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( Mount Vernon High School recognized top scholars during its Black History Month assembly on Friday, February 17, 2023. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Administrative Assistant: Brittany Diggs-McLean (703-619-3141), Administrative Assistant: To be determined (703-619-3225), Administrative Assistant: Jacqueline Ventura(703-619-3200), Administrative Assistant: To be determined (703-619-3250), Administrative Assistant: To be determined(703-619-3275), Administrative Assistant: Cheryl Lovitt(703-619-3138), Assistant Principal, HS Special Education, 2023 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). I like how there are always a lot of activities to celebrate our excellence. {:o>onFW77Z/}@%Emp'nAia$mY\oql>4X>-ntYAl%[9n'RV~,|syGi1-1M.2W.q>X_F,km4x#,MD/wpR^? 1075 E Fulton St. Mount Vernon, WA 98273. endstream Mount Vernon High School CTE students visits Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Register online for the 2023-2024 school year! Assistant Coach - Wrestling - MCHS Job in Mount Vernon, GA at Principal's Message - 8 0 obj Visit the link below for more information. This page will provide you with various links to access district tools for student success at Mount Vernon. Steve Brand, Principal Matt Thede, Assistant Principal/Activities Director Brett Karkosh, Counselor Jordyn VanDraska, Counselor Stephanie Timm, Registrar Mary Hale, Building Secretary Megan Krapfl, School Nurse. Prior to being at Mount Vernon I taught in Northeast Ohio where I was an intervention specialist and computer science teacher at Howland Local Schools. Everyone knows everyone, Its like a family here at Traphagen. Mount Vernon High School 1 2 3 . Most of you will agree that parents want their child to be credentialed and have options when they graduate. endobj Principal, High School Brian Murphy Director, Student Activities, HS Administrator for Health & Physical Education Administrator for Student Athletics and Student Activities Administrative Assistant: Brittany Diggs-McLean ( 703-619-3141) Karen Boyd Assistant Principal, HS Supporting Students A - Der Administrator for Class of 2023 From the Principal; News. Mount Vernon Township High School 11101 North Wells Bypass Mount Vernon, IL 62864 618-244-3700 2022-2023 School Calendar City of Mt. Mr. Bernie Campbell Named Interim Principal of Mt. Vernon High School She took the lead on preparing the staff to embrace and embody the community school concept. Tweets by MVSchools Dr. Pearce was then invited to join the Mount Vernon High School staff where she served as the Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction. Free or Reduced Lunch - Cafeteria Manager The Mount Vernon Knights Cheerleading Team's varsity and junior varsity squads competed in the Universal Cheerleading Association National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida from Friday, February 10 to Sunday, February 12, 2023. 4 0 obj !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? I do band lesson and I'm getting better at it. //-->Administration | Mount Vernon High School My school is special because the teachers slow down and help you if you need help. Buy them through the district! She taught mathematics at Franko Middle School for 12 years, which was renamed Benjamin Turner Middle School. Meet the Administration; . Staff Directory - I enjoy spending time with my family, being at the beach, kayaking, and playing with our dog Hendricks. Mount Vernon High School invites you to the exhibition Learning the Language of Art: MoNA Link Student Art Exhibition, showcasing student projects from our very own MVHS Fine Arts department. I am starting my seventh year as an adjunct professor for Eastern Gateway Community College where I teach Foundations of Education and Instructional Technology for their Education Department. Classrooms are organized by Academic Departments located under the Academics Menu. 11 0 obj Photo Gallery; Staff Directory; Title I Parent Right-to-Know Letter; . 703-619-3100. <> u5Y^. Our vision of excellence.provide educational options for students that will foster meaningful applications to citizenship, career skills, social interactions and lifelong learning to exist in a constantly evolving society. Dr. Pearce attended Fordham University, where she earned her Doctorate in Urban Leadership. Business, Entrepreneurship, Career and Financial Management, Nelson Mandela / Hosea Zollicoffer School,, Mount Vernon High School Back to School Night Event. Slots are still available for FREE universal pre-K in the Parker and Traphagen School Zones. 13 0 obj I love when he shows up to assemblies and we can sing our Columbus CARES song and he dances to it. We will foster a culture of lifelong scholarship by instilling positive habits and attitudes among our students and staff. Hard work pays off. She believes that every student should be held to ambitious standards and never give up on their dreams. 7. ?#v(`:GvnIfUsCpa{@ X?%|=CPPO|@z>'@Jf~74yBX#Aa8l!%@C4&.) Y/l-Z_x~I]p$mbA^=fC3aGFuNyRZp\ Attendance. We will provide a quality educational experience for students by maintaining a supportive and collaborative environment. We have two children, Meghan and Nicholas who are both married and we have a granddaughter Teagan. Gina Brooks | Mount Vernon High School Type in a staff member's last name and select Search for quick results. We are a growing and diverse school district that employs nearly 900 people serving 6,200+ students in grades kindergarten-12. MT. Casey Dodd will start as principal on July 1, according to a news release. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? I would say that STEAM is a very encouraging environment. Mount Vernon, GA. Posted: October 31, 2022. High School; Digital Academy; Columbia; Dan Emmett; East; Pleasant Street; Twin Oak; Wiggin Street; Our School. The Parent Resource Center hosted its second art therapy session, this time for middle school students, on Thursday, February 16, 2023. Administrator for MVHS Comprehensive Services Site . Vernon R-V School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. 300 Yellow Jacket Drive Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 740.393.5900. When I moved to the Columbus area three years ago I got a position teaching computer science and as the Dean of Students at a STEM school. Assistant Principal Andrea Thomas Parent Liaison Nakia Hiland School Counselor Jasmine Criss School Counselor Falliemarie Caldwell School Counselor Takisha Sales School Counselor Lolita Greene The team flew back to New York on Monday, February 13. The Mount Vernon School District is located 60 miles north of Seattle in the fertile Skagit Valley. [CDATA[// >Region 3 | Fairfax County Public Schools The Mt. v?d/6h`REu2l:af97~2NWTM- Al6DV=~h\Tom-yTo ( endobj Vernon, Indiana 47620 812-838-4356 Athletic Office: 812-833-2060 . Visit the link below for more information. This event is for students in grades 4-8. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of Mount Vernon High School I would like to welcome you to the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Current Juniors and Seniors only may apply and pay for a parking permit beginning the week of August 29th in the ASB office during Dawg Days.Download Application. <> In 2019 I earned my administrator license certification from the University of Findlay. We are a growing and diverse school district that employs nearly 900 people serving 6,200+ students in grades kindergarten-12. There will be hands-on activities such as gaming, mad science, coding, engineering, and math. <> Henderson has served as an educator in the Mount Vernon district for 24 years, most recently as assistant principal for the Nelson Mandela/Dr. Mr. Ronald Foltz - assistant principal, overall attendance for the building, . JoVon Rogers. The teachers also try to encourage us when we aren't keeping up to date. Mount Vernon City Schools. I like that my school has a drumline. Mrs. Jonnah Hetzel - Contact Mount Vernon High School. She works very hard to put together the best school possible. 12 0 obj Several high school students also assisted with the art therapy, and parents joined the session as well. This is my 2nd year as assistant principal at the high school and my 26th year working in the field of education . endobj Staff Directory | Mount Vernon High School Mount Vernon High School invites you to the exhibitionLearning the Language of Art: MoNA Link Student Art Exhibition,showcasingstudent projects from our very ownMVHS Fine Arts department. At the "NEW" Mount Vernon High School, we are boldly setting intentions to create a school environment where staff and students feel valued, supported and challenged to be their best self. Senior Daren Lu was named valedictorian with a 102.89 GPA and senior Lesley Iyamu was named salutatorian with a 98.45 GPA. Mount Vernon superintendent Bennett-Conroy addressing safety, trust Montay Campbell, Mount Vernon High School. Classrooms are organized by Academic Departments located under the Academics Menu. Mount Vernon High School 8515 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria VA 22309 Main Office. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 2 at 5 p.m. and Saturday, March 4 at 11 a.m. We will sustain an enthusiastic and cooperative atmosphere while modeling good citizenship and character. dZ JOB DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: 1. 10 0 obj She modeled and held students and teachers to high expectations and was ready to offer support where needed. Phone: 360-428-6100 Fax: 360-428-6152. <> Britaney Sinclair, Mount Vernon High School. Meet The Administration - This will be a full day for students. endobj Educational Activities and Resources for Parents. The teachers really help me put my best foot forward, which allows me to try harder. New York State My Brothers Keeper (MBK) hosted its annual Stand and Deliver, where MBK fellows gave TED-style talks on their experiences in the program, on Friday, February 17, 2023, and Saturday, February 18, 2023. <> endobj I have a chance to practice doing something that I LOVE!! VERNON HIGH SCHOOL 700 Harriett Street Mt. Attendance. Attendance procedures. All Rights Reserved. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics. )5D_eJ7}w2Bh71P&}B&;s=-U.2c$l-h~AP'wBxl_] The following is an alphabetical directory of the Mount Vernon HS staff. endobj 9 0 obj There will be no need to apply or pay a fee for this program. UM&21.a'9\"%e&I Michael Skinner, a history teacher, basketball coach and sub school principal at Mount Vernon High School between 1955 and 1983, recalls memories of serving in World War II before coming to the .