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We use different freight carriers to find you the lowest price AND safest delivery. If you need help finding parts, please look at our OEM Parts Lookup tab.It has been a pleasure serving our local customers face-to-face but currently, our PARTS business is moving to strictly online orders. <>stream Most current-model engines are physically larger than pre-ECT engines and might not fit in the engine bay. Over the years, many have tested this warranty (including this writer), and its real: SEI will replace any of its units that fail, at no cost to the consumer. Replace your old diesel or gasoline engine with a new Volvo Penta D3 diesel engine. B5LtW83eVNHuVtdX1qw065dBKkF3cwwOUJKhwsjKSpKkV9sEMM5C4gn4IMwOZQX/ACsn8uv+pp0j uuid:30725570-cd01-11d9-8a22-aceeacdafe0d This is the first and only boat weve owned, says Ferguson, a senior IT manager from Dale, Wisconsin, who purchased the Cruisers in 2007. The 50' workboat is for hire as a buoy tender or as a first responder in oil cleanups. 177 0 obj ReferenceStream adobe:docid:photoshop:10c1afcc-c2e0-11d9-8b91-91a0a7ec3cb2 No refunds for electronic parts if the box is opened. Volvo Penta to Volvo Penta State-of-the-Art-Repowering Replace your old diesel or gasoline engine with a new Volvo Penta D1 or D2 engine. While the boat was in the shop, Ferguson had an extended swim platform and new cockpit carpet installed, added a Garmin multifunction display to the helm, and installed a Mercury VesselView Link engine display, which he wirelessly connects to an iPad to monitor engine vitals. Describe it. Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs and for sufficiently packing and insuring returned items unless otherwise agreed upon. AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB Crate Engine: If the engine to be repaired has internal damage but the dress components are in good condition, a crate engine might be an option to consider. adobe:docid:photoshop:e14bc87e-c51e-11d9-84a2-8b6b937e591d 100 0 obj 80 0 obj Corrosion Protection Package. endobj Volvo Penta 5.0L & 5.7L Exhaust Manifold Package (1993-Current) with Extra Tall 10.3" Risers Item Number: VO-1-914035-10.5-KIT $1,289.00 $954.99 5.3L (L82) Base Engine (2018-2021) Item Number: 5300L82 $5,599.00 Riser Block Off Plate Kit Item Number: 1-0104P $25.00 Barr 3 in. uuid:dced8b54-c86d-11d9-a7d9-000393d59a52 From custom designed packages to replacement engines, Steve's Marine Service can meet your needs with quality equipment utilizing Volvo Penta diesel engines.. Volvo Penta engines are designed for long term performance. NDFPDJDMiyQyqUkjYVVlYUKkHqCM5QGt3ZPh383PIcnkrzreaWit+jpv9J0yQ78reQmi18YyCh+V Marine Diesel Engine Repowering Boat | Volvo Penta Americas uuid:5E6B7979C90D11D987F7F76126249F2F Ferguson considered engine options from Mercury Marine, Quicksilver and a Wisconsin shop selling remanufactured long-block marine engines. Volvo Penta Marine Engines - Top Notch Marine adobe:docid:photoshop:e580e403-c525-11d9-84a2-8b6b937e591d endobj Outdrive Exchange | Leave Your Troubles Behind This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Operated by its present management since 1974, the company . Volvo SX drives made since 1994 and Volvo Duoprop drives made since 1996 use the same transom cutout as MerCruiser drives, although some techs we spoke to say that going from Volvo Penta to MerCruiser can still result in a leaky transom. Grid List . An Ilmor engine can be mated to its One Drive or to a MerCruiser Bravo drive. Volvo Penta develop, produce and market a complete range of marine diesel and gasoline engine and drive systems for most applications. A crate engine is a major assemblyeither all-new or remanthat includes a new long block as well as the fuel-delivery and ignition components. A SEI replacement for a MerCruiser Alpha One Gen II (complete drive unit, upper and lower combined) costs $1,595. Diesel Sterndrive Buyers Guide - Power Boat News step 3. adobe:docid:photoshop:52c899f9-b323-11d9-989e-ba3570f6cdfc 2005-05-18T10:15:02+02:00 Contact Michigan Motorz of the potential damage. PDF VOLVO PENTA INBOARD DIESEL TAMD41 - Marine Parts Express Now it pops right on plane, and we are already seeing 45 mph using the old props. CImnMx+mWHKleR5U/ZxtVHS/JH/OR19JpmmapqOlaRp1i6NcapbxRTXU6RmgDKUKyEjsQoP7VcbV kjjdIIWtrZ3eNhGzlmkmoN/2u2KpVpHmL8z/ADN+Xf5meXNe10w6j5PST6zdi3jke5t1gu0uLNiB As of Oct. 28th, 2022, we have transitioned to ONLINE Business. . In 2010, Northstar Marine and its workboats were heavily . /N3RdTs9Y1e6WDStOniur+Z78FUghcPIxHLcBVOa+WtwzBjHmfJyRimDZKv+Y3/OTmv6jcS2Pk// 7:30 am 4:00 pm Mon to Fri, Phone: 07 5580 1883 Gy16wjilvLFy8Mc4ZoySpT4gjI3RuzZXmxDJExPIsoS4TYer2/8AzlZ+YclxFG2naQFd1UkQ3NaE ReferenceStream vGadynw3+c2tQ6z+aHmG+gIaL6yLdGXdWFrGtvyB/wAr0q51uihw4Yjy+/d1mc3MsPt7ee5uIreB For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The damage we have seen has varied from Volvo introduced its Inboard Performance System (IPS) in 2005 and added the Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) to it in 2009. 72 0 obj adobe:docid:photoshop:d4f79558-a759-11d9-8e60-f56ec5357d63 3 Year. No refunds for electronic parts if the box is opened. 256 <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/Properties<>/MC1<>/MC2<>/MC3<>/MC4<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 419.52756 595.27557]/Type/Page>> <>>> obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 419.528 595.276]/Type/Page>> endobj Read Next: Top Three Reasons to Replace Your Sterndrive. Volvo Penta. Kits for easier replacement of engines from other manufacturers and engines with inboard shaft installation. And even if you should choose to keep the mechanical governing, a repowering means that you'll be able to benefit from new, intuitive controls that improve your boating experience. A new replacement Alpha One Gen II drive retails for $5,825, while a Bravo Three retails for $9,114. /pPtv+qmT/K5f5svkUeJHvDv+Vk/l1/1NOkf9J9t/wBVMfyuX+bL5FfEj3hN9K1rR9XtjdaTf2+o Volvo Penta 4.3L Marine Engine (2007-2015) #234 . F3YxrzmVyBvTkD4VO2YODtWM5VIcNt0tKQNi8TzauK9z/wCcdfzY1m08w2vlDVbh7rSdQJjsWlJd 129 0 obj Most buildersbut not alltake this into account when designing the engine hatches and surrounding deck. ReferenceStream Volvo Penta Essence & D3 Moteurs 3863450 Bas chappement Soufflet pour Omc. 133 0 obj LQvN2qwP5R1ZSvl6OBIvWtik4lhaTjFEzcOC1DSGvj3xVhll+Xn/ADkmNGsPJZ1yx07QdPeNI9bt Secondly, is the installer As a Volvo Penta authorised Service Centre our staff are trained and equipped to handle all of these questions and more. Engines can be picked up at a local shipping terminal or dropped off at your location*. Jansen measures the mount height of the starboard engine, then reaches around the port engine to settle in on the The One Drive cutout is slightly different from whats required for a MerCruiser, but it is workable, according to Ilmor. Swapping brands also might require new controls, instruments and a wiring harness. The company has earned an excellent reputation, with a three-year, no-fault warranty. 5bCJfQiavEzTSLDFypQ8fUkXlTtgV5FoWmf85K3ui6T53sPMlvqFxqfo3R8tzJHHb/VJ6OvxEKo/ 5xP8x3d75Z1fQ52LxaRPFLbE1PFLsOSg9g8LN/sjnP8Aa+MCYl3/AKHP0srjXc90zUOS7FXEBgVY kGo2I6HJMX2z+Sfn8ec/JFtcXMgfV7ClpqYr8RdB8EpFa/vU3r/Nyp0zlddp/CyUPpPJ2eKfFG2f uuid:0edd44f4-b323-11d9-989e-ba3570f6cdfc VP_logo_CMYK_www +LZuXL1valM2uj1nj3tVV1cXLi4K3V/yj/Jb/lYdjqN1+mf0X9Qlji4fVvrHP1FLVr6sNKUwazXe application/pdf Jansen recalls one sterndrive-repower project that required cutting away a portion of the deck to remove the engines. "I'm 54, so I'm a little old-school," he stated in a press release. endobj When we got the boat, it would top out at about 41 mph but, after 14 years, top speed was down to 37 mph, and the boat struggled to plane with a heavy load of guests. Volvo Penta develop, produce and market a complete range of marine diesel and gasoline engine and drive systems for most applications. adobe:docid:photoshop:eb42a330-b322-11d9-989e-ba3570f6cdfc +V9wQbjzFokxX7JkvbRqV8KucmNPmHKMvkUeJHvCl/jL8pf+r5oH/SVZ/wDNWHwc/wDNn8iviR7w Add to cart zGl9M/k/+dtjZflbqKa1L6moeVoQLaNiA9xA54WyL3JVyIztsvE5odZoScw4eU/wXPw5vRv0eAQR AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA If you repower with a remanufactured engine, no return is required. For items received as described, a refund of the final invoice price (minus shipping and handling charges and a 15% restocking fee) will be issued. IwyiUuX7HJyRJjQ5vl7zX+V35ueVtFl1nVZJRYQMqzSQ3ZlKczxVmCtWnIgVzoMOrw5JcMefucOe VRQD+YLmboNT4WTf6Tzas0OKL4pIINDsR1GdU6x2Kvo//nFn8vuKXHna+j+JuVro4bsBtPMPn/dq Jansen had to lower the engine through the hatch sideways and then turn it 90 degrees once it was below the deck level. endobj A single-engine installation is obviously often a little easier. %PDF-1.3 % Orders placed over the phone or through our website will be charged 6% for sales tax within the state of Michigan. Sterndrive Engineering Inc. (SEI, offers its own designed and manufactured replacement sterndrives and outboard gear cases. endobj 1 reason most people choose to take on a repower project, and in this case, those emotions were backed by sound financial reasoning. This 5.7L complete engine package is designed to replace 1991 and earlier Volvo Penta 5.0L and 5.7L engines with a Volvo Penta 270, 280, or 290 outdrive. ReferenceStream Factory-new is a great option if cost is not a concern. wjpY6mfGNofe3HL4caO8nkXmX80fP3mSRzqut3Lwuam0icw248P3UfFNvEiubLFpccPpiHFlmker Marine - Florida Detroit Diesel-Allison <> Long Block: A long block is an enginenew or remanwithout dress components (alternator, water pump, etc. Installing these components adds to the labor cost of a repower project, but it also makes the engine adaptable to either MerCruiser or Volvo Penta installations. <> For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Riser Spacer Block Item Number: 20-0097 $125.00 UdtcTvLGllNAxT905SpmVyd6f77zW6jtEYsnCQ5OPT8Ubt5v5n8saz5Z1u40XWIPQvrYjmoIZWVh Volvo Penta has developed repowering kits to ensure safe, easy and cost-effective replacement. 158 0 obj DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f URIUWP8A5Vflp5e8jw6lHo2pSait+0TTGRom4GIOFp6YHXmeuXavVSy1xCqY48YiNmeZhtj4t/5y New 6.2L DI LT4 High Horsepower 700HP AirPac Engine A62LT4R $28,905.00 Quick View Add to cart New 6.2L DI LT4 High Horsepower 700HP JetPac Engine J62LT4R $33,015.00 Quick View Add to cart New 6.2L DI LT4 Marine 620HP EnPac Engine E62LT4 $30,593.00 Quick View Add to cart New 6.2L DI LT4 Marine 620HP JetPac Engine J62LT4 $29,541.00 Quick View Repower Marine is the UK's leading supplier of marine engine parts & marine engines to repower Mercruiser, Volvo Penta, Indmar, PCM & OMC inboard and sterndrive packages. All returns must have an RMA # and invoice #. This NEW engine package is rated at 315hp at the crankshaft. mPl/8udf0/8APfzF55meA6Jqmmx2dqquTP6iJaKeacQoH+jP0PhiqX6F+U3mO3u/zX+tTW0cPnhZ All prices and descriptions on this site are subject to change without notice. For the Volvo DPE (diesel engine) drive, Volvos price for a new replacement is $16,110, while a Boatwrench reman unit costs $7,500. gs/M2p6amoa/rtxHGZEMokleJVC8V9JY2HwirbCo3JVTDyj5t/MfyZ+bFj+X3nTVk8w2Gt25n0zU ReferenceStream Volvo Pentas global dealer network will always be able to assist you in both finding and installing a suitable engine for your vessel. uuid:2eab628b-d0ea-11d9-bfe3-000393d59a52 approved), Engine wire harness with universal 10-pin plug, Dipstick tube, dipstick, and EZ oil drain hose. Of course, the consumer must pay to have the unit removed, boxed and shipped both ways, then reinstalled and checkedbut these costs are minor relative to the cost of replacing a drive. T317MsFpbI0s8zmioiCrMfkMhGJkaHNJL5Y/Lv8AM/zf5g/OeyV9Xvf0NqF/cyR6Y87mFYXWR44u As an agent for Mercury Finance we can offer quick, straight forward finance for your Volvo Investment at competitive rates. Repower Marine are the sole UK and Ireland distributor for HGE marine engine . 4.3L Complete Engine Package (1992-Later Volvo Penta Applications) Item Number: MPE4.3V-VR2. b24ea0a53d6c178890d1fd2f4a8eb5cda591b01a jSfP3mLUNUaB/LV5BqFtpFvE7NKiX/7o80Kqq8bdmQ0ONqnP/OPn5Ma35Al1m+1+S3n1C+ENvaNb Emission control technology, in the form of exhaust catalysts, has been required on sterndrive engines in new boats sold in California since 2008, and since 2010 in the other 49 states. s5iaD5381+Zb7zP5hvdev44ory+cPNHAGWMEKE+EOzt0Xu2bvDiGOIiOQcOcuI2Upyxi9h0//nKP Youve detonated your MerCruiser or Volvo Penta sterndrive, and now youre faced with the question of rebuilding or replacing. 4rI8bgqysploQwNCM6UZdIDY4fk4JGUsb/5UZ+bH/UuT/wDBw/8ANeX/AJ/D/Oa/An3IvSvyj/Oz Marine Gasoline Engines and Power Packages Marine Diesel Engines and Power Packages Parts and Accessories . uuid:fbbffd4b-867d-11d9-9eb9-82d4397f8461 The Cruisers 2870 was a well-made boat when it was new, and the brand has a good pedigree. This makes it more difcult to repower your boat during the busy season, at the same time as this is precisely when you want to have a properly functioning engine so . Replace your old diesel or gasoline engine with a new Volvo Penta D1 or D2 engine. The engine is completed by reusing many dress components from the engine being repaired, or those components must be purchased separately. Chesapeake, VA 23320 . $12,667.20. xR8w+Rc6R1zN/wAnfPz+SvOtrqErH9F3X+i6og3/AHEhHx08Y2Af6CO+Ymt0/i4yOvRuw5OGXk+4 Items sent overseas are sent via FedEx international, or air freight (depending on item weight). Boatwrenchs price for a reman is $6,500. Adobe InDesign CS (3.0.1) The engine is often the heart of your operation, and you are dependent on its reliability. VOLVO PENTA PARTS. 2005-05-30T15:41:02.000+02:00 Volvo Penta | Outdrive Exchange endobj Engines are then inspected by our shipping manager before they are loaded onto a freight carrier. I know that if I dont get the alignment right, Ill have to pull these motors again in 40 hours to replace the rubber drive-shaft coupler, Jansen says. ReferenceStream Jansen was able to get the engines in and out of the Cruisers 2870, but it was an operation that required some precision. endobj ReferenceStream Cy/HU9jnPa3LGeQmPJzccSI0XhX5p/lj+Z9vrXmTzQboW+gC4uLtJDe8aQs5KARg1qagBR32zb6T /oCN/Mv8k9A8/ara6lf3tzZ3FrB9WH1cR0ZA7OOXNWOxc5HS66WGJAFpyYRPmznRtNi0vSLHTIXa Fancy replacing your MerCruiser with a Volvo Penta, or vice versa? 224 0 obj Environmental care is one of Volvos core values. The D1/D2 Repowering Kit will make it easier to install the new engine and is designed to easily integrate into the existing engine bed. THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE STERNDRIVE PACKAGE. 9YE0xaq80+LgU3ph0EsAgfEq76/Bc3iX6eTxzVPyh/OvVr6XUNT0a8vb6bj61zPNFJI3BQi8maQk Upgrading provides many benefits. Maneuverability will improve along with onboard comfort thanks to quieter operation and lower vibration levels. With 24 years experience as an AUTHORISED DEALERS FOR VOLVO PENTA,we specialise in specifying, accessing and installing a brand new power plant into your pride and joy. The best options for replacing an inboard-outboard boat engine. RMTR5ucDavkVdiryH/nJD8vf8ReUf05ZRctV0INKeI+KS0O8ybDcpTmPk3jmz7M1PBPhPKX3tGfH Dan Jansen directs the positioning of an engine. A concern that never comes up with an outboard repower is the task of removing the engines from the boat. Upgrading brings a host of benefits. Volvo Penta can assist with a total cost of ownership calculation on which you can base your investment. The dealers also work with comprehensive programs for quality-assuring the entire installation. 137 0 obj Other than the engines, the boat was in really good condition, Ferguson says. Volvo Penta Parts & Accessories from Power Product Systems endobj False VB2IPQjFXxJ+dP5fN5L863FrBGV0i+rdaW2/ERsfiiqa7xN8PjSh751eh1Hi47P1Dm63Pj4ZeTAs This lower unit sells for $995. Volvo Penta Replacement Engines ; Follow Us: Volvo Penta Replacement Engines. endobj GXyiJAg8iwiaNv0C0LU11XRNP1RV4Lf20NyqVrQTRh6V/wBlnG5I8MiO4u2BfF/55/8Ak2PMf/Gd vmQoNB75spzjEWTTjxiTyfSn5JfkBPoF7D5l81oh1WH4tP00EOsDU/vJWFVaQfsgEhevWlNFru0R ZgazUZPGBiDUPt73IxYgI79Xzpq2mz6Zqd1p87I81pK0TvEweNihpyRlqGU9QRm7hLiALhSjRpCg Repower Financing | Mercury Marine Thinking about installing a current MerCruiser or Volvo Penta engine in your older boat, maybe to get digital controls and lower emissions? 5Q63Don5l+X9RnkEUCXQhllYgKqXCtAzMT0AEm+Y+sx8eKQ8mzCamH3TnIuzeF/85Za1bQ+UtJ0f A long block might be an option to consider if the original engine has a cracked block but low hours, if the exhaust is free of corrosion, and if the fuel system is in good shape because youll want to reuse those parts. hZKH0nk7TFPijab/AJjedLXyb5Qv9dm4tLCvp2UDGnq3Mm0SeJFfian7IJyrTYDlmIpnPhFvinQt 5I85+a9M0mDyu3Ga1mke5/f+hVWQBd6iu4zG7Pz48ZPG2ZoSkNny15nh82eW9auNG1LUZfr1rxFw Adobe PDF Library 6.0 uuid:c17e044d-cf86-11d9-a33a-b52c50fe0135 approved), High torque bottom mount starter (U.S.C.G. Looking for some good advice, or need a quote? If parts are damaged in shipment and the customer does not notice damage, please call Michigan Motorz, LLC. This boat was an excellent repower candidate because its in great condition, was a quality boat when it was new, and its owners have some real passion for the vessel. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. The weight of the engine should not be in excess of the unit being replaced. ePUUPjird9+U352a9qHle71S10DT7Hy3dRTQ6Zp5NuGEbxs8jcUlXk4iA2NB4DFWe6j5C/MTzU/n New Volvo Penta engines feature design considerations and integrated functions to protect both the operator and the engine. TsabVthqonIcfKQ+1EsJEeJiOZLUmXl7zHrXl3VoNW0a6e0voDVJE6Ed1dTsyt3U7HIZMcZx4ZCw