By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Clearly, the Queen Administrator is too powerful. I can see Taylor in some sort of spy or support role if she makes the right team. Weld reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Privacy Policy. Maybe he improvised and got that last one with something that disoriented people into passing out. She theorized. While in her Breaker state, time is stopped for everything but herself. #1. Eventually, it's revealed that her nickname is "Tessa," which is short for. Queen of Owls on QQ. to see how many boys still checked me out. The door to Brockton Bay. She didnt rise to meet him and eyed his hand, his chrome skin glowing dimly with the sheen of the light. ", "A threat." IF YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW, NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU. We understand better than anyone else their thoughts and feelings.". Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them right, so when Mrs. Abbotson takes the (many) cookies and baked goods to a bake sale, she rakes in $800. Taylor triggers with Contessa's Path to Victory power. Unfortunately for Armsmaster, he was caught on camera and becomes a PHO meme. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They stared at one another for a long moment, their silence tempered by the staccato of helicopters in the distance. She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. "An older model, communicator only?". JavaScript is disabled. For y'all trying to think of fics, remember disability isn't just amputees, paralysis, or being HoH/blind. And like the Amazons, they were deadly. Weld looked up at the sky, tinged red and orange, marked by the distant plumes of planes. Weld noticed one of the Taylors at the assembly line slowing down, the miniscule pause noticeable from how much it deviated and the effect rippled down the line. ], Uber PoV of 1.9-1.13 [mostly canon-compliant! The construction workers. Time lapsed: 120 seconds. I slowly slooooowly turned around, cowl obscuring my head and robe obscuring my shuffling feet as I appeared to rotate in place to face the heroines direction. It was two dozen or so pages. ", "I have to make it worth it, Weld." Her Shaker power passively causes static to appear for any cameras viewing her when she comes. Thanks so much for the Skein recommendation. Please consider turning it on! She can float at a maximum speed of about 25 miles per hour; as Taylor noted, a decent frame of reference would be Olympic-sprinting fast, but slower than most flying capes. Therapy is a Worm Fanfic by frommerman. Last chance for Weld to back out. El Ahrairah - Power anaylsis. You are using an out of date browser. Thankfully for her, she's gotten quite adept at hiding the bodies. But don't play games with my affection, 5.9 Rondo Welcome to new Brocktonites, have a look around. They sat on a veranda at the top of a hill overlooking the city, Taylor savoring a sundae, Weld admiring the sunset. Weve got Dragons and Heroes, some better, some worse. When determining whether Taylor is or will be 'observed' for the purposes of allowing/disallowing her to transform to and from her Breaker state, Taylor's Breaker power is much more lenient regarding what 'counts' as 'looking at Taylor', compared to her Thinker power. And if so, is there a difference in the power draw between active and passive participants? ". However, this exhaustion is not felt in the real world, and remaining in the real world allows her to recover at roughly a ten-to-one ratio (for every ten seconds in the ghost world, she needs one in the real world to recover). Just thinking about that made me cringe inside. Glowworm is a Worm fanfic written by redshirt. My own fic Claim The Spoils has her with Victor's power, able to know what skills other people have and drain them from them. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. as well as Even though the bullying didn't escalate to the locker incident, Taylor Hebert still triggered with powers. She doesn't officially join the group, but she works with them extensively and exclusively. I wake up to find a new story by an author I like. Taylor says that if she pushes herself very hard, she can actually blow out bulbs, but that is the strongest feat she has accomplished. "If you'll follow me, we'll give you a more thorough inspection on my side of the line.". I particularly endorse Split, Skein, and Ziz. Taylor informed him. Was interesting cause it went with the concept and I wanna give it a reread but can't remember what the rest of the fic was about. "I told you this this secret of mine because I want you to understand. Alea Iacta Est - Dinah and Taylor shard swap. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. My fic where Taylor starts out with spheres of perception that she begins to affect reality as well. Taylor loses access to her other two powers a Thinker sensory ability and a Shaker aura while in her Breaker form. "Some files had to be omitted." Weld filled in. "That's not what I meant.". This is an informational threadmark discussing the overall premise of the fic, especially Taylors power. Thanks to Contessa's jailbroken Path to Victory, Legend gets to her before she breaks down and recruits her into the Protectorate, After Contessa returns from successfully removing her power's restrictions on what it could plan around by getting it to bud off another parahuman, Eidolon realises that it means that there's a second person with access to the Path to Victory and they may need to silence her if necessary. There is not much conflict ypu can have in a wheelchair. "This and no weapons to speak of." Besides himself, of course, but that was better left unsaid. When Taylors incorporeal form passes through time-locked objects, they appear to smear, like someone smudged a painting. Contessa is mildly annoyed that she's gained a few pounds because of Taylor, but takes it in good humor. Mutually assured destruction and all that. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I can't think of any story where it's just 'Taylor in a wheelchair, living normally'. Bakuda. Got through the rest of the posted material and I just love this to bits. Taylor tinkers up drones, pushing New Wave back into the fray. As I hit refresh I get a second chapter. Hmm I'm interested to see where you're going with this lot of different things you could do. ", Weld folded his arms very deliberately - he didn't want to scrape them against each other, but as a result it was exaggerated like a stage version of the movement. Confirmed, power that seems tailored to disrupting cameras so that she can use her main power actually needed. She let out a long breath, her expression settling on a more neutral one. "I think we're a little past first impressions.". When time resumes, smeared objects are pushed in the direction and intensity of said smear. The third-person view of myself still made my movements awkward, my responses slower than a sighted person, with my visual reflexes being basically nonexistent. The name is Weld, nice to meet you.. There it was. Excellent a new story to read, just in time for the holidays. You are using an out of date browser. Grant us eyes. Dressed in slacks and a business shirt and jacket, coupled with the way she sat, she looked like she was sitting at a job interview. Weld added quickly, "Amazed, even. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All Taylor had to do was touch the right person and every Taylor would have knowledge of how to get into the Protectorate database. But before she can make enough to be a serious hero, she'll need some starting . I haven't read Hindsight Bias, but Taylor has the ability to frequently precog a few seconds into the future. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. "Alright, fine." A brief history prior to trigger event, combat logs for the first encounter, medical records, and almost inexplicably a school report card. "To be perfectly honest, Weld. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. SupCom altpower. My story Chimera has Taylor with Grand Admiral Thrawn's memories which makes her a thinker. "I suppose that's true." Taylor scowled. Not generic the way people in magazine ads looked, but the sort of ordinary youd see on the bus. Queen of Owls on QQ. When Taylor phases through objects, they appear to "smear" along the direction of her movement as if someone had smudged a painting. He's so distinctly not human, it's interesting to see how normal things that we take for granted fail to apply to him. Floating through him once didnt seem thorough enough, so I passed through him twice more, circling around for each smear to keep them all going in the same direction; backwards and down, towards the ground. Definitely a strong mover power, but a thinker primary. Still in use in some parts of Africa and India, it involves dislocating the cataract lens with a sharp or blunt instrument, and pushing it back into the posterior chamber of the eye. The Protectorate therapist had encouraged him to take up meditation to make up for his lack of sleeping. Due to Contessa essentially using Taylor's Trigger as a way to jailbreak her own Shard, the two start getting overlap and minor nudges from each other. Taylor would prefer to work alongside the Protectorate, not against them.". We have a number of canon characters who are disabled, and I wish we could see that reflected more in fics. Taylor and the Unseelie Court (Taylor isn't herself the spooky monster, but deals with old-school type Fae, dead). We especially love the use of the power by Taylor and the way in which her Cape persona is manifesting to be some kind of phantom vigilante is amazing! Going to sleep now. The fic ends with Taylor asking Contessa if her plans were worth it, while Contessa answers she does not know. From the perspective of anyone else, I materialized in my room with a gasp. Taylor can be insane as well. He proceeds to ride Hookwolf like a bronco, humiliating him and making him completely miss the fact that the Undersiders are looting everything not nailed down. He was fairly sure she was the same one that he had met at the hut, but the reality was she could have easily swapped places with any of her doppelgangers when he hadn't been looking. "All of them." BlackHorse8986, Ventrisuriel, kevin0617, Jesienny, Yugonostalgia, Blizzardbob, Galaxy_Blaze, LostToLight, AngstApocalypse, SpookyOli, SpecGamer, Soyvolon, joker339, Dimasik841, General_Fiye, ABCelia, TheMultiverseTraveler, waves_under_stars, WDW, ava2607, waterflosser, WordForEveryStar, TheWatcher0711, taxemeEvasion, Psych0Geek, ZiaBlue, Peggysussy, Mitriss, Inclaireporeal, CopperGear, HP22h, Reko15, ruruwkzu, Amogo21, Glumski, Twei, Elbiguana, PinkPhysicist, Dragon_King_of_the_West, Bulder, sereminar, tambuli, Aselo, Epicgamer2034, legosif, halfcrazydoor, OrionVenator, CosmicPenguin, ChildGenius, Quebla, and 888 more users "Is that fact relevant to a tour of your city?" Time lapsed: 30 seconds. Taylor looked up at Weld, her voice harder, "If I said no, then how pointless would that be? "What are you aiming to produce?" I know I can. He glanced at Taylor and saw her looking down at her sundae, but her eyes were distant. Weld closed the file and focused on the thrum of the helicopter's blades. I was blind. Taylor's power is like the Cenobites, Amara from F.E.A.R. Summary: Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. Not the most impressive powers, granted, but powers none the less. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Weld sank in his seat. Yes. Weld stepped towards the table, eerily aware of the clomping sound his feet made against the huts thin floor. Queen of Owls reminds me of the Drukhari from 40K. Is it different from my other fics? Also I propose the cape name Glow Sticks for the Lols. ", Taylor sighed, looking out beyond the city where the faint black shapes of the military stood. Weld asked. "She was one of the original twenty-eight. Twenty feet away lay an anthill. When she re-enters the normal world, anything smeared will be pushed along the direction of the smear. One fitting a piece together and passing it along just as the other finished. In the Worm epilogue, a cape tells a joke with the punchline "six different flavors of sausage." . When she finished, the process resumed effortlessly. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Path to Munchies is a Worm fan fiction by Merle Corey, completed in April 2017. I wanted to avoid it, at all costs. "And they're" Weld coughed, "You're all fine with this? You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again. The sun reflected off his chrome skin with a bright sheen. When Weld didn't get an answer, he looked up to see Piggot tired as she was, glaring at him, the muscles in her neck tensed. Weld stepped inside the hut and found her already there. Im happy to follow thi for as long as you want to write it. Why hold back the sleeper cells? The April Fools update ends with Amy, Tattletale and Contessa sharing a bottle of alcohol over how, set off the plan to destroy Ellisburg and Nilbog, now that she and Taylor had both Triggered with the result of jailbreaking Path to Victory, Contessa's role at Winslow is done. Taylor had spent a lot of time and effort grilling her parents about it, and had come to the conclusion that villains operated exactlyas an outlaw did. Any area which is directly observed appears as absolute blackness when in this state, this blackness does not block Taylor's ghost-world vision. End result: uninjured Taylor, Armsmaster saved, Armsmaster's motorcycle foamed (and saved), Squealer's truck rendered inoperable, Squealer trapped in a cotton candy cloud, Oni Lee with a bucket of molasses on his head. However, due to being somewhat high on painkillers when she figures it out, she believes she has a strange limit all plans she makes must in some way involve food. Taylor gave a hard look to Weld, "A real one, make no mistake, but one meant as a warning. A pair hefted a bundle of steel pipes in silent unison and maneuvered past their fellows without even a word of warning. And just like her, I'll work the assembly line when I'm needed to.". Note that while she cannot enter the ghost realm if observed, she can "prime" herself to enter that state, such that she will then go ghost if unobserved for even a microsecond. He looked up and he saw Taylor watching him, her brow knitted together. Further, Taylor is unable to locate Ms. Romano in the wake of the Locker, when she went missing, even with PtV, which a vanishingly small number of beings can do (but includes Eidolon, the Endbringers, and Scion). Still the folder seemed remarkably thin for what the media was calling "the next Nilbog. Can also be found on Sufficient Velocity here. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 6.2 Crescendo Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outerspace. Very intense. Taylor confirmed. 741 guests The writing is flickery, like a florescent bulb with an iffy ballast. I haven't read Hindsight Bias, but Taylor has the ability to frequently precog a few seconds into the future. I eventually decided to appear in front of her, but close enough that the dangerous end of the long rifle was. ", "Why do you suddenly want to work with the Protectorate? I mean throughout the whole fic not like she had it and got panacea'd. --it does have a different title, so yes. Her attempt to use her power to get in shape backfires slightly, as it puppets her body. Can I get a link? As it was, Weld was walking in blind. No part too large or too small. Color me intrigued. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Is Hive Daughter the one where after the first two or three people she adds to her hive they lose their memory/personality/whatever? Taylor can be insane as well. I was going to ask but the story answered, she, Wandering Eyes [non-canon][Kiss/Kill speculation], Loves me, Loves me not [non-canon][Kiss/Kill speculation], Canon Clockblocker meets Camera Shy Clockblocker [non-canon][crack! Another concern is that the language might be repetitive, but theres only so many ways I can say I entered/exited ghost world/form/state or I can/cant see where someone is/isnt observing before I start having to re-use words haha. Centipede (Tokyo Ghoul alt!power, dead), maybe. her powers get stronger the greater the number of people who fear her and the deeper fear they feel, An umbrella and a bowling ball in a sling bag, looking directly into the cameras she is being watched through. Ltd. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Instagram. Thin as she was the only reason to remember she was a girl at all was her curly brown hair which rolled off her shoulders. I. Contessa unlocked her Path To Victory Shard. Again, she does not have access to her other two abilities while in Breaker form, but she does get several double-edged perks. The only thing separating Brockton Bay from the rest of the world. Weld replied. The original story had a similar meeting, but with Contessa and Taylor's positions exchanged. Mauling Snarks technically has her with a Trump power, but I feel like she uses it to function more as a Thinker 75% of the time. Her friends, her charges, her very city. I dont want things like Taylor Varga or Monster or powers where she appears terrifying to others but is in reality harmless like Camera Shy. Now she must learn to be independent, both as a blind person in her civilian life and as an 'independent hero' in her cape life. She can process numerous separate perspectives on herself without issue. I was just surprised. "Penny for your thoughts? Hunter, a Bloodborne crossover by UnwelcomeStorm. It makes sense, since shards want their hosts to be active out and about, getting into conflict and such. Advancing Technology has Taylor with what seems to be the power of advanced learning, and may be more than that. Taylor helps make cookies, but her power makes her make them. Taylor is incorporeal and unable to directly affect the world in her Breaker form. Shes just as broken as blanket but in a completely different way. She was on the wrong side of plain with her gangly frame and wide mouth. So Taylor with AOE music powers that include rapid full regeneration type healing. Taylor turned on her heel and headed for the door on her end of the hut. She spent several months mentoring and bonding with Taylor, until the emotional connection caused Taylor to develop a "bud" of her PTV Shard. I've read most of the other fics recommended so far, and they are all great. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from They they're a part of me now.". Very interesting fic so far. "We're on schedule to get the city back in working order in a matter of weeks. Whereas Taylor had an actual chair you might expect in an office, Weld only had a solid plastic block, even then the chair groaned as he rested his weight against it. Consider it watched. No white noise to soothe him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Breaker power is pickier, and though this sounds overly verbose I think the best way to describe it is: If whatever medium either a human or human-analogue is using to perceive visual input has directly bounced off an object, that object cannot be taken into the ghost world. Oh Good Hunter looks like it might be headed that way. ], Triumph's First Encounter [could be canon? in exiled the prosthetic was built by leet. Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't more explicitly labeled disabled protagonists in worm fanfic because all the stress and bullshit ableism disabled people go through is prime conditions for trigger events. The power has too many nitpicks and conditions. Taylor and Contessa's last conversation in the fic has Taylor asking Contessa if all her actions were worth it. I've had the same thought, but I think it comes down to a simple thing: Unless you have a serious disability, you don't tend to really think about it, do you? Her primary power allows her to enter a kind of time-frozen "ghost realm" as long as she is not being directly visually observed by any sapient being, bringing anything she is wearing or carrying with her. Ah I spoke too soon. If she really pushes this power, she can blow out light bulbs, but that's the strongest effect she's managed to generate. LF Any fics where taylor is blind either due to trigger or power related or just naturally. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". A much better version in my opinion, this one actually has things happening in it! Nearly. This seems like it's going to be a real good story. Dad was standing over me. Instead of controlling bugs, she's a Tinker who can make tiny drones. ][references the PHO interlude], Camera Shy is an Alt-Power fic, not an AU fic, Delays due to unfortunate correlation between the story and real life, Reader Feedback Request (for those caught up to 3.1 only! To use the same suit of armor example (see the Thinker power's description), Taylor would be able to enter her Breaker state because she is concealed within the armor. I noticed that Stormtigers defensive blast earlier had knocked some of my hair loose, and it hung down out of the thick hood. Weld was also a really fun character to use as the POV. When all the gangs are invited to Somer's Rock to discuss the ongoing gang war, "For the record, we did invite the ABB. In fact if there was, Weld suspected that would have just slowed down production. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! She held a palm out. This power blocks her from using her own eyes, and if nobody is currently looking at her she is blind. This is an alt-power Taylor in the Worm* verse with butterflies in play before the canon locker scene. The screech of metal greeted Weld as he entered the warehouse. It's interesting to see an alt Taylor who doesn't have major league powers. "Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. The Protectorate already knew that the Taylors had a sort of network hivemind, but this went far deeper than that. On the night Taylor ran her first path to find cookies, Contessa felt an overwhelming urge to go buy some cookies (implied to be Taylor's) herself (and even thought she was pregnant due to all the food cravings), and Taylor has gotten flashes of Cauldron's attempts to fight Scion.