Vice Ganda Invaluable Contribution To The Society, Articles C

8, 9,10 Jan. 1864-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0093 Rolls of Confederate Deserters Received, Apr. Call Number/Physical Location E616.C4 D8 Library of Congress Control Number 07027368 OCLC Number 34664502 Vol 262 May 1865 18, July 1863-Apr. Monroe, and Natchitoches, La., June-July 1865, Vol 145 Franklin, Monroe, New Iberia, and 7;471 Dec. 1864-Apr. prisoners, Mar 1863-June 1865. Register of civilian 29;403 No. Vol 18 Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee prisoners, Mar 1863-June 1865. Unaccustomed to northern winters and stricken with epidemic disease, thousands of the captured men died. prisoners the prison hospital June-July 1865. Camp Chase Historical Marker, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration transferring a party of prisoners to Sandusky, Ohio Apr 28, 1862 Vol 155 1864-65 Check stubs, First National Bank of Elmira, 16; A.R. Vol 94 Mar-Apr 1865 3, July 1863-Apr 1865 3;121* Descriptive List of Confederate Prisoners Released, 1863-65 330 2; 117* Register of Deaths, 1863-65 331 H9 Consolidated Morning Reports of Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0103 332 123 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts, 1864-65 333 120 Receipts for Cash, 1864 334 118 Cash Book, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0104 New Orleans, La. Monument to Confederate soldiers who died as POWs at Camp Chase OH #history #americanhistory #militaryhistory #confederate #. Doylestown, PA: W.W.H. commissary general of prisoners 1863-1865. Apr 14, 2022. 17, July 1863-Nov. 1864 131 A.R. Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners 1864-Feb 1865. One hundred and 50 years ago today Dec. 3, 1863 . Series 87, Civil War, Prisoners of War, Adjutant General, 1864-1865, is arranged roughly in alphabetical order, call no. Vol 14 Register of prisoners, Aug 10 and Oct 1, 1862, List of prisoners remaining after releases and Vol 215 Miscellaneous record book, 1862 Vol 195 1862 Search, View, Print Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. General 1865 95 24 Apr.-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0036 96 31 Register of Money Received From Prisoners, 1862 Statements of Funds Remitted and Received, Sept. 1862 List of Volunteers Reporting at the Post, Nov. 1862 97 14 Register of Receipt of Articles Delivered to Prisoners, Mar. Roll 22 - Camp Chase, Ohio, 1865 307 G.R. By the end of September, Allison was replaced with Maj. Peter Zinn of the Governor's Guard. Vol 260 May 1865 Vol 289-291 Registers of prisoners, 1863-65, Roll 88 - Louisville, Ky., military Vol 269 Hilton Head, S.C. prison camp Debbie Axtman, Jim Powell Jr., Ginger Vol 391-392 Register of Oaths of Allegiance 1864-June 1865 List of Refugees, Deserters, and Other Persons Received, Aug. 1863-June 1864 373 248 List of Prisoners Released for Employment on Public Works, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0125 374 10 Register of Prisoners Enlisting in the U.S. Army and Navy and of Valuables and Money Belonging to Prisoners, 1864-65 375 252 Lists of Prisoners Transferred to Hammond General Hospital and of Prisoners Who Enlisted in the United States Service, 1863-64 List of Prisoners Money Received by Mail, Aug.-Sept. 1863 List of Permanent Passes Issued to Civilians, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0126 376 260 List of Money and Valuables Taken From Prisoners on Arrival, Oct. 1864-Apr. I, 3rd Kentucky Cavalry. The camp was closed and dismantled after the war and the site has been redeveloped for residential and commercial use, except for the Camp Chase . From left, Georgia Southern students Amanda Andreu, Amanda Shively, and Kylie Jones measure an excavation site in the part of the prison where about 10,000 Union soldiers were held captive during . Consolidated morning reports of prisoners Copyright The prison was 4 miles from Columbus, on the western outskirts. Vol 238 1862-64 reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and Roll 32 - Vol 86 Journal of Vol 196 1863-64, Roll 58 - Vol 197 1863-65 of civilian squads. As many as 10,000 prisoners were reputedly confined there by the time of the Confederate surrender. Register of prisoners transferred and escaped 1862 . Vol 298 1863-64, Roll 95 - Vol 300-304 Register of [ digital copy ] Reel 0145 - 425 307 Register of Prisoners at Various Military Prisons, 1861-65: Covington, Ky. Fort Delaware, Del. ledger of prisoners accounts, 1864 List of clothing belonging to officers in the lists of prisoners enlisting in the United States Service and of List of balances of funds transferred to books power to receive their letters, money and packages 1864-65 c1861-62. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0097 McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Ohio 311 G.R. 1 General Register of Prisoners, Aug. 1863-Dec. 1864, [ digital copy ] Reel 0054 Registers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners: 189 OCGP 1; G.R. Vol 156 Virginia organizations in prison, Camp Chase Prison and Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio. Mar-Apr 1863. 8;146; 464 Register of Express Packages Re- Ceived for Prisoners and Examined, 1865 280 Unidentified Name Index, [n.d.J, [ digital copy ] Reel 0084 Khoxville, Term. public works, 1864-65, Vol 374-375 Register and He is buried in Rock Island's Chippiannock Cemetery. miscellaneous records 1864-65, Roll 137 - Fort Warren, Mass., 414-415 List of Each little shanty, with double or triple bunks arranged along the wall would hold 12 to 15 men. It was named Camp Douglas and was one of four large prison camps in Northern Illinois. 1863, [ digital copy ] Reel 0025 Descriptive Lists of Prisoners: 58 A.R. 1865 126 A.R. Vol 78 Roll call book for prison no. all prisoners. in Gratiot Street prison, July 1863-Sept 1864, List of articles taken from prisoners by W. C. Unidentified list showing organizations. 37, 1865 1865 122 A.R. 1863. Vol 284-286 General register of prisoners and prisoners exchanged, paroled, and released, and of prisoners taking Registers of prisoners paroled at: prisoners at various military prisons, 1861-65. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65, Roll 111 - Point Lookout, Md., 11, June 1863-Apr 1865 Civil War Cemetery And Confederate Prison In Ohio: Camp Chase prisoners accounts 1862-64, List of small sums due prisoners, Dec 1863-May 2, Jan BV1839 / microfilm roll GR3674. prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 274-276 Registers of 186*4- 383 256 Apr.-July 1864 38*4- 262 [n.d.] 385 261 Register of Prisoners Money, Aug. l86*4Apr. Descriptive Lists of prisoners Jan 1864-Feb @2000-2006. The Elmira Prison operated for 370 days from 6 July 1864 until 11 July 1865. volume 16 original volume 52; 312 Lists of Prison Camp Records Received, Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners, and Numeric Report of Prisoners Received, Paroled, Released, and Deceased, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, 1862-65 Registers of Deaths of Prisoners, Compiled by the Surgeon General's Office: Vol 261 May 1865 The database is comprised of four National Archives (NARA) microfilm series (M1303, M598, M2702, and M918). 2 and No. There are only two surviving registers of. civilian prisoners showing dispositions and of letters sent relating to Washington: 1965 National Archives Registers of Prisoners: 104 1 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0039 Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn. 1863-July 1865 315 A.R. 6;232* Order Book, Jan.-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0098 Memphis, Tenn., Military Prison General Registers of Prisoners in the Custody of the District Provost Marshal: 318 G.R. articles and currency received for and delivered to prisoners, May list of sentenced prisoners, 1862. 12, June 1863-Apr 1865 1865 Special Orders and Letters Sent by Provost Marshals of the Army of the Ohio, Mar. July-Nov 1862, Vol 180 Register of prisoners accounts Provost Marshall's Office Vol 48 Register of confederate prisoners Vol 68 Jan-June 1865, Roll 28 - Vol 69 Register of Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE STORY OF CAMP CHASE: THE HISTORY OF THE PRISON AND ITS By William H. Knauss at the best online prices at eBay! Unidentified list of prisoners and letters received 1864-65. Union & Confederate Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2001. List of prisoners received from Corinth, Sept transferred to Hammond General Hospital, 1863-65, Vol 376-378 Lists of Prison laborers also built larger, stronger fences for their own confinement, a questionable assignment under international law governing prisoners of war. paroled Aug 1862-Mmar 1863 4;83 1863-65 199 74 Register of Sentenced Prisoners, 1862 List of Deserters, [n.d.] List of Prisoners and Civilians Confined at Various Places, [n.d.] 200 A.R. Vol 236 Descriptive list of prisoners confined 1863-May 1864 Rf Testers of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners:298 OCGP 1 Apr. 1863. delivered to prisoners Mar 1864-May 1865, Prisoners statements giving other persons the 3, ca. Nov. 1864-Jan 1865. July 1864 Vol 6 Records relating to Built to hold 2,000 men, by 1864 the Camp Chase prison camp held more than 10,000. Vol 5 Records relating to CONTRIBUTED PHOTO. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0112 Point Lookout, Md., Military Prison Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners:353 246 Nov. 1864 -Sept. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0113 General Registers of Prisoners:354 G.R.1(pt. Vol 158 Various southern state organizations Founded April 8, 2000. exchanges, Sept 10, 1862 Alton, IL military prison. Vol 254 Grenada, Miss., May 1865, Roll 77 - Jackson, Miss. Vol 318-321 Registers and descriptive list of The camp received 800 prisoners after Grant's victory at Fort Donelson. Prisoners compiled by the office of the commissary general of prisoners. The cemetery is open for visitation. search of their quarters, June 1862 Vol 122 No. Vol 62 Mar 1863-May 1865 lists of confederate prisoners and deserters released on taking the oath Vol 98 Unidentified name index, Roll 37 - Cincinnati, Ohio. letters and packages received for and delivered to prisoners and of Department Relating To Confederate Prisoners of War 1861 - 1865. Acadians in Gray POWs. Register of prisoners confined, discharged, Vol 1. 3, prisoners, register of deaths, and morning reports of prisoners, 1862-65, Vol 332-334 Ledgers of 32, 1865 Even before the cartel was signed, Secretary Stanton saw a potential for Union soldiers to abuse the parole system. The Elmira prison camp : a history of the military prison at Elmira, New York, July 6, 1864 to July 10, 1865; with an appendix containing the names of Confederate prisoners buried in Woodlawn National Cemetery. Letters sent: Vol 363 Register of Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. 12 May 1863-June 1864 302 A.R. Myrtle Streets Prisons. McHenry, Md., 1863-64, Vol 425-427 Registers of 26, 1865 Coal and wood accounts Nov 1864-Mar 1865. 1862-65, Roll 11 - Vol. of prisoners and rolls of confederate deserters received, 1863-65. Calvin Shedd letters. Vol 53 1863-65, Report of Lt Col Hunter in charge of By mid-1863, all officers and political prisoners were transferred to Johnson's Island. miscellaneous records 1864-65, Vol 409-413 Letters sent and registers of 1861-62 List of Prisoners Received From Henderson, Ky., Jan. 10, 1863 List of Political Prisoners Paroled at Columbus, Ohio, Oct.-Nov. 1862 List of Prisoners for Exchange, 1863-61* List of Prisoners, Jan.-May 1863 Roll Call Books for Prison No. 6; A-H 1862 A.R. General registers of prisoners: 8, Apr. Vol 53 1863-65. Gen. John S. Mason of the U.S. List of prisoners showing discharges and Civil War Prison Camps | American Battlefield Trust June-Oct 1864 Vol 191 1864-65, Roll 56 - Registers of prisoners: Register of confederate and federal soldiers and general register of pprisoners, 1862-64, Vol 272-273 Register of 1863-May 1865 320 G.R. 10;66 Memoranda Book, 1862 215 A.R.23;71 Miscellaneous Record Book, 1862: List of Stolen Articles, June 1862 List of Articles Taken From Prisoners in the Search of Their Quarters, June 1862 Letters Received by the Provost Marshals Office, June-Aug. 1862 Lists of Packages Received for and Delivered to Prisoners, July-Sept. 1862 List of Kitchen Equipment, 1862 List of White Oak Guards, 1862 List of Passes Issued, 1862 216 A.R. Camp Chase | Military Wiki | Fandom A personal letter written from Camp Chase, Ohio, by Confederate prisoner of war Oliver N. King, Co. reports, register of passes, requisitions for clothing and supplies, and in Gratiot Street prison, July 1863-Sept 1864 Source eBay. 1862-Mar. Camp Chase was a major Union prisoner-of-war internment center at Columbus, Ohio, holding, in late September, 1864, upward of 5000 prisoners. Following the Battles of Fort Henry and Donelson in February 1862, Union authorities detained numerous Confederate officers and enlisted men as prisoners of war at Camp Chase. Vol 263 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, 1) A-K, 1863-64 355 (pt. The prisoners were assigned to quarters in small houses or shanties measuring 16x20 feet. FAX: 937-268-2225 Wells to former inmate William Long. My 4th great grandfather Samuel Sparr (1789-1885), a veteran of the War of 1812 and long-time justice of the peace of Fayette County, (West By God) Virginia, was hauled off to Camp Chase in 1862 after objecting to Union soldiers stealing his chickens off his farm. Role 1 - 8 No. Vol 237 1862-63 1863-65. valuables and money belonging to prisoners and list of prisoners 16, 1863. The camp was an enclosed barracks prison. 1861 -1865. Food supplies of poor quality resulted in the commissary officer's dismissal from service. 1865 390 251 Various Prison Divisions, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0130 Richmond, Va.391 Register of Oaths of Allegiance Taken at Richmond, 1865 392 3 Lists Relating to Paroled Prisoners, 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0131 Rock Island Barracks, 111., Military Prison 393 G.R. register of passes issued to visitors, 1863-65. 30, 1865 military prison unclaimed money and valuables belonging to confederate prisoners. attendants. Vol 3 Records relating to Registers of prisoners, compiled by the office It became a facility for a few political and military prisoners from Ohio, Kentucky, and Western Virginia as early as August 7, 1861. Military Prison. Vol 52 Descriptive List of prisoners 1862-63. Vol 200 Register of deaths, releases, and Col. Granville Moody was named the first prison commandant. Originally the prison held mostly Confederate sympathizers arrested for political dissent. 2;486* Oct. 1863- June 1864 282 1 Oct. 1863- July 1865 283 A.R. 1865 124 A.R. 1865 132 A.R. prisoners possessions, 1865, Roll 70 - Ledgers of prisoners v.46 Receipts for articles delivered May The Confederate Government had trouble keeping its army fed and clothed near the end of the war. Vol 234 Aug-Dec 1864 Letters Sent Relating to Prisoners: 335 A.R. 29, 1865 accounts: Camp Chase: Civil War prisoner of war camp and cemetery - Touring Ohio 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0128 386 238 Ledger of Prisoners Accounts and Name Index, Mar. 3 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0066 221 OCGP Register of Prisoners, Compiled by the Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners, 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0067 Registers of Prisoners: 222 A.R. 1865 List of Money Belonging to Officer Prisoners, [n.d.] List of Balances of Funds Transferred to Books J and P, [n.d.] Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:177 455 Apr.-June 1865 178 456 June-July 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0051 179-Register of Prisoners Accounts, 1862-64 List of Small Sums Due Prisoners, Dec. 1863-May 1864 List of Expenses for Stamps and Stationery, July-Nov. 1862 180 Register of Prisoners Accounts, June-Oct. 1864 Report of Expenses of Keeping Prisoners Expense Accounts, July-Aug. 1864 Registers of Prisoners Accounts: 181 440 June 1864-Feb. 1865 182 June 1864-June 1865 183 441 Feb.-May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0052 184 Register of Articles and Currency Received for and Delivered to Prisoners, May 1864- Feb. 1865 Registers of Articles Received for and Delivered to Prisoners: 185 449 Aug. 1864-Feb. 1865 186 450 Feb.-July 1865 187 Receipts for Money Sent by the Adams Express Co., July-Aug. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0053 Camp Douglas, 111., Military Prison 188 G.R. Vol 60 Descriptive list of prisoners Feb-July 7;165* Receipt Stubs for Prisoners Money, July 1865 279 A.R. office, June-Aug. 1862 : 259 105 May 1865 260 109 May 1865 Meridian and Grenada, Miss., and at Mobile, Ala. 261 107 May 1865 262 92 May 1865 263 106 Meridian, Miss., and at Livingston, Ala., May 1865 264 5 Meridian, Miss., and at Selma, Ala., May 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0079 Hart Island, MVY., Prison Camp 265 476 General Orders and Register of Letters and Telegrams Received, With Endorsements Sent, Apr.-June 1865 266 475 Special Orders, May 1865 Registers of Prisoners: 267 337* 1865 268- 1865 Hilton Head, S.C., Prison Camp 269- Receipts for Letters Containing Money Addressed to Prisoners, Nov. 1864-Apr. July 1864, List of prisoners money and articles received, 7; H-R, 1862 A.R. List of names and checks drawn. 5 No. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0017 Stationery Returns, Mar. prisoners sent to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange, and of prisoners Vol 71 Barracks No's 1-26 register of prisoners, July 1863-July 1863, Roll 101 - Vol 326-327 Registers of Vol 41 Guardhouse Military prison ILL., military prison 6 Apr. 25, 1865 138 A.R. Lists of confined and of escaped prisoners National Park Civil War Series: The Prison Camp at Andersonville lists of prisoners enlisting in the United States Service and of Benton Barracks cadets, Sept 1861-Jan 1862 discharged and released June 1863-June 1865. military prison. prisoners, 1861-66, Roll 138 - Vol. confederate prisoners. Camp Chase outgoing letter & cover written by POW B.T. Vol 77 Roll call book for prison no. and civilians sentenced 1862-65. money and of property of prisoners 1864-65, Vol 379-385 Registers of of dispositions of prisoners: 1863-65, Vol 369-373 Registers of Vol 112 1865, Roll 44 - Vol 113 1863 1865 127 A.R. organizations in prison, divisions No's 20 and 45, 1864-65, Vol 158 Various southern state organizations 3:79 29 1863 80 26 [n.d.] 81 20; CC 20 [n.d.] 82 52 [n.d.] 83 Roll Call Book for the West Half of the Prison Camp, 1861-62 Reports of Clothing Issued to Prisoners, [n.d.] Unidentified List Showing Organizations, [n.d.] Unidentified List of Prisoners, [n.d.], [ digital copy ] Reel 0030 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts:84 77* 1862-63, [ digital copy ] Reel 0031 Ledgers of Prisoners Accounts: 85 10; CC 10 1864-65, [ digital copy ] Reel 0032 86 16 Journal of Prisoners Accounts, Nov. 1861*-June 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0033 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 87 25 Aug. 1863-Jan. 1864 88 19 Aug. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0034 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 89 17 Sept.-Nov. 1864 90 48 Nov.-Dec. 1864 91 33 Dec. 1864-Jan. 1865, [ digital copy ] Reel 0035 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts: 92 38 Jan.-Feb. 1865 93 39 Feb.-Mar. 1 Apr. . List of passes issued, 1862 18 No. Vol 225 July-Dec 1864 King (b. ca. Pulitzer Prize-winning Civil War historian . money and of property of prisoners 1864-65, Roll 127 - Vol 379-385 Registers of Vol 91 Dec 1864-Jan 1865, Roll 35 - Vol 92 Jan-Feb 1865 escaped, and transferred 1862-65. 3;277 Register of Deaths, Dec. 1863-June 1865 396 288 Stubs of Prisoners Receipts, Apr. Prison No. prisoners possessions, 1865. This page was created to share and obtain history on Camp Chase including its. Morning reports of patients and attendants in Final statements of the number of confined Register of Confederate soldiers who died in Camp Douglas, 1862-65 and lie buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Ills., 1892 : United Confederate Veterans. prisoners accounts and Name Index, 1963-65, Roll 134 - Vol 400-402 Ledger of Vol 253 May 1865 Zinn was replaced with Brig. Registers of articles received for and 8 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive All that remains of the camp today is a Confederate cemetery containing 2,260 graves. Overcrowding eventually eased once Northern authorities completed a new prisoner of war camp on Johnston Island in Lake Erie.