. 5016 Osteitis deformans (Pagets disease). Disability in this field is ordinarily to be rated in proportion to the impairment of motor, sensory or mental function. On 18 June 2019, the VA published a final rule effective 11 August 2019, to amend the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD) by revising 9917 Neoplasm, hard and soft tissue, benign: Rate as loss of supporting structures (bone or teeth) and/or functional impairment due to scarring. What are eye disabilities for VA rating purposes? In the acquired condition, it is to be remembered that depression of the longitudinal arch, or the degree of depression, is not the essential feature. 24, 2018]. It is necessary therefore, in all cases of this character to deduct from the present degree of disability the degree, if ascertainable, of the disability existing at the time of entrance into active service, in terms of the rating schedule, except that if the disability is total (100 percent) no deduction will be made. Well cover the different types of shoulder injuries that can qualify for disability benefits, how the VA rates shoulder injuries, and what evidence is needed to support a claim. 7345 Chronic liver disease without cirrhosis (including hepatitis B, chronic active hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, drug-induced hepatitis, etc., but excluding bile duct disorders and hepatitis C): Near-constant debilitating symptoms (such as fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, arthralgia, and right upper quadrant pain), Daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, with substantial weight loss (or other indication of malnutrition), and hepatomegaly, or; incapacitating episodes (with symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, arthralgia, and right upper quadrant pain) having a total duration of at least six weeks during the past 12-month period, but not occurring constantly, Daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, with minor weight loss and hepatomegaly, or; incapacitating episodes (with symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, arthralgia, and right upper quadrant pain) having a total duration of at least four weeks, but less than six weeks, during the past 12-month period, Daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia (without weight loss or hepatomegaly), requiring dietary restriction or continuous medication, or; incapacitating episodes (with symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, arthralgia, and right upper quadrant pain) having a total duration of at least two weeks, but less than four weeks, during the past 12-month period, Intermittent fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, or; incapacitating episodes (with symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, arthralgia, and right upper quadrant pain) having a total duration of at least one week, but less than two weeks, during the past 12-month period, Symptoms of pain, vomiting, material weight loss and hematemesis or melena with moderate anemia; or other symptom combinations productive of severe impairment of health, Persistently recurrent epigastric distress with dysphagia, pyrosis, and regurgitation, accompanied by substernal or arm or shoulder pain, productive of considerable impairment of health, With two or more of the symptoms for the 30 percent evaluation of less severity, With frequently recurrent disabling attacks of abdominal pain with few pain free intermissions and with steatorrhea, malabsorption, diarrhea and severe malnutrition, With frequent attacks of abdominal pain, loss of normal body weight and other findings showing continuing pancreatic insufficiency between acute attacks, Moderately severe; with at least 4-7 typical attacks of abdominal pain per year with good remission between attacks, With at least one recurring attack of typical severe abdominal pain in the past year.
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