Western Europe is home to the oldest living population in the world. Former East Germany remains economically behind West | Pew Research Center This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except for material where copyright is reserved by a party other than FEE. 4. /r/History is a place for discussions about history. Before 1800, Europe had already taken over at least 35 percent of the world, but Britain was just beginning to industrialize. That comes down to the political costs of raising revenue and a leader's ability to tax. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright 2010-2018 Difference Between. As its name suggests, Eastern Europe is the eastern part of the European continent. The terrible assumption you have made so far is Eastern Europe was always poor. By introducing very strict prevention measures early on, countries in the region had significantly fewer COVID-related deaths than their western European counterparts.. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We live much more better than Latin America, the Middle East, Africa or India for 2.Why is Eastern Europe Poorer than Western Europe? Many East German businesses are part of western German or foreign corporations.. When it's easier to travel and grow food, it's easier to sell the food at a greater. Luckily, this blog post will help you to understand some of the differences between these two parts of Europe. I dont have a policy lesson here: simply an observation that the United Kingdom has one really rich region (Greater London) and quite few relatively poor regions. Cheap travel Eastern Europe can be significantly less expensive than Western Europe. The highest point in Eastern Europe is Mount Elbrus, which stands at 5642 meters high. Understanding why eastern European countries chose to respond differently during the second wave is complicated, though. Eat: Eastern Europeans eat a lot of meat and potatoes while western Europeans eat more fruits and vegetables. Why was Western Europe more developed than Eastern Europe? Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe is comparatively less advanced regarding the economy. You want areas that produce finished products that are part of external trade systems. Eastern Europe: Most people follow Orthodox Christianity or Islam. But one explanation that can probably be ditched is the culture argument mentioned previously. I feel like its a lifeline. Why is Eastern Europe less developed than Western Europe? Richer not only than Europe, but even more prosperous than the United States. We spoke with him recently about his research interests and what led him to study this particular topic. Eastern European countries include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Bulgaria Croatia (Hrvatska), Czech Republic (esk Republika), Estonia (Eesti), Georgia ( ) Hungary (Magyarorsz g), Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Montenegro Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine. In the Eastern European countries, the conservative ideas are more prominent in comparison to the Western region. Eastern-Europe-map2 by CrazyPhunk self-made based upon: Image:Eastern-Europe-map2.png. Then you have more capital to invest, which allows for growth of the countrys industry. - Definition, Eligibility & Coverage, What Is Medication Reconciliation? 1. Your email address will not be published. Countries in this region are typically located on the continent of Asia, except for Turkey which lies partly in both Asia and Europe. David has taught Honors Physics, AP Physics, IB Physics and general science courses. It's also a sign of prosperity that, when they do earn American dollars, foreigners often choose to invest those funds in the American economy (remember, the necessary flip side of a "trade deficit" is a "capital surplus"). There are some exceptions, however. However, people in both areas work hard with about 40 hours per week spent working (the same amount). I've looked at changes in technology that influence agriculture, and I've studied the development of financial markets, and in between those two, I was also studying why financial crises occur. Communist: The eastern part of the continent has been ruled by communist governments for decades, while the West has had democratic governments for centuries. Has Eastern Europe always been poorer than Western Europe, and if so, why? One difference is that Eastern European countries were part of the Soviet Union for decades while Western European countries had more independence during this period. I think the main reason is that Europe is . They were part of large empires, such as the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian empires. Before that point, Western and Eastern Europe were relatively similar in prosperity. Cultural Syncretism Definition & Examples | What is Religious Syncretism? Turkish belongs to the Turkic language family. However, people in both areas work hard with about 40 hours per week spent working (the same amount). Why Did Western Europe Dominate the Globe? | www.caltech.edu So now I wonder why India, which is by the ocean, has a warm climate, natural wealth, and at the same time is much poorer than those poor Eastern European countries? Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. Daily new COVID-19 deaths per million inhabitants, eastern and western Europe. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Both regions have different economic structures and political systems. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. She has a Master's degree in History. Even in countries where governments reintroduced relatively strong restrictions in October, such as Slovenia and Lithuania, infections and deaths have remained high throughout November suggesting low compliance with the rules. 7. It was politically weak, it was poor, and the major long-distance commerce was a slave trade led by Vikings. In 2017, the most recent year for which data is available, per-capita disposable income was 19,909 per year in the former East Germany the equivalent of about $22,500 based on the average euro-to-dollar exchange rate that year. Eastern Europe was praised for being exceptional during the first wave of the pandemic. 47 West Virginia, and not too far above No. Maybe we should remind him that Mexico and China, as US states, would both be far below our poorest state Mississippi by 51% and 62% respectively for GDP per capita; and Japan would be barely above our poorest state Mississippi. Some of the countries that belong to Eastern Europe are Albania, Bosnia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Moldova, Lithuania, etc. This is why Eastern Europe, in general, is poorer than countries in Western, Central, and Northern Europe. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Legal. But exploring Soviet-era Eastern Europe is not even half the story. Generally speaking, Slavic languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet are found in countries that practice the Eastern Orthodox faith. 3. And while 7.5% of East Germans ages 55 to 64 were unemployed in 2018, the share was 5.3% among West Germans in the same age range. Nationalism, therefore, was an important element in the culture of Eastern Europe for a long time, sometimes leading to major wars. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. And if you prefer direct measures of living standards, then data on consumption from the OECD also shows that America is considerably more prosperous. Tamara Popic and Alexandru D Moise are collaborators on the project "Responding to COVID-19: Government Action, Government Rhetoric, and Public Trust", which is funded by the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. For most of the Middle Ages, the West was dirt poor, and the real money was in the east. Many theories purport to explain how the West became dominant. One final comment. Although they may seem like completely different worlds at first glance, there are some striking similarities between eastern and western European countries that can help travelers decide where to go on vacation or which country to live in after college graduation. By the way, the economy in some eastern European countries (Poland, Romania and Hungary) is relatively close to the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese or Scandinavian countries economy. Roma is the language of the people who used to be called Gypsies (The modern term for gypsies is "Roma."). 10. In either case, you'll still be spending money on the military and on military research. | Thomas Sowell Author: www.youtube.com Post date: 21 yesterday Rating: 3 (1898 reviews) Highest rating: 3 Low rated: 2 Summary: 3. You can refer to the lesson, but try to recall as many from memory as you can. 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But something like the smallpox epidemic that ravaged Mexico when the Spanish conquistador Hernn Corts overthrew the Aztec Empire just isn't the whole story of Corts's victory or of Europe's successful colonization of other parts of the world. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. However, the South Slavs themselves didn't have it easy, being subjugated by Franks, Bulgars and Byzantines, and later Magyars, Ottomans, Romanians, Austrians, Soviets, etc. succeed. The vast majority of the region is covered by Russia, which spans roughly 40% of the continent's landmass while accounting for approximately 15% of its total . Through this article, let us examine the differences further. The 2018 version of the report is available here in English. Importantly, however, there have been major differences within eastern Europe too. Most of the Jews who live in the United States are the descendants of people who once lived in Eastern Europe. In the early 2000s, the unemployment rate was about 10 percentage points higher in the former East than in the former West nearly five times the gap in 2018. The Romanian language consists of 75% Latin, 20% Dacian and 5% Slavic. Has Eastern Europe always been poorer than Western Europe, and - Reddit Example: Some people do not consider Russia to be part of Europe. However, over the past 20 years, most of the nations of Eastern Europe have joined the . This is a somewhat more serious subreddit compared to many others. - Definition, History & Criticism, Chaos Theory: Definition, History & Examples, What is a Pre-Existing Condition? Why is Eastern Europe Historically Poorer than Western Europe? - reddit Some people include Greece and the Baltic countries, as well. But if you look at the US average ($54,629), it obviously is higher than economic output in European nations. On average, Eastern Europeans live longer than western Europeans because they smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less alcohol on average. Americans are not stupid, and when they complain about Europe, they are complaining about Western Europeans who are richer than Eastern neighbors yet less attentive to their own needs. This set Russia back quite a bit in a number of ways. With so much diversity within this region, its easy to see why people from around the globe flock here every year. - Definition & Types, Ad Hoc Balancing Theory: Definition & Examples, English Common Law System: Definition & History, Jeremy Bentham: Biography, Theory & Ethics, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Others include Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Slovenian, Croatian, Macedonian, Belorussian, etc. Philip Hoffman, Rea A. and Lela G. Axline Professor of Business Economics and Professor of History, Credit: Courtesy of Philip Hoffman/Caltech, Click here to open the "Quick Links" submenu, Click here to open the "Research" Submenu, Click here to open the "Academics" Submenu, Click here to open the "Admissions & Aid" Submenu, Click here to open the "Campus Life & Events" Submenu, Technology Transfer & Corporate Partnerships, Hundreds of Copies of Newton's Principia Found in New Census. A long line of horse-lords swept west from the steppe into eastern europe, and would generally displace the tribes living there - all the way up to the Mongols. 4. Per-capita gross domestic product was 32,108 in the former East German states in 2018, compared with 42,971 in the former West German states. why is eastern europe poorer than western europe? The romance languages form another large branch of the Indo-European languages family. Breathtaking nature Last, but definitely not least, nature in Eastern Europe is stunning. Here are some notable geographic features in Easter Europe: Eastern Europe is the easternmost region in Europe. Between these two regions, a myriad of differences can be viewed regarding the geographical location, culture, economy, etc. Western Europe: Western Europe refers to the western part of Europe. Albanian forms its own branch of the Indo-European language family. They are found in their highest numbers in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania. The Mongols ravaged and destroyed the entirety of the Rus' land for centuries while making the Rus' their slaves. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Create a poster, chart, or some other type of graphic organizer that lists and briefly describes the major geographical features of Eastern Europe. ), See also: How the attitudes of West and East Germans compare, 30 years after fall of Berlin Wall. I love that I get smarter everytime I listen to or read anything from Thomas Sowell. The governments report points to several possible factors for the worse economic conditions in East Germany, including the lack of major companies headquartered there. Made it more difficult for lasting civilizations. This is interesting because it shows that the wealth divide between Eastern and Western Europe existed long before the modern era. Monotheism Overview & Examples | What is Monotheistic Religion? Both regions have a history of being ruled by powerful empires that brought change to the area. I received my bachelor's degree in history from George Washington University and later earned a master's degree in the same subject from Uppsala University in Sweden. Along with the inventions of the industrial revolution, countries have been able to gain a high economic development rate. Before World War II, there were large pockets of German speakers scattered throughout parts of Western Europe. These countries have several different borders with Russia, as well as other European nations such as Germany or Poland. It shows that in between the two waves, the east relaxed its measures further than the west, and was then less eager in reimposing them. Sorry anon point already proven . There are many possible explanations for why history played out this way, but few can explain why the West was so powerful for so long. That was a really great question and it got me interested. Why are Eastern European men so much better than western men? The theology of the Eastern Orthodox faith is very similar to the theology of the Catholic religion. Historically, the culture of Eastern Europe has been closely linked to the history of the rest of the continent. Feel free to submit interesting articles, tell us about this cool book you just read, or start a discussion about who everyone's favorite figure of minor French nobility is! Mr. Demian Hammock on LinkedIn: Why is Eastern Europe Poorer than Seldom do you hear an average American complain about Poland or Estonia for not spending enough into defending Europebecause those countries, despite being . That being said, Ireland and the United Kingdom have the most economic freedom among EU nations, andSwitzerland would be at the top if the choice was broadened to non-EU nations in Europe. But Im digressing. wu tang clan concert 2021; beauty and the beast symbolic interactionism The head of the Orthodox faith is the Patriarch of Constantinople. Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe refers to the eastern part of Europe. Greece is located in south-east Europe! There is also easier access to mineral resources the further west you go in Europe, so more western regions would develop stronger economies when the Industrial Revolution upped the demand for those resources, while the minerals of the east weren't tapped until later. Long-run growth matters. Adjusting for population size, both cases and . The Western European region is very much advanced in its economy. Romania is probably the most unusual country in this region. They were subjugated by, at war with, or were the front lines and battlefields of the austrian wars against the Ottomans for four and a half centuries. The economic model then connected that spending to changes in military technology. These are the countries that are in Eastern Europe: Russia (Partly in Asia). Western Europe is a region that includes many countries with diverse populations and cultures. Fox News' Tucker Carlson asks what Attorney General Merrick Garland is doing in Ukraine, and wonders why no one cares about what happened to the Nordstream pipeline. We can also compare how restrictive the two regions disease-prevention measures were during the first wave using the Oxford COVID-19 government response tracker (OxCGRT). Where Eastern Europe begins, however, is a matter of opinion. why is eastern europe poorer than western europe? Excellent point. What led you to investigate the global conquests of western Europe? All findings are based on data from the German governments 2019 report, as well as the Centers recent survey. For example, differences in economic strength could explain why the relatively richer Czech Republic waited to reintroduce restrictions (thinking it could bear the brunt of a high number of infections), but this doesnt account for the relatively poorer Romanias decision to do the same. This tool measures the stringency of efforts to control the virus on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the most restrictive. The Eastern Europeans developed their "taste" to the Western ways of life during the communist era around the 1970's 80's, based on stereotypes in films or on the rare visits Clean streets, orderly suburbs, homogenous (mainly white) population, comfortable life,. East-West differences in unemployment rates cut across demographic lines including age and gender. This shows that eastern European countries took the opportunity to act quickly. and I thought it was because they just freed themselves from communism a few decades ago. Conclusion paragraph: The differences between Eastern and Western Europe are vast, but there is one important similarity. You'll still need to back up the peace with armed forces, but you won't actually fight all that much, and that's a much better outcome. Religious: Eastern Europe is more religious than Western Europe.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'questionscity_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-questionscity_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Poorer: Eastern European countries are poorer than Western European countries. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Being dominated for centuries has led to lingering inequality and long-lasting effects in many formerly colonized countries, including poverty and slow economic growth. I've been to EE and could see a significant difference in the living standards between there and here in Germany: people tend to be thinner, have worse skin, worse styles and their own supermarkets are shit. The longest river in the region is the Danube. That's because the Black Death was at its peak. Even the Catholic Church held a different view from the eastern church. A heretical Christian sect, known as the Hussites (named after Jan Huss), challenged the Catholic Church in part of Eastern Europe during the early 15th century, but they were stamped out by the Catholic political elite. Amazing how so many refuse to acknowledge how climate and geography go hand and hand with a countrys economic development.
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