Like many cartridges, .224 Valkyrie started as an attempt to make the AR-15 a more versatile and longer range platform. Phillip is also well known as a nationally ranked precision rifle competitor in the Precision Rifle Series and National Rifle League circuits. Below you'll find some basic data for each cartridge to help get you started. The .224 Valkyrie (5.641 mm) [5] cartridge is a .22 caliber (5.6 mm) rimless bottlenecked intermediate rifle cartridge, developed by Federal Premium Ammunition to rival the performance of the .22 Nosler, while still being compatible with modern sporting rifles (MSRs). Just like most great cartridges, its lineage is further proof that we can't leave well-enough alone. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. Reloading Reference Data & Education The CMMG Endeavor 300, chambered in 22 Nosler, sent a 53-grain Varmageddon bullet out of the barrel at 3,535 fps, significantly outrunning similar-weight 223. 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) 300 Holland & Holland (H&H) Magnum. Select your cartridge type from the drop-down list. Of note, my initial assumption that seating bullets to fit the AR magazine with room to spare would also chamber in the Valkyrie proved wrong. 19. Federal advertises the load at 2900 feet/second. The new RIA 5.0 Sporting Pistol from Rock Island Armory features a patented RVS Recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give shooters super soft recoil. The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. 7mm-08 remington 7x57mm mauser 284 . Do Pistols Benefit From Popular Aftermarket Modifications? NOTE: The load data covers Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester brand powders only. Its explosive expansion provides a violent energy release on impact for quick kills on varmints and predators. 224 Valkyrie 100-grain Fusion MSR .224 Valkyrie The .224 Valkyrie wasn't asked to fill a void, yet it did with its creation. He was trained as an armorer in the US Army, where he spent six years as a Military Police Investigator. Ben Voss FN Product Manager talks about the new FN SCAR 15P ultra-compact rifle-caliber pistol at SHOT Show 2023. I think thats about right with the .224 Valkyrie. As noted by Sierra, the 90-grain SMK is designed to stabilize in rifling twist rates of 1 turn in 6 inches or faster. I used both for the preparation of my loads, and Federal and CCI primers were used throughout. Our products lead the pack, because theyre built with equal parts ingenuity and integrity, passion and precision, consistency and confidence. I should point out that this type of testing often reveals large differences, so this indicates to me that Hodgdon doesnt inject a bunch of blue sky into its data. Shooting heavier bullets, in an AR-platform rifle, that maintain supersonic speeds beyond 1,300 yards has captured the interest of shooters and handloaders everywhere, says Ron Reiber, Hodgdon product manager and ballistician. 22.5 gr. Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. With medium-weight varmint bullets up through the semi-heavy, long-range bullets such as Barnes 85-grain Match Burner (BC .410), Hornadys 88-grain ELD-Match (BC .545) or Noslers 85-grain RDF (BC .498), the Valkyrie performs beautifully. |
Don't know your purpose for shooting or your barrel length, but after testing a variety of AR barrel lengths, using Lake City Brass, CCI and VVN140 (starting right around 23.6 gr) and VVN530 has worked nicely and consistently with barrels starting at 12" through 20" and 69 gr Sierra's. By 2011, she sold her farm and all of her horses to focus on 3-Gun and the 2nd Amendment. The Nosler is designed for 1:8 twist barrels, whereas the Valkyrie has a 1:7 twist for stabilizing larger bullets. We are currently populating the cartridge drop-down menu with updated cartridge renderings, new propellants and bullets, and links to complementary product pages. Subscriber Services. Do Pistols Benefit From Popular Aftermarket Modifications? Hodgdon used the Nosler 55-grain Ballistic Tip, Hornady 75-grain ELD Match, Sierra 80-grain MatchKing, and the Federal Fusion 90-grain softpoint for its data. 220 swift 221 remington fireball 222 remington 222 remington magnum 223 remington 223 wssm 224 valkyrie 5.56 nato 10.5 barrel 5.56 nato 14.5 barrel 5.56 nato 16.5 barrel 5.56 nato 20 barrel 224 weatherby magnum . Twenty-five grains of Alliant Power Pro Varmint and 26.5 grains of Accurate 2520 grouped less than an inch at velocities ranging from 2,756 to 2,904 fps, respectively. You can find Ryan on Shooting Gallery on The Outdoor Channel, and He also placed second in the World Elk Calling competition. The Nosler 85 RDF hits the lands at 2.244. CFE 223 contains our Copper Fouling Eraser ingredient, originally used in military propellant, which greatly deters copper fouling and contributes to longer periods of top accuracy with less barrel . After graduating college, Ryan moved to Tulsa, OK to take a position as a plastics engineer and in 2011 began shooting 3-Gun competitively. In my time I have worked on improving myself to take it as high as I can. All powders used were either ball-type or fine stick powders that meter consistency through progressive-press throwers, allowing smoother volume loading. You find 17 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with Nosler bullets either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matchin, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 53gr | Nosler Varmageddon FB, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 50gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Varmageddon BTip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 70gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 85gr | Nosler RDF HPBT, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 77gr | Nosler Custom Competition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Partition, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 60gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 40gr | Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 55gr | Nosler Expansion Tip, .224 Valkyrie || .224 | 80gr | Nosler Custom Competition. The new-for-2023 lineup includes ultralight hunting stocks and a VGA 2-pound adjustable vertical-grip stock. After trimming to length, chamfer and deburr case mouths. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. The TaurusTX 22 Compact delivers class-leading reliability, capacity, and shootability in a 22 LR platform, and it's cut for a slide-mounted mini red dot. Todd is also a sought-after firearms instructor for military, law enforcement, and competitive shooters around the world. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Aside from price, the biggest difference between 22 Nosler and 224 Valkyrie can be seen when we look at the twist rate and loads chosen by their respective manufacturers and backers. 24.5 gr. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. As noted, Ball-C(2), H414, and IMR 8208 XBR were also standouts. In 2016, she plans to lead a delegate of women to Capitol Hill in an effort to give legislators a face to put with gun owners. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. ABOUT WALKER: Walker is 15 years old and has hunted from Africa to Hawaii, and several places in between, including the Yukon in Canada. The 224 Valkyrie is designed for long-range shooting, whether it be steel or paper targets, varmints, or small- to medium-sized big game. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. The best group with this bullet was created by 26 grains of Vihtavuori N-540, measuring .74-inch at 2,882 fps. Using computer ballistics software, one can easily compare the new 224 Valkyrie to other long-range cartridges. Give a Gift
It does stabilize and offers outstanding aerodynamics very nearly on par with the 90-grain SMK (BC .545 versus .563). With bullets in the heavy range, youll find that youll often load to max length. The new 224 Valkyrie has spawned the development of .22-caliber bullets of weights unheard of only a few years ago. . Even though the 224 Valkyrie is hot off the press, excellent cases are already available from Federal and Starline. New Starline brass and Federal Premium GM205MAR AR-Match Small Rifle primers were used throughout. So, what is going on here? Improved performance looks like 75-grain bullets pushed to nearly 3,000 fps and 90-grain bullets delivered at nearly 2,500 fps, allowing projectiles with a ballistic coefficient (BC) greater than .450 to remain supersonic to ranges out to about 1,300 yards. In her off time, Regina writes for many publications in both print and digital mediums, trains other shooters, and mentors several up-and-coming female competitors in the precision rifle discipline. These primers AR designation indicates a harder cup material to guard against slam fires while auto-cycling in AR platforms. She remains the only female to take home overall wins in national level precision rifle competitions when she won the 2016 NorCal Tactical Bolt Rifle Challenge and 2018 K&M Kahles Precision Rifle Competition. I went with 14 instead o 15 so I would get a round number! The four hunting bullets I tested were fast enough and accurate enough to justify their use on smaller big game; just remember to seat them short, as previously noted. The new big bore pistols feature industry-first capacity, with a standard 15-round capacity and 22+1 rounds of 10mm or 18+1 rounds of .45 ACP from the extended magazines. Just as significantly, the ballistic coefficients (BC) of these new bullets also reach new levels. Camp Guns: Sometimes Perfect, Other Times Not But Often Essential! The .224 Valkyrie was designed by Federal Ammunition in 2017. Thanks for the other responses. Ryan earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Plastics Engineering as well as a Masters of Science in Engineering Technologies. 224 Valkyrie Web Data 1.21.21.xlsx Author: carterc1 Created Date: 1/21/2021 3:04:40 PM . All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. For us, excellence is not negotiable. Jake travels the country shooting, directing precision rifle matches, and teaching precision rifle classes. Buy Nosler Ballistic Tip Varmint Home; Articles; Forum; Reloading Tutorials; About; Login . Ryan has volunteered for HAVA and Freedom Hunters events getting wounded vets into competition and/or hunting. Because the bolt of an AR-15 unlocks and begins to cam the case rearward out of the chamber while the bullet is still in the bore and the chamber still pressurized, cases get stretched. If I had to choose just one propellant for the .224 Valkyrie, it would be CFE-223. Its parent case is the 6.8 SPC which was based off the .30 Remington cartridge. There have been some top 10 ELR finishes as well but I dont remember the specifics. 300 Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum (SAUM). 223 Rem. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoys hunting and fishing with his family and mentoring youth through his ministry service. A couple months later, Zach shot USAYESS competition in Grand Island. As you may have remarked, these are all premium projectiles. Chris Johnson, FN Senior Product Manager, walks us through two new FN striker-fired pistols at SHOT Show 2023: the FN 510 Tactical, chambered in 10mm Auto, and the FN 545 Tactical, chambered in .45 ACP. Alliant Powders has just released load data for the .224 Valkyrie developed with the 60-grain Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet and the 90-grain Sierra MatchKing bullet and four of their powders. As an aside, this is one potential down side to the .224 Valkyrie: Light bullets have to jump a considerable distance before engaging the rifling. A licensed Montana Professional Outfitter and Guide freelance writer, his articles and photographs have been featured in magazines including Outdoor Life, American Hunter, American Rifleman, Field and Stream. The .22 Nosler uses a 1:8 twist rate in its barrels, restricting bullet weight to 85 grains or less. He volunteers as an alter sever at Mass on Sunday at church and is a member in the Civilian Airpatrol Program. For bolt-action rifles, you can opt to seat bullets out to kiss the rifling leade, which helps center up the cartridge in the chamber and gives the projectile a perfectly straight start into the bore. With the simple max BC plugged in and maintained (which of course doesnt happen in real life), the bullet does stay supersonic to 1,300 yards. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. And it runs comfortably through a standard AR-15 action. 30-06 Springfield. Being a ballistic geek, I entered the Valkyries data into a ballistic calculator ( to study its downrange numbers. Most critically, case length (base to mouth) is short enough to allow loading super-sleek, high-BC bullets with long, fine-entry ogives. A precision rifle enthusiast and owner of GA Precision, George likely needs little introduction. Obviously this isnt usually a manipulatable option like barrel length is, but if you live high, even a shorter-barreled rifle has a lot of reach. Manufacturer. In short, the .224 Valkyrie tends to provide poor accuracy with the bullet that all the hype is built around the 90-grain Sierra MatchKing (SMK). Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. Reviews. I have shot benchrest, F-Class, PRS, ELR, NRL hunter, and field matches. An avid shooter and outdoorsman, George takes pride in the quality custom rifles that G.A. Although real-world performance is likely a tad shy of advertised performance, that really doesnt bother me. Believe me, you dont want your bolt slamming home on a too-long case and camming halfway into battery before sticking fast. Because it uses the 6.8 SPC as its parent case, the .224 Valkyrie fits and functions in any quality AR-15 magazine designed for the 6.8 SPC and/or 22 Nosler. 28 nosler (new!) I tested more loads with CFE 223 than any other powder, and the average of those 16 groups was 0.79 inch. Bottom line: There was hardly any difference between my results and the manuals data. * All prices incl. All but 2-3 of those are with handloadedammo. Jeff Bradley shows off the Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR) from Christensen Arms at SHOT Show 2023. It will fit comfortably in AR-15 rifles, although Federal points out it is also extremely effective in bolt actions. Any way I crunched the data, at factory advertised velocities in standard, sea-level atmospherics, the projectile went transonic at approximately 1,200 yards. 300 Savage. Never assume load data. To get started, click the link below to visit and learn how to access your digital magazine. Hornadys new 88-grain ELD Match bullet has a BC of .545 and is loaded in the companys 224 Valkyrie ammo. The change is infinitesimal but in this case it was enough. Apr 6, 2019 #10 S SJB358 Ballistician Dec 24, 2006 31,447 876 Dwh7271":3sm7a3c4 said: I really like the cartridge. models. #16. Introduced by Federal in 2017 and approved by SAAMI in 2018, the new 224 Valkyrie has been quickly adopted by long-range shooters.
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